We present in this paper an exact method of determining the orthonormal radiation modes of multilayer planar dielectric waveguides. To assure the orthogonality,a simple method is also developed to determine the quasi-odd and quasi-even modes in the full radiation case. These methods are suitable for computer programming, and will serve as basic consideration for further development of the Mode Propagation Method (MPM ).
A dispersion equation for graded index waveguides has been developed based on the transfer-matrix technique and the concept of equivalent attenuated coefficient. A comparison with other approximations and the exact numerical results shows that our method is much more accurate than the existing methods.
We have investigated the axially strained weakly guiding optical waveguides using mode-coupling equation. The results show that the less is the ratio of length to broad of retangular guide and the longer is the wavelength, the higher is the axialstraininduced birefringence between orthogonal polarizations.
A digital simulation to aberrations in in-line X-ray holography, and the third order wave aberration and ray aberration are discussed. The ray aberration is derived via a relatively simple method. The point diagrams are gives and the resolution limiting is estimated based on a typical holography with x-ray laser. Some propositions for reducing aberrations are given.
According to the principle of rotating prism multiplex holography and great depth holography, a multiplex holography with great depth by using He-Ne laser is demostrated. The technique uses reference beam path compensation and rotating prism modulation of two plane reference beams to record multiplex hologram of great depth of object field. The multiplexing number could be chosen arbitrarily. The theoretical analysis and experimental results are presented and shown well in agreement. A multiplexing technique is proposed for holographic interferometry of great depth which uses multiple reference beams to enode and record holograms. This technique can be used for observing time sequencing dynamical process of great depth of object field.
A real-time recording method for making stereo-hologram is presented in this paper. Two liquid crystal light valve (LCLV) are used as the tansforming device of the left-eye image and right-eye image with this method, the traditional three times expasure can be simplified to only single exposure. The real-time system and the experimental results are shown in this peper.
A hopfield type neural network was applied to optimize binary correlation synthetic discriminant functions (SDFs). Rotation invariance is achieved while the target object rotates in a certain angle range and a ratio for judgement which is defined as the ratio of the peak value to the average absolute value of a specific point set is given. The optimized binary SDFs (BSDFs) provide the control of the sidelobe levels and the expected shape of the output correlation functions as well as its peak intensity. The simulation result shows that when the target object is presented to the optimized filter, not only the correlation peak is as high as expected and higher than that of the non-target objects, but also the order of the magnitude of the ratio for judgement is at least 1 greater than that of the non-target objects. The recognition ability of the filter is very strong.
The micro electronic structure information of metal Mo was obtained by the first-principle method, and with these imformation, we have calculated polarization matric elements of the medium precisely. The imaginary part of dielectric function and optical conductivity of Mo have been given. Theoritical results are in good agreement with experiment.
This paper introduces a new interferometer for measuring the surface roughness based on the principle of differential polarization interferometry. A Faraday modulating system is used to modulate the phase between two interference light beams and the phase is detected by phase-locked interference. It has excellent stability even under normal condition, and rapid and nocontact measurement can be done without a special reference surface. The instrument can produce the surface profile and statistical data with height sensitivity 2 nm and lateral resolution 1.2 μm.
In this paper the measurement of polarization dispersion and coupling coefficient, and the prinpal axies alignment of polarization-maintaining fibers (PMF) are studied on the basis of white-light interference principle. The satisfactory experimental results are attained. The application of white-light interference technique in sensing and compoments of PMF' s are also discussed preliminarily.
A 1 W homemade MQW-LDA pumped Nd: YAG laser is reported here,continuous output power of 112 mW and overall optical efficiency of 10% were obtained. By using Q-swiching, the peak power of 355 W and the pulse width of 40 ns have been observed at pulse repetition rate of 1 kHz. When the pulse repetition rate is 10 kHz, an average output power of 43.7 mW with single pulse width of 70 ns was achieved.
Cerium and samarium-doped borosilicate fluuorscence glass fliering UV-ray and IR-ray has been developed. Absorption and fluorescence spectra of this glass have been studied. The solid saute laser sleeve made from this kind of glass can increase the laser efficiency by 25%~50%. Thus, it will provide an effective means for miniaturization and practicability of solid state lasers.
In this paper, a binary joint transform correlator (BJTC) based on an electrically-addressed spatial light modulator is described. The system mainly includes a cathode-ray-tube coupled liquid crystal light vavle (CRT-LCLV), a CCD camera, and a COMPAQ 386 computer. On the base of theoretical analysis, results of computer simulation and initial experiments are presented, and show that the correlator has good discrimination.
By using the strong L-lines emitted from Cu plasma as pulse X-ray source produced by irradiating Cu target with a 1.06 μm pulse laser of the LF-11 laser facility,the reponses of X-ray film Kodak AA-5, Kodak SWR and UFSH-O were calibrated.Calibrated responses with the pulse X-ray source were compared with that with continuum X-ray source (fluoresent source exciteed by protons). These results showed the reciprocity failure. The response to continuum X-ray source is not suitable for the diagnostics in laser-induced plasma.
The fabrication of diffractive-reflective optical interconnects with dichromated galatin (DCG ) based on total internal reflection was studied in this paper. We have realized the idea of construction-reconstruction wavelength shift. The relationship curves of the recording angle vs the angle of the diffracted wave and the recording angles vs the reconstruction-construction wavelength ratio were obtained. The diffraction efficiency of the device was more than 60%.
A simple and practical modeling of the SOI (Silicon-on-Insulate) zero-gap directional coupler switch (BOA type-Bifurcation Optique Active) is proposed. The electrooptic modulating mechanism of the zero-gap directional coupler switch is investigated by using the plasma dispersion effect. The electricity character of the switch is analysed with the pn junction large injection effect. On the basis of the analyses and the theory of the single- mode optical waveguides with large cross-section, structure parameters and electricity parameters of the switch with double-mode interference mechanism are designed.
This paper presents a new algorithm, the overlapping averging 4-frame (OAF) algorithm, which can reduce the phase error caused by phase shifter error. The relationship between the accuracy of OAF algorithm and phase shifter errors is given.Based on this relationship, it is verfied that the OAF algorithm can reduce the phase error from phase shifter error. The computer simulation has shown the magnitude of a calibration error and nonlinearity in the phase shifter for a number of different phasemeasurement algorithm has higher accurcy than other phase-measurement algorithms.
Quantum coherence induced by two lasers has been studied in V-shaped threelevel system. A coherence cross term is introduced into three coupled equations of the atom system. Under different conditions, we discuss the destructive interference of cross coupling and investigate the influence of quantum coherence effect on probability for ground state occupancy and characteristic of stimulated absorption.
The Raman interaction of a pair of two-level atoms with two-mode cavity fields is studied. The emission spectrum for the interacting process is calculated in which two atoms couple to the fields with the same constant and the dipole-dipole interaction between two atoms being included in the consideration at the same time. The new properties of emission spectrum are discussed when two-mode cavity field are initially in various number states.
Optieal limiting in 5-(2-methylthio-4-methyl-5-pyrimidinyl)-2,4-pentadiyne-1-ol tosylate (PDATS) in solution was performed using 21 ps laser pulses at 532 nm wavelength. By employing this material with high linear transmittance, low threshold and low clamped output of Eth=150 mJ/cm2 and Ec=180 mJ/cm2,respectively were ablained.
In this paper, the optical second harmonic generation (SHG) of cherenkov scheme in channel waveguide was analized and the condition of waveguide for Cherenkov type SHG was discussed in detail. We obtained the SHG power at wavelength of 0.53 μm by coupling 1. 06 μm fundamental power into the guide. The conversion efficiency is about 0.9% corresponding to the 10 mW input power.
The temperature effect of phase conjugation wave was investigated experimentally in doped lithium niobate. It is found that the conjugation wave has significant temperature enhancing phenomenon and which is explained by using the mechanism of Amodei' s electron diffusion.
A cascadable optical system for parallel fuzzy logic gates is proposed. Sixteen fuzzy logic operations can be realized by programming the polarization states of halfwave plates. The experimental results are given.
Stokes and anti-Stokes competing processes of producing XUV coherent radiation by two-step excitation in He/K mixture vapour was discussed. The relative transition oscillator strengths, SRS gain coefficients and thresholds were calculated. The processes of producing 64.3 nm coherent radiation has the larger gain coefficient and less threshold compared with those competing processes. But the anti-Stokes processes to level K[3p54s22p1/2,3/2] and the stokes processes to levels K[3p53d(3P)4s2P1/2,3/2] will compet seriously with the producing process of 59.8 nm XUV coherent radiation.
Using a high power pulse YAG laser to impinge on a graphite target in a high vacuum chamber, producing foggy-like matter of laser plasma in the space of the camber, diamond-like carbon thin films can be deposited on the Si substrate.The refractivity of the films prepared at different substrate temperature was measured by illipsometry. It was found that as the substrate temperature increased the thickness of the film decreased but the refractivity raised. This indicates a method to produce films with changeable refractivity to meet the requirement of optically enhanced transmission or reflection.