In this paper a new optical method to implement symbolic substitution is proposed. Adopting oomplementary-enoode and location-addressable memory, a full-adder digital processor which can implement feedback computation ig constuoted. Using Eow-logio devices constituted with liquid crystal light valves (LCLV), the symbolic substitution system is proved experimentally, and the experimental result is given.
An optical associative memory, which uses the self-pump phase conjugate mirror as feedback and thresholding operation device is developed. The He-Ne laser is used as the light source for memory instead of the Ar+ laser. It can recover the complete image even though the input information is only 25% of the stored object.
In this paper, we used correlative matrix as a feature criterion in K-L transformation for feature compression, and then the synthetic matched filter (SMF) was prepared by means of the synthetic discriminant function (SDF). This method can effectively redued the size of feature image. By this filter, the shift, scale and rotation invariant optical pattern recognition was realized with a high signal noise ratio of correlation output.
The 1-D projection integral equation of 2-D correlation field has been deduced by using Radon transforms, so that 2-D correlation field is transformed to 1-D correlation field through structuring the projection operators. The properties of the 1-D correlation projection field has been analysed.
The coded aperture imaging using URA pattern is a new technique for X-ray imaging. It can improve S/N, and has tomographio capability. In this paper, we describe the principle of tomographioal imaging using URA coded aperture in detail, and provide a iterative method for improving tomographioal imaging. The computer simulation using iterative method has been successfully performed.
After propagating through two diffusers (with one moving) placed on the two conjugate planes of an imaging system, a Gaussian beam is modulated randomly to form a dynamic cascade speckle field in the Fresnel zone with respect to the image plane. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results indicate that the linear dependence of the reciprocal of the time-correlation length on the velocity of the moving diffuser is still held in this case. Moreover, the time-space correlation function of the speckle field is more sensitive to the motion of the diffuse than that of single-scattered speckle.
A stroboscopio moire multiplication method is proposed for studying and measuring in-plane vibration. Using this technique we can obtain the measuring results of higher sensitivities with oommeroial gratings of lower frequencies.
We report a study of the surface of Al-Al2O3-Au light-emitting junctions deposited on CaF2 underlayers of 100 nm thickness with scanning tunnelling micos-copy (STM) in air. For the first time, two kinds of the noughness on the junction surface are obserned, which have the transverse correlation length of 30-70nm and 3-5nm, respectively. The smaller one is modulated by the larger one. The existanoe of this surface roughness with the transverse correlation length of 3-5 nm is in agreement with the theoretical predication of Lake and Mills
This paper presents the absorption spectrum, fluorescent spectrum and scattering characteristic of Nd:YAG single-crystal optical fiber(SCF). The measured results indicate that the Nd: YAG SCF grown up by means of LHPQ method is conformity with the bulk crystal in the properties such as absorption spectrum, fluorescent spectrum. The defects and diameter variations of the SCF are also analysed.
In this paper,the expsrimental results of self mode-looking in Nd:YAG laser is reported for the first time. We attributed the self mode-looking to the self phase modulation of the Nd:YAG rod. The pulse shape in the aotive-passive colliding pulse mode-looking(APOPM) Nd:YAG laser is strongly affected by the self mode-looking.
The modulation effect in a additive pulse mode-looking (APM) laser was discovered for the first time theoretically and was analyzed and calculated in detail. This paper gives the explanation for the pulse compression and modulation in APM laser. We suppose that the modulation effect in APM laser should provide a possibility to get shorter pulse.
Charaoteristios of the soft X-ray emission from 1.06 μm laser produced plasma are studied in detail. The dependences of emission intensitites of different spectral bands on laser energy are analysed, and the intensities of K, L, M, N, O bands are charaterized by atomic numbers.
In this paper, the general evolution laws of the two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model with initially arbitrary states have been investigated. And the emphasis is put on the influenec of the initial atomic coherence on the squeezing of radiative field in the two-photon Jaynes-Oummings model. As an example, the squeezing of the field in the interaction of a two-level atom of arbitrary initial states with the vacuum and coherent field is studied, and the squeezing of the field under various conditions has been calculated numerically.
The competition effect for stimulated vibrational and rotational Raman scattering in H2 at various polarization of pump laser and pressure of H2 gas is investigated in this paper. With 5 atm of H2 gas Raman cell and 532 nm elliptically polarized lasor light, for which the compressibility of ellipse is between tg26° and tg32°, more than 60 stimulated Raman lines involving Q(l) and S(1) transitions are obtained. And under low pressure of H2 gas, SRS of R(1) transition pumped by a linear or nearly linear polarization beam, which has not been reported so far, is obsefved.
In this paper the amplitude-squared squeezing in the multiphoton nonlinear optical processes is studied. It is examined that amplitude-squared squeezing can be created in the first order approximation by k-photon unitary operators Sk(z) (K>2) acting on the coherent state |α>(|α|≠0) and one can not be created by Sk(z) (K>2, K≠4) acting on the vacuum state. It is found that amplitude-squared squeezing can be created by 4-photon unitary operator S4(z) acting on the vacuum state and this shows that the amplitude-squared squeezing can be created by 4-photon unitary operator S4(z) acting on the vacuum state and this shows that the amplitude-squared squeezing is a new nonclassical effect of light field which is independent of the second order squeezing, antibunching and sub-poisson statistics.
In this paper, the quantum efficiency distribution of Hg0.8Cd0.2Te photovoltaic detector on photosensitive surface is studied by using the technique of Electronic Beam Induce Current (EBIC). The distribution is not even. It tends to drop at the edges of photosensitive surface. This result is the same as that of using laser heterodyne detection, and the reasons of the drop are discussed preliminary.
The absorption, coefficient experience formula of multialkali photocathodes (Na2KSb(Cs)) is given in this paper. The theoretical curves of coefficient calculated by the formula show good agreement with experimental results in the visible and near infrared "regions. The absorption coefficient of multialkali photocathodes on near absorption edge is derived by quantum mechanics. Quantum yield difference between S-20 and LEP is explained.
Phase-stepping technique is applied to stroboscopic holographic interferometry to extract quantitative results of vibration objects. The effect of different ratio of the pulse duration to the period of the vibration is analysed, and experimental demonstrations are presented.
We studied the Multiphoton Ionization Dissociation (MPID) time-of-flight mass spectra of oxirane with ultrasonic molecular beam system at 308 nm and 355 nm laser radiation. In our experiments, the mass spectra distributions showed a certain extend of difference between two conditions. Under 355 nm laser radiation, there is no molecular ion signal and under 308nm we got a high laser intensity index for each fragment ions. Differing from electron impact ionization, the most intensive ion signal came from CHO+. With the laser intensity dependence of each fragment ion and its branch ratio we investigated the PMID process and mechanism of Oxirane at these two laser radiations.