Operation principles of Y-branch K+ ion exchanged waveguide thermo-optical control have been theoretically analyzed. The resultes of the theoretical calculations show that the observed high extinction rate can not be obtained unless an independent thermo-induced waveguide is formed in the area under a Ti-fila heater. Fabrication technologies, including a special SiO2 lift-off technique, are presented here.
A holographic method using mono-mode fiber for the production of sub-micron periodic gratings is presented in this paper. The various factors inflenoing quality of the grating have been discussed in detail. All experiments demonstrate that this method is completely suitable to produce the high quality grating square having as large as 10×10 mm2.
A CuBr vapor laser has been used as a image intensifier for the first time in high speed photomicrography. The resolving power of this optical system is close to the diffraction limitation of the objective. The Brown movement and the living plankton movement have been recorded.
Using statistical method the statistical properties of cascade speckle through two diffusers have been developed. It was derived that the velocity of the diffuser is directly proportional to the correlation time. The average radius of triply random modulated cascade speckle, which is smaller than that of single modulated speckle was discussed. The good agreement between theoritical and experimental results is shown.
In the Fresnel diffraction field, the variation of contrast, phase and period of the grating's image are derived theoretically in the plane offseted from the Talbot self-imaging plane under the coherent illumination. The image condition of Fourier image of the grating is obtained under the illumilation of spherical wave and plane wave. So that the coincidence to some extent between the Talbot effect and Lau effect is demonstrated quantitatively. The results of theory is coincident with that of experiment.
A new method to realize holographic storage of color films with high-density is presented in this paper. Three hololenses with the same focal-length using red, green, and blue laser beams are made respectively, then three fourier holograms are recorded in proper order using the said hololens by laser beams of three primary colors. A color image can be produced when using the original reference beams to illuminate the holograms.
Fabrication of a convex aspberical surface is always difficult. Based on the third-order aberration theory, general method of the fabrication has been described simply in this paper. A new method is discussed in detail and some examples are given.
Dynamic characteristics of degenerate two-ware mixing (TWM) in photorefra-otive media are theoritically analyzed. The applied principle of TWM in realtime interferometry is disscussed with deduced formula. The optical arrangement for experiment by using LiNbO3:Fe crystal is presented. Some experimental results are given.
This paper Introduces the application of CWEOP (continuous wave electro-optic probing) technique in the measurements of electric field distributions in the samples of LiNbO3 directional coupling waveguide modulator. Two configurations of measurement——the backside incidence and the end incidence have been taken in the experiments. The curves of electric field distribution under the electrodes, and in the region between two eleotrods and in the in terrupt region of electrodes have been obtained. The experimental results have been discussed.
Some analogue computations on bifurcation and chaos in the optical transmission of a nonlinear Fabry Perot system for a pulse incident light have been made The results agree with the previous analysis[12] for a constant incident light.
An ultrashort optical pulse aniplifier synchronously pumped by cavity-dumped Nd:YAG laser is reported. Optical pulses with 80 fs duration produced by CPM (colliding pulse mode-looking) laser was amplified by a two-stage R640 dye ampl liner, and gain of 6.2×104 was o served. Peak power of 2×107 was reached from output ultrashort optical pulses.
The relations between the frequency shift of four-photon mixing and the birefringence of optical fiber are analysed for several oases of mode and polarization combinations. An experimental study of using the crossed pump-dividing stimulated four-photon mixing (SFPM) to measure the total disparsion of optical fiber is reported.
The self-focusing, thermal self-defocusing and self-phase modulation of argon ion laser in colloidal CdS semiconductor microcrystallites are first reported in this paper. The large nonlinear optical Kerr coefficient, n2, is measured, and is found to be ~105 times the value for CS2. The differences between nonlinear self-phase modulation and thermal self-phase modulation in the colloidal semiconductor miorocrystallites, which are of weak absorption, are analysed.
In this paper, a hybrid optical-digital system is presented to solve a set of linear equations in iterative fashion. The optical part of the system consisting of a single holographic mask carries out the vector-matrix multiplication and the other part of the system consisting of a CCD detector and a microcomputer performs the measurement and addition of vectors. By using this system, a set of 4-dimensional equations are iteratively solved, and the experimental results show that the error of the solution is about 5% comparing with theoretical one.
In this paper, the real-time effect and the primary property of nongelatin diohromated (NGD) holographic recording material are described briefly. The realtime diffraction efficiency (ETED) of up to 25 % at ±1 level in plane grating has been obtained in the experiment.
In this paper we report the theoretical analysis of the fluorescence respondenca by using the rate equations and photo escape thory for a Cs-ARF. Cs-Atomic resonance filter.
In this paper we report the experimental results of generating stimulated radiation 4F-3D based on Hybrid exciting-energy transfer in K2-K system and four wave mixing frequency (FWMF) by dipole forbidden two-photon resonance in K atomic vapor.
The fluorescence spectrum and lifetime of SrTiO3:Cr3+ crystal were measured from 5K to 200K. The variation of lifetime as the temperature below 150K was well explained by the theory involved in the processes of emission and absorption of single phonon. Defects of charge compensation were considered as the main reason for the quenching of fluorescence at high temperature and the relative model of the energy transfer was built. Besides, the violet shift of R-line as the rise of temperature was discovered and explained by crystal-field and covalency bond theories reasonably. Some important spectral parameters, such as Huang-rhys factor, R-line oscillator intensity and corss section, were obtained.