Phase-shifting holography is proposed to record double-exposured hologram whose reconstructed image is formed by subtraction of two reconstructed wavefronts. It can be used to improve SNR, resolution and contrast of the reconstructed image. In this paper, the theory of this technique is developed and the method of introducing phase-shift is discussed. The experimental result is compared with, that of common in-line and off-axis double-exposure holography.
The characteristics of absorption calorimeter used for the measurement of laser energy output from the "Sheng Guang" Facility are described, and its parameters are given. We have measured the energy outputs from the final stage and from the front and middle stages of this system, as well as the energy of amplified spontaneous emission from the system. The measured results are discussed and analysed.
This solar photometer is designed to measure not only the spectral characteristics of direct solar radiation, but the angle scatterring property of the atmosphere (i.e. aureole). It is controlled by a microcomputer, so can work with functions of searching and tracking the Sun movement, converting niters, adjusting the gain of amplifier, sampling and storing the data on time. The experiments showed that the results measured are in high accuracy, even can obtain the variation of the atmospheric optical thickness.
This paper, based on linear coupled wave equations, discuses the oharioteristcis of 4×4 single mode optical fiber biconical coupler with a square distribution using the method of scattering matrix. We have gotten a good agreement of results by comparing the theoretical results and the experimental results.
In this paper the construction and operation characteristics of a high power Nd r YAG laser system are described. The laser system consists of an active-passive mode-looked oscillator in colliding pulse regime, a single pulse selector and a fourpass amplifier. The oscillator generates mode-locked pulse trains with widely variable pulsewidths (20ps~2.5ns) and a fluctuation of the pulse-train envelope <±4%. For a 0.1mJ, 200-ps laser pulse, the four- pass amplification of 7×102 has been achieved.
In accordance with the asymmetric gain to the direction of pumping light in dimer vapor with three-level cycle, a stable laser resonator was designed to utilize the asymmetric gain. The conditions of astigmatism and cona compensation and of match between the pumping laser and the resonator were given. And a concrete design of the ring resonator for Na2B1Πu-X1Σg+ laser was shown in the paper.
A numerical simulation of recent experimental results of the raman free-electron laser in Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, has been made by using CAGFEL code which is based on the single particle theory. The calculation shows that when electron energy Ee=0.5MeV, energy spread Δγ/γ=6% and emittance ε=-0.06π·rad·cm, the peak power of the device will be as high as 24MW with a radiation grewth rate of 120 dB/m and a efficiency of 6.1%. The calculation is useful for the overall experiment of Raman free-electron laser.
Spectral oharaoteristios and energy structure of crystal NdAl3 (BO3) 4 have been analyed by the crystal-field theory to calculate its crystal-field parameters. By using these parameters, the stark sub-level wave-functions of 4F3/2, 4I11/2 and 4I9/2 manifolds have been obtained. Based on Judd-Ofelt theory, the relative transition probabilities of 4F3/2 to 4I11/2 manifolds have been calculated approximately by means of experimental data of fluorescent braching ratio, and the palorization of these transitions is discussed. In this way, the experimental results of fluorescence and laser emission can be well explained.
In this paper, We reported the results of less than 10 ps optical pulses compressed from 40 ps pulses using a fiber-grating pair optical pulse compressor, and analyzed some factors affect the compressed pulsag quality. The results fit the expection very well.
Pulse compression experiment was conduc-ted by studying the clamping effect of stokes pulses in SRS of short optical fiber (L≈Lw) on pulse energy of fundamental wave. With the high pumping power (P = 1600W) injecting into a 8.95m long monomode optical fiber for green light, moda-looked and frequency doubled NdrYAG laser pulse of 40 ps was compressed to have the duration of less than 5ps (due to the limitation of temporal resolution of the streak camera), by employing the configuration of a pair of grating with double optical path length, and filtering out the portion of nonlinear chirp of SPM spectrum with the spatial frequency window.
A pulsed single resonant BBO optical parametric osoillitor (OPO) was demonstrated. With a pump laser at 364.7nm, the OPO has output of wavelength from 413nm to 661nm and from 2.51μm to 765μm with maximum energy conversion efficiency as high as 52%. The output performance of OPO has been discussed.
The resonant photoacoustic effect in laser induced fluorescence (abbreviated as fluorescence acoustic resonance effect) of CDC13 is described. The difference of this effect from general photoacoustio effect is pointed out. The theoratioal formulae of physical parameters, such as the sound velocity, the second virial coefficient, the sound absorption coefficient. The relaxation times of molecule inner modes, the viscosity coefficient, and the thermal conductivity coefficient, which could be determined using the fluorescence acoustic resonance effect are given. As an example the specific values of the above mentioned physical parameters for CdCl3 are shown.
The efficient seoond-harmonio genorabion in two KTP crystals was investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The influence of walk-off and phase misma-tching on frequency doubling efficiency can bo overcome by two crrstals series. The optimum relative orientation of two crystals has been shown. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical analyses.
Magneto-optical effect in ferromagnetic media, besides originating from the excited state splitting reiulting spin-orbit interaction, also arises from the groun state splitting caused by both the exchange interaction and applied field. Based on suchd anaiysis, it is shown by calculation tl at the Faraday rotation has a linear dependance on magnetization M in both iegjons of T<<Tc, (curie temperature) and high temperature for the medium with high Tc, and a non-linear dependance on both M and T in the normal temperature region.
In this paper, we describe a new method using computer generatal holograph element (CGH) to complete two-dimensional optical perfect shuffle, Experimental result shows that it is feasible and effective. The mothod can be extended to other transformnet work.
The intensity-oscillated IR stimulated Raman scattering was observed in Na2-Na system by using two-step equal-frequency excitat on. The intensity of which oscillates with pump wave length. Besides, the IR stimulated radiation of 2.338μm (4D-4P) a nd 1.84μm (4F-3D) and tunable coherent radiation in the region of 816.8~822.1 nm were generated. The results were analysed and discussed in detail.
Time-resolved soft X-ray spectra measurement has been deveoped for studying laser-produced plasmas by using a gold transmission grating (TG) coupled to a soft X-ray streak camera. Recently we fabricated the TG with a line density of about 8531/mm on a substrate of a 0.5 micron thick polyimide membrane. Timeresolved spectra of gold (20μm in thickness) planar targets were abtained. The planar targets were irradiated with 680 ps laser pulses (λ=0.53μm) from the LF11# Nd: glass laser system. The emission intensity with temporal variation for O band from gold plasmas was observed.