Terahertz radiation is an electromagnetic radiation in the range between millimeter waves and far infrared. Due to its low energy and non-ionizing characters, THz pulse imaging emerges as a novel tool in many fields, such as material, chemical, biological medicine, and food safety. Limited spatial resolution is a significant restricting factor of terahertz imaging technology. Near field imaging method was proposed to improve the spatial resolution of terahertz system. Submillimeter scale’s spauial resolution can be achieved if the income source size is smaller than the wawelength of the incoming source and the source is very close to the sample. But many changes were needed to the traditional terahertz time domain spectroscopy system, and it’s very complex to analyze sample’s physical parameters through the terahertz signal. A method of inserting a pinhole upstream to the sample was first proposed in this article to improve the spatial resolution of traditional terahertz time domain spectroscopy system. The measured spatial resolution of terahertz time domain spectroscopy system by knife edge method can achieve spatial resolution curves. The moving stage distance between 10% and 90% of the maximum signals respectively was defined as the spatial resolution of the system. Imaging spatial resolution of traditional terahertz time domain spectroscopy system was improved dramatically after inserted a pinhole with diameter 0.5 mm, 2 mm upstream to the sample. Experimental results show that the spatial resolution has been improved from 1.276 mm to 0.774 mm, with the increment about 39%. Though this simple method, the spatial resolution of traditional terahertz time domain spectroscopy system was increased from millimeter scale to submillimeter scale. A pinhole with diameter 1 mm on a polyethylene plate was taken as sample to terahertz imaging study. The traditional terahertz time domain spectroscopy system and pinhole inserted terahertz time domain spectroscopy system were applied in the imaging experiment respectively. The relative THz-power loss imaging of samples were use in this article. This method generally delivers the best signal to noise ratio in loss images, dispersion effects are cancelled. Terahertz imaging results show that the sample’s boundary was more distinct after inserting the pinhole in front of sample. The results also conform that inserting pinhole in front of sample can improve the imaging spatial resolution effectively. The theoretical analyses of the method which improve the spatial resolution by inserting a pinhole in front of sample were given in this article. The analyses also indicate that the smaller the pinhole size, the longer spatial coherence length of the system, the better spatial resolution of the system. At the same time the terahertz signal will be reduced accordingly. All the experimental results and theoretical analyses indicate that the method of inserting a pinhole in front of sample can improve the spatial resolution of traditional terahertz time domain spectroscopy system effectively, and it will further expand the application of terahertz imaging technology.
A double wire pulsed MIG welding test system was built in the present paper, in order to analyze the heat-coupling mechanism of double wire pulsed MIG welding, and study arc temperature field. Spectroscopic technique was used in diagnostic analysis of the arc, plasma radiation was collected by using hollow probe method to obtain the arc plasma optical signal. The electron temperature of double wire pulsed MIG welding arc plasma was calculated by using Boltzmann diagram method, the electron temperature distribution was obtained, a comprehensive analysis of the arc was conducted combined with the high speed camera technology and acquisition means of electricity signal. The innovation of this paper is the combination of high-speed camera image information of arc and optical signal of arc plasma to analyze the coupling mechanism for dual arc, and a more intuitive analysis for arc temperature field was conducted. The test results showed that a push-pull output was achieved and droplet transfer mode was a drop in a pulse in the welding process;Two arcs attracted each other under the action of a magnetic field, and shifted to the center of the arc in welding process, so a new heat center was formed at the geometric center of the double arc, and flowing up phenomenon occurred on the arc;Dual arc electronic temperature showed an inverted V-shaped distribution overall, and at the geometric center of the double arc, the arc electron temperature at 3 mm off the workpiece surface was the highest, which was 16 887.66 K, about 4 900 K higher than the lowest temperature 11 963.63 K.
In order to solve the problems such as complex operation, consumption for the carrier gas and long test period in traditional power transformer fault diagnosis approach based on dissolved gas analysis(DGA) , this paper proposes a new method which is detecting 5 types of characteristic gas content in transformer oil such as CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6 and H2 based on photoacoustic spectroscopy and C2H2/C2H4, CH4/H2, C2H4/C2H6 three-ratios data are calculated. The support vector machine model was constructed using cross validation method under five support vector machine functions and four kernel functions, heuristic algorithms were used in parameter optimization for penalty factor c and g, which to establish the best SVM model for the highest fault diagnosis accuracy and the fast computing speed. Particles swarm optimization and genetic algorithm two types of heuristic algorithms were comparative studied in this paper for accuracy and speed in optimization. The simulation result shows that SVM model composed of C-SVC, RBF kernel functions and genetic algorithm obtain 97.5% accuracy in test sample set and 98.333 3% accuracy in train sample set, and genetic algorithm was about two times faster than particles swarm optimization in computing speed. The methods described in this paper has many advantages such as simple operation, non-contact measurement, no consumption for the carrier gas, long test period, high stability and sensitivity, the result shows that the methods described in this paper can instead of the traditional transformer fault diagnosis by gas chromatography and meets the actual project needs in transformer fault diagnosis.
The hydrotalcite with the properties of flame-retardant, eliminating smoke, filling and thermostability is a new kind of inorganic flame retardant. In the work, the MgAl hydrotalcite as flame retardant with Mg/Al molar ratio of 4 (MgAl-LDH) was prepared by using urea as the precipitating agent. The thermolysis behavior of the MgAl-LDH flame retardant was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and thermogravimetry-differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC) as well as self deconvolution and curve-fitting analyses. Thermal phase transition of the MgAl-LDH was clarified, especially the characteristics of the hydroxyl groups (—OH) in the brucite-like layers and the changes in coordinate of the carbonate (CO2-3) from the interlayers. Based on thermodynamic data, thermal decomposition process was discussed. By XRD analysis, it was found that the phase change took place when the decomposition temperature increased. The MgAl-LDH was decarbonated basically to MgAl mixed metal oxides (Mg—Al—O) at 500 ℃, and impurity MgAl2O4 phase formed at 600 ℃. According to the analyses of FT-IR, TG-DSC and curve-fitting technique, the hydroxyl groups (—OH) in the brucite-like layers possessed three the ligands such as [Al—OH—Al], [Al—OH—Mg] and [Mg—OH—Mg] modes. Dehydroxylation of the brucite-like layers based on the binding forces, where the [Mg—OH—Mg] among the three modes was the most difficult to be removed during the pyrolysis process. In the same way, the CO2-3 ligands also possessed three modes such as H2O-bridged CO2-3, monodentate and bidentate coordination modes. Based on the thermodynamic analysis, the thermodynamic properties of the hydrotalcite as flame retardant were evaluated, and the expressions of the Gibbs free energy (ΔrGθT), as a function of temperature, were derived for the Mg8Al2(OH)20CO3 crystal. Thermodynamic analysis showed that the removal of —OH from the brucite-like layers was spontaneous process, when the Gibbs free energy (ΔrGθT) was under zero at the temperature (T) above 228.65 ℃. The result and datum were close to the experimental result from the TG-DSC analyses, indicating that the relationship between the Gibbs free energy (ΔrGθT) and temperature (T) from thermodynamic analysis was reliable.
The considerable performance enhancement of P3HT-based solar cell after thermal annealing can be attributed to the thermodynamically driven partial crystallization and phase segregation of each component. In the present work, thermal annealing was executed by delivering P3HT∶PCBM blend films onto the preheated susceptor in a PECVD chamber filled with high purity nitrogen gas. The pressure of inner chamber could be set steadily and precisely in the range of 1 to 1 850 mTorr at 150 ℃. It was found that the phase segregation scale of two components was tuned to a certain extent by varying the annealing pressure, whereas the polymer crystallinity was slightly affected. According to the pressure settings, polymer solar cells (PSCs) were fabricated in the following structure: ITO/PEDOT∶PSS/P3HT∶PCBM/Al. All of the device parameters exhibited the similar trend—an initial increase followed by a decrease, and reached a peak at 1 500 mTorr with successive increase in annealing setting pressure. PSC annealed under 1 500 mTorr shows overall high performances with the power conversion efficiency up to 3.56%. The UV-Vis absorption spectra of annealed blend films shows that the vibronic absorption peaks (shoulders) at 510, 550 and 600 nm became more pronounced under higher setting pressure, which is attributed to better crystalline P3HT with increased π—π stacking of polymer molecules. The AFM results further suggest that high annealing pressure (>1 000 mTorr) promoted the domain formations of P3HT or PCBM;moreover, a moderate phase segregation, as a result of an appropriate annealing pressure (1 500 mTorr), facilitates polymer crystallization which ensures the high charge (hole) mobility and consequently increased short-circuit current and fill factor.
Tantalum tungsten bronze(TaxWO3)nanowires were successfully synthesized via hydrothermal method using TaCl5 and Na2WO4·2H2O as raw materials. The morphology, crystal structure and optical properties of synthesized products were characterized by means of XRD, TEM, SEM, UV-Vis and Raman technologies. The XRD results showed that TaxWO3 nanowire exhibited hexagonal structure. By increasing the doping content, the cell parameter was kept increasing gradually till Ta/W=0.04, then it remained almost constant. The UV-Vis diffraction spectrum analysis showed that the absorption peaks redshifted, the band gap energy decreased with increasing the doping content. The Raman peaks moved with a downshift, and the peak gradually became broader, which further proved the influence of the tantalum doping for tungsten oxide. The reactions of decomposing liquid rhodamine B solution showed that the nanosized TaxWO3 had a high photo-catalytic activity.
In this study, K and L shell photoeffect cross-sections were measured for the elements in the range of 50≤Z≤65 at 59.5 keV. These photoeffect cross-sections were measured by using the experimental σKα production cross-section values measured in this paper and two different K shell fluorescence yield values in the literature. The results were compared with the calculated theoretical values. The values were plotted versus atomic number.
Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) is a widely used technique for high sensitivity, good selectivity and fast response. It is widely used in environment monitoring, industrial process control and biomedical sensing. In order to overcome the drawbacks of TDLAS including high cost, poor stability and center wavelength shift problem. A multi-mode diode laser system based on correlation spectroscopy and wavelength modulation spectroscopy (TMDL-COSPEC-WMS) was used to measure O2 concentration near 760nm at the 1%~30% range of near room temperature. During the experiment, the light is splitter into two beams, respectively through the sample and measuring cell, two receiving optical signal collection containing gas concentration information sent back stage treatment, invert the oxygen concentration through correlation and ratio between measured signal and reference signal, the correlation spectroscopy harmonic detection technique is used to improve the stability of the system and the signal to noise ratio. The result showed that, there was a good linear relationship between the measured oxygen concentration and the actual concentration value. A detection limit of 280 pmm﹒m in the 1 atmospheric which approved of the same sample. A continuous measurement for oxygen with the standard deviation of 0.056% in ambient air during approximately 30minutes confirms the stability and the capability of the system. The design of the system includes soft and hardware can meet the needs of oxygen online monitoring. The experimental device is simple and easy to use, easy to complex environment application.
In surgical nerve repair surgery, the identification of nerve fascicles is a key to a good repair of their broken end. Some of the existing nerve fascicles identification method are not ideal. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technology provides information of images and spectra of biological tissue at the same time. It can supply a qualitative, quantitative and positioning description of the test objectives, and identify different biological tissues by biochemical characteristic difference, and classify and position these tissues in the image. Compared to other medical imaging technology, this technology has unique advantages. In this study, the hyperspectral imaging technology is used in the identification and classification of the nerve fascicles by the spectral characteristics of different nerve fascicles, and in determining the orientation of the nerve fascicles in the image by the image spectral information in order to better help surgical personnel to carry out the nerve repair surgery. The significance of this paper is: the first to propose a new method of identification and location of the nerve fascicles and assist surgical staff to improve the efficacy of nerve repair;the second to reserve hyperspectral imaging techniques used in qualitative and quantitative and orientation research combined with biological organization, and speed up the molecular hyperspectral imaging technology to the practical stage.
Extreme ultraviolet lithography is one of the most promising technologies on the next generation of high-capacity integrated circuit manufacturing. However, techniques for ion debris mitigation have to be considered in the application of extreme ultraviolet source for lithography. In our paper the dynamics of ion debris from Sn plasma by using dual ns laser pulses were investigated. The results show that debris from plasma greatly depends on the energy of pre-pulse and the delay time between the two laser pulses. The energy of Sn ions debris was efficiently mitigated from 2.47 to 0.40 keV in the case of dual laser pulses, up to 6.1 times lower than that by using single laser pulse. We also found that Sn ions debris can be mitigated at all angles by using the dual laser pulses method.
A complex plasma photonic crystal (PPC) was obtained by self-organization of filaments in air dielectric barrier discharge using two planar water electrodes. The PPC structure consists of many square sublattices, and each sublattice is composed of large spots, two kinds of small spots and lines, corresponding to thick plasma columns, two kinds of thin plasma columns, and plasma slices, respectively. By using the optical emission spectrum method, the electron densities and molecular vibration temperatures at different positions of the PPC were studied. The electron densities were compared by comparing the broadenings of Ar Ⅰ (2P2→1S5) spectrum line, and the molecular vibration temperatures were calculated by the spectrum line of nitrogen band of second positive system (C3Πu→B3Πg) . It was found that the electron densities and molecular vibration temperatures at different positions are both different, showing that the plasma states at different positions are different. The descending order of the electron density is: thin plasma columns around the thick plasma columns, thick plasma columns, plasma slices, and thin plasma columns at junction of plasma slices. The descending order of the molecular vibration temperature is: thin plasma columns at junction of plasma slices, plasma slices, thick plasma columns, and thin plasma columns around the thick plasma columns, which is opposite to that of the electron density. So, the electron densities and the molecular vibration temperatures in different positions of the PPC show the opposite changing trend. As the refractive index of plasma is dependent upon the electron density, the thick plasma columns, two kinds of thin plasma columns and plasma slices in this PPC have different refractive indexes. Together with the surrounding area where no discharges occur, in which the refractive index is also different from the discharging areas, the complex PPC can be seen as a self-organized periodic structure with five different refractive indexes. The PPC has the advantages of being obtained easily, having structural diversity, and being analyzed simply, which may lead to wide applications in many scientific and technical areas.
By using the water-electrode discharge experimental setup, the white-eye hexagonal pattern is firstly observed and investigated in the dielectric barrier discharge with the mixture of argon and air whose content can be varied whenever necessary, and the study shows that the white-eye cell is an interleaving of three different hexagonal sub-structures: the spot, the ring, and the halo. The white-eye hexagonal pattern has the excellent discharge stability and sustainability during the experiment. Pictures recorded by ordinary camera with long exposure time in the same argon content condition show that the spot, the ring, and the halo of the white-eye hexagonal pattern have different brightness, which may prove that their plasma states are different. And, it is worth noting that there are obvious differences not only on the brightness but also on the color of the white-eye cell in conditions of different argon content, which shows that its plasma state also changed with the variation of the argon content. The white-eye hexagonal pattern is observed at a lower applied voltage so that the temperature of the water electrodes almost keeps unchanged during the whole experiment, which is advantageous for the long term stable measurement. The plasma state will not be affected by the temperature of the electrodes during the continuous discharge. Based on the above phenomena, plasma temperatures of the spot, the ring, and the halo in white-eye hexagonal pattern including molecule vibrational temperature and variations of electron density at different argon content are investigated by means of optical emission spectroscopy (OES). The emission spectra of the N2 second positive band(C3Πu→B3Πg)are measured, and the molecule vibrational temperature of the spot, the ring, and the halo of the white-eye hexagonal pattern are calculated by the emission intensities. Furthermore, emission spectra of Ar Ⅰ(2P2→1S5)is collected and the changes of its width with different argon content are used to estimate the variations of electron density of the spot, the ring, and the halo of the white-eye hexagonal pattern. In the same argon content condition, the molecule vibrational temperatures of halo, ring, and spot in the white-eye hexagonal pattern are in descending order, while the electron densities of halo, ring, and spot are in ascending order. With argon content increasing from 70% to 90%, both the molecule vibrational temperature and the electron density of the spot increase, while both of them of the halo decrease. And the molecule vibrational temperature of the ring keeps constant, while its electron density decreases. The experimental results indicate that the plasma state of the spot, the halo and the ring in a white-eye cell of the white-eye hexagonal pattern is different. These results are of great importance to the investigation of the multilayer structure of the patterns in dielectric barrier discharge and applications in industry.
A new type of single filament was observed in a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) system for the first time. It was formed with a larger discharge gap (d=3.8 mm) and a smaller discharge area (S=1 cm×1 cm) in an air/argon gas mixture. Compared with the single filament observed by other experimental groups, the new type of single filament is composed of volume discharge (VD) and surface discharge (SD). In addition, the single filament has excellent discharge stability and sustainability. In order to study more about the discharge characteristic of the new type of single filament in a half-cycle of the applied voltage and the plasma state in different positions of the discharge column in the side view of the new type of single filament, both a high speed framing camera (HSFC) and a spectrograph were used in the experiment. The instantaneous images of end and side view of the new type of single filament were taken by the HSFC with different exposure time, and the discharge characteristic of the new type of single filament in a half-cycle of the applied voltage was compared with that of glow discharge. The spectral lines of Ar Ⅰ 763.26 nm (2P6→1S5) and Ar Ⅰ 772.13 nm (2P2→1S3) in different positions of the discharge column of the new type of single filament were measured by using optical emission spectra, and chosen to estimate the corresponding electron excitation temperature by the relative intensity ratio method. It was found that the new type of single filament is composed of VD and SD, and SD produces a dendritic discharge around VD. The discharge characteristic of the new type of single filament in a half-cycle of the applied voltage is similar to that of glow discharge, and a funnel-shaped discharge emerges at the instantaneous cathode. The spectral line intensity and the corresponding electron excitation temperature all decrease with the distance away from the electrodes, indicating that the plasma state in different positions of the discharge column in the side view of the new type of single filament is different.
Cultural fibrous material includes both important categories, i.e. textile and paper, consisting of precious cultural materials in museum, such as costume, painting, and manuscript. In recent years more and more connoisseur and conservator’s concerns are, through nondestructive method, the authenticity and the ageing identification of these cultural relics especially made from fragile materials. In this research, we used attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy to identify five traditional textile fibers, alongside cotton, linen, wool, mulberry silk and tussah silk, and another five paper fibers alongside straw, wheat straw, long qisong, Chinese alpine rush and mulberry bar, which are commonly used for making Chinese traditional xuan paper. The research result showed that the animal fiber (wool, mulberry silk and tussah silk) and plant fiber (cotton and linen) were easier to be distinguished by comparing the peaks at 3 280 cm-1 belonging to NH stretching vibration and a serious peaks related to amide Ⅰ to amide Ⅲ. In the spectrum of wool, the peak at 1 076 cm-1 was assigned to the S—O stretching vibration absorption of cystine in wool structure and can be used to tell wool from silk. The spectrum of mulberry silk and tussah silk seems somewhat difficult to be identified, as well as the spectrum of cotton and linen. Five rural paper fibers all have obvious characteristic peaks at 3 330, 2 900 cm-1 which are related to OH and CH stretching vibration. In the fingerprint wavenumber range of 1 600~800 cm-1, the similar peaks also appeared at 1 370, 1 320 cm-1 and 1 162, 1 050 cm-1, both group peaks respectively are related to CH and CO vibration in the structure of cellulose and hemicellulose in paper fibers. Although there is more similarity of the infrared spectroscopy of these 5 paper fibers, some tiny difference in absorbance also can be found at 3 300 cm-1 and in the fingerprint range at 1 332, 1 203, and 1 050 cm-1 which are related to C—O—C vibration in cellulose. Moreover, in order to explore direct and simple method to identify different materials with similar spectrum, the principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to separate cotton and linen, mulberry silk and tussah silk, as well as five paper fibers. To eliminate and reduce the spectral scattering caused by sample uneven surface roughness, the multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) has been applied based on total spectral data. The result showed that the score plot using the first two principal components can effectively categorize both group textiles of cotton and linen, as well as mulberry silk and tussah silk, and they have similar chemical structure. For five paper fibers, the PCA was applied in different spectral range (918~550, 1 280~918, 1 700~1 280 and 3 800~2 800 cm-1), and the best result appeared in the range from 3 800 to 2 800 cm-1, in which the five paper fibers can be well categorized. This research showed that infrared spectroscopy combined with principal component analysis has great potential advantage on identifying fibrous materials with similar structure.
The seal stone is a kind of artwork with historical and cultural characteristics of China, which has been playing an important role in Chinese traditional culture. “Gaozhou stone”, a new kind of the seal stone, has been found in the market recently. To investigate the mineralogical and spectral characterastics of “Gaozhou stone”, samples were studied by using XRF, XRD, FTIR, SEM and DTA. Measurements by XRD reveal that kaolin minerals (kaolinite, dickite), pyrophyllite and minor sericite and illite occur in the ores. When kaolinite and dickite are associated, it is not easy to differentiate them from each other. Although some reflections overlap others, kaolin polytypes can be differentiated by XRD patterns in the range 18°~40° (2θ), the reflections at 0.395, 0.379, 0.343, 0.326, 0.294, 0.280, 0.232 and 0.221 nm are diagnostic of dickite. The XRD results indicate the presence of transitional mineral of kaolinite and dickite in these samples. The main chemical components of “Gaozhou stone” are SiO2 and Al2O3 with minor Fe2O3, K2O and Na2O, corresponding with that of kaolin minerals. The OH groups in kaolin group minerals have attracted considerable attention as a sensitive indicator of structural disorder. In principle, dickite has three bands, whereas kaolinite has four bands at the OH-stretching region. According to the results of FTIR, transitional mineral of kaolinite and dickite in “Gaozhou stone” has 3 absorption bands of 3 670, 3 650 and 3 620 cm-1 in high frequency region. The intensity of 3 670 cm-1 band that belongs to outer layer hydroxyl vibration is approximately equal to the intensity of 3 620 cm-1 band ascribing to inner layer OH vibration. This value will only have subtle changes due to the different component ratio of kaolinite and dickite layers. Micro-morphology viewed by SEM presents irregular platy or pseudo-hexagonal platy particles with an average diameter of 0.5~4 μm of “Gaozhou stone”. Such morphologies are quite similar to other seal stones of China that the formation environments of all these stones are of the same kind. DTA curves demonstrate that the disparity of dehydroxylation temperature can be seen as a differential feature for identifying kaolin group minerals, but that is not undoubted. And what’s more, the size of the mineral grains seems has a greater effect on the disparity of dehydroxylation temperature. This research shows that the mineral type of “Gaozhou stone” is similar to “Four Famous stones of China”, and it could be a viable substitute of other famous seal stones. In this point, “Gaozhou stone” has a broad market prospect.
In order to grasp the inner wall condition of ring forgings, an inner wall condition monitoring method based on infrared spectra for ring forgings is proposed in the present paper. Firstly, using infrared spectroscopy the forgings temperature measurement system was built based on the three-level FP-cavity LCTF. The two single radiation spectra from the forgings’ surface were got using the three-level FP-cavity LCTF. And the temperature measuring of the surface forgings was achieved according to the infrared double-color temperature measuring principle. The measuring accuracy can be greatly improved by this temperature measurement method. Secondly, on the basis of the Laplace heat conduction differential equation the inner wall condition monitoring model was established by the method of separating variables. The inner wall condition monitoring of ring forgings was realized via combining the temperature data and the forgings own parameter information. Finally, this method is feasible according to the simulation experiment. The inner wall condition monitoring method can provide the theoretical basis for the normal operating of the ring forgings.
Because both refined “waste oil” and the third category “waste oil” known as frying old oil experience a longer history at temperature higher than 200 ℃ compared to the vegetable oil. In this study, the relative change rates of content of conjugated fatty acid glycerides, content of tans-fatty acid glycerides and unsaturation were investigated after being at high temperature for several hours by using FTIR-ATR in order to find out specific targets for “waste oil”. The results show that (1) Starting from 160 ℃, the contents of conjugated fatty acids glycerides and trans-fatty acid glycerids in the vegetable oils increase but unsaturation decreases with heating temperature and heating time increasing. (2) When heating temperature reaches 200 ℃ or more, the heating time up to four hours or longer, the three indicators(conjugated fatty glycerids, trans-fatty acid glycerids and unsaturation) of six kinds of vegetable oils have substantial changes. (3) The content of linoleic acid in the vegetable oil has some contributions to the change amplitude of contents of conjugated fatty acid glycerides, and the content of oleic acid in the vegetable oil has some contributions to the change amplitude of content of trans-fatty acid glycerides. (4) In addition, during the warranty period change amplitudes of three indicators are relative small compared with the case of after being at high temperature for several hours. Unsaturation decrease and content of conjugated fatty acid glycerides increase with storage-time increasing. However, unlike the case of after being at high temperature for several hours, the content of trans-fatty acid glycerids decreases with storage-time increasing. Experimental results show that three index value and its variation can be used as specific indicators for refined “waste oil” and “waste oil”.
The author analyzed the 4202 drill-hole samples from Zhamuaobao iron-graphite deposit by using near infrared spectroscopy(NIR) and X-ray diffraction(XRD) measuring and testing techniques, and then compared and summarized the results of two kinds of testing technology. The results indicate that some difference of the mineral composition exists among different layers, the lithology from upper to deeper is the clay gravel layer of tertiary and quaternary, mudstone, mica quartz schist, quartz actinolite scarn, skarnization marble, iron ore deposits, graphite deposits and mica quartz schist. The petrogenesis in different depth also shows difference, which may indicate the geological characteristic to some extent. The samples had mainly undergone such processes as oxidization, carbonation, chloritization and skarn alteration. The research results can not only improve the geological feature of the mining area, but also have great importance in ore exploration, mining, mineral processing and so on. What’s more, as XRD can provide preliminary information about the mineral composition, NIR can make further judgement on the existence of the minerals. The research integrated the advantages of both NIR and XRD measuring and testing techniques, put forward a method with two kinds of modern testing technology combined with each other, which may improve the accuracy of the mineral composition identification. In the meantime, the NIR will be more wildly used in geography on the basis of mineral spectroscopy.
Pollen is an important part of bioaerosols, and its complex refractive index is a crucial parameter for study on optical characteristics and detection, identification of bioaer- osols. The reflection spectra of pear pollen within the 2.5~15μm waveband were measured by squash method. Based on the measured data, the complex refractive index of pear pollen within the waveband of 2.5 to 15 μm was calculated by using Kramers-Kroning (K-K) rela- tion, and calculation deviation about incident angle and different reflectivities at high and low frequencies were analyzed. The results indicate that18 degrees angle of incidence and different reflectivities at high and low frequencies have little effect on the results, and it is practicable to calculate the complex refractive index of pollen based on its reflection spectral data. The data of complex refractive index of pollen have some reference value for optical characteristics of pollen, detection and identification of bioaerosols.
The present paper proposed a new nondestructive method based on visible/near infrared spectrum (Vis/NIRS) and sparse representation to rapidly and accurately discriminate between raw meat and water-injected meat. Water-injected meat model was built by injecting water into non-destructed meat samples comprising pigskin, fat layer and muscle layer. Vis/NIRS data were collected from raw meat and six scales of water-injected meat with spectrometers. To reduce the redundant information in the spectrum and improve the difference between the samples, some preprocessing steps were performed for the spectral data, including light modulation and normalization. Effective spectral bands were extracted from the preprocessed spectral data. The meat samples were classified as raw meat and water-injected meat, and further, water-injected meat with different water injection rates. All the training samples were used to compose an atom dictionary, and test samples were represented by the sparsest linear combinations of these atoms via l1-minimization. Projection errors of test samples with respect to each category were calculated. A test sample was classified to the category with the minimum projection error, and leave-one-out cross-validation was conducted. The recognition performance from sparse representation was compared with that from support vector machine (SVM). Experimental results showed that the overall recognition accuracy of sparse representation for raw meat and water-injected meat was more than 90%, which was higher than that of SVM. For water-injected meat samples with different water injection rates, the recognition accuracy presented a positive correlation with the water injection rate difference. Spare representation-based classifier eliminates the need for the training and feature extraction steps required by conventional pattern recognition models, and is suitable for processing data of high dimensionality and small sample size. Furthermore, it has a low computational cost. In this paper, spare representation is employed for the first time to identify water-injected meat based on Vis/NIRS, with a promising recognition accuracy. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can be effectively used for discriminating water-injected meat from raw meat.
In order to improve the accuracy and robustness of detecting tomato seedlings nitrogen content based on near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR), 4 kinds of characteristic spectrum selecting methods were studied in the present paper, i.e. competitive adaptive reweighted sampling (CARS), Monte Carlo uninformative variables elimination (MCUVE), backward interval partial least squares (BiPLS) and synergy interval partial least squares (SiPLS). There were totally 60 tomato seedlings cultivated at 10 different nitrogen-treatment levels (urea concentration from 0 to 120 mg·L-1), with 6 samples at each nitrogen-treatment level. They are in different degrees of over nitrogen, moderate nitrogen, lack of nitrogen and no nitrogen status. Each sample leaves were collected to scan near-infrared spectroscopy from 12 500 to 3 600 cm-1. The quantitative models based on the above 4 methods were established. According to the experimental result, the calibration model based on CARS and MCUVE selecting methods show better performance than those based on BiPLS and SiPLS selecting methods, but their prediction ability is much lower than that of the latter. Among them, the model built by BiPLS has the best prediction performance. The correlation coefficient (r), root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) and ratio of performance to standard derivate (RPD) is 0.952 7, 0.118 3 and 3.291, respectively. Therefore, NIR technology combined with characteristic spectrum selecting methods can improve the model performance. But the characteristic spectrum selecting methods are not universal. For the built model based on single wavelength variables selection is more sensitive, it is more suitable for the uniform object. While the anti-interference ability of the model built based on wavelength interval selection is much stronger, it is more suitable for the uneven and poor reproducibility object. Therefore, the characteristic spectrum selection will only play a better role in building model, combined with the consideration of sample state and the model indexes.
In order to achieve the rapid identification of fire resistive coating for steel structure of different brands in circulating, a new method for the fast discrimination of varieties of fire resistive coating for steel structure by means of near infrared spectroscopy was proposed. The raster scanning near infrared spectroscopy instrument and near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy were applied to collect the spectral curve of different brands of fire resistive coating for steel structure and the spectral data were preprocessed with standard normal variate transformation(standard normal variate transformation, SNV)and Norris second derivative. The principal component analysis(principal component analysis, PCA)was used to near infrared spectra for cluster analysis. The analysis results showed that the cumulate reliabilities of PC1 to PC5 were 99.791%. The 3-dimentional plot was drawn with the scores of PC1, PC2 and PC3×10, which appeared to provide the best clustering of the varieties of fire resistive coating for steel structure. A total of 150 fire resistive coating samples were divided into calibration set and validation set randomly, the calibration set had 125 samples with 25 samples of each variety, and the validation set had 25 samples with 5 samples of each variety. According to the principal component scores of unknown samples, Mahalanobis distance values between each variety and unknown samples were calculated to realize the discrimination of different varieties. The qualitative analysis model for external verification of unknown samples is a 100% recognition ration. The results demonstrated that this identification method can be used as a rapid, accurate method to identify the classification of fire resistive coating for steel structure and provide technical reference for market regulation.
The genuineness and producing area of Panax notoginseng were studied based on infrared spectroscopy combined with discriminant analysis. The infrared spectra of 136 taproots of P. notoginseng from 13 planting point in 11 counties were collected and the second derivate spectra were calculated by Omnic 8.0 software. The infrared spectra and their second derivate spectra in the range 1 800~700 cm-1 were used to build model by stepwise discriminant analysis, which was in order to distinguish study on the genuineness of P. notoginseng. The model built based on the second derivate spectra showed the better recognition effect for the genuineness of P. notoginseng. The correct rate of returned classification reached to 100%, and the prediction accuracy was 93.4%. The stability of model was tested by cross validation and the method was performed extrapolation validation. The second derivate spectra combined with the same discriminant analysis method were used to distinguish the producing area of P. notoginseng. The recognition effect of models built based on different range of spectrum and different numbers of samples were compared and found that when the model was built by collecting 8 samples from each planting point as training sample and the spectrum in the range 1 500~1 200 cm-1, the recognition effect was better, with the correct rate of returned classification reached to 99.0%, and the prediction accuracy was 76.5%. The results indicated that infrared spectroscopy combined with discriminant analysis showed good recognition effect for the genuineness of P. notoginseng. The method might be a hopeful new method for identification of genuineness of P. notoginseng in practice. The method could recognize the producing area of P. notoginseng to some extent and could be a new thought for identification of the producing area of P. notoginseng.
Near-infrared hyperspectral imaging technique was employed in the present study to determine water contents in salmon flesh rapidly and nondestructively. Altogether 90 samples from different positions of salmon fish were collected for hyperspectral image scanning, and mean spectra were extracted from the region of interest (ROI) inside each image. Sixty samples were randomly selected as calibration set, and the remaining 30 samples formed prediction set. The full-spectrum and water contents were correlated using partial least squares regression (PLSR) and least-squares support vector machines (LS-SVM), which were then applied to predict water contents for prediction samples. A novel variable extraction method called random frog was applied to select effective wavelengths (EWs) from the full-spectrum. PLSR and LS-SVM calibration models were established respectively to detect water contents in salmon based on the EWs. Though the performances of EWs-based models were worse than models using full-spectrum, only 12 wavelengths were used to substitute for the original 151 wavelengths, thus models were greatly simplified and more suitable for practical application. For EWs-based PLSR and LS-SVM models, satisfactory results were achieved with correlation coefficient of prediction (Rp) of 0.92 and 0.93 respectively, and root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 1.31% and 1.18% respectively. The results indicated that near-infrared hyperspectral imaging combined with chemometrics allows accurate prediction of water contents in salmon flesh, providing important reference for the rapid inspection of fish quality.
Quartz in the veins at the Shenxigou section of Wenchuan earthquake fault zone was investigated by micro-Raman spectroscopic measurement, and the distribution of compressive stress in the fault zone was estimated by the frequency shifts of the 464 cm-1 vibrational mode of quartz grains in the veins. It was showed that the 464 cm-1 peak arising from the quartz grains in the veins near the fault plane shifts by 3.29 cm-1, and the corresponding compressive stress is 368.63 MPa, which is significantly lower than the stress accumulation on both sides due to multi-stage events. Stress accumulation increased with moving away from the fault plane in the footwall with the offset of the 464 cm-1 peak arising from the quartz grains in the veins increasing, which can reach 494.77 MPa at a distance of 21 m with a high offset of 4.40 cm-1 of the 464 cm-1 peak. The compressive stress gets the maximum value of 519.87 MPa at a distance of 10 m from the fault plane in the hanging wall with the offset of the 464 cm-1 peak arising from the quartz grains in the veins being 4.62 cm-1, followed by a sudden drop in stress accumulation, and it drops to 359.59 MPa at a distance of 17 m. Because of moving away from the foult plane at the edge of the foult zone, the stress drops to 359.59 MPa with a small value of 464 cm-1 peak offset 3.21 cm-1 at a distance of 27 m from the fault plane in the hanging wall due to the little effect by the fault activity. Therefore, the stress of Wenchuan earthquake fault zone is partially released, but the rest of the stress distribution is uneven, and there is also a high stress accumulation in somewhere in the fault zone, which reflects that the mechanical properties of the rocks in the fault zone have a characteristic of unevenness in space.
In recent years, with frequent domestic food safety incidents related to the plasticizing agent, the detection of plasticizers in food research becomes increasingly urgent. DEHP is one of the plasticizer. In the present paper, theoretical Raman spectrum and experimental Raman spectrum of DEHP were given. DEHP molecular structure was optimized by DFT(B3LYP) method. DEHP molecular Raman spectra and infrared spectra were calculated with HF theory and DFT theory based on 3-2G level. The analytical reagent level DEHP Raman spectra was measured, and was compared with theoretical spectra, and good agreements were obtained between the theoretical and experimental results. Because of different calculation methods, we can see that both the wave number and relative intensity of peaks have small differences. DEHP structure parameters were also given in the paper including bond lengths and bond angles etc. Vibrational modes were assigned to all bands between 400 and 3 500 cm-1. Raman spectroscopy study of the commonly used plasticizer dioctyl phthalate was reported in this paper for the first time. This effort will contribute to the research and application of Raman spectroscopy in the field of food testing.
The present paper analyzes the interior rust that occurred in bronze alloy sample from 24 pieces of Early Qin bronze wares. Firstly, samples were processed by grinding, polishing and ultrasonic cleaning to make a mirror surface. Then, a confocal micro-Raman spectrometer was employed to carry out spectroscopic study on the inclusions in samples. The conclusion indicated that corrosive phases are PbCO3, PbO and Cu2O, which are common rusting production on bronze alloy. The light-colored circular or massive irregular areas in metallographic structure of samples are proved as Cu2O, showing that bronze wares are not only easy to be covered with red Cu2O rusting layer, but also their alloy is easy to be eroded by atomic oxygen. In other words, the rust Cu2O takes place in both the interior and exterior parts of the bronze alloy. In addition, Raman spectrum analysis shows that the dark grey materials are lead corrosive products——PbCO3 and PbO, showing the corroding process of lead element as Pb→PbO→PbCO3. In the texture of cast state of bronze alloy, lead is usually distributed as independent particles between the different alloy phases. The lead particles in bronze alloy would have oxidation reaction and generate PbO when buried in the soil, and then have chemical reaction with CO2-3 dissolved in the underground water to generate PbCO3, which is a rather stable lead corrosive production. A conclusion can be drawn that the external corrosive factors (water, dissolved oxygen and carbonate, etc) can enter the bronze ware interior through the passageway between different phases and make the alloy to corrode gradually.
A supramolecular Cd(Ⅱ) complex[Cd(bpdc)(phen)2(H2O)]·6H2O (1) was synthesized with 2,4’-biphenyldicarboxylic acid (H2bpdc) and 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) under hydrothermal conditions and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction elemental analysis, and IR spectrum. Single-crystal X-ray analysis reveals complex 1 crystalizes in the triclinic P1 space group, the metal center Cd(Ⅱ) ion is six-coordinated and exhibits a distorted octahedron geometry arrangement. 3D supramolecular structure could be formed taking into account two kinds of hydrogen bonds and π—π interactions. At the same time, we discussed the luminescent properties of complex 1 in the solid-state as well as in the solvents at different temperatures. When excited at 350 nm, in the solid state at 298 K, 1 has purple luminescence with emission band at 390 nm;in the solid state at 77 K, 1 displays two emission bands at 380 and 520 nm. Because the vibration structure is more defined at low temperature, at 298 K, 1 also has purple luminescence in DMSO and CH3OH solutions with emission bands at 380 and 375 nm, which are blue-shifted compared with solid-state maximum emission band. These all can be attribute to the π*→π transition based on the coordinate ligands. The fluorescence decay curves of complex 1 indicate that the processes of decay consist of two components. At 298 K, the lifetime of 1 is longer in DMSO solution (τ1=1.73 μs and τ2=14.07 μs) than that in CH3OH solution (τ1=1.21 μs and τ2=12.44 μs). Moreover, the lifetime of 1 is longer at 77 K (τ1=1.96 μs and τ2= 16.11 μs) than that at 298 K in the solid state (τ1=1.20 μs and τ2=11.34 μs). The results might be caused by the increase in radiative rate and decrease in non-radiative rate at low temperature.
Rizatriptan benzoate is a 5 HT 1B/1D receptor agonist which is prescribed for the treatment of migraine. In the present study new, simple, specific ultraviolet spectrophotometric method for rizatriptan benzoate was developed and validated. Forced degradation studies were carried out in acidic, alkaline and neutral pH conditions. The absorbance maxima peak was found to be 224 nm and linearity was observed in the concentration range of 0.5~2.5 μg·mL-1 with regression coefficient value of 0.998 8. The method was validated and found to be precise. The percent recovery for rizatriptan benzoate was found to be 98.576±0.202. The bulk drug was found to be stable in neutral and acidic pH conditions but got degraded in 1 N NaOH solution.
The fluorescence characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were determined in the seagrass ecosystem collected in Xincun Bay of Hainan Island in late January, 2013, using fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy (EEMs). EEMs spectra showed 2 types of fluorescence signals in DOM samples, three humic-like fluorescence peaks and two protein-like fluorescence peaks, respectively. The former included UVC peak A (Ex/Em: 230/430 nm), UVA peak C (Ex/Em: 350/440 nm), and UVA peak M (Ex/Em: 300/380~400 nm), while the latter included tryptophan-like peaks R (Ex/Em: 230/355~375 nm) and N (Ex/Em: 280~300/365~380 nm). Peak N was more like a combination of Peak M and Peak R. Moreover, free tyrosine-like molecules in DOM from the seagrass-beds ecosystem did not exist because the tyrosine-like fluorescence was not found. There were significant positive correlations of peak N with M and R (0.97 and 0.54 for R2, respectively), and peak A with C (0.86 for R2), showing their same sources and biogeochemical behaviors. The change law of mean fluorescence intensities of those fluorescence signals was R (0.304 RU) >A (0.194 RU) >M (0.147 RU) >N (0.125 RU) >C (0.051 RU). And, higher·L-1 concentrations of all the fluorescence occurred in the coastal waters inshore, with low values in two small regions located in the southwest and southeast of the bay where the seagrasses flourished. The distributions of those fluorescence signals in Xincun Bay suggested that the dynamics responsible for the humic-like fluorescence might be the same as that responsible for the protein-like fluorescence. The high fluorescence index (FI: 1.81), high biological index (BIX: 1.44) and low humification index (HIXa: 4.2 and HIXb: 0.81) showed that the DOM from the seagrass-dominant ecosystem has a strong autochthonous contribution and poor humification degree. The results clearly suggested that the DOM in this region has a rather unique fluorescence characteristic and is quite different from other aquatic environments.
Zinc sulfide nano clusters were synthesized and characterized. A kind of method using zinc sulfide nanoparticles cluster cation exchange reaction(CX) to detect trace biological molecules was established. Non fluorescent ZnS nanoparticles (NCCs) were synthesized and characterized. The property of nano clusters directly influences the detection results. Through transmission electron microscopy images and X-ray diffraction, nano clusters which could quickly release a mass of Zn2+ from rapid cation exchange reaction were known to be porous and generate fluorescence signal under the action of zinc reagent. The external crystal arranges loosely compared to the internal, which is conducive to rapid cation exchange, and the crystal size is related to heating time. It was demonstrated that the smallest nanocluster had a relative large surface area and higher cationic exchange efficiency through the determination of the specific surface area of nano clusters for detecting surface area and pore size. Three methods (acid dissolution method, cation exchange and micro wave aided by cation exchange) which effected Zn2+ release performance were experimented. It turned out that microwave auxiliary cation exchange method had high SNR, simple operation, and could be used in zinc sulfide nanoparticle immunoassay. Having compared the relations between the release efficiency, target binding force of Zn2+ and its average diameter, the results show that the nano cluster size of 44 nm exhibits the highest cation exchange efficiency. All these features make the ZnS nanocluster cation exchange amplifier to be a highly sensitive, fairly biocompatible, low-cost and environment friendly detection tool in the detection of biomolecules.
A simple, specific, accurate and precise spectrophotometric stability indicating method is developed for determination of bambuterol hydrochloride (BH) in the presence of its degradation product terbutaline (TERB) and in pharmaceutical formulations. A newly developed spectrophotometric method called ratio difference method by measuring the difference in amplitudes between 245 and 260 nm of ratio spectra. The calibration curves are linear over the concentration range of 0.1~1 mg·mL-1 for BH and 0.1~0.7 mg·mL-1 for TERB with mean percentage recovery of 100.56±0.751 and 99.88±1.183, respectively. The selectivity of the proposed method is checked using laboratory prepared mixtures. The proposed method has been successfully applied to the analysis of BH in pharmaceutical dosage forms without interference from other dosage form additives and the results have been statistically compared with pharmacopeial method.
Although the immigration of water molecule, and diffusion and traversing of oxygen can be prevented by the edible film prepared through sodium caseinate, which plays a good protection role for the food, the strong hydrophilicity makes its watertightness and mechanical properties become inferior. Because the toughness and water resistance of SC films can be enhanced by glycerol (G) as an additive, it is necessary to elucidate the interaction between G and SC through the spectral characteristics such as fluorescence spectra, infrared spectra and UV spectra. The results show that the fluorescence intensity of SC decreases due to the addition of G. The binding constant obtained by the double logarithmic regression curve analysis is 1.127×103 L·mol-1 and the number of binding sites reaches 1.161. It indicates that the weak chemical bond is primary between G and SC molecules;From IR the absorption peaks of SC are almost the same before and after adding G. However, there is a certain difference among their absorption intensities. It reveals that the secondary structure of SC is affected, β folding length decreases, α helix, random coil structure, β angle structure increases, and the intermolecular hydrogen bond is strengthened;From UV the peptide bond structure of SC is not changed after the addition of G, but the polymer with larger molecular weight, which is formed by non-covalent bond, makes the peak intensity decrease. The research gives the mode of G and SC from the molecular level.
In the present paper, based on the multi-resolution attribute of EEMD (ensemble empirical mode decomposition) method, we presented a new de-noising method for analyzing spectrum, and applied it to process the reflecting spectrum data of 33 soil profiles in the typical oasis located in the middle reaches of the Tarim River. To explore the de-noising effect of EEMD threshold method for reflecting spectrum in soil profiles, we compared EEMD threshold method with wavelet transform method. The results showed that compared with traditional wavelet transform method, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) was improved from 14.836 6 to 34.275 7 dB, and the root mean square error (RMSE) was reduced to 7.240 6×10-6 from 6.786 1×10-5 and the correlation coefficient (r) increased from 0.982 5 to 0.999 8. Therefore, three de-noising effect indicators of EEMD threshold method are better than those of wavelet transform method. This proved that the EEMD threshold method can effectively eliminate the noise of soil-profile spectrum and also preserve the detailed information of the original spectra well. Thus, the analysis precision of the spectrum will be improved. In addition, by contrast with the wavelet threshold method, the EEMD threshold method is adaptive and is fairly reliable. As a new method for spectral pretreatment, the EEMD threshold method will have a good application prospect in spectra de-noising.
Leaf water content is a fundamental physiological characteristic parameter of crops, and plays an important role in the study of the ecological environment. The aim of the work reported in this paper was to focus upon the retrieval of leaf water content from leaf-scale reflectance spectra by developing a physical inversion model based on the radiative transfer theory and wavelet analysis techniques. A continuous wavelet transform was performed on each of leaf component specific absorption coefficients to pick wavelet coefficients that were identified as highly sensitive to leaf water content and insensitive to other components. In the present study, for identifying the most appropriate wavelet, the six frequently used wavelet functions available within MATLAB were tested. Two bior1.5 wavelet coefficients observed at the scale of 200 nm are provided with good performance, their wavelength positions are located at 1 405 and 1 488 nm, respectively. Two factors (a and Δ) of the predictive theoretical models based on the bior1.5 wavelet coefficients of the leaf-scale reflectance spectra were determined by leaf structure parameter N. We built a database composed of thousands of simulated leaf reflectance spectra with the PROSPECT model. The entire dataset was split into two parts, with 60% the calibration subset assigned to calibrating two factors (a and Δ) of the predictive theoretical model. The remaining 40% the validation subset combined with the LOPEX93 experimental dataset used for validating the models. The results showed that the accuracy of the models compare to the statistical regression models derived from the traditional vegetation indices has improved with the highest predictive coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.987, and the model becomes more robust. This study presented that wavelet analysis has the potential to capture much more of the information contained with reflectance spectra than previous analytical approaches which have tended to focus on using a small number of optimal wavebands while discarding the majority of the spectrum.
Simulating of the direct absorption TDLAS spectrum can help to comprehend the process of the absorbing and understand the influence on the absorption signal with each physical parameter. Firstly, the basic theory and algorithm of direct absorption TDLAS is studied and analyzed thoroughly, through giving the expressions and calculating steps of parameters based on Lambert-Beer’s law, such as line intensity, absorption cross sections, concentration, line shape and gas total partition functions. The process of direct absorption TDLAS is simulated using MATLAB programs based on HITRAN spectra database, with which the absorptions under a certain temperature, pressure, concentration and other conditions were calculated. Water vapor is selected as the target gas, the absorptions of which under every line shapes were simulated. The results were compared with that of the commercial simulation software, Hitran-PC, which showed that, the deviation under Lorentz line shape is less than 0.5%, and that under Gauss line shape is less than 2.5%, while under Voigt line shape it is less than 1%. It verified that the algorithm and results of this work are correct and accurate. The absorption of H2O in ν2+ν3 band under different pressure and temperature is also simulated. In low pressure range, the Doppler broadening dominant, so the line width changes little with varied pressure, while the line peak increases with rising pressure. In high pressure range, the collision broadening dominant, so the line width changes wider with increasing pressure, while the line peak approaches to a constant value with rising pressure. And finally, the temperature correction curve in atmosphere detection is also given. The results of this work offer the reference and instruction for the application of TDLAS direct absorption.
In order to rapidly acquire maize growing information in the field, a non-destructive method of maize chlorophyll content index measurement was conducted based on multi-spectral imaging technique and imaging processing technology. The experiment was conducted at Yangling in Shaanxi province of China and the crop was Zheng-dan 958 planted in about 1 000 m×600 m experiment field. Firstly, a 2-CCD multi-spectral image monitoring system was available to acquire the canopy images. The system was based on a dichroic prism, allowing precise separation of the visible (Blue (B), Green (G), Red (R): 400~700 nm) and near-infrared (NIR, 760~1 000 nm) band. The multispectral images were output as RGB and NIR images via the system vertically fixed to the ground with vertical distance of 2 m and angular field of 50°. SPAD index of each sample was measured synchronously to show the chlorophyll content index. Secondly, after the image smoothing using adaptive smooth filtering algorithm, the NIR maize image was selected to segment the maize leaves from background, because there was a big difference showed in gray histogram between plant and soil background. The NIR image segmentation algorithm was conducted following steps of preliminary and accuracy segmentation: (1) The results of OTSU image segmentation method and the variable threshold algorithm were discussed. It was revealed that the latter was better one in corn plant and weed segmentation. As a result, the variable threshold algorithm based on local statistics was selected for the preliminary image segmentation. The expansion and corrosion were used to optimize the segmented image. (2) The region labeling algorithm was used to segment corn plants from soil and weed background with an accuracy of 95.59%. And then, the multi-spectral image of maize canopy was accurately segmented in R, G and B band separately. Thirdly, the image parameters were abstracted based on the segmented visible and NIR images. The average gray value of each channel was calculated including red (ARed), green (AGreen), blue (ABlue), and near-infrared (ANIR). Meanwhile, the vegetation indices (NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index), RVI (ratio vegetation index), and NDGI(normalized difference green index)) which are widely used in remote sensing were applied. The chlorophyll index detecting model based on partial least squares regression method (PLSR) was built with detecting R2=0.596 0 and predicting R2=0.568 5. It was feasible to diagnose chlorophyll index of maize based on multi-spectral images.
Fish collagen is known to have good moisturising property and antioxidant ability, which has been increasingly added into cosmetics, foods and drinks as thicker agent and to increase dietary supply of collagen. Fish collagen peptide (FCP) is a white or pale yellow powder, obtained by extracting collagen from sources including the scales and bones of fish such as bonito, halibut, tuna, and sea bream. It is identical to human collagen and 100% absorbable through the skin. (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the major constituent of green tea, has lots of beneficial biological and pharmacological effects, including antioxidant, antimutagenic, antiviral and antiinflammatory activities. Because proteins have the desirable formulation of EGCG-fortified food, the interaction between proteins and EGCG molecules has been widely studied. At the same time, the interaction of proteins and EGCG was known to affect the content of free EGCG, structure of proteins, antioxidant capacity of EGCG in foods. But, to our knowledge, the interaction between FCP and EGCG has not been characterised clearly, and little is known about their interaction mechanism. Therefore, a better understanding of the interaction between FCP and EGCG would help to control their functional properties in food products during processing, transportation and storage when we facilitate FCP as the vehicles for EGCG. In view of the above, we planned to study the interaction of FCP with EGCG by using different spectroscopic techniques, such as fluorescence spectroscopic, FTIR, CD and Raman. EGCG caused a concentration dependent quenching of the intrinsic fluorescence of tyrosine residue in the FCP, indicating the occurrence of interactions between FCP and EGCG. Excimer-like species and dityrosine were regularly formed with the addition of EGCG into the solution, and the interaction of FCP and EGCG partly disrupted the structure of the protein. Synchronous fluorescence results indicate that the interaction caused decrease of the polarity around tyrosine residues resulting in FCP conformation alteration. FTIR showed that the frequency of 3 281 and 1 248 cm-1 declined, the absorption peaks at 3 076 and 1 547 cm-1 had a slight red-shift, the absorption peaks at 1 659 and 1 689 cm-1 had a slight blue-shift in the FCP-EGCG complexes. It is interesting to observe that the CD intensity of FCP around 198 nm decreased with high EGCG concentration, and the peak maximum shifted to a larger wavelength (red shift). Raman spectra showed that peaks at 863 and 932 cm-1 had a slight red-shift, and decreased intensities near 932 cm-1 suggested that more exposure of proline when FCP-EGCG complexes formed. This study provides a theoretical basis for fortifying FCP products with EGCG.
For the property of persistent, bioaccumulation and genetic toxicity, perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) is classified as a sort of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). It is significant to develop a novel assay for the determination of PFOS. In this work, we create a new colorimetric assay for PFOS in which the positively-charged gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) work as a nanoprobe. This method works on the aggregation of AuNPs induced by PFOS via electrostatic interaction. The stable monodisperse AuNPs coated by cysteamine present color of red wine and the addition of PFOS can make the monodispersed AuNPs aggregated resulting in the color change from wine red to reddish purple with a red-shift in ultraviolet-visible absorption spectrum. The experimental results show that AuNPs has a characteristic absorption peak (524 nm), as well as a wide absorption peak (650 nm) and the absorption signal intensity is proportional to the PFOS content in a range of 0.8~8.0 μmol·L-1. According to these, we developed a method based on ultraviolet-visible absorption and colorimetric to detect PFOS with the detection limit of 80 nmol·L-1. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) was investigated and the photos show that the stable AuNPs are made and the degree of AuNPs aggregation is related with PFOS concentration. The effect tests of coexisting substances in system show that common anions had less impact on the system and inorganic metal ions had some interference, which can be get rid of by cation exchange resin in real sample. This assay was applied to detect PFOS in tap water with a recovery range of 87.5%~118% and RSD≤4.4%. It is a novel application of AuNPs-based probe for PFOS detection. The proposed method has more advantages such as rapidity, low-cost and simplicity than conventional ones. In addition, it has the visual sensing function and the difference of color can be sensed by naked eyes directly, which produce ideas of real-time colorimetric strategies of nanoprobe application in environmental pollutant detection.
The problems such as chromogenic reaction selectivity, reaction rate, sensitivity and water-solubility of azo compounds were considered. The molecular structures of coupling components were theoretically designed and screened in the present research. The reaction conditions and methods of chromogenic reaction were investigated. J-Acid (2-amino-5-naphthol-7-sulfonic acid) as a coupling reagent to determine aromatic amino compounds was established. In the presence of potassium bromide, at room temperature, nitrite reacted with aromatic amino compounds in the medium of thin hydrochloric acid. Then diazonium salt reacted with J-Acid in the aqueous solution of sodium carbonate, forming coloured azo dye, which had a maximum adsorption at 480 nm. The molar adsorption coeffcients of aniline, 4-aminobenzene sulfonic acid and 1-naphthylamine were 3.95×104, 3.24×104 and 3.91×104 L·mol-1·cm-1, respectively. Experimental results showed that common coexisting ions on the surface water did not affect the results of determination. J-Acid of spectrophotometry was used to determine the samples of Shanghai Fu Xing Dao canal. Meanwhile, recovery experiments by standard addition method were done. Experiment results showed that the recoveries of aniline were in the range of 98.5%~102.1%, and RSD was 2.08%. J-Acid is a common organic reagent. It is soluble in water and low volatile, and its toxicity is much lower than N-ethylenediamine. spectrophotometric determination of aromatic amino compounds by J-Acid has the advantage of high sensitivity, good selectivity, simple rapid operation and accurate results, and thus it can be used for the determination of trace aromatic amino compounds in the environmental water.
The quality of potato is directly related to their edible value and industrial value. Hollow heart of potato, as a physiological disease occurred inside the tuber, is difficult to be detected. This paper put forward a non-destructive detection method by using semi-transmission hyperspectral imaging with support vector machine (SVM) to detect hollow heart of potato. Compared to reflection and transmission hyperspectral image, semi-transmission hyperspectral image can get clearer image which contains the internal quality information of agricultural products. In this study, 224 potato samples (149 normal samples and 75 hollow samples) were selected as the research object, and semi-transmission hyperspectral image acquisition system was constructed to acquire the hyperspectral images (390~1 040 nm) of the potato samples, and then the average spectrum of region of interest were extracted for spectral characteristics analysis. Normalize was used to preprocess the original spectrum, and prediction model were developed based on SVM using all wave bands, the accurate recognition rate of test set is only 87.5%. In order to simplify the model competitive adaptive reweighed sampling algorithm (CARS) and successive projection algorithm (SPA) were utilized to select important variables from the all 520 spectral variables and 8 variables were selected (454, 601, 639, 664, 748, 827, 874 and 936 nm). 94.64% of the accurate recognition rate of test set was obtained by using the 8 variables to develop SVM model. Parameter optimization algorithms, including artificial fish swarm algorithm (AFSA), genetic algorithm (GA) and grid search algorithm, were used to optimize the SVM model parameters: penalty parameter c and kernel parameter g. After comparative analysis, AFSA, a new bionic optimization algorithm based on the foraging behavior of fish swarm, was proved to get the optimal model parameter (c=10.659 1, g=0.349 7), and the recognition accuracy of 100% were obtained for the AFSA-SVM model. The results indicate that combining the semi-transmission hyperspectral imaging technology with CARS-SPA and AFSA-SVM can accurately detect hollow heart of potato, and also provide technical support for rapid non-destructive detecting of hollow heart of potato.
In order to change the physical properties of aqueous solution and improve the radiation intensity of the ICP emission spectrum, the effects of different laser power density and irradiation time on the surface tension and viscosity of aqueous solution were investigated by using near infrared laser at 976 nm and CO2 laser at 10.6 μm to irradiate aqueous solution orthogonally, then the enhancement of ICP spectral intensity with processed solution was discussed. The results showed that the surface tension and viscosity of aqueous solution reduced by 42.13% and 14.03% compared with the untreated, and the atomization efficiency increased by 51.26% at the laser power density 0.265 7 W·cm-2 of 976 nm and 0.206 9 W·cm-2 of CO2 laser with 40 min irradiation time. With the optimized aqueous solution introduced into the ICP source, the spectral line intensity of sample elements As, Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb was enhanced by 46.29%, 94.65%, 30.76%, 33.07% and 94.58% compared to the untreated aqueous solution, while the signal-to-background ratio increased by 43.84%, 85.35%, 28.71%, 34.37% and 90.91%, respectively. Plasma temperature and electron density also increased by 5.94% and 1.18% respectively. It is obvious that the method of double-beam laser orthogonal irradiation on solution can reduce the surface tension and viscosity of aqueous solution significantly, and raise the radiation intensity of ICP source, and will provide a better condition for detecting the trace heavy metal elements in water samples.
The standard addition method with laser induced breakdown spectroscopy was used to analyze an unknown sample taken from a lead battery factory. the matrix influence on the results was effectively avoided when the external or internal standard method was used, and the pretreatment of samples was simple and quick. The Nd∶YAG pulse laser with wavelength 1 064 nm was used as the excitation source. The echelle spectroscopy with high resolution and wide spectral range was used as the spectral separation device, and the intensified charge coupled device (ICCD) as the spectral detection device in the experiment. The characteristic line at 405.78 nm was chosen as the analysis line to measure Pb concentration. FeⅠ: 404.58 line was chosen as the internal standard. Pre-experiment was carried out to confirm the appropriate condition. Under the laser energy of 128.5 mJ, the delay time of 2.5 μs, and the gate width of 3 μs, it was determined that with the addition of Pb to the sample in the range of 0 and 25 000 mg·kg-1, there wasn’t self-absorption. There was a good linear relationship between the intensity of the spectral line of 405.78 nm and the addition of Pb. The appropriate concentration of Pb added into the sample for analysis was determined by this series of samples. On this basis, four samples were prepared with three parallel samples for each sample in order to verify the repeatability and reliability of the method, i.e. 5 000, 10 000, 15 000, 20 000 mg·kg-1 Pb was added into the original sample. The results were compared with the result of ICP-MS. The twelve samples’ relative errors were between -24.6% and 17.6%. The average result was 43 069 mg·kg-1 with the relative error -2.44%.
In the present work, the contents of 38 elements of 65 vitex (Vitex negundo var. heterophylla Rehd.) honey samples from Shunyi of Beijing, Fuping and Pingshan of Hebei province were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Among them, B, Na, Mg, P, K, Ca, Fe and Zn were the most abundant elements with mean contents more than 1 mg kg-1. It can be found that there were relationships between the contents of elements and the geographical origin of vitex honey samples. Taking the contents of 29 out of 38 mineral elements (Na, Mg, Al, K, Ti, V, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Sr, Y, Mo, Cd, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Tl, Pb and U) as variables, the chemometric methods, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and back-propagation artificial neural network (BP-ANN), were applied to classify vitex honey samples according to their geographical origins. PCA reduced all of the variables to four principal components and could explain 81.6% of the total variances. The results indicated that PCA could mainly classify the vitex honey samples into three groups. BP-ANN was explored to construct classification model of vitex honeys according to their geographical origin. For the whole data set, the overall correct classification rate and cross-validation (leave one out method) rate of proposed BP-ANN model was 100% and 95.4%, respectively. To further test the stability of the model developed for prediction, 75% of honey samples of each geographical origin were randomly selected for the model training set, and the remaining samples were classified with the use of the constructed model. Both the overall correct classification rate and prediction rate of proposed BP-ANN model were 100%. It is concluded that the profiles of multi-element by ICP-MS with chemometric methods could be a potential and powerful tool for the classification of vitex honey samples from different geographical origins.
In order to identify honeys according to their floral origin, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) combined with principal component analysis (PCA) and discriminant analysis (DA) were employed in the present study. Three kinds of honeys such as acacia honey samples, sunflower honey samples and rape honey samples were selected. It was pretreated by wet-acid digestionand measured 20 kinds of mineral elements in honey samples by ICP-MS. The result showed that the accuracy of the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometrymeted the requirements. The result of principal component analysis demonstrated that the acacia honey samples were performed a trend of certain gather. The trend of the sunflower honey samples and the rape honey samples are not obvious. Ten kinds of mineral elements including Na, Mg, K, Ca, Sr, Ba, V, Fe, Ni, Sb can be regarded as honey varieties of characteristic elements. Seven kinds of mineral elements such as Mg, Sr, Ba, Sb, Ni, Cr and Na could be selected through stepwise discriminant analysis. Using bayes discriminant analysis, A linear discriminant function can be recieved. The discrimination rate of honey samples such as acacia honey samples, sunflower samples and rape honey samples were 100%, 80% and 90.9% respectively. Two sunflower honey samples was misclassified into rape honey samples andone rape honey samples are also misclassified into acacia honey sample. The total rate of discriminant model cross validation was 90.3%. It is concluded that the mineral elements in honey varieties with good classification. The present study can provide theoretical basis and the relationship between thetypes ofhoney samples with mineral elements. The method what this study used had simple, accurate and stablecharacteristics, which can be used as a reliable method of honey sample identification.
The method of ICP-OES for the direct determination of high content of rubidium in rubidium chloride solutions was studied through mass dilution method and optimizing parameters of the instrument in the present paper. It can reduce the times of dilution and the error introduced by the dilution, and improve the accuracy of determination results of rubidium. Through analyzing the sensitivity of the three detection spectral lines for rubidium ion, linearly dependent coefficient and the relative errors of the determination results, the spectral line of Rb 780.023 nm was chosen as the most suitable wavelength to measure the high content of rubidium in the rubidium chloride solutions. It was found that the instrument parameters of ICP-OES such as the atomizer flow, the pump speed and the high-frequency power are the major factors for the determination of rubidium ion in the rubidium chloride solutions. As we know instrument parameters of ICP-OES have an important influence on the atomization efficiency as well as the emissive power of the spectral lines of rubidium, they are considered as the significant factors for the determination of rubidium. The optimization parameters of the instrument were obtained by orthogonal experiments and further single factor experiment, which are 0.60 L·min-1 of atomizer flow, 60 r·min-1 of pump speed, and 1 150 W of high-frequency power. The same experiments were repeated a week later with the optimization parameters of the instrument, and the relative errors of the determination results are less than 0.5% when the concentration of rubidium chloride ranged from 0.09% to 0.18%. As the concentration of rubidium chloride is 0.06%, the relative errors of the determination results are -1.7%. The determination of lithium chloride and potassium chloride in the high concentration of the aqueous solutions was studied under the condition of similar instrument parameters. It was found by comparison that the determination results of lithium chloride are better than that of potassium chloride and rubidium chloride. The method of ICP-OES used for determination of high content of rubidium is fast and simple for operation, and the results are accurate. It is suitable for studying the equilibrium in the salt-water system containing rubidium and for analysis of products of rubidium with high content.
The changes in mineral elements during cider fermentation process were determined using ICP-MS. The results showed that the main minerals in the fermentation liquor included K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Sr and B. The content of K was the highest in both the apple juice and the cider, being 1 853.83 and 1 654.38 mg·L-1 respectively. The content of minerals was in dynamic changes along with the fermentation process. As a whole, during 72~120 h and 144~216 h, most of the minerals contents underwent great fluctuation. Especially when fermented for 192 h, the content of most of the minerals reached peak value or valley value. The content of Fe and Zn achieved their peak value, while the content of K, Na, Ca, Mg, Mn and B achieved valley value. But during the following 24 h, the content of minerals underwent a sharp reversal. After fermentation, the content of K, Mg, Cu, Zn and B decreased significantly, while the content of Na, Ca, Mn, Fe and Sr did not change significantly. The correlational analysis was conducted to evaluate the correlation between the mineral elements, and the result showed that the correlation between Ca and Mn was the most significant, with the correlation index reaching 0.924. The information of this study will supply sufficient data for the fermentation process control and quality improvement of cider.
In the present research, a novel method for quantitative analysis of multi-elements (Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, K and Na) in aquatic feed was established by using microwave plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (MP-AES) technology. The sample was pretreated by traditional dry ashing method, and then a series of methodological study experiments, such as the detection limit, the spiked recovery, the precision measurement, the method comparison with AAS and ICP-AES, the standard substance confirmation and so on, were accomplished by MP-AES. The instrument parameters of MP-AES were optimized. In the optimal conditions, the linear calibration curve was established for each element, and the linear regression correlation coefficient was more than 0.999. The limit of detection (LOD) was between 0.4 and 3.9 mg·kg-1. The spiked recovery was between 103% and 112%.The relative standard deviation of precision measurement was between 0.2% and 0.6%. In the method comparison, the one way ANOVA statistical analysis yielded the p value between 0.065 and 0.438, which were greater than 0.05, there was no statistically significant difference among MP-AES, AAS and ICP-AES. The FAPAS 10102 dairy ration test material and the national standard substances (GBW07602) were prepared for method confirmation in this study, and the measured values were in good agreement with the certified values. Compared with the commercial ICP-AES which typically uses argon as the plasma gas, the MP-AES relies on using nitrogen as the plasma gas, which may provide a more economical alternative to traditional ICP-AES for routine analysis in feed analytical laboratories. The established method was simple, fast, reproducible and accurate, and it was an ideal analysis technique to substitute AAS and ICP-AES for the determination of multi-elements in aquatic feed.
To study a vitro extraction method to determine soluble mercury and mercury species in Angong Niuhuang Wan and investigate a vitro safety evaluation method, the best extraction scheme was determined after a great deal of conditioning experiments focusing on how the solvent, purification, duration of extraction and purification etc impact on mercury extraction. Soluble mercury was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and mercury species were determined by high performance liquid chromatography/inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Result show that the best extraction method of soluble mercury and its species was ultrasonic extraction in artificial intestinal juice at 37 ℃ for 2 hours, letting it stand for 20 hours and taking the supernatant. The method was reproducible, which could simulate the human body environment to maximum extent. Methyl mercury, ethyl mercury and Hg2+ were not found in the extracts of Angong Niuhuang, although the content of soluble mercury was high. It was concluded that the method could be applied to the vitro extraction and determination of soluble mercury and mercury species in Chinese traditional medicines containing cinnabar. Methyl mercury, ethyl mercury and Hg2+ could be taken as the targets of in vitro safety evaluation of Angong Niuhuang.
Graphited carbon nitride materials (g-C3N4) with high visble-light response were synthesized by thermal condensation of melamine at varied temperature. The microstructure and optical property of as- achieved catalysts were investigated by XRD, SEM and UV-Vis techniques, respectively. Moreover, rhodamine B solution was applied to measure the catalytical performance under the irradiation of different sources of light. The results showed that the major structures of g-C3N4 were kept, though lots of blocks were scattered on the surface because of the damage of lamellar structure caused by the high temperature. As the thermal temperature was increased, the adsorptions of light were greatly enhanced in both UV and Vis region, which might be due to the decrease in reflection and the increase in refraction at the lumpy surface. In the degradation of rhodamine B solution, all the samples showed high photocatalytic activities under the irradiation of both visible-light and sunlight, and 94.8% (60min, under Vis-light) and 91.1% (90min, under sunlight) of RhB were degraded when the thermal temperature was 580℃. This research would greatly enlighten the studies of environmental purification using clean green energy.
The authors tried to find a method for quantitative analysis using pXRF without solid bulk stone/jade reference samples. 24 nephrite samples were selected, 17 samples were calibration samples and the other 7 are test samples. All the nephrite samples were analyzed by Proton induced X-ray emission spectroscopy (PIXE) quantitatively. Based on the PIXE results of calibration samples, calibration curves were created for the interested components/elements and used to analyze the test samples quantitatively;then, the qualitative spectrum of all nephrite samples were obtained by pXRF. According to the PIXE results and qualitative spectrum of calibration samples, partial least square method (PLS) was used for quantitative analysis of test samples. Finally, the results of test samples obtained by calibration method, PLS method and PIXE were compared to each other. The accuracy of calibration curve method and PLS method was estimated. The result indicates that the PLS method is the alternate method for quantitative analysis of stone/jade samples.
(1) In this paper type 316 stainless steel metal plate as the research object, the selection of sample detecting position was studied when thin film method X-ray fluorescence measurement was conducted. The study showed that the optimal location for the sample detection was sample distance X-ray tube and detector baseline 1cm with the baseline into a 16°angle. (2) Heavy metal pollutants of Pb, Cd and Cr in industrial ambient air as the main analysis object, when thin film method X-ray fluorescence conducted with lead plate protection, X-rays will penetrate the membrane and continuely stimulate the protective lead plate. Therefore there is lead spectral line interference in the filter membrane background spectrum, which will affect the detection of lead element in real samples. Studies show that when a layer of isolating material was applied between the thin sample and the protective lead plate, the interference of lead line can effectively be avoided. (3) Several rigid insulating material of type 316 stainless steel, brass, aluminum, red copper and PTEE as lead inner material were selected and studied. The study results showed that compared with X-ray fluorescence spectra of other lead inner materials, the X-ray fluorescence spectrum of red copper contained the least element spectral lines. There were not Cr, Cd and Pb spectrum peaks in the X-ray fluorescence spectrum of red copper. And the target timber scattering spectrum intensity in the high energy part was weaker compared to other X-ray fluorescence spectrum. The above analysis shows that red copper has the minimal disturbance to the actual measurement of heavy metals Cr, Cd and Pb. At the same time, red copper as lead inner materials can effectively avoid the interference of lead spectrum line in lead plate. So red copper is the best lead plate inner materials in thin film method X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy measurement. This study provides an important theoretical basis for the assembling and setting up air and water weight metal X-ray fluorescence spectrometer.
Supernova (SN) is called the “standard candles” in the cosmology, the probability of outbreak in the galaxy is very low and is a kind of special, rare astronomical objects. Only in a large number of galaxies, we have a chance to find the supernova. The supernova which is in the midst of explosion will illuminate the entire galaxy, so the spectra of galaxies we obtained have obvious features of supernova. But the number of supernova have been found is very small relative to the large number of astronomical objects. The time computation that search the supernova be the key to weather the follow-up observations, therefore it needs to look for an efficient method. The time complexity of the density-based outlier detecting algorithm (LOF) is not ideal, which effects its application in large datasets. Through the improvement of LOF algorithm, a new algorithm that reduces the searching range of supernova candidates in a flood of spectra of galaxies is introduced and named SKLOF. Firstly, the spectra datasets are pruned and we can get rid of most objects are impossible to be the outliers. Secondly, we use the improved LOF algorithm to calculate the local outlier factors (LOF) of the spectra datasets remained and all LOFs are arranged in descending order. Finally, we can get the smaller searching range of the supernova candidates for the subsequent identification. The experimental results show that the algorithm is very effective, not only improved in accuracy, but also reduce the operation time compared with LOF algorithm with the guarantee of the accuracy of detection.
Support vector machine (SVM) with good leaning ability and generalization is widely used in the star spectra data classification. But when the scale of data becomes larger, the shortages of SVM appear: the calculation amount is quite large and the classification speed is too slow. In order to solve the above problems, twin support vector machine (TWSVM) was proposed by Jayadeva. The advantage of TSVM is that the time cost is reduced to 1/4 of that of SVM. While all the methods mentioned above only focus on the global characteristics and neglect the local characteristics. In view of this, an automatic classification method of star spectra data based on manifold fuzzy twin support vector machine (MF-TSVM) is proposed in this paper. In MF-TSVM, manifold-based discriminant analysis (MDA) is used to obtain the global and local characteristics of the input data and the fuzzy membership is introduced to reduce the influences of noise and singular data on the classification results. Comparative experiments with current classification methods, such as C-SVM and KNN, on the SDSS star spectra datasets verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Spatial heterodyne spectroscopy(SHS)is a novel method for hyper-spectral analysis, and instrument line shape function is one of the basic performance parameters, which should be precisely characterized. Based on the analysis of the influence factors(apodization, limited angle, abaxial detector element ) and special requirement for measuring method and source, the present paper put forward a new method for measuring with tunable monochromatic light source, and designed experimental equipment with tunable laser and integrating sphere eliminating speckle. Selecting typical spectral range within band range for high spectral resolution scanning (0.1nm step), the energy distribution of spectrum was obtained according to error correction, spectral reconstruction and normalization .In addition, rule curve for FWHM and wavelength was obtained by the full spectral range scanning interferogram. Finally, theoretical spectrum, ILS convolution simulated spectrum(LBL calculated), and measured carbon dioxide absorption spectrum by ground-based experiment are in good agreement .The result shows that the instrument line shape function exhibits high accuracy.
The single-walled carbon nanotube film photoelectric device was invented, and it can generate net photocurrent under bias voltage when it is illuminated by the laser. The influences of bias voltage, laser power and illuminating position on the net photocurrent were investigated. The experimental results showed that when the center of the film was illuminated, the photocurrent increased with the applied bias, but tended to saturate as the laser power increased. As the voltage and the laser power reached 0.2 V and 22.7 mW respectively, the photocurrent reached 0.24 μA. When the voltage was removed, the photocurrent varied with the laser illuminating position on the film and its value was distributed symmetrically about the center of the device. The photocurrent reached maximum and almost zero respectively when the laser illuminated on two ends and the center of the film. Analysis proposes that the net photocurrent can be generated due to internal photoelectric effect when the device is under voltage and the laser illuminates on the center of the film. It can be also generated due to photo-thermoelectric effect when the device is under no voltage and the laser illuminates on the film, and the relation between the net photocurrent and the illuminating position was derived according to the nature of thermoelectric power of single-walled carbon nanotubes with the established temperature model, which coincides with experimental result. Two effects are the reasons for the generation and variety of the net photocurrent and they superimpose to form the result of the net photocurrent when the device is under general conditions of voltage and laser illuminating position. The device has potential applications in the areas of photovoltaic device and optical sensor for its characteristic.
In order to improve multispectral images compression efficiency and further facilitate their storage and transmission for the application of color reproduction and so on, in which fields high color accuracy is desired, WF serial methods is proposed, and APWS~~RA algorithm is designed. Then the WF~~APWS~~RA algorithm, which has advantages of low complexity, good illuminant stability and supporting consistent color reproduction across devices, is presented. The conventional MSE based wavelet embedded coding principle is first studied. And then color perception distortion criterion and visual characteristic matrix W are proposed. Meanwhile, APWS~~RA algorithm is formed by optimizing the rate allocation strategy of APWS. Finally, combined above technologies, a new coding method named WF~~APWS~~RA is designed. Colorimetric error criterion is used in the algorithm and APWS~~RA is applied on visual weighted multispectral image. In WF~~APWS~~RA, affinity propagation clustering is utilized to exploit spectral correlation of weighted image. Then two-dimensional wavelet transform is used to remove the spatial redundancy. Subsequently, error compensation mechanism and rate pre-allocation are combined to accomplish the embedded wavelet coding. Experimental results show that at the same bit rate, compared with classical coding algorithms, WF serial algorithms have better performance on color retention. APWS~~RA preserves least spectral error and WF~~APWS~~RA algorithm has obvious superiority on color accuracy.
In the process of modern drug research, the new methods and technologies which can detect drug molecules’ chemical composition, structure and interaction with biomolecules are always the key scientific problems people care about. Spectra (including IR, UV and NMR) are the most common analytical methods, of which NMR can obtain detailed parameter about the nucleus of organic molecules through researching the laws of nuclear transition in the impact of surrounding chemical environment. The parameter contains rich information about the chemical composition, structure and interaction with other molecules of organic molecules. In many complex environments, such as liquid, solid or gas state, even biological in situ environment, NMR can provide molecules’ chemical composition, atomic-resolution three-dimensional structure, information of interaction with each other and dynamic process, especially the information about drug interacting with biomacromolecules. In recent years, the applications of nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum in drug research and development are more and more widespread. This paper reviewed its recent progress in structure and dynamic of targeted biological macromolecules, drug design and screening and drug metabolism in drug research and development. In the first part, we gave a brief introduction of nuclear magnetic resonance technology and its applications in drug research. In the second part, we explained the basic principles briefly and summarized progress in methods and techniques for drug research. In the third part, we discussed applications of nuclear magnetic resonance in structure and dynamic of targeted biological macromolecules, drug design and screening and drug metabolism in detail. The conclusions were stated in the last part.