Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a kind of spectroscopic technique for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of elements, which has been rising with the development of laser technique and optical detection technique in recent years. The present paper gives a review of the situation of the recent research progress in LIBS technique. The detailed latest application progress in LIBS in the metallurgy, environmental pollution detection, biomedicine, botany and space exploration field is shown.
In order to eliminate the deviation between the measured LIBS spectral line and the standard LIBS spectral line, and improve the accuracy of elements measurement, a research of physical deviation factors in laser induced breakdown spectroscopy technology was proposed. Under the same experimental conditions, the relationship of ablated hole effect and spectral wavelength was tested, the Stark broadening data of Mg plasma laser induced breakdown spectroscopy with sampling time-delay from 1.00 to 3.00 μs was also studied, thus the physical deviation influences such as ablated hole effect and Stark broadening could be obtained while collecting the spectrum. The results and the method of the research and analysis can also be applied to other laser induced breakdown spectroscopy experiment system, which is of great significance to improve the accuracy of LIBS elements measuring and is also important to the research on the optimum sampling time-delay of LIBS.
The present paper reports the high resolution transient Raman laser testing technology under two-stage light gas-gun loading experiment, and its application to studying the Raman spectroscopy of shocked benzene. In the experiments, the frequency shift of C—C stretching vibration (992 cm-1) and C—H stretching vibration peak (3 061 cm-1) in the low pressure section (less than 8 GPa) varies linearly with the pressure, and the results agree well with reported data in the literature. The structural changes in liquid benzene about 13 GPa were clarified firstly by the Raman spectral technique; the experimental results show that at a pressure of 9.7 GPa, the structural change of liquid benzene has taken place, not reported in the literature about 13 GPa. But the composition in the production is not clear. The measurement system provides an effective means to study the microstructure changes of transparent and translucent material under dynamic loading experiment.
The Turpan District is characterized by a typical dry climate, so that many organic relics have been well preserved. A piece of wooden artifact with 9 colors was unearthed from Astana graveyard which is rich in cultural connotations. In the present paper, Raman microscopy was employed for in-situ, nondestructive analysis of pigments that remained on this artifact, and many mineral pigments (gypsum, red lead, carbon black, haematite, atacamite) and vegetable dyes (gamboges and indigo) were identified. It is noteworthy that this is the earliest example that gamboges were used as yellow dye in China at present. The results show that the Gaochang people had mastered skills proficiently, including the preparation, deployment and usage of pigment. The investigation of pigments could provide a basis for the restoration and conservation of relics, and more evidence for pigments trade business and cultural exchanges.
The absorption features of DNA nucleobases cytosine and thymine were measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) from 0.1 to 3.5 THz. Our experimental results clearly show that these important biomolecules exhibit distinctive absorption features in THz region. To the best of our knowledge, the subtle absorption peak of cytosine at 2.53 THz is reported for the first time. Moreover, geometry optimizations and lattice dynamic calculations on cytosine crystal were also performed with the pseudo-potential plane wave method of density functional theory by taking periodic boundary conditions into account. All measured terahertz absorption features of cytosine were assigned successfully and its absorption spectrum was reproduced according to our calculations. Furthermore, our results show that absorption features of cytosine below 3.5 THz arise from external modes in translation and rotation motions, which are dominated by the intermolecular hydrogen bonds.
NECL could be used to estimate the limit of detection of the infrared passive remote sensing system. It was an important indicator of the sensitivity of the system. The theoretical equation of the NECL according to the atmospheric infrared radiation transfer model showed that NECL related to NESR, the brightness temperature of background and pollution gas, and the absorption coefficient of pollution gas. The remote sensing of SF6 was done. The limit of detection of the system at the different brightness temperature of background and pollution gas could be calculated. False color image of NECL was given from the measured data. The results show that NECL decreases rapidly by increasing the difference in brightness temperature of the background and pollution gas, the value of NECL was down to 10-2 order of magnitude when the brightness temperature difference was equal to 30 K. False color image of NECL contributes to the discrimination of the limit of detection of the system in the complex background.
Brand traceability of several different kinds of milk powder was studied by combining near infrared spectroscopy diffuse reflectance mode with soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA) in the present paper. The near infrared spectrum of 138 samples, including 54 Guangming milk powder samples, 43 Netherlands samples, and 33 Nestle samples and 8 Yili samples, were collected. After pretreatment of full spectrum data variables in training set, principal component analysis was performed, and the contribution rate of the cumulative variance of the first three principal components was about 99.07%. Milk powder principal component regression model based on SIMCA was established, and used to classify the milk powder samples in prediction sets. The results showed that the recognition rate of Guangming milk powder, Netherlands milk powder and Nestle milk powder was 78%, 75% and 100%, the rejection rate was 100%, 87%, and 88%, respectively. Therefore, the near infrared spectroscopy combined with SIMCA model can classify milk powder with high accuracy, and is a promising identification method of milk powder variety.
Silver/zinc selenide (Ag/ZnSe) core-shell structure spheres were made through the method of silver mirror reaction on zinc selenide micro spheres. Surface morphology of the spheres was depicted by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Fourier infrared absorption spectrum. This paper studies the effect of Ag/ZnSe core-shell structure spheres on the infrared absorption properties of sodium nitrate solution. The results show that, the anti-symmetric vibration absorption peaks of nitrate are blue-shifted, and the intensity are improved obviously by the effect of core-shell structure spheres.
A molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) of Ractopamine (RCT) was prepared by thermal polymerization method, and the adsorptive characters of the MIPs was investigated with ultraviolet spectrophotometric method. The results showed that RCT had the maximum absorbance value at the wavelength of 272 nm, the regression equation of RCT was y=7.354 1x+0.001 0, R2=0.999 9, and the average adsorption rate of MIPs was 83.4%. According to the adsorption kinetics, the adsorption time should be controlled within 10 minutes. Infrared spectrum analysis indicated that the MIPs was formed by hydrogen bonds between RCT and functional monomer methacrylic acid, the MIPs of RCT recognized RCT and combined with it exclusively via hydrogen bonds. The investigation is very useful and important for establishing RCT detection methods based on molecularly imprinted technology.
Structure of biological molecules may change when exposure to electromagnetic field, the change can be recognized from the change of the infrared spectrum. The present paper studied microstructure of rat blood, testis and brain after its exposure to infrared light for 30 days via their FTIR characteristics within the 1 700~1 000 cm-1 range, and the authors also analysed biological characteristics of tissue microstructure with infrared light exposure on rat by their second derivative spectra. Mechanisms of biological effects induced by infrared light were further explored through the findings. All the results indicate that the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy can be used to analyze infrared light exposure for biological tissue microstructure.
In order to further investigate the utility of near-infrared spectroscopys (NIRS) in rapidly detecting honey adulteration, near-infrared spectroscopy in combination with chemometric methods was investigated for qualitative and quantitative detection of beet syrup adulteration of honey. Total prediction accuracy of testing set was 90.2% by partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) for authentic and adulterated honey samples. Total prediction accuracy of testing sets was all below 33.3% by different discriminant methods for classes of adulteration level. The quantitative analysis of adulteration level by PLS regression gave satisfying results if adulterated honey samples were got from the same one authentic honey sample: correlation coefficient (r)of actual values versus predicted values was 0.9829 and root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) was 1.394 2 in testing set, otherwise it gave dissatisfying results for the adulterated samples from different botanical origins or the different samples of the same botanical origins. The results showed that NIRS could be applied for rapid detection of authentic and adulterated honey samples, but not for detection of classes of adulteration level and quantification of adulteration level with beet syrup.
With 37 zoysia seed samples with different germination rates ranging from 58.5% to 92%, harvested in different years from 2009 to 2011 and from different locations of China, a model for determining germination rate of zoysia seeds was tried to be built by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy with quantitative partial least squares (QPLS). All the seeds samples were divided into two groups: calibration set (including 28 samples) and validation set (including 9 samples). The results showed that with the spectral range from 6 000 to 7 000 cm-1 and 6 main components, there was a better fitting between the predictive value and true value. Determination coefficients (R2) of calibration and validation sets are 90.73% and 91. 80%, the coefficients of correlation are 0.986 6 and 0.987 2, the standard errors are 9.80 and 9.47, and the average absolute errors are 7.64% and 6.98% respectively. Even with different calibration samples, the models have a high determination coefficient (R2 over building of NIR model for determining 90%), low standard errors (about 10.00) and low absolute errors (about 8.00%). The building of NIR model for determining germination rate of zoysia seeds could promote the application of high quality seeds in production.
Monitoring of methane gas is one of the important factors affecting the coal mine safety. The online real-time monitoring of the methane gas is used for the mine safety protection. To improve the accuracy of model analysis, in the present paper, the author uses the technology of infrared spectroscopy to study the gas infrared quantitative analysis algorithm. By data mining technology application in multi-component infrared spectroscopy quantitative analysis algorithm, it was found that cluster analysis partial least squares algorithm is obviously superior to simply using partial least squares algorithm in terms of accuracy. In addition, to reduce the influence of the error on the accuracy of model individual calibration samples, the clustering analysis was used for the data preprocessing, and such denoising method was found to improve the analysis accuracy.
The impact of the high-temperature phase change material on conventional infrared decoy’s combustion performance and infrared radiation characteristics was studied. The selected high-temperature phase change materials did not reduce infrared radiation in the 3~5 μm or 8~14 μm band of infrared decoy, while extended the burning time, and reduced the burning rate of the grain, thus prolonged the effective interference time of IR decoy. The results show the phase change material is effective infrared decoy functional additives.
Two dissimilar cardanol-based unsaturated resin monomers were prepared via simple ring-opening and etherification reaction by utilizing the reactivity between phenolic hydroxyl and epoxy group with the aid of cardanol as raw material. The transformations of different groups were characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) during the synthesis process, the resin monomers’ structure was further analyzed using the 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) and gel permeation chromatography (GPC), and the UV curing behaviors of resin monomers were studied by means of FTIR method. In addition, the thermal stability of UV cured resin monomers were also tested by thermogravimetric analysis(TGA). The molecular structure analysis demonstrated that these two target products were successfully synthesized. UV curing behaviors analysis showed that the prepared cardanol-based unsaturated resin monomers could reach ultimate curing level within 30 s. TGA results showed that the molecular structure and the content of double bond had critical influence on their thermal stability. The main initial thermal decomposition temperature of these two cured resin monomers was all above 350 ℃.
In the present study, near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) technology was applied to implement early diagnosis of two kinds of wheat rusts, i.e. wheat stripe rust and wheat leaf rust, by detecting wheat leaves as disease symptom has not appeared. The wheat leaves were divided into five categories including healthy leaves, leaves in the incubation period infected with P. striiformis f. sp. tritici, leaves showing symptom infected with P. striiformis f. sp. tritici, leaves in the incubation period infected with P. recondita f. sp. tritici and leaves showing symptom infected with P. recondita f. sp. tritici. Near infrared spectra of 150 wheat leaves were obtained using MPA spectrometer and then a model to identify the categories of wheat leaves was built using distinguished partial least squares (DPLS). For building the model, second-order derivative method was regarded as the best preprocessing method of the spectra and the spectral region 4 000~8 000 cm-1 was regarded as the optimal spectral region. Using the model with different training sets and testing sets, the average identification rate of the training sets was 96.56% and the average identification rate of the testing sets was 91.85%. The results proved the model’s stability. The optimal identification rates were obtained while the ratio of training set to testing set was 2∶1 and the number of principal components was 10. The identification rate of the training set was 97.00% and the identification rate of the testing set was 96.00%. The results indicated that the identification method based on the NIRS technology developed in this study is feasible for early diagnosis of wheat stripe rust and wheat leaf rust.
The authros collected the soil samples uniformly above the target ore district and analyzed them with the near infrared spectrum. The results show that the NIR could identify the minerals in the soil well, including the combination of altered minerals roughly. Contrasting these mineral combination with the characteristics of orebody, we found that there was a certain degree of correlation between the soil and the concealed orebody, especially the altered minerals which was consistent with the altered conditions of this deposit. Therefore, we thought that any mineral composition of soil could be used to indicate some information from deep orebody and provide some basis for finding this type of copper. In addition, we also thought that the NIR information contained in the soil above the oreboday could serve as an effective research method inproviding some basis for prospecting . And we can use it for other deposits, especially for the deeply concealed orebody and some regions with a fragile geological environment.
The objective of the present research was to study the influence of four kinds of light intensity of near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectra on the determination of pear soluble solids content. Qualitative analysis of the four spectra showed that the differences between them were too slight to find. After further analysis by principal component regression (PCR), stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR) and partial least squares regression (PLSR) as well as comparisons among them, the results of PCR model and SMLR models which had low correlation coefficients (r) were worse than those of PLSR model. The model based on PLSR was further optimized by the second order derivative pretreatments of the spectra, and its correlation coefficients ranged from 0.947 to 0.970. The relative coefficients in PLSR model based on spectra from four sets were 0.958. The results indicate that light intensity has little influence on the determination of pear soluble solids content based on near-infrared diffuse reflection spectra.
A series of poly (arylene ether ketone sulfone) s containing different amino content (Am-PAEKS) were prepared via direct polycondensation reactions, and then the sulfobutyl groups were grafted onto the Am-PAEKS by amidating reaction between the amide groups in Am-PAEKS and carboxylic acid groups in 4-(N-butane sulfonic) aminobenzoic acid. The structures of the compounds and the polymer were confirmed by FTIR and H-NMR. The new characteristic bands at 1 239 and 1 060 cm-1 were assigned toOSO symmetric stretching vibration and asymmetric stretching vibration of the sulfonic groups in sulfonated poly (arylene ether ketone sulfone) on side chain (S-SPAEKS), and the structures of the polymers were further confirmed by 1H NMR spectra, and the proton peak at 1.64 ppm was assigned to the methyl in the middle of the pendant sulfonated aliphatic side chains, which show that the S-SPAEKS had been prepared successfully. In TGA curves we can observe two distinct weight loss steps, the first step was mainly attributed to the splitting-off of the sulfonic acid groups at 300 ℃, and the second step was mainly attributed to the decomposition of the main chain of the S-SPAEKS at 450 ℃. This series of S-SPAEKS polymers exhibit excellent thermal properties by thermo gravimetric analysis, which can satisfy the basic requirements of proton exchange membrane (PEM) for fuel cells.
The soil sampled from GAN NAN navel orange plant area was selected as research object, and the feasibility of analyzing the total nitrogen (TN) and soil organic matter (SOM) of soil was investigated by near infrared spectroscopy(NIR)techniques in the wavelength range of 4 000~7 500 cm-1. Different pretreatment methods including multiplicative scatter correction(MSC), first derivative(1st D), second derivative(2nd D), Savitzkv-Golay(SG), standard normalized variate(SNV)and baseline were used. The partial least square regress (PLS) was built for the calibration models. The best TN model using SG pretreatment features the prediction correlation coefficients(rc)of 0.802, the root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC) of 2.754, the calibration correlation coefficients(rp)of 0.715, and the root mean square error of prediction(RMSEP)of 3.077 in the wavelength range of 4 000~7 500 cm-1. The best SOM model using SNV pretreatment has rc of 0.848, RMSEC of 0.128, rp of 0.790, and RMSEP of 0.152. The results showed that the NIR diffuse reflectance can be used for quick estimate of the TN and SOM contents in soil with the wavelength range of 4 000~7 500 cm-1.
In the present paper, two SERS-active substrates (silver mirror and HNO3 etched Ag foil) were prepared for thiuram detecting and studying. SERS can provide the molecular vibrational model and structure information of thiuram at low concentration, thus providing very valuable information regarding the structure of the adsorbed molecules. This technique also allows for the in situ study of this molecule when adsorbed on a silver surface and the identification of the chemical state when they are adsorbed on the surface of silver substrate. The SERS study of thiuram was carried out at several adsorbtion concentrations, revealing that two different coordination complexes having different geometries (monodentate and bidentate) are possible adsorbed on the silver surface. These results have a significant importance regarding the understanding of the potential environmental impact of these molecules.
In the present paper, silver colloid films prepared by self-assembly method were used as surface-enhanced Raman scattering(SERS) active substrates to achieve trace detection of antibiotics in water. Silver colloids were prepared using the microwave heating method, and silver colloids films were prepared with self-assembly method. The enhancement of sliver colloid films to antibiotics was analysed by changing the pH value of silver colloid and times of films. Significant effects of pH value on silver colloid films were observed. And the silver colloid films with five times, prepared by silver colloids with pH 4 had the best enhancement factor. They were used as SERS active substrates to detect three antibiotics (chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin). The experimental limits of detection were 120, 15, 120 nmol·L-1, respectively. These results show that such substrate has a very high sensitivity and application value, and might be able to be used for trace detection of antibiotics in aquiculture.
The FTIR and Raman spectra of 10 diamonds from Yuanshui, Hunan province show that the alluvial diamonds from this area are mostly IaAB type, with a significant character that the A-center is enriched relatively; the nitrogen concentration in the diamonds is between 38.20 and 840.67 μg·g-1, which has a tremendous distinction in different crystal. The residence time of the diamonds in the mantle are between 0.043 and 3.315 Ga, which is also has a great difference in different diamond grains. The remotest residence time (3.315 Ga) of one diamond is older than the most aged rock (3.285 Ga) in Xiang-E-Qian-Gui contiguous zone. A remarkable environment change had took place during the process of diamonds formation. The formation depth of dodecahedral diamonds is deeper than that of the octahedral ones.
In the present paper, Laser Raman spectral was used to study the carbon structure of LiFePO4/C positive material. The samples were also been characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscope(SEM), selected area electron diffraction(SEAD) and resistivity test. The result indicated that compared with the sp2/sp3 peak area ratios the ID/IG ratios are not only more evenly but also exhibited some similar rules. However, the studies indicated that there exist differences of ID/IG ratios and sp2/sp3 peak area ratios among different points in the same sample. And compared with the samples using citric acid or sucrose as carbon source, the sample which was synthetized with mixed carbon source(mixed by citric acid and sucrose) exhibited higher ID/IG ratios and sp2/sp3 peak area ratios. Also, by contrast, the differences of ID/IG ratios and sp2/sp3 peak area ratios among different points in the same sample are less than the single carbon source samples’ datas. In the scanning electron microscopy (sem) and transmission electron microscopy (sem) images, we can observed the uneven distributions of carbon coating of the primary particles and the secondary particles, this may be the main reason for not being uniform of difference data in the same sample. The obvious discreteness will affect the normal use of Raman spectroscopy in these tests.
Comprehensive experimental as well as theoretical methods were applied to investigate the structure evolution of jadeite in the hot-melt process, especially on the variation of aluminium coordination number. In-situ high temperature Raman spectroscopic technique was used to record the characteristic Raman spectra of jadeite and its melt with the increasing temperature, consequently, density function theory and ab initio calculation methods were applied to analyze the related micro-structures and aluminium coordination number and simulate the Raman spectra. Results showed that aluminum in jadeite crystal is all six-fold and would transform into four-fold coordination at 1 293K while jadeite being melting. Aluminum is prominently in four-fold coordination in the melt, in which TO4(T=Si, Al) connects to each other as the network of multiple rings. Five-fold coordinated aluminum emerges and it appears the trend of phase separation while the melt transformed into glass by the processing of fast cooling.
Traditional pesticide residue detection methods are usually complicated, time-consuming, and destructive. Rapid, nondestructive, online real-time is the development direction of the pesticide testing. In the present paper, we use surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) technique to detect the organophosphorus pesticide residue of phorate and fenthion on apple to investigate a fast, nondestructive detection method for the pesticide of phorate and tiguron on apples. The results show that the characteristic frequencies of the two organophosphorus pesticides are easier to identify using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. We select Raman signal at 728 cm-1 for phorate and that at 1 512 cm-1 for fenthion as target peak for quantitative analysis, and use an internal standard to establish phorate and fenthion linear regression model. This method can be used as a quantitative analysis reference of phorate and fenthion.
In order to build inversion model of dust-fall weight by hyperspectral data, 30 samples were collected in Beijing. Through electronic balance and Analytical Spectral Devices FieldSpec Pro (ASD) analysis, the “dust leaves” and the “clean leaves” weight and spectral reflectance were determined respectively, which also obtained information of dust weight and spectral features. Then, based on tradition and partial least squares (PLS) model’s analysis, the relationship between dust weight and spectral reflectance was explored. The results showed that 350~700, 780~1 300 and 1 900~2 500 nm bands had apparently variations when they response to the different dust weights. In general, there was a negative relationship between dust weight and spectral reflectance, the maximum negative value -0.8 occurred at 737 band which belonged to near-infrared bands. In the analysis of dust weight with multi-band, it was indicated that NDVI index which was formed by 948 and 945 bands had a significant correlation (r=0.76) to dust. Finally, through accuracy assessment of regression model, the PLS could obtain a more accurate result than the traditional model.
Total suspended matter concentration is one of the important parameters of water component. Traditional retrieval model ignored the difference of case 2 water which has complex optical properties. In the present study, we developed a method of water classification based on optical classification using HJ-1 multispectral data. We divided the water into two types and developed a retrieval model suitable for different water type. The results indicate: (1) the accuracy of retrieved results based on spectral classification has been improved; (2) exponential model reflects the relationship between suspended sediment concentration and retrieved factor and is better for type Ⅰ water, while linear model is better for type Ⅱ water.
Red pigment of continental red-bed is known originating from the fine-particle hematite in the rocks. Advance of researches on the origin of continental red-bed demonstrates that the red pigment of red-bed originated from its diagenetic but not depositional process. The high diagenetic temperature causes the dehydration of iron hydrate to form hematite, generating the red pigment. For examining the above hypothesis, the authors of this paper designed an experiment to approach the reddening process, i.e. formation of the red pigment of continental red-bed. Black ooze sampled from the Holocene sediments of the Pearl River Delta was heated in different ways. The diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) of those heated ooze samples were detected with Perkin-Elmer Lamdba 950 ultraviolet/visible/near-infrared spectrophotometer, and moreover, red-values of the samples were calculated for determining their coloring levels. Iron in black ooze sediment is predominantly in the form of goethite. Experimental results verified that initial dehydration-temperature of goethite is about 150 ℃, either enhancing temperature or prolonging heating time is accompanied with decreasing goethite and increasing hematite, and a positive relationship exists between red-value of samples and peak-height of hematite. The experimental results strongly support the idea of thermal origin of continental red-bed.
A new axially modified silicon phthalocyanine, di [5′-(2′, 3 ′-O-isopropyl)-5-methyl cytidineoxy] silicon phthalocyanine (SiPcG), was prepared and characterized by 1H NMR and HRMS. This compound is essentially nonaggregated in N,N-dimethyformamide and 1% cremophor EL aqueous solution. It shows a Q-band at 676 nm and fluorescence emission at 685 nm in DMF, and exhibits a Q-band at 679 nm and fluorescence emission at 689 nm in 1% cremophor EL aqueous solution. The SiPcG shows a high photodynamic activity against human hepatoma cells HepG2 with an IC50 value down to 7.8×10-8mol·L-1. Fluorescence confocal microscopy study indicated that the SiPcG locates preferentially in the mitochondria of cells. The research results show that the SiPcG is highly potential as a new anti-cancer photosensitizer.
The functional complex Mn-TCPP-CS20 as a potential magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent was synthesized through tetra(4-carboxyphenyl) Mn(Ⅱ)-porphyrin (Mn-TCPP) modified by CS20, which was low degree of polymerization and narrow distribution. The results showed that Mn-TCPP-CS20 had good water-solubility and structural stability. The chemical structures of the products were characterized with Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR), UV-Vis spectra, mass spectrum (MS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The results showed that Mn-TCPP was successfully linked to CS20 by an amide function. The relaxation properties in vitro of the functional complex Mn-TCPP-CS20 as the potential MRI contrast agent were preliminarily studied. It was found that the longitudinal relaxivity (r1) of the synthesized Mn-TCPP-CS20 (6.11 mmol-1·L·s-1) was higher than that of the commercial contrast agent Gd-DTPA (r1=3.59 mmol-1·L·s-1). Besides, the imaging effect of Mn-TCPP-CS20 was superior to that of Gd-DTPA in the same condition. These studies suggested that Mn-TCPP-CS20 has the advantage of becoming a potential tissue-targeting contrast agent.
Aiming at the problem of high time-space complexity and inadequate usage of spectral characteristics of existing multispectral image compression algorithms, an inter-spectrum sparse equivalent representation of multispectral image and its clustering realization ways were studied. Meanwhile, a new multispectral image compression algorithm based on spectral adaptive clustering and wavelet transform was designed. The affinity propagation clustering was utilized to generate inter-spectrum sparse equivalent representation which can remove inter-spectrum redundancy under low complexity, two-dimensional wavelet transform was used to remove spatial redundancy, and set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) was used to encode. The quality of reconstruction images was improved by error compensation mechanism. Experimental results show that the proposed approach achieves good performance in time-space complexity, the peak signal-to-noise ratio(PSNR) is significantly higher than that of similar compression algorithms under the same compression ratio, and it is a generic and effective algorithm.
In order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of weed identification, the difference of spectral reflectance was employed to distinguish between crops and weeds. Firstly, the different combinations of Savitzky-Golay (SG) convolutional derivation and multiplicative scattering correction (MSC) method were applied to preprocess the raw spectral data. Then the clustering analysis of various types of plants was completed by using principal component analysis (PCA) method, and the feature wavelengths which were sensitive for classifying various types of plants were extracted according to the corresponding loading plots of the optimal principal components in PCA results. Finally, setting the feature wavelengths as the input variables, the soft independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA) classification method was used to identify the various types of plants. The experimental results of classifying cabbages and weeds showed that on the basis of the optimal pretreatment by a synthetic application of MSC and SG convolutional derivation with SG’s parameters set as 1rd order derivation, 3th degree polynomial and 51 smoothing points, 23 feature wavelengths were extracted in accordance with the top three principal components in PCA results. When SIMCA method was used for classification while the previously selected 23 feature wavelengths were set as the input variables, the classification rates of the modeling set and the prediction set were respectively up to 98.6% and 100%.
To establish a colorimetrical characterization model of LCDs, an experiment with EIZO CG19, IBM 19, DELL 19 and HP 19 LCDs was designed and carried out to test the interaction between RGB channels, and then to test the spectral additive property of LCDs. The RGB digital values of single channel and two channels were given and the corresponding tristimulus values were measured, then a chart was plotted and calculations were made to test the independency of RGB channels. The results showed that the interaction between channels was reasonably weak and spectral additivity property was held well. We also found that the relations between radiations and digital values at different wavelengths varied, that is, they were the functions of wavelength. A new calculation method based on piecewise spectral model, in which the relation between radiations and digital values was fitted by a cubic polynomial in each piece of wavelength with measured spectral radiation curves, was proposed and tested. The spectral radiation curves of RGB primaries with any digital values can be found out with only a few measurements and fitted cubic polynomial in this way and then any displayed color can be turned out by the spectral additivity property of primaries at given digital values. The algorithm of this method was discussed in detail in this paper. The computations showed that the proposed method was simple and the number of measurements needed was reduced greatly while keeping a very high computation precision. This method can be used as a colorimetrical characterization model.
In order to illustrate the three-dimension spatial variability of soil salinity in central China flood area of the Yellow river, integrated soil sampling data and remote sensing data, spectral indices and inverse distance weighting (IDW) method were applied to the estimation and simulation of three-dimension spatial distribution of soil salinity. The study was carried out in typical central China flood area of the Yellow river in Fengqiu County, Henan Province, China. The electrical conductivity of the saturation extract (EC1∶5) of 505 soil samples collected at 101 points was measured. The results indicated that the coefficient of variation of soil salinity at each soil 1ayer is from 0.218 to 0.324 and exhibited the moderate spatial variability. The average of soil electrical conductivity is from 0.121 to 0.154 ds·m-1. The 2 820 three-dimension spatial scattered data for soil electrical conductivity were taken at soil salinity mapping interpreted by spectral indices and soil electrical conductivity. Three-dimension IDW interpolation showed that a large area of high soil salinity mainly located in the region of Tianran canal and the along of the Yellow river. The shape of the soil salinity profile was downward flowed, revealing soil salinity increasing with depth in whole soil profile and soil salinity accumulated in the subsoil. The accuracy of the predictions was tested using 20 soil sampled points. The root mean square error (RMSE) of calibration for three-dimension distribution of soil salinity showed that the IDW method based on spectral indices was ideal. The research results can provide theoretical foundations to the management and utilization of salt-affected land in China flood area, especially in the Yellow river zone.
Highly ordered ZnO nanorod arrays were successfully synthesized on glass substrates coated by the ZnO seeding via a chemical method, and the effect of the polyethylenei mine(PEI) on the structural properties and morphology of ZnO nanorod arrays was investigated. The XRD and FESEM results showed that the ZnO nonorods were wurtzite structure, which was hexagonal in shape. And the nanorods grew densely and vertically on the substrate. With the PEI amount increasing, the average diameter of the nanorods decreased, and the growth rate was slower. The Raman spectra showed that the oxygen deficiency in the ZnO lattice reduced with the increase in PEI concentration. Finally, possible mechanisms of the effect of PEI concentration on the ZnO nanorod structure were discussed.
A new microplate luminometry for the toxicity bioassay of chemicals on firefly luciferase, was developed using the multifunctional microplate reader (SpectraMax M5) to measure the luminous intensity of luciferase. Efects of luciferase concentration, luciferin concentration, ATP concentration, pH, temperature, and reaction time on the luminescence were systematically investigated. It was found that ATP exerted a biphasic response on the luciferase luminescence and the maximum relative light units (RLU) occurred at an ATP concentration of 1.1×10-4 mol·L-1. The method was successfully employed in the toxic effect test of NaF, NaCl, KBr and NaBF4 on luciferase. Using nonlinear least square technique, the dose-response curves (DRC) of the 4 chemicals were accurately fitted with the coefficient of determination (R2) between the fitted and observed responses being greater than 0.99. The median effective concentration (EC50) of the 4 chemicals were accurately measured from the DRC models. Compared with some literatures, the bioassay is a fast easy-operate and cost-effective method with high accuracy.
There has been a growing interest in using spectral reflectance as a rapid and inexpensive tool for soil salinity monitoring in recent years. However, since soil moisture often exerts a tremendous influence on soil reflectance, the monitoring accuracy under various moisture conditions cannot fully satisfy the requirements of agricultural practice. In the present paper, a linear model was built to relate the spectral symmetry in the band of 1 370~1 610 nm with the salt content and moisture content of the saline soil based on regularly measured data of reflectance, soil moisture and salt content of the surface of 5 soil columns during the simulated evaporation process in laboratory. The results showed that the model was good with r greater than 0.8. By inversing the model, soil salt content then was predicted after moisture content was determined. The results showed that the prediction accuracy was acceptable with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 2.059 g·kg-1 and an r of 0.656. The results demonstrated the feasibility of using spectral symmetry to predict soil salt content under various moisture conditions.
Aiming at the spectral distortion produced in PCA fusion process, the present paper proposes an improved low spectral distortion PCA fusion method. This method uses NCUT(normalized cut)image segmentation algorithm to make a complex hyperspectral remote sensing image into multiple sub-images for increasing the separability of samples, which can weaken the spectral distortions of traditional PCA fusion; Pixels similarity weighting matrix and masks were produced by using graph theory and clustering theory. These masks are used to cut the hyperspectral image and high-resolution image into some sub-region objects. All corresponding sub-region objects between the hyperspectral image and high-resolution image are fused by using PCA method, and all sub-regional integration results are spliced together to produce a new image. In the experiment, Hyperion hyperspectral data and Rapid Eye data were used. And the experiment result shows that the proposed method has the same ability to enhance spatial resolution and greater ability to improve spectral fidelity performance.
The differential optical absorption spectroscopy system is presented to monitor air pollutants, such as SO2, NO2, etc. The system employs a reflective telescope to collimate light source and focus absorbed light. A combined transmitting and receiving fiber bundle is set to the focus of a concave mirror. A Xenon lamp works as the light source. The light is coupled into the transmitting fiber, and then collimated by the reflective telescope system. After absorbed by the pollutants, the light is reflected by a pyramid mirror far away the telescope. Then the absorbed light is incident on the concave mirror the second time, and focused on the focal plane again. The receiving fiber induces the light which carries the information of the measured gas into a spectrometer. We can get the concentration of the pollutants by DOAS algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed method can be adopted to measure some pollutants in air quality monitoring.
The gemological testing methods, infrared absorption spectrum, Raman spectrum and X-ray powder diffraction were employed to study the gemological characteristics, spectral characteristics and structural features of the “She tai cui” jade. It is indicated that most “She tai cui” jade has the refractive index in the range of 1.53 to 1.54, and a density of 2.65~2.79 cm-1, and the hardness of 6.5 to 7 in addition to the low hardness (<5) for the pure white one. The mineral constitution is dominated by quartz in most of the “She tai cui” jade, except the white one, which is dominated by dolomite (about 63.91%). The former may contain a certain amount of other impure minerals and is attributed to the quartzite jade, while the latter contains a certain amount of SiO2 (about 34.85%) and a trace amount of calcite and albite, and is attributed to the dolomite jade.
Lock-in PCR was introduced to investigate the industrial solar cell. Laser-induced infrared photocarrier radiometry (PCR) is a dynamic near-infrared (NIR) modulated photoluminescence imaging (PL), which has proven to be an effective non-contact methodology for tie measurement of transport properties in semiconductors. Lock-in carrierography (LIC) is a dynamic NIR InGaAs-camera-based photocarrier radiometric PL imaging method recently introduced as an imaging extension of PCR. Ten industrial multicrystalline solar cells were used for LIC measurements. Statistical distributions were obtained from the infrared images and the dependencies of the efficiencies on the statistical parameters were found. Experimental results show that the statistic parameters in lock-in PCR could be used for the index of efficiency of solar cells.
In the present study, the authors put forward a parameterization method of correcting fine-mode Angstrom index with aerosol optical depth and volume distribution of aerosol derived from AERONET in Beijing over 2011. The parameterization method is coupled with aerosol optical depth spectral deconvolution algorithm to improve the accuracy of accumulation-mode fraction. The errors of estimated AMF are derived from underestimate of fine-mode Angstrom index errors. We calculate and simulate the extreme values of fine-mode Angstrom index, getting constraint conditions, and then establish the extreme values correction method. Results from sensitivity test suggest that extreme values of fine-mode Angstrom index are constrained in the reasonable range. Fine-mode Angstrom index and AMF are sensitive to normalized volume distribution of aerosol, ranging from 0.662 to 2.849 and from 0.08 to 0.84 due to different distribution. Mean deviation of accumulation-mode fraction is reduced from 0.072 to 0.044, and the difference is 38.89%, especially in winter and summer. Improving computational accuracy of accumulation-mode fraction can enhance that of anthropogenic aerosol optical thickness, and it has important significance of anthropogenic aerosol direct radiation force estimation and environmental quality assessment.
Domestic satellites BJ-1, HJ and the most widely used satellite Landsat TM were selected to systematically compare their abilities and differences on the estimation of the biophysical parameters of grassland in sandstorm source region in Beijing and Tianjin, with the combination of field-measured fractional coverage, leaf area index and aboveground biomass data. The result shows: (1) In terms of the surface reflectance, HJ-1B and Landsat TM have a higher correlation with biophysical parameters in red band, compared with BJ-1, while BJ-1’s near infra-red band was obviously superior to HJ-1B and Landsat TM, (2) with respect to the vegetation indices, Landsat TM performed best, HJ-1B was the second, and BJ-1 was the worst, (3) compared with vegetation indices, multiple regression model can raise the estimation accuracy, BJ-1 based model improved significantly, while Landsat TM and HJ-1B based models were less obvious. Among them, the highest accuracy was acquired for leaf area index estimation through the BJ-1 based model (R2=0.61, RMSEP=0.15). In general, domestic satellites have their own unique features, which remain a huge potential to be further tapped.
The environmental vulnerability retrieval is important to support continuing data. The spatial distribution of regional environmental vulnerability was got through remote sensing retrieval. In view of soil and vegetation, the environmental vulnerability evaluation index system was built, and the environmental vulnerability of sampling points was calculated by the AHP-fuzzy method, then the correlation between the sampling points environmental vulnerability and ETM + spectral reflectance ratio including some kinds of conversion data was analyzed to determine the sensitive spectral parameters. Based on that, models of correlation analysis, traditional regression, BP neural network and support vector regression were taken to explain the quantitative relationship between the spectral reflectance and the environmental vulnerability. With this model, the environmental vulnerability distribution was retrieved in the Yellow River Mouth Area. The results showed that the correlation between the environmental vulnerability and the spring NDVI, the September NDVI and the spring brightness was better than others, so they were selected as the sensitive spectral parameters. The model precision result showed that in addition to the support vector model, the other model reached the significant level. While all the multi-variable regression was better than all one-variable regression, and the model accuracy of BP neural network was the best. This study will serve as a reliable theoretical reference for the large spatial scale environmental vulnerability estimation based on remote sensing data.
Multispectral remote sensing data containing rich site information are not fully used by the classic site quality evaluation system, as it merely adopts artificial ground survey data. In order to establish a more effective site quality evaluation system, a neural network model which combined remote sensing spectra factors with site factors and site index relations was established and used to study the sublot site quality evaluation in the Wangyedian Forest Farm in Inner Mongolia Province, Chifeng City. Based on the improved back propagation artificial neural network (BPANN), this model combined multispectral remote sensing data with sublot survey data, and took larch as example, Through training data set sensitivity analysis weak or irrelevant factor was excluded, the size of neural network was simplified, and the efficiency of network training was improved. This optimal site index prediction model had an accuracy up to 95.36%, which was 9.83% higher than that of the neural network model based on classic sublot survey data, and this shows that using multi-spectral remote sensing and small class survey data to determine the status of larch index prediction model has the highest predictive accuracy. The results fully indicate the effectiveness and superiority of this method.
Nitrogen is the necessary element in life activity of vegetation, which takes important function in biosynthesis of protein, nucleic acid, chlorophyll, and enzyme etc, and plays a key role in vegetation photosynthesis. The technology about inversion of vegetation nitrogen concentration by hyperspectral remote sensing has been the research hotspot since the 70s of last century. With the development of hyperspectral remote sensing technology in recent years, the advantage of spectral bands subdivision in a certain spectral region provides the powerful technology measure for correlative spectral characteristic research on vegetation nitrogen. In the present paper, combined with the newest research production about monitoring vegetation nitrogen concentration by hyperspectral remote sensing published in main geography science literature in recent several years, the principle and correlated problem about monitoring vegetation nitrogen concentration by hyperspectral remote sensing were introduced. From four aspects including vegetation nitrogen spectral index, vegetation nitrogen content inversion based on chlorophyll index, regression model, and eliminating influence factors to inversion of vegetation nitrogen concentration, main technology methods about inversion of vegetation nitrogen concentration by hyperspectral remote sensing were detailedly introduced. Correlative research conclusions were summarized and analyzed, and research development trend was discussed.
One hundred thirty for soil samples of Qitai in Xinjiang were selected, and the first derivative spectrum of the soil sample logarithmic reflectance was decomposed to many layers by using 4 wavelet functions respectively, and PLSR was used to establish the prediction models respectively, and precision values were tested. The results show that: 1~3 layers low-frequency coefficients of wavelet decomposition were better, while the rest were worse. In 6 layers of all function decomposition, the highest accuracy of inversion models constructed by low-frequency coefficients were all ca2, while with increasing the decomposition layers, the precision and significance decreased significantly. In the same scale, there was little accuracy difference between inversion models constructed by 4 wavelet functions low-frequency coefficients, while Bior1.3 was optimal. The best inversion model was ca2 that built by Bior 1.3, with R2 and RMSE being 0.977 and 7.51 mg·kg-1 respectively, reaching to significant level. Upon testing, it can be used to estimate the alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen content quickly and accurately.
Vegetation canopy water content (VCWC) has widespread utility in agriculture, ecology and hydrology. Based on the PROSAIL model, a novel model for quantitative inversion of vegetation canopy water content using Hyperion hyperspectral data was explored. Firstly, characteristics of vegetation canopy reflection were investigated with the PROSAIL radiative transfer model, and it was showed that the first derivative at the right slope (980~1 070 nm) of the 970 nm water absorption feature (D980~1 070) was closely related to VCWC, and determination coefficient reached to 0.96. Then, bands 983, 993, 1 003, 1 013, 1 023, 1 033, 1 043, 1 053 and 1 063 nm of Hyperion data were selected to calculate D980~1 070, and VCWC was estimated using the proposed method. Finally, the retrieval result was verified using field measured data in Yingke oasis of the Heihe basin. It indicated that the mean relative error was 12.5%, RMSE was within 0.1 kg·m-2 and the proposed model was practical and reliable. This study provides a more efficient way for obtaining VCWC of large area.
In the present article, a 2-year maize field experiment for the whole growth period was conducted. Hyperspectral data and chlorophyll contents (SPAD) of maize leaves were measured respectively using portable spectrometer and SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter. Various spectral parameters were selected to build construct prediction models for maize leaf SPAD in annual growth periods based on correlation analysis of the two factors, and detailed validation and evaluation were made. The results showed that there was little difference between the mean curves of spectral reflectance or its first derivative in the two years; the sensitive areas were basically the same about the correlation coefficient curves of leaf SPAD and spectral reflectance or its first derivative; prediction models built with spectral parameters based on first derivative were unstable; prediction models built with LCI, DSI(R550around, R680around) and DSI(R680around, R710around) were all in good conditions, and maize leaf SPAD could be effectively predicted.
It is very important to extract effective wavelengths for quantitative analysis of fruit internal quality based on hyperspectral imaging. In the present study, genetic algorithm (GA), successive projections algorithm (SPA) and GA-SPA combining algorithm were used for extracting effective wavelengths from 400~1 000 nm hyperspectral images of Yantai “Fuji” apples, respectively. Based on the effective wavelengths selected by GA, SPA and GA-SPA, different models were built and compared for predicting soluble solids content (SSC) of apple using partial least squares (PLS), least squared support vector machine (LS-SVM) and multiple linear regression (MLR), respectively. A total of 160 samples were prepared for the calibration (n=120) and prediction (n=40) sets. Among all the models, the SPA-MLR achieved the best results, where R2p, RMSEP and RPD were 0.950 1, 0.308 7 and 4.476 6 respectively. Results showed that SPA can be effectively used for selecting the effective wavelengths from hyperspectral data. And, SPA-MLR is an optimal modeling method for prediction of apple SSC. Furthermore, less effective wavelengths and simple and easily-interpreted MLR model show that the SPA-MLR model has a great potential for on-line detection of apple SSC and development of a portable instrument.
The feasibility of employing hyperspectral image technology to identify maize hybrid purity was studied by analyzing the spectral information of maize hyperspectral image. The hyperspectral images of hybrid and female parent of maize variety NH101 in the range of 871~1 699 nm including 308 wavelengths were collected by hyperspectral imaging system. We extracted average spectral information of interested region on maize seed and built identification models of hybrid and female parent of maize variety NH101 based on processed spectral data. The influences of different sample laying modes (seed embryo facing the light source, seed embryo backward light source, and seed put in different locations on sample stage) and experimental environments on the performance of identification models were discussed. Spectral collected under different sample laying modes and experimental environments were used to test the robustness of identification models. The average correct acceptance rates and average correct rejection rates are more than 90%. The feature spectral bands (1 195~1 246 nm) with which the differences between hybrid and female parent are the largest were extracted by a wavelength selection method based on standard deviations, called Qs. The performance of identification models built based on spectral data in feature spectral bands reached the same level of models built based on spectral data in the full range of 925~1 597 nm. The results demonstrated the feasibility of using hyperspectral image technology as an objective and rapid method for the identification of maize hybrid purity.
A simple, rapid and direct approach to isocarbophos determination was developed based on the fluorescence quenching of oil-soluble CdSe quantum dots by isocarbophos. Under the optimized conditions, the linear range of oil-soluble CdSe QDs fluorescence intensity versus the concentration of isocarbophos was 2.30×10-7~1.09×10-5 mol·L-1, with a correlation coefficient of 0.999 9 and a limit of detection of 1.1×10-7 mol·L-1. The proposed method has been applied to the determination of isocarbophos in rice and wheat flour with standard recoveries of 93.3%~105.0%. The fluorescence quenching mechanism was further investigated by using UV-Vis absorption spectra and time-resolved fluorescence spectrum. The results indicated that the fluorescence quenching of oil-soluble CdSe QDs by isocarbophos was caused by the change of the surface state which resulted in the enhancement of the surface defect and the occurrence of the non-radiational recombination.
A new quantitative analysis method was established for the determination of Fe and Ba in BaFe12O19 samples by binary ratio and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The calibration curve was established by a self-made pure Fe powder(AR) and pure BaCO3 powder(AR) standard sample which was prepared by powder pellet method. The standard sample has the content of Fe 75% and the content of Ba is 17.4% for the validation sample to verify the calibration curve fitting. Through the analysis the Fe and Ba content in the validation samples is 75.68% and 16.92%, the relative standard deviation is 0.317% and 1.11% respectively, The working curve has a good linear relationship with high accuracy and good precision. The experiment measured The content of Fe and Ba in BaFe12O19 sample was measured in the experiment to be 57.28% and 13.42%, and the relative standard deviation is 1.05% and 0.73%, respectively.
The structural parameters evolution of coal due to the influence of intrusions of hot magma was investigated and analyzed. X-ray diffraction and laser confocal microscope Raman spectroscopy were used to test and analyze 4 coal samples undergoing varying contact-metamorphism by igneous magmas in borehole No.13-4 of Zhuji coal mine, Huainan coalfield. The result showed that coal XRD spectrum showed higher background intensity, with the 26° and 42° nearby apparent graphite diffraction peak. Two significant vibration peaks of coal Raman spectra were observed in the 1 000~2 000 cm-1 frequency range: broad “D” peak at 1 328~1 369 cm-1 and sharp “G” peak at 1 564~1 599 cm-1. With the influence of magma intrusion, the relationship between coal structural parameters and coal ranks was excellent.
The auto-test equipment for relative spectral response of charge coupled devices (CCD) was designed and realized. The equipment covered the range of 400 to 950 nm. Firstly, testing theory of relative spectral response for detectors was introduced. Secondly, taking the high sensitive and broad spectral scientific spectrometer-QE65000 as reference, auto-test equipment for relative spectral response was built up by direct comparison method in the same radiation field. Uncertainty analysis showed that the maximum uncertainty of the equipment was less than 6.21%. This auto-test equipment can be used in the CCD assessment and its photoelectrical parameters testing.
An user defined surface function method was proposed to model the acousto-optic interaction of AOTF based on wave-vector match principle. Assessment experiment result shows that this model can achieve accurate ray trace of AOTF diffracted beam. In addition, AOTF imaging spectrometer presents large residual lateral color when traditional chromatic aberrations correcting method is adopted. In order to reduce lateral chromatic aberrations, a method based on doublet prism is proposed. The optical material and angle of the prism are optimized automatically using global optimization with the help of user defined AOTF surface. Simulation result shows that the proposed method provides AOTF imaging spectrometer with great conveniences, which reduces the lateral chromatic aberration to less than 0.000 3 degrees and improves by one order of magnitude, with spectral image shift effectively corrected.
Frequent pattern, frequently appearing in the data set, plays an important role in data mining. For the stellar spectrum classification tasks, a classification rule mining method based on classification pattern tree is presented on the basis of frequent pattern. The procedures can be shown as follows. Firstly, a new tree structure, i.e., classification pattern tree, is introduced based on the different frequencies of stellar spectral attributes in data base and its different importance used for classification. The related concepts and the construction method of classification pattern tree are also described in this paper. Then, the characteristics of the stellar spectrum are mapped to the classification pattern tree. Two modes of top-to-down and bottom-to-up are used to traverse the classification pattern tree and extract the classification rules. Meanwhile, the concept of pattern capability is introduced to adjust the number of classification rules and improve the construction efficiency of the classification pattern tree. Finally, the SDSS (the Sloan Digital Sky Survey) stellar spectral data provided by the National Astronomical Observatory are used to verify the accuracy of the method. The results show that a higher classification accuracy has been got.