The property of azo-dye-gelatin for polarization holographic recording is investigated. Besides the characteristics of real time recording and reversibility, it possesses the properties of high diffraotion efficiency, long-storage time and comparative low laser power needed for recording. The dependence of diffraotion efficiency on polarization state is studied in detail.
The modulating effects of the holographic plate motion on recorded beams and on measuring results have been proposed in this paper. The mathematical expressions of intensity distribution are derived for the double exposure interferogram which are recorded with the beams modulated by the holographic plate motion. Based on the theoretical study of formation of the modulated fringes, the holographic analytical method of 3D displacement field of the measured object is proposed. The displacement of the plate is determined with the help of the reference object.
A lot of F2+ centers can be created by radiating the colored NaF and NaF:Mg++ crystals with 337 nm, 380 nm and 510 nm pulsed lasers. The transformation from F2+ to (F2+)* centers in the NaF: Mg++ crystals radiated by the pulsed lasers are observed.
By using a travelling-wave eleotrooptio modulator containning a CdTe crystal to mix tunable microwave and a CO2 laser output, directly readable frequency sidebands are obtained which are tunable on either side of CO2 laser lines over 4.4GHz regions. Measurments show that the charaoteristios of the sidebands are in good agreement with that predicted by corresponding theory.
The dynamic behavior of the inversion of the atomic level occupations has been dissouseed in detail in the process of multiphoton interaction of a two-level atom with a single-mode squeezed coherent state radiation field.
In this paper, the linear stability and the modulation effect of a Bragg acousto-optio bistable system have been analysed. According to the dynamic and stationary equations describing the system, the boundary for instability has been calculated. When the input intensity undergoes a sinusoidal modulation, we predict the resonance and shift of resonance peak of the output intensity in the stable region and the appearance of frequency looking phenomena in the unstable region.
In this paper, a study of the ray propagat ng through nonoylindrioal defocusing GRIN lens is presented. A set of general solutions of the paraxial merdial ray equation for nonoylindrioal defocusing GRIN lens which meet the weakly inhomogeneous condition (ie,d/(dz)[g-1 (z)]≤1) is proposed. The refractive-index profiles are derived from the condition met by the qiadient parameter-g(z), which provides the analytical solutions of the ray equation. Two independent analytical solutions for ray propagating paths are given and the paraxial imaging characteristics are discussed for a parabolic defocusing GRIN lens.
The solution of the diffusion equations for window and disc mask problems are found in fabricating planar miorolenses and the optimum refractive index distribution for disc-mask miorolens is derived. The image matrix of miorolens is given in the paper. We fabracated the disc-mask miorolens array and the parameters and the picture photoed by the array are presented.
The effective field acting on orbital motion electrons, which is relative to the interaction between spin and orbit and so on, is introduced into this paper. The definite expression of magneto-optical Kerr rotation is deduced by means of the classical electromagnetic field theory. It is proved that the real part 0'k and imaginary part 0k" of the polar Kerr rotation θk are directly proportional to the effective field Hi. The quasi-transverse Kerr rotation θkt is directly to Hi2. The temperature characters of θk and θtk depend on that of Hi.
A novel constructure and theory of the optical waveguide filter are presented in this paper. The optimum design of the filter can lead to obtaining the size of the construoture directly. An optical waveguide filter with maximum flat response at 1.55 μm of central wavelength and 22 nm of bandwidth is obtained. The calculation in the design is simple and can be used to the filter construction. Since the design takes the geometry discontinuity of each guide into account, the accuracy of the results is better than that by EDC method.
A frequency shifter and a polarisation controller are described in this paper, which are based on birefringence induced by bending ordinary single-mode fibre. 30 dB suppression of the unwanted sideband has been achieved in the frequency shifter. Two fibre devices can be used in functional optical fibre sensors as aa attractive fibre devices for whole fibre sensors.
A Simple and easy method is used for preparation of the electrostatic field specimen In this paper. On account of following physical factor, some dielectric particles supported by a thin carbon film, for example, polystarene latex spheres, 0.31 m in diameter, will become a charged body during the observing in electron microscope because of electrostatic aocomnlation. Obviously, under the electron beam, the spheres, of radius r, acquire a stationary positive charge Q, and the resulting field can be simply modelled by that of a point charge Q. With the field model, the electrostatic field distribution were observed and the magnitude of the charged quantity is determined by electron holography.
It has been shown that the squeezing behaviors in atomic coherence states are not similar to those in Glauber coherence states. A operator G(ξ) simulating the squeezing operstor S(ξ) can't be a "atomic" squeezing operator".
A technique of coding gratings in the grating-interferometer with pseudorandom sequences is described in this paper. Consequently, fringe sharpening is resulted. The theoretical analysis and experimental verifications are given.
The spectral distributions of ultrafast supercontinuum laser from aqueous solutions of NaCl, KCl, ZnCl2 and K2ZnCl4 at several concentrations have been studied using 35-pseo laser pulse at 1.06 μm. In visible region the spectral distribution of USL from H2O is strongly affected by halides. The main features are significant increase in SRS intensity by Cl- and the effective spectral broadening due to the formation of complex anion ZnCl4=in concentrated ZnCl2 and K2ZnCl4 solutions.
In this paper, EPR spectra of eight olassaele YAG crystals at room temperature and 77K have been described. Based on data of EPR and optical spectra, three paramagnetic colours exoisting in crystals are suggested. Two EPR spectra with g-2 and g-1.98 are corresponding to 2×104 cm-1~3.4×l04cm-1 bands of optical absorption spectra. These gpeotra are originated from the defect centres of electronic type when the defect capturing one electron in YAG crystals. The other EPR spectrum with g~3.6 depends on oxygen vacacies and doped with metallic ions Mg2+ and Cr3+. The author supposed that it is a complex paramagnetic defect centre of S>1/2, consisting of a oxygen vacancy or its group and metallic ions. When YAG crystals doped with metallic ions and annealed in high temperature atmospheric, the colour centre concentration increases, which is caused by out of balance on the electron and volume in crystals.
An experimental investigation of eight optogalvanio spectral lines of ArII in an HOD lamp is reported. The emission fluorescence and laser-induced fluorescence in HCL are observed. An empirical formula to explain the dominant mechanism of optogalvanio effect in HOL is proposed. We find that the discharge current iM at which the VOGE reaches maximum is relative to EH the upper energy level of the optogalvanio Spectral line.