In hybrid current fiber sensors operating on the Faraday effect, reflection ig often used for changing the propagating direction of light to increase the effective optical path and to make the structure of the sensos compact. But the reflection changes the polarization of light, and consequently have an effect on the sensor's sensitivity. In this paper, Jones matrix method is used to derive the propagating characteristics of the sensor. The effect of reflection on sensor's sansitivity has been analysed and the results obtained agree with experimental data.
Experimental results of preliminary Na-like copper X-ray laser research are presented usin a home-made XUV grazing incidence grating spectrograph on the LF12 laser facility. It shows that amplifier bion of spontaneous emission is full of promise at low pumping condition (2.5×1012 W/cm2). The feasibility of isoelec-tronic scaling to water window wavelengths is discussed.
The phenomenon of self-mode-looking in silicate glass laser is reported in this paper. The experimental results have been analyzed and discussed.
The unidirectional operation properties of CW ring dye lasers are dicussed. "Using the improved ganiel model of rate equations, the paper analyses the influences of pumping flux and dye molecules density on photon flux, exeited-sbate population density and gain under condition of unidirectional operation.It points out that there are unsymmetry of population density to the position in the medium and correlation between photon flux and position in the medium, and the wavelength of peak gain has the scanning properties. The numerical computation results are given.
This paper discusses the dispersion compensation of wavelength phase mismatch in frequency-conversion of wide-band Nd+3: glass laser, including self-compensation of tandem crystals and compensation of dispersion components (a prism or grating).
The design of tuning elements, operation mechanism and experimental results for seamlessly autoscanning 10THz in a computer-controlled ring dye laser are described in this paper.
The characteristics of hydrogen stimulated raman scattering pumped by an injection looking Krf exoimer laser were investigated. The optimum hydrogen gas pressure for maximum conversion efficiency for third stokes emission is lower than that for second Stokes emission. By measuring the beam patterns of these Stokes emissions, the mechanism for these phenomena is discussed.
The SHG of the picosecond Nd:YAG laser was studied experiment ally and theor etically using nonlinear optical crystals KNbO3 and KTP. The SHG energy conversion efficiencies of 52% and 45.4% wera obtained using 3mm-long KNbO3 and 4.5 mm-long KTP respestively. It proves that the SHG with KNbO3 is more effective than that of KTP. Due to the temperature characteristic of KNbO3, however, it is unconvenient for application in comparison with KTP.
Optical bistability has been observed with nonlinear long-range surface plasmons excitation using prism-index matching liquidsilver film-semioonduotor-doped glasses configuration by ATE. A typical hysteresis loop has been recorded for the relation between reflectance and incident beam power.
Based on the deduced coupled equations of SES pumped by a focused beam, we discussed bhe influence of the beam focusing on the enhancement and conversion efficiency of SRS in an absorptive Raman medium. Two parameters: B=L/Zr, K=l/L are suggested as the focusing parameters. In order to compare the results obtained in different experiments, the values of B and K should be given in the papers.
We have observed infrared conjugate pulses in undoped GaAs crystal by using degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) pumped by 1.06μm mode-looked Nd:YAG laser. Main properties of these pulses and enhancement of the gain are discussed.
A digital speckle pattern interferometry system for automatic measurement of deformations of a diffuse object is presented by using phase-stepping and digital signal processing technique. Computer is utilized to take data and calculate phase without an intermediate recording step. Phase frings are produced instead of speckle correlation frings. Noise data points caused by randomness of the speckle are removed by digital signal processing. Two experimental results for the measurement of in-plane and off-plane deformations are presented.
The intensity distribution and the allowable locations of both object and image in grating imaging are derived from coherent theory. A group of experimental photographs with different parameters and a group of diagrams drawn by the aid of the computer are given in this paper.
Self-freqency doubled laser was demonstrated by using Nd: MgO:LiNbO3 as active and nonlinaar optical medium. Pumped by a small Xe flash-lamp, the second harmonic wave (547 nm) was generatad at room-temperature with 4.8J threshold and 400μJ/shot maximum output. The tamparature range of operation is over 20℃~45℃ and photorefractive damage has not yet observed.
It is presented in this letter that a novel transverse mode control resonator (TMCR) can be constructed by using a stable resonator in oonjuction with a suitable hollow circular dielectric waveguide. In comparison with a TMCR with a pinhole, the energy conversion of the pump to TEM00 mode output is high and the beam fan field divergence is small. The mechanism of the novel TMCR is discussed and analysed.
In this paper the four angular overlap parameters eσ, ex, eδ and eψ are calculated for Eu3+ ions in KY3F10, YPO4 and YVO4 crystals for the first time by using Angular Overlap Model (AOM). The results show that our calculation has the same regularity as reference [1], and the parameters eσ, eψ give considerable contribution bo the energy-levels splitting and shifting.
The Rydberg states H'2Ⅱ(v=1,2) of NO have been studied by two-photon excitation. The molecular constants of the states were obtained. The interactions between Rydberg states H'2II- and non-Rydberg states B2II were observed and the shifts of rotational energy levels were calculated. From the obsarved fluorescence spectra, the main fluorescence transition channels of H'2Ⅱ-(v=1,2)were identified.
In this paper accumulation effects on multiple pulse laser-induced damage to thin-film optical coatings at 1.06μ m and 0.35 μm are reported. The relationship between damage probability and laser energy and pulse repetition frequency are investigated.