The neural networks of trinary Clipped model is proposed and realized with single channel optical system. The property of tr,inary Clipped model is analyzed statistically. Compared with Clipped model, the trinary Clipped model is of greater storage capacity and better content address ability with the same grey levels.
The binarizing distortions and sampling effects of computer generated hologram (OGH) for optical interconnection of very large scale integrated circurts (VLSI) are analyzed. Binarization of transmittance function of OGH will bring some noises but high signal-noise-ratio in detector plane will be achieved. Two kinds of sampling methods, Nyqulst sampling and Whittaker-Shannon sampling are analyzed and compared, in the condition that CGH in the form of Fresnel zone plate is employed as diffractive or reflective optical interconnection element.
A new method is presented to extract quantitative information of vibration objects by using phase-stopping stroboscopic digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI), and it has been proved powerful. An automated analysis system is introduced. The effects of system parameters on measuring results are discussed.
In this paper, the principles of the analog-to-digital (A/D) converter which consists of an array of Mach-Zehnder interferometric modulators are described. The design parameters, fabrication procedure and experimental phenomena of the experimental model are reported. The measurement method and results of this model's performance are presented.
Seven stimulated emission lines on the transitions of 43D-43PJ, 53S1-43PJ and 41D2-41P1 are observed following pulsed laser excitation of atomic Zn on 41S0-43P1 resonance at 307.59nm. The mechanism of the population inversion for the different transitions is discussed.
Temperature tuned MgO: LiNbO3 doubly and singly resonant optical parametric oscillators (OPO including DRO and SRO) pumped by the second harmonic of a pulsed Q-switched Nd:YAG laser have been demonstrated. The OPO's tuning ranges at the doubly and singly resonant forms tuned with temperature were 844.l-1411.3nm and 738.9-1032.2nm and the minimum pump thresholds were 0.22mJ/pulse and 0.66mJ/pulse, respectively. The maximum conversion efficiency of energy was 10.4%.
The dependene of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) flux on pumping rate in a dye laser amplifier (DLA) was investigated experimentally. The experimental result is analysed theoretically, and a approximated expression for the pumping rate as a function of the dye parameter (dye concentration, active length, etc.) is obtained for enabling the DLA gain energy as hjgh as possible while keeping low ASE noise. The formulas of Stored energy and small signal gain of DLA in the pumping condition are also deduced. The theoretical calculation is in good agreement with the experimental result, and can be used for design of the ultrashort pulse dye laser amplifier.
Upconversion fluorescences at 525 nm, 550 nm and 660 nm wave-lengths were in generated in TeO2-PbO based tellurite glasses containing Er2O3 at ambient temperature. A diode laser operating at 804 nm was used as excitation source. The dependence of fluorescence intensity on pumping power fits to the quadratic profile which indicates the character of upconvorsion process. The influence of PbO contents in the glasses on the relative intensity of the upconverslon fluorescence has been estimated.
The γ-ray irradiation effects on fluorozirconate glass have been studied by means of Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy (ESR) at liquid-nitrogen temperature and room temperature. The irradiationinducod defects were found to be Zr3+, F0, F2- and a kind of centers assigned as a hole trapped on oxygen impurity (U signal). The presence of non-bridging fluorines is tho reason to cause the defects F0 and F2-, when the irradiation is performed at low temperatures. These defects are unstable, at about 400 K all defects vanish from ESR spectra of this glass. The γ-ray irradiation at room temperature produces a absorption peak within ultraviolet region and almost has no effects on the transmission within infrared region.
A modification to the semiclassical treatmeat of rasonantly enhanced DFWM has been presented by considering the dependence of nonlinear polarization on cos(k·r). It hag been found that the phase-conjugate reflectivity obeys Ricoatti equation. Experiments are performed using a CW tunable CO2 laser and SF6 gas as nonlinear medium. The reflectivities of (0.2-0.8) ×10-4 are obtained.
The nonclassical effects, such as Sub-poisson distribution, squeezing and amplitude-squared squeezing, of the field in the multiphoton Jaynes-Oummings model of an atom initially in the atomic coherent state coupling with the vacuum field are investigated.
Second harmonic generation in Er3+ and Yb3+/Er3+ doped silica fibers has been demonstrated. The maximum peak power conversion efficiencies of fibers with various Er3+ and Yb3+/Er3+ doping have been measured. The visible fluorescence spectra emitted from Er3+ ons have also been recorded before and after the doped fibers were prepared to generate efficient SHG. And the influence of Er3+ and Yb3+/ Er3+ doping on SHG in silica fibers were discussed.
The polarized aberration formed by a reflected beam from an off-axis object point is discussed in this paper, and two kinds of specific cases are analysed.
The principal refractive indices and double-frequency coefficients of KIO3 single crystal have been measured for the first time. The measured recults are given in this paper.
The automatic analysis of holographic interference photocarrier fringe patterns has been realized by using orthogonal coherent phase detection methed. The edge effects of analyzing the fring patterns is discussed, and a exptrapolation algorithm suited for microcomputer processing has been proposed. Finally, the analysis results of the fringe patterns are shown in this paper.
Combination of backward Brillouin scattering and grating compressor has made possible the production of extremely bright laser sources. The first step towards the realization of such a source is the development of small size laser system. Using this suggestion, 100 times pulse compression of an 5 ns initial puls down to 40 ps ia obtained.
An all-fiber frequency shifter operating at 10.7MHz is described. The device was based on a SAW structure using interdigital transduser on LiNbO3 substrate. A coupling efficiency of 35 % has been achieved by using a 1.5W electrical drive power.
The investigation by Xu Zhizhan et al.[1] predicts that the lasing in the Water Window (4.38-2.33nm) could be possibly realized with the Li-like recombination scheme at a large-scale high-power laser facility. Our calculations show that the wavelengths of the transitions 5f-3d and 5d-3p of Sc18+ and Ti19+ lie in the center of the water window. The fine-structures levels (n≤12, 1≤5) for these two Li-like ions and the radiative transition probabilities between tnem are calculated.
Lifetime measurements on Tm atoms have been performed with two-step laser excitation and observing the time-resolved fluorescence released from the excited states to be .measured. Ten lifetime values of neutral Tm atoms are first reported.
This paper presents a study of liquid, crystal spatial modulator (LC-SLM) used as a stationary encoding mask of Hadamard transform spectrometer (HTS). A fast and accurate decoding method is proposed and the improvement as given in r. m. 3. signal-to-noise ratio produced by LC-SLM encoding mask.