A new method for measuring the strongly varied phase objects has been proposed according to the Fonrier-transform of the object and the intensity spatial filtering with coherent or non-coherent light sources. The filter can be designed to obtain the information of different phase changes. Two kinds of system are discussed in detail. The experimental results and some possible applications are given.
The Fourier transform realized by lensless Fourier hologram, and its application to 3-D measurement were studied. The experimental results were presented.
For infrared optical systems a point spread function is calculated in terms of the spot diagram obtained through geometrical ray trace or the theory of Kirchhoff diffraction. Also is calculated the ratio T of the energy passing through the system onto the exit window, to the total energy radiated from a plane target into the entrance pupil. Formulas are derived separately for the following different cases: a circular or rectangular ring diffraction pupil, a blur of equivalent intensity distribution or a Gaussian blur, and a circular or rectangular field stop. In certain casses T values are given through digital calculation. This method of T calculation is useful for any infrared optical systems. The table of T values can be applied to the system layout design of infrared instruments and T function used as the merit function of optical systems. The calculation of T is very important for diffraction limited systems.
In this paper, we suggest a grazing incidence mirror system, which consists of a pair of co-axial, non-confocal paraboloid and hyperboloid, instead of the current co-axial, confocus system (i.e. Wolter-I type). By introducing a given amount of spherical aberration into Wolter-I type by means of non-confocus, a part of off-axial spherical aberrations can be compensated. Compared with Wolter-I type, the image quality of this non-confocal system has been improved in the angle field of 0~15 arc min. Results of computation show that MTF is more suitable than line spread function (LSF) or root of mean-square of blur circle (rms) as the criterion for evaluating the image quality of such systems. The set-up of flare stops are considered. Tolerances on the geometrical dimensions of the mirror are analyzed. Heretofore, the error of the size of apertures is represented as a relative shift between the focus and the edge surfaoe of the mirror, and then the image quality is computed accordingly. Substantially, the results are in agreement with the published data. The tolerance of difference of mirror apertures and the tolerance of circularity are more stringent than the tolerance of the size of apertures at least by one order of magnitude. The tolerance of difference of mirror apertures for paraboloid is smaller than that for hyperboloid by a factor of four or five.
The general principle of the precise spherical generation is discussed. The deviation of the resulting surface shape is analysed and calculated. Some data and results are given.
In this paper, a special transformation relation of Gaussian beam has been demonstrated. On the basis of this transformation relation, a simple method of separating parameters design for ring dye laser resonator has been developed. Designs of three types of resonators for ring dye laser have been given as examples.
In this paper the question concerning matching of CO2 laser beam with open resonator of a far infrared laser was analysed, and the quantitive relation between the absorptivity of working material of the far infrared laser and the outgoing loss of coupling hole was given. It was shown that there is an optimal divergent angle for a given resonant cavity of a far infrared laser. At this angle active volume of the working material was maximized, and higher output of the far infrared laser was obtained.
In this paper we derived a formula of the effective absorption coefficent aeftv for aerosol taking into account the effect of particle vaporization and obtained the condition under which the vaporization effect may be neglected. The results of computation proved that particle vaporization effect is very important to wet aerosol such as water droplets. The value of effective absorption coefficent may be overestimated, when the vaporization effect is neglected.
A method for measuring the film parameters of waveguide by using grating couplers is studied. The parameters for waveguide thin film of zinc sulfide prepared on a substrate of F1 glass by the vacuum evaporation and epoxy resin prepared on a substrate of K.9 glass by a dip-coating were measured. The grating periods used were 1200 mm-1, 1800 mm-1 and 2400mm"1 respectively. The measurement results indicate: the observed values of effective index of thin film waveguide modes are in good agreement with the calculated ones. The accuracies of the calculated values from measured values of waveguide mode effective index Nm and thin film refractive index % are better than measured values of thin film thickness are 2.8~0.1%. We believe that the grating coupler can be used as an effective equipment for rapid and accurate determination of waveguide thin film parameters in the field of guided wave optics and semiconductor technology. Ib is just as effective as the prism coupler and has its own features. The prism couplers with grating structure are also discussed briefly.
This paper reports the dependence of the radiant performance of a UV-preionized XeF laser on the varied parameters. The output energy of 250 mj was obtained with a miiture gas pressure of 2.5 atm., using Ne as the buffer. Base on the calculation of Boltzmann s transfer eqution, discharge transfer processes in He-Xe and Ne-Xe mixture were discussed.
The local effective emissivities of diffuse isothermal cylindrical cavities with reverse conical bases are precisely calculated, and it is indicated that the optimum value of the eone length situates between three and four tenth of the cylinder length.
A review of the state of the art in non-coherent radiation 3-D imaging is presented. Emphasis is given on the transaxial tomography, the zone plate code and the random dot code.
Automatic synthesis of optical thin films with complex spectral curve was performed using a combination of minus filters. In order to eliminate the distortion of spectral curve induced by multi-reflection among certain minus filters, a number of matching layers were interposed between the filters, and coating parameters were chosen by moans of statistical experiments. Finally, the thickness of layers for total or partial coatings were optimized by dam ping least square approach to the desired accuracy of designed curves. For example, designs of W-split coating used in colour TV cameras, visible triangular filters, wide neutral split coatings and wide band reflective coatings are given.