A coherent CW-CO2 laser imaging system is described, experimental results of one and two point targets are reported and some factors affecting the image quality discussed. With some improvments, the system can be used in velocity and 3-D range imaging.
A new method for phase detection of the phase modulated grating is proposed.. Phase distribution of the grating can be acquired quickly and sensitively by taking a phase modulated grating image into computer and processing it by using orthogonal coherent phase detection algorithm. The principle of the technique is introduced in detail and the experimental results are shown. Finally, the technique is compared: with other similar techniques.
A nover cavity construction of FEL has beem investigated. Using a hyperboloid-paraboloid grazing incidence telescopes, the cross section of the beam in cavity is expanded approximately by a factor of six, thus the ability of resonator film against laser damage is improved. The effect of the beam expansion the 'parameters of the aspheric mirrors, the length of the cavity and the spot size of the grazing incidence on the optical quality of the system.
The linear electro-optio coefficients of Pb0.37Ba0.63Nb2O6 crystals have been measured for the first time by interferometrio method. The results obtained are γ33=70, γ13=6.4, γ51=-146 and ×10-12M/V.
Diamond-like Carbon films were deposited onto the glass substrate at 50℃ by dual-ion beam sputtering method. The function of the sputtering apparatus was briefly introduced. The influences of the bombarding ion energy, the bombarding ion beam current density and the ratio of hydrogen to argon gas in bombarding ion source on the infra-red (IR) transmittanoe behaviour of deposited specimens were investigated in 1.5-5.6μm wavelength range. It showed that for all specimens, their relative transmittanoe increase with the increase of wavelengths. For each group of experiment in which only one parameter as described above varied, with the increase of varying parameter, the relative transmittance versus wavelength curves all have a trend to increase first and then to drop. The corresponding critical varying parameters in the four group of experiments were determined comparison between the non-hydrogenated and the hydrogenated specimens showed that hydrogen in the bombarding ion source was not strictly for the deposition of DLC films, but adding a certain amount of hydrogen could reduce the sputtering of growing films and could improve the IR transmittance behaviour of the films. The observed results were discussed and explained in terms of structure changes.
A method of producing a phase-conjugate wave is presented which has the qirtues of both four-wave-mixing and stimulated Brillouin scattering. A high-vuality phase-conjugate wave with a conversion efficiency of greater than unity was obtained.
On the base of three-wave interaction equations, the dependences of the maximum attainable tripling efficiency on the energy ratio of the fundamental wave to the second harmonic wave, crystal length, power density, input beam divergence and match-type are given. The experimental results of frequency tripling are in agreement with theoretical calculations. With type-II KDP used in tripling, energy conversion efficiency as high as 43% has been obtained for moderate power levels.
In this paper, a numerical analysis is presented for a laser beam refraction by a bounded nonlinear medium and diffraction during the beam's subsequent free--space propagation using two-dimension Gaussian input profile. The beam's steady-state transverse-field profiles in the near and far-field and power-transfer curves for passing through an aperture are studied. The results show that when beam passes through a nonlinear medium, not only beam's phase, but also its profile are undergoing change. When these two factors are taken into consideration, only under the nonlinear refractions effect the power-limiting phenomenon can be observed. In addition, if beam's intensity is below some level, limiting action effect is also existed in near-field.
By taking into account the spatial inhomogeneity of the laser field in the essential state model theoretical prediotions well consistent with the experimental results are obtained.
Expressions of the power spectrum of linear frequecy swept Gaussion pulses are given which are equivalent to the power spectrum of the modulated and compressed light pulses without ohirpping. The chirp ping be can determined by means of the power spectrum and the standard intensity autocorrelation.
On the basis of image contrast reversal, a new method is described for efficiently generating multiple illuminating beams. This technique can be applied to the fabrication of array light signal sources needed by array processors or optical computers. Experimental results are presented and discussions are given.
Numerical techniques are used to solve and compare the rate equations with the semiolassioal equations. Prom the semiclassical theory, it has been derived that the atomic ionizations vary oscill-attorilly with the pulse propagation distance, which is a new coherent optical phenomenon and far from the predication of the rate equations. This work explains quantitatively the theoritical errors which oome from the rate equations for the laser isotope separation, and forms the basis for the experimental analysis.
Exoiton luminescence spectra in CuCl mioroorystals of a few nm in size embedded in glass are studied under selective excitation at the exoiton absorption bands homogeneously broadened by the size dietribution. The size-quantized exciton states are found to split into various components. From the analysis of the splitting on the basis of size-quantization of the exoiton transitional levels in the mioroorystals spheres, the z1,2 exoiton transitional mass, Luttinger parameters, and K-linear terms for z1,2 exciton are derived in thes compounds.
Four strong two-photon transitions by resonance ionization technique are reported for the first time. Two color three-photon laser isotope seperation and high resolution speotrosoopy of Gd atoms are also studied. The lineshape of the ionization spectra is explained qualitatively.