Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
Song Gao
Volume: 30 Issue 1
66 Article(s)
DING Hui-lin, GAO Li-xin, ZHENG Hai-yang, WANG Ying-ping, HUANG Teng, DING Lei, ZHANG Wei-jun, and FANG Li

The present article investigated the laser induced breakdown spectra of atmosphere molecules as background spectrum for the measurement of airborne particles. The authors detailedly analyzed the spectral lines of oxygen,nitrogen and hydrogen in the laser induced breakdown spectra of atmosphere molecules corresponding to the National Institute of Standards and Technology atomic spectroscopy database line data. In addition,the authors studied the intensity of emitted spectral lines induced by laser breakdown process at different time delays and signal integration width. As a result,the authors obtained the conclusion that the intensity of signal depends on variations of delay time strongly,and with a delay time more than 7 μs the interference resulting from the presence of atmosphere molecule can be reduced effectively in the application of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy. Also,the variations in signal integration width have few effects while it is longer than the instrument minimum of 1.1 ms. Besides,this paper investigated the relative intensities of spectral lines of oxygen,nitrogen and hydrogen in the condition of different contents of water vapor in atmosphere,and the authors observed that the intensities of atomic emission line of hydrogen have a linear trend varying with the moisture in atmosphere. These results can be useful for the further application of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy in detecting and monitoring of airborne particles in the air.

Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 1 (2010)
  • JIANG Yong-heng, GAO Shu-qin, LI Zhan-long, CAO Biao, and LI Zuo-wei

    Raman spectra of liquid carbon disulfide (CS) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) were measured. And the spectral intensity was analyzed using the J. F. Bertran theory and the group theory. The rule about Fermi resonance was obtained from the Raman spectra of carbon disulfide (CS) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4),(1) The energy can transfer between a fundamental and an overtone frequency about Fermi resonance;the two spectra have the same intensity. The spectral intensity of the two spectra was equal (R=1) about Fermi resonance,when the difference between fundamental of Fermi resonance and overtone of Fermi resonance was very small. (2) The intensity of overtone is stronger than that of fundamental’s. (3) The spectrum of Fermi resonance was observed,but the fundamental frequency was not. This article has very good reference value for the assignments in the molecular structure and the research of contents.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 6 (2010)
  • Lv Lei, WU Hong-ping, ZHANG Yan-wen, WANG Da-gui, DAI Kang, and SHEN Yi-fan

    At a Li density of -1013 cm-3,the lithium vapor was irradiated in a five-arm stainless steel heat pipe oven containing Li and H2 with pulses of radiation from a N2-laser-pumped dye laser,populating Li(2P) state by the Li(2S→2P) resonance transition at 670.8 nm. Typical operating pressure of H2 was 60-300 Pa. The cross section for Li(2P)+H2→LiH+H reaction was measured using method of atomic fluorescence. The decay signal of the time-resolved fluorescence from the 2P→2S transition was monitored. The decay curve of the Li(2P) can be treated as a single exponential function. The effective lifetimes of the 2P state was obtained. According to the Stern-Volmer equation,a plot of reciprocal of effective lifetimes of the 2P state quenched by H2 against its densities yielded a slope that indicated the total cross section for deactivation and an intercept (at which the H2 pressure is zero)that provided the information about the radiative lifetime of the state. The total quenching (reactive+nonreactive) cross section for deactivation of the 2P state by means of collisions with H2 is (25.1±4.0)×10-16 cm2. The reactive cross section could be obtained using results of the recording of the fluorescence signals with rapid rise in transient regime (<10 ns) Li(2P→2S)at the different H2 densities. The authors fitted a two-state rate equation model to obtain the cross section σ(Li(2P)+H2→LiH+H)=(0.2±0.1)×10-16 cm2. The authors’ results imply that reactive collisions occur on average 1/125 as often as quenching collisions. The cross section for reaction is small but not negligible.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 9 (2010)
  • SUN Jian-ping, MA Lin-pu, and LIN Ting

    The photoelectric nano-composites of poly(2-methoxy-5-octyloxy)-p-phenylene vinylene/Y2O3:Eu3+ (PMOCOPV/Y2O3:Eu3+) were prepared by dehydrochlorination in-situ polymerization. The result of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy indicates that PMOCOPV is coated on the surface of Y2O3:Eu3+. Compared with PMOCOPV,the absorption of PMOCOPV/Y2O3:Eu3+ is strengthened,and a red shift of the absorption peak can be clearly observed in the UV-Vis spectrum. Photoluminescence spectroscopy indicates that the maximum emission wavelength of the PMOCOPV/Y2O3:Eu3+ is red-shifted and the intensity of photoluminescence increases in comparison with PMOCOPV. PMOCOPV/Y2O3:Eu3+ shows fluorescence increasing,which involved the inter-molecular photo-induced charge transfer process. The optical band gap of PMOCOPV/Y2O3:Eu3+ decreases. The third-order optical nonlinear susceptibility of PMOCOPV/Y2O3:Eu3+ nano-composites was measured by degenerate four wave mixing. The results show that the third-order nonlinear optical responses of PMOCOPV/Y2O3:Eu3+ nano-composites are enhanced in comparison with PMOCOPV,which can be attributed to inter-molecular photo-induced electron transfer and delocalized π electron coupling between PMOCOPV and Y2O3:Eu3+.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 13 (2010)
  • WANG Zhi-jun, LI Pan-lai, PANG Li-bin, YANG Zhi-ping1, GUO Qing-lin, FU Guang-sheng, and LI Xu

    The LiSrBO3:Dy3+ phosphor was synthesized by solid-state method. SrCO3(99.9%),Li2CO3(99.9%),H3BO3(99.9%) and Dy2O3(99.9%) were used as starting materials. After these individual materials were blended and grounded thoroughly in an agate mortar,the homogeneous mixture was heated at 700 ℃ for 2 h in air,and LiSrBO3:Dy3+ phosphors were obtained. The phase present of the samples was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) (D/max-rA,Cu Kα,40 kV,40 mA,λ=0.154 06 nm). The excitation and emission spectra of these phosphors were measured by a RF-540 photoluminescence spectrophotometer. The emission spectrum of LiSrBO3:Dy3+ phosphor shows several bands at 486,578 and 668 nm,respectively. The excitation spectrum for 578 nm emission has several excitation bands at 331,368,397,433,462 and 478 nm,respectively. The effect of Dy3+ concentration on the emission intensity of LiSrBO3:Dy3+ was investigated,and the result shows that the emission intensity of LiSrBO3:Dy3+ phosphor firstly increases with increasing Dy3+ concentration,then decreases,viz. the concentration quenching exists. And the Dy3+ concentration corresponding to the maximal emission intensity is 3 mol%,and the concentration quenching mechanisms are the d-d interaction by Dexter theory.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 18 (2010)
  • WANG Xi-gui, BO Su-ling, NA Mi-la, and QI Xia

    The precursor of the sample CaMoO4:Tb3+ was prepared by the coprecipitation method. TG-DTA spectra show that there is, at 850 ℃,an energy absorption peak,suggesting that the sample reaches the activation spot of its response. The XRD pattern of the roasted sample shows that CaMoO4:Tb3+,in the single phase,is a representative scheelite structure of CaMoO4,but the peaks shift toward right,implying that tiny crystal defect in the crystal is produced. The defect is likely to be formed by the formation of the holes as two Tb3+ replace three Ca2+ in a cell. The excitation and emission spectra of the sample were investigated and revealed that the defect structure of the sample is in favor of the energy transfer of the characteristic peak (488 nm) of the MoO2-4 effectively to Tb3+,and makes the 4f electrons of the Tb3+ transit,especially the 7F6→5D4 electronic transition (488 nm) of the Tb3+,to be greatly strengthened. As a result,the emission spectra with λex=488 nm show that the emission intensity of the spontaneously activated fluorescence MoO2-4 is greatly weakened,while the green light luminescence intensity of the 5D4→7F5 transition (544 nm) of the Tb3+ is greatly enhanced. This suggests that the sample CaMoO4:Tb3+ will become the luminescence material with potentially great application value.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 22 (2010)
  • HE Chun-hui, ZHENG Shu-hui, XIAO Yong, and LIU Ying-liang

    The present paper mainly reports a new method to synthesize long afterglow photoluminescent material BaAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+. Al(NO3)3·9H2O,Ba(NO3)2,urea,RE(NO3)3 (RE=Eu,Dy) were employed as raw materials,the admixture of H2O/n-butanol and H2O/n-butanol/SBS were used as medium,then BaAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+ phosphor was achieved by calcining the precursor,which was synthesized by hydrothermal method,at 1 300 ℃ under reduction atmosphere. The TEM and SEM were used to analyse the morphology and BaAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+ synthesized by annealing at 1 300 ℃ are all nanorods. The excitation and emission spectra of the phosphor indicated that all of them are broad band,and the main emission peak is around 498 nm,which is due to 5d→4f transition of Eu2+. The state-solid synthesis of the long afterglow phosphor BaAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+ generally requires a high calcination temperature,so the products are easily agglomerated,and in this paper the hydrothermal solvothermal synthesis was used,so the synthesized products calcined at 1 300 ℃ still present well-dispersed rod structure,need not milling,and display well luminescence performance. The authors compared the two different conditions of experiment,and found that under the condition without surfactant the authors can still get well-dispersed rod structure of BaAl2O4:Eu2+,Dy3+. The method is hopeful to be used in synthesizing other alkali-earth aluminate and silicate and other luminescent materials.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 26 (2010)
  • ZHANG Xiao-qing, XU Zhi, LING Xiao-feng, XU Yi-zhuang, and WU Jin-guang

    The authors systemically reviewed the development of FTIR technology and its innovative advances during the past fifty years. FTIR technique was once abandoned after initial exploration in biomedical fields,which could not confirm its reliability and credibility. After technological innovation and refined numerical analysis methods,FTIR technique has been applied to a wide range of fields,from single cellular to the complex biomedical tissue components. Nowadays,mature and advanced FTIR technology,such as FTIR microspectrometer and FTIR imaging system,with the aid of pattern recognition and tissue microarray,greatly facilitated the large parallel scale investigation of molecular structure. The recent development of FTIR spectroscopic imaging has enhanced our capability to examine,on a microscopic scale,the spatial distribution of vibrational spectroscopic signatures of materials spanning the physical and biomedical disciplines. The integration of instrumentation development,theoretical analyses to provide guidelines for imaging practice,novel data processing algorithms,and the introduction of the technique to new fields. FTIR technique has helped analyze the complex components of bile stones,which persisted to be a vexing problem and causing high death rate in China. Besides,FTIR technology could provide reliable information in discriminating benign and malignancy. It has been used in detecting thyroid nodules,mammary gland,gastrointestinal tract,cardiovascular and prostate diseases,and parotid gland tissue in combination with ATR detecting device,and has broad clinical application prospects. Till now,FTIR technology has achieved the fast and accurate diagnosis for freshly dissected tissues such as discriminating thyroid carcinoma from nodular goiter intraoperatively. However,further investigations need to be done in this sphere to achieve greater accomplishments.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 30 (2010)
  • ZHANG Na, CAI Zhong-yu, and CHANG Jun-biao

    Poly(propylene fumarate) (PPF) is one kind of linear biodegradable polyester and the unsaturated double bonds along its main chain can be crosslinked with other olefinic monomers to form three-dimensional networks,and the networks can support tissues. In the present paper,firstly,the intermediate oligomer-bis(2-hydroxypropyl) fumarate (PFP) was synthesized,and then the unsaturated linear polyester PPF was synthesized with the oligomer PFP through melting condensation process. Additionally,on the base of the process,the oligomer bis(2-hydroxypropyl) sebacate (PSP) was synthesized by similar method and then a kind of new copolymer named poly(propylene fumarate-co-propylene sebacate) [P(PF-co-PS)] that comprised bis(2-hydroxypropyl) sebacate segments was synthesized with PFP and PSP by melting condensation. During the synthesis process,the structures of bis(2-hdroxypropyl) fumarate,bis(2-hydroxypropyl) sebacate,PPF and P(PF-co-PS) were characterized by FTIR. The results shows that with the polymerization going along,oligomer bis(2-hydroxypropyl) fumarate and bis(2-hydroxypropyl) sebacate converted to PPF or P(PF-co-PS) gradually.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 35 (2010)
  • LU Xiao-rui, LU Jin-li, WU Yan-wen, OUYANG Jie, and SUN Su-qin

    Anthocyanins are relatively abundant in vegetables and fruits,which have potential positive health effects. The role of anthocyanins as food coloring agents becomes very important because they can provide attractive bright color of many food products. Nevertheless,the instability of natural anthocyanins was a big obstacle for its usage in food as colorants. The stability of the red radish anthocyanins is significantly improved by modified esterification of the colorant. Usually,the red radish anthocyanins was composed of several components of similar structures. The major methods for determining the structures of anthocyanin colorants involve chromatographic techniques such as TLC,HPLC and HPLC-MS,which are very useful in separation and identification of the components of anthocyanins However,compared to the spectroscopic method,the chromatographic methods are usually complicated and time-consuming during separation and analysis. In the present paper,the authors seek to establish a new,rapid and economic method for the analysis of structural change before and after esterified modification of anthcyanins in view of unique macro-fingerprint characteristics of infrared spectroscopy,which could reflect the whole change of complicated mixture system. The anthocyanins from red radish was esterification-modified by reacting with succinic anhydride,and the natural and modified anthocyanins were detected by FTIR. The results showed that carbonyl of succinic anhydride was connected with the hydroxyl in glucosyl rings of anthocyanins to form new esterified anthocyanins,which are more stable than the natural one and present attractive bright color as usual.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 38 (2010)
  • LIU Yan, ZHANG Gui-jun, and SUN Su-qin

    In the present paper,Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to study the chemical characterizations of cornu saigae tataricae,cornu antelopis block and the mixed sample of them. The results show that there are significant differences between FTIR characterizations of cornu saigae tataricae and cornu antelopes block. The infrared spectra of cornu saigae tataricae are mainly composed of the absorption bands of protein,but in cornu antelopis block the absorption bands of Ca3(PO4)2 are observed beside protein. And other obvious differences were detected in the FTIR spectra of the two samples,amide bands,C—O stretching vibration bands, and CH stretching vibration bands. The drug of cornu saigae tataricae,cornu antelopis block,and the mixed sample of them could be identified rapidly according to the differences. This experiment gave the scientific data for the researches on chemical components and quality evaluation system of cornu saigae tataricae,and provides the identification method of cornu saigae tataricae and cornu antelopis block.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 42 (2010)
  • KONG De-xin, HUANG Shu-shi, HUANG Rong-shao, CHEN Xiu-li, WANG Yi-bing, and CHEN Zhi-cheng

    The methods of sequential analysis of dual-indexes and cluster analysis were utilized to investigate the infrared fingerprints of A. cantoniensis planted in different years and different places in Guangxi,China. The results showed that 6 samples were able to be completely separated only through 13 point smoothing,when the dual-indexes analysis was applied in the present research,and the accurate relationship between these samples could be inspected and expressed by quantitative relationships under 6-dimensional spaces; however,the effect of cluster was bad only through 13 point smoothing of raw spectra,and it was very difficult to find out the regular sequences while the cluster analysis was applied. Furthermore,the 6 samples were able to be completely separated if raw spectra were dealed with 1st derivative after 13 point smoothing,and the clustering effects were more obvious and 6 samples of A. cantoniensis were completely separated. The above two methods could be used to evaluate the quality of Chinese medicinal materials easily when the sample was not excessive quantitatively,but the method of dual-indexes analysis was more difficult than the clustering analysis if the sample size was too large,since a mass of data such as common peak ratio and variation peak ratio of the IR fingerprint spectra were processed and analyzed statistically,while this method could accurately find out the closest relationship between any samples through comparing the quantitative relationships of common peak ratio and variation peak ratio of each sample under 6-dimensional space;the precision of cluster analysis was less than dual-indexes analysis,but it was more convenient than dual-indexes analysis when large sample data were analysed. Finally the above two methods all showed that the chemical composition of the A. cantoniensis was similar in the same cultivated area,but the difference in chemical composition of A. cantoniensis in different years was distinct even they were in the same place.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 45 (2010)
  • DING Hai-quan, LU Qi-peng, WANG Dong-min, and CHEN Xing-dan

    Diabetes seriously endanger human health,and noninvasive glucose sensing is the expectation of both doctors and patients. Physiological background is complicated,volatile and mixed with a variety of tissue information,resulting in direct measurement of the body’s near infrared spectra difficult to truly reflect the concentration change in glucose. As a matter of fact,blood volume is always changing,but human tissue background and the concentration of blood components are constant in a short period. Taking advantage of this,subtracted blood volume spectrometry is propounded,which could eliminate the interference of human tissue background and obtain effective spectrum information of blood. To verify the effectiveness of the method,a experimental system was developed. The system noise is better than 20 μAU,and the signal to noise ratio of the effective spectrum signal at 1 250 nm is 20 000:1. Finally,the feasibility and advantages of subtracted blood volume spectrometry are clarified in clinical application of near infrared non-invasive glucose sensing.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 50 (2010)
  • YIN Quan, LI Hui-fen, ZHOU Qun, XUMao-ling, YAN Shu, SUN Su-qin, and WU Xian-zhong

    The present study is to compare and analyze Sargentodoxa cuneata (oliv) Rehd. etwi1s herbs,the aqueous,anthraquinone extracts and residue in Jiang Xi and An Hui quickly and undamagedly by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) and two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy. In the spectra of DaXueTeng,there are two strong peak areas at about 1 400-1 620 cm-1 and 1 000-1 200 cm-1,and it was concluded that DaXueTeng contains much glycoside and anthraquinone. Anthraquinone extracts only exhibit strong peaks of 1 400-1 620 cm-1 which were stronger than that of 1 000-1 200 cm-1,and this illustrated that this method was adapted to extracting anthraquinone;then aqueous only show powerful peaks of 1 000-1 200 cm-1,so the authors know that the craftwork was suitable for extracting glycoside;finally,the authors also found that the residue of DaXueTeng contained much calcium oxalate. All of these illustrated that FTIR could not only analyze and identify traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and extract components,but also discriminate contents of different extracts of TCM. The authors developed the new method to analyze and evaluate the DaXueTeng and their pharmacodynamic extracts successfully.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 54 (2010)
  • LI Zeng-yong, DAI Shi-xun, ZHANG Xiao-yin, LI Yue, and YU Xing-xin

    The objective of the present study is to assess the cerebral saturation under driver fatigue based on the near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) signals. Twenty healthy male subjects were randomly divided into two groups,A-group (study group) and B-group (control group). All subjects were required to be well rested before the experiment. In A-group the subjects were required to perform the simulated driving task for 3 hours. Cerebral oxygenation signal was monitored for 20 minutes prior to and after the prescribed task period from the left frontal lobe. The results show that cerebral oxygen saturation was found to be significantly lower following 3-hour driving in the task group compared to that in the control group (F=15.92,p<0.001). Also a significant difference in selective reaction time was observed between the task group and control group during the post task period (p=0.021). These findings showed that the cerebral blood oxygen saturation was closely related to the driver fatigue. The decline of the cerebral oxygen saturation might indicate a reduced cerebral oxygen delivery. This suggests that NIRS could provide a non-invasive method to detect driver fatigue.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 58 (2010)
  • LIU Fei, SUN Guang-ming, and HE Yong

    Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy combined with variable selection method of modeling power was investigated for the fast and accurate geographical origin discrimination of auricularia auricula. A total of 240 samples of auriculari auricula were collected in the market,and the spectra of all samples were scanned within the spectral region of 1100-2500 nm. The calibration set was composed of 180 (45 samples for each origin) samples,and the remaining 60 samples were employed as the validation set. The optimal partial least squares (PLS) discriminant model was achieved after performance comparison of different preprocessing (Savitzky-Golay smoothing,standard normal variate,1-derivative,and 2-derivative). The effective wavelengths,which were selected by modeling power (MP) and used as input data matrix of least squares-support vector machine (LS-SVM),were employed for the development of modeling power-least squares-support vector machine (MP-LS-SVM) model. Radial basis function (RBF) kernel was applied as kernel function. Three threshold methods for variable selection by modeling power were applied in MP-LS-SVM models,and there were the values of modeling power higher than 0.95,higher than 0.90,and higher than 0.90 combined with peak location (0.90+Peak). The correct recognition ratio in the validation set was used as evaluation standards. The absolute error of prediction was set as 0.1,0.2 and 0.5,which showed the wrong recognition threshold value. The results indicated that the MP-LS-SVM (0.90+Peak) model could achieve the optimal performance in all three absolute error standards (0.1,0.2 and 0.5),and the correct recognition ratio was 98.3%,100% and 100%,respectively. The variable selection threshold (0.90+Peak) was the most suitable one in the application of modeling power. It was concluded that modeling power was an effective variable selection method,and near infrared spectroscopy combined with MP-LS-SVM model was successfully applied for the origin discrimination of auricularia auricula,and an excellent prediction precision was also achieved.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 62 (2010)
  • TENG Yi-chao, LI Yue, HUANG Lan, and DING Hai-shu

    Based on the absorption spectra of hemoglobin and myoglobin in the near infrared band,the concentrations of these pigments in the biological tissues can be obtained using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) by detecting the intensity attenuation of the emitted light compared with the incident light. Based on the steady-state spatially resolved NIRS,the prototype for detecting the concentrations of tissue hemoglobin and myoglobin was independently developed by our group. The probe consisted of an LED light source which could emit three different wavelengths in the near infrared band,and two detectors which were placed on the same line with and at the distances of 30/40mm to the LED. The pigment concentrations of two pieces of pork,one from the erector spinae and the other from the rectus femoris,were detected using this prototype. The total concentrations of hemoglobin and myoglobin (ctotal) were (6.42±1.51)μmol·L-1 in the erector spinae,and (15.48±4.54)μmol·L-1 in the rectus femoris,respectively. The myoglobin was dominant in both of the results. These were consistent with the recent empirical reports. In summary,the NIRS method and prototype are authentic in detecting the pigment concentrations of pork tissue non-invasively,real-time,directly and conveniently.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 66 (2010)
  • SUN Qun, LI Xin, LI Hang, WU Ke, LI Jun-hui, WANG Jian-hua, and SUN Bao-qi

    With 112 licorice seed samples with different hard rates ranging from 0.3% to 99.3%,harvested in different years from 2002 to 2007 and from different locations of China including Xinjiang municipality,Ningxia province,Inner-Mongolia municipality,Gansu province,Shanxi province and Heilongjiang province,a model for determining hard rate of licorice seeds was tried to be built by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy with quantitative partial least squares (QPLS). All the seeds samples were divided into two groups: calibration set (including 84 samples) and validation set (including 28 samples). The influences of different spectral regions,different main components and different calibration samples on the prediction results were compared. The result indicated that the spectral regions of 4 000-8 000,5 000-9 000,5 000-8 000,5 000-7 000 and 5 000-6 000 cm-1 all had satisfied and similar prediction results,then 5 000-6 000 cm-1 was regarded as the optimum spectral region for building the model because of its faster operation speed. The model with 6 main components had better relative high determination coefficient (R2) and low standard errors and absolute errors. With the spectral range from 5 000 to 6 000 cm-1 and 6 main components,there was a better fitting between the predictive value and true value. Determination coefficients(R2)of calibration and validation sets are 90.23% and 91.24%,the coefficients of correlation are 0.953 2 and 0.957 9,the standard errors are 10.31 and 9.72,and the average absolute errors are 8.01% and 7.45% respectively. Even with different calibration samples,the models have high determination coefficient (R2 over 90%),low standard errors (about 10.00) and low absolute errors (about 7.90%). The building of NIR model for determining hard rate of licorice seeds could promote the application of hard seeds in cultivation.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 70 (2010)
  • DUAN Min, BAO Yi-dan, and HE Yong

    In order to quickly and accurately detect the content of titanium dioxide in the juice,a method combining chemometrics and Vis/NIR spectroscopy technique was used in the present study. First,the content of titanium dioxide in the juice sample was determined by using spectrophotometer and standard curve of titanium dioxide. Then,different amount of pure titanium dioxide was adulterated into the juice collected from the market to prepare eight different content samples. A total of 320 juice samples were studied. Two hundred samples (25 samples for each content) were randomly selected from the 320 samples to be the calibration set while the other 120 samples (15 samples for each content) were selected as the validation set. The spectra of juice were within near infrared(NIR)and mid-infrared (MIR). First six different preprocessing methods were compared,such as standard normal variate (SNV),moving average,derivative and multivariate scatter correction (MSC). The optimal partial least squares(PLS)was built after the performance comparison of different preprocessing methods .Another algorithm,principal component-artificial neural network (PC-ANN),was also used,first,the original spectral date was processed using principal component analysis,the best number of principal components (PCs) was selected,and the scores of these PCs would be taken as the input of the artificial neural network (ANN). The PC-ANN was trained with samples in the calibration collection and the samples in prediction set were predicted. After comparison,MSC was found to be the most appropriate spectral preprocessing method and the best number of PCs is 7. The correlation coefficients (R2) between the real values and predicted ones by discriminant analysis model were 0.900 8 (PLS) and 0.868 4 (PC-ANN) respectively. The root mean standard errors of prediction (RMSEP) by PLS and PC-ANN were 0.05 (PLS) and 0.04 (PC-ANN) respectively. The result indicated that the content of titanium dioxide in the juice powder to be quickly detected by nondestructive determination method was very feasible and laid a solid foundation for setting up the titanium dioxide content forecasting model of juice powder.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 74 (2010)
  • CHEN Xiao-kang, HUANG Dong-lan, SUN Su-qin, CAO Jia-jia, and WANG Shao-ling

    Ganoderma lucidum,ganoderma atrum,ganderma tsugae Murr. and ganoderma lipsiense can be discriminated and identified by using multi-steps infrared macro-fingerprint method. The 1D-IR spectra,based on the peaks intensity at 1 153 and 1 078 cm-1,which are the fingerprint characteristic peaks of glucoside compounds,show that the content of glucoside compounds of them was in the order of,ganoderma lucidum>ganoderma atrum>ganderma tsugae Murr. >ganoderma lipsiense. Generally,the second derivative IR spectra can clearly enhance the spectra resolution. In the range of 1 600-1 720 cm-1,the position and sharpness of characteristics peaks were very different,and it’s proved that amino acid peptide compounds of them were different. In the 2D-IR spectra,four of them have the same autopeak at 1 100 cm-1,which is the autopeaks of glucoside,but the number of autopeaks of ganoderma lucidum was 4 and its strongest autopeak was 1 040 cm-1,while 5 autopeaks,4 autopeaks and 5 autopeaks were for ganoderma atrum,ganderma tsugae Murr. and ganoderma lipsiense respectively,and their strongest autopeaks were 1 040,1 139,1 140 and 1 134 cm-1 respectively. The multi-steps infrared maro-fingerprint identification testified that the contents of glucoside compounds and amino acid peptide compounds in these four kinds of ganoderma are different. It’s proved that multi-steps infrared maro-fingerprint method can be used to analyze and distinguish ganoderma lucidum,ganoderma atrum,ganderma tsugae Murr. and ganoderma lipsiense.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 78 (2010)
  • ZHU Ji-chun, GUO Jian-yu, CAI Wei-ying, WANG Zu-geng, and SUN Zhen-rong

    Monkey cerebral cortex,an important part in the brain to control action and thought activities,is mainly composed of grey matter and nerve cell. In the present paper,the in situ Raman spectra of the cerebral cortex of the birth,teenage and aged monkeys were achieved for the first time. The results show that the Raman spectra for the different age monkey cerebral cortex exhibit most obvious changes in the regions of 1 000-1 400 and 2 800-3 000 cm-1. With monkey growing up,the relative intensities of the Raman bands at 1 313 and 2 885 cm-1 mainly assigned to CH2 chain vibrational mode of lipid become stronger and stronger whereas the relative intensities of the Raman bands at 1 338 and 2 932 cm-1 mainly assigned to CH3 chain vibrational mode of protein become weaker and weaker. In addition,the two new Raman bands at 1 296 and 2 850 cm-1 are only observed in the aged monkey cerebral cortex,therefore,the two bands can be considered as a character or “marker” to differentiate the caducity degree with monkey growth. In order to further explore the changes,the relative intensity ratios of the Raman band at 1 313 cm-1 to that at 1 338 cm-1 and the Raman band at 2 885 cm-1 to that at 2 932 cm-1,I1 313/I1 338 and I2 885/I2 932,which are the lipid-to-protein ratios,are introduced to denote the degree of the lipid content. The results show that the relative intensity ratios increase significantly with monkey growth,namely,the lipid content in the cerebral cortex increases greatly with monkey growth. So,the authors can deduce that the overmuch lipid is an important cause to induce the caducity. Therefore,the results will be a powerful assistance and valuable parameter to study the order of life growth and diagnose diseases.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 83 (2010)
  • WANG Wei, LI Yan-feng, WANG Qiang, LIU Yan, SHEN Jia-xiang, CHANG Jun-biao, and XIE Jing-xi

    dl-NBP is a potentially beneficial and promising drug for treatment of ischemic stroke with multiple actions that affect different pathophysiologic processes,such as improving microcirculation,decreasing brain infarct volume,regulating energy metabolism,and especially inhibiting platelet aggregation and reducing thrombus formation. However,NBP is limited to use in the clinic by other side effects,such as elevated aminotransferase,abnormal liver function and digestive response. Some derivates of NBP were synthesized with the halides (F,Cl and Br) on the 6-position,and their IR and Raman spectra were measured. They proved the complemental information for deducing their structure. By comparing the spectra of the NBP,the band of disubstituted benzene disappeared in the derivatives,and the band of trisubstituted benzenes were observed. The stretching vibrational band of C—H was detected in the Raman spectra,but was not observed in IR. In the low frequency region,the deformation vibration band of —C—C—C—C was also observed in the Raman spectra.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 87 (2010)
  • ZHONG Liang, HU Yong-jun, XING Da, and GU Huai-min

    Surface-enhanced Raman spectra of methylene blue (MB) at different concentrations in silver colloid were obtained. The results indicate that the physical adsorption is dominant at high concentration while the chemical adsorption is the main fashion at relatively low concentration;there are different adsorption orientations at different concentration,MB+ molecule is perpendicular to the surface of silver nanoparticle at high concentration and adopts a parallel orientation on the surface of nanoparticle at low concentration. The effect of adsorbing time of MB molecule in Ag colloid was investigated and the adsorption dynamics study shows that the parallel orientation at low concentration does not change with the adsorbing time increasing. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations at the level of B3LYP/6-311+G*(for C,S,N,H)/LANL2DZ (for Ag) were employed to optimize the structures and predict Raman frequencies of MB+ and various MB+-Ag complexes. The results of experiments and calculations suggest that the silver atom prefers to be bound to N and S atoms in the aromatic ring,and thus two different complexes are formed,i.e. conformer N-Ag and conformer S-Ag. Moreover,the Mulliken charge population analysis indicates that N atom in the aromatic ring prefers to interact with Ag than S atom does. Finally,the Raman frequencies observed in the experiments and their vibrational modes were tentatively assigned and discussed.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 90 (2010)
  • CHEN Yong, LIN Cheng-yan, YU Wen-quan, ZHENG Jie, and WANG Ai-guo

    Identification of salts is a principal problem for analysis of fluid inclusions in reservoirs. The fluid inclusions from deep natural gas reservoirs in Minfeng sub-sag were analyzed by in situ cryogenic Raman spectroscopy. The type of fluid inclusions was identified by Raman spectroscopy at room temperature. The Raman spectra show that the inclusions contain methane-bearing brine aqueous liquids. The fluid inclusions were analyzed at -180℃ by in situ cryogenic Raman spectroscopy. The spectra show that inclusions contain three salts,namely NaCl,CaCl2 and MgCl2. Sodium chloride is most salt component,coexisting with small calcium chloride and little magnesium chloride. The origin of fluids in inclusions was explained by analysis of the process of sedimentation and diagenesis. The mechanism of diagenesis in reservoirs was also given in this paper. The results of this study indicate that in situ cryogenic Raman spectroscopy is an available method to get the composition of fluid inclusions in reservoirs. Based on the analysis of fluid inclusions in reservoirs by in situ cryogenic Raman spectroscopy with combination of the history of sedimentation and diagenesis,the authors can give important evidence for the type and mechanism of diagenesis in reservoirs.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 95 (2010)
  • ZHOU Mi, JIANG Yong-heng, GAO Shu-qin, LI Zuo-wei, and YANG Jian-ge

    The binary systems of 1,1,3,3-tetramethylurea (TMU) with water,TMU with methanol,TMU with ethanol and N,N-dimethylformamide(DMF) with water were measured by Raman method. With the analysis of the frequency changes of stretching vibration of carboxyl with concentration the authors found that the frequency shift underwent two processes,first,the frequency of stretching vibration of carboxyl down shifts with the increase in hydrogen-bond acceptor concentration;secondly,when the concentration of binary system surpasses a critical value,the wave number remains almost constant,and only the relative intensity changes. Through this critical volume ratio,the authors found that the large self-associated water molecule was involved in the TMU aqueous binary system; while the small self-associated molecule or dimer formation was present in other binary systems.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 98 (2010)
  • HAN Hong-wen, YAN Xun-ling*, BAN Ge, and LI Ke

    The SERS spectra of serums from the healthy persons and rash patients were measured. In the serum of rash,the band of amide Ⅰ appeared at 1648cm-1,while this peak vanished in healthy serums. The relative intensity of 637cm-1 assigned to the gauche conformation of C—S increased 23% and the band at 725 cm-1 corresponding to anti-conformation decreases 60%. These indicate that the structure of the protein has changed in serums from the rash patients. The relative intensity at 1449cm-1 assigned to the lipids increased nearly one time. The band at 1099cm-1 assigned to the Man—D vanished,indicating that the contents of lipids,glucide and protein increased in rash patients. These results may offer a powerful experiment basis for rash diagnosis and biochemistry mechanism study. The multivariate statistical methods of principal component analysis (PCA) were also used to analyze the SERS of the serums from healthy persons and rash patients,it can be seen that the regional distribution of rash is wider than healthy volunteers,showing that these serums can be discriminated by PCA.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 102 (2010)
  • ZHANG Min, ZHU Bo, WANG Cheng-guo, and WEI Han-xing

    Laser Raman spectroscopy was employed to characterize the microstructure variations of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers during electrochemical treatment, and the characteristics of first-order Raman spectra of carbon fibers with different treatment time were investigated in the present paper. The results indicate that the Raman spectra of the carbon fibers can be fitted into four bands,named as D (or D1) band,G band,D2 band and D3 band, respectively. The Raman parameters to characterize surface microstructure variations of carbon fibers mainly include R(ID/IG,area ratio of D band and G band),ID2/IG(area ratio of D2 band and G band),ID3/IG(area ratio of D3 band and G band),and IDS/IG(area ratio of all the disordered structure and G band). The peak separation between D band and G band becomes large after electrochemical treatment. R increases,which indicates that the surface disordered degree of carbon fibers increases. ID3/IG increases,which is caused by organic molecules,fragments or functional groups; decreases which is caused by the break of the aliphatic structures. With increasing treatment time,IDS/IG increases continuously,and the change trend of IDS/IG is consistent with that of R value,which can be used to comprehensively explain the variation of the surface structure of carbon fibers. So,the variety rules of the structure of carbon fibers can be investigated by laser Raman spectroscopy during electrochemical treatment.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 105 (2010)
  • ZHOU Li-juan, ZHAO Ying, YANG Ming-shu, WANG Du-jin, and XU Duan-fu

    Photooxidation degradation of polypropylene (PP)/organomontmorillonite (OMMT) nanocomposites was studied under UV irradiation at wavelength 365 nm. The OMMT was dispersed homogeneously in the PP matrix. The structural variation induced by photooxidation was detected by FTIR spectroscopy. It can be seen that the evolution of PP and nanocomposites PP/OMMT on irradiation is an increase in absorbance in the hydroxyl and carbonyl absorption regions. Carbonyl index was used to characterize the rate of photooxidative degradation. At the early stage of irradiation (shorter than 11 hours),the rate of photooxidative degradation of PP/OMMT nanocomposites was much faster than that of pure PP. With the increase in the irradiation time,the rate of photooxidative degradation of PP/OMMT nanocomposites became slower than that of pure PP. On the other hand,the OMMT content can also influence the photooxidative degradation rate. The variation in the photooxidative degradation rate is proposed to originate from the competition between the light shielding effect and accelerating photo-oxidative degradation effect of organomontmorillonite. These two effects play roles in the photooxidation process of PP simultaneously. At the early stage of irradiation,the accelerating photooxidative degradation effect dominates. With the increase in the irradiation time,the active sites such as SiOH, —OH etc and transition metal ions (Fe2+,Fe3+ etc) in the OMMT which can accelerate photooxidation are gradually consumed,and then the light shielding effect may play the main role. The method of curve-fitting was used to characterize the influence of organomontmorillonite on the photooxidative degradation products. Compared with pure PP,the content of products of carboxylic acid and anhydride were found to increase, whereas that of ester decreases in PP/OMMT nanocomposites.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 109 (2010)
  • Lv Qun-bo, YAO Tao, XIANGLI Bin, and HUANG Min

    The interferometric data acquired by Fourier transform spectrometer was a betweenness which couldn’t be used directly. For the successful application of the interferometric data,spectrum recovery processing must be adopted. The conventional method based on inverse Fourier transform was frequently used for spectrum recovery. According to the principle analysis of the interferometric data,the mixing model was induced,and the spectrum recovery method based on the mixing model of the interferometric data was presented. Finally,the computer simulation for these two methods mentioned above was implemented,and the recovered spectra were compared with the standard spectrum. The simulation results indicated that the spectral precision of the new method was better than the conventional method,which provided a new scheme for spectrum recovery.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 114 (2010)
  • DONG Wei, GE Xin, WANG Xuan-yi, and XU Shu-kun

    Two kinds of L-glutathione capped highly fluorescent CdSe/CdS core-shell quantum dots (QDs) emitting green and orange fluorescence at 350 nm excitation were firstly prepared by an aqueous approach and used as fluorescent labels,to link mouse anti-human CD3 which was expressed on human T-lymphocyte. UV-Vis absorption and fluorescence emission spectra of the as-prepared CdSe/CdS core-shell QDs were studied. Compared with the CdSe QDs,a remarkable enhancement in the emission intensity and a red shift of emission wavelength of CdSe/CdS core-shell QDs was observed for the two kinds of QDs emitting green and orange fluorescence. The TEM results showed that the as prepared CdSe and CdSe/CdS QDs dispersed well in aqueous solution,and their shape was approximately spherical,and the CdSe/CdS QDs nano particles emitting green fluorescence are of about 5 nm in diameter. The two kinds of CdSe/CdS QDs were linked with mouse anti-human CD3 to image human T-lymphocyte. The fluorescent microscopical images of human T-lymphocyte labeled with CdSe/CdS QDs-CD3 and FITC-CD3 demonstrated that the fluorescent CdSe/CdS QDs exhibited much better photo stability and brighter fluorescence than FITC,showing a good application potential in the immuno-labeling of cells.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 118 (2010)
  • HE Jin-zhe, SHAO Ping, NI Hui-dong, CHAI Neng-jie, and SUN Pei-long

    Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides were extracted by boiling water from the fruiting bodies of red ganoderma lucidum,then protein was removed by Sevage reagent,with ethanol precipitation,run water dialysis, centrifugation and freeing-drying. Monosaccharides were acetylated and quantified by external standard,and the polysaccharidesthe amount of total carbohydrates was determined by phenol-sulfuric acid method. The monosaccharide constituents,structure and Mw distribution were analyzed by UV-Vis,IR,GC,GC-MS and HPSEC with ELSD. The results demonstrated that ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides were beige,the yield was about 2%,and the content ≥43%. IR spectrometry showed that the structure of ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide was pyranoid glucan with β-glycosidic bond. The quantitative result of external standards indicated that the monosaccharide constituents were mainly composed of glucose,at about 89% percent,and contained a small amount of D-arabinose,D-xylose,D-mannose and D-galactose. It was a homogeneous polysaccharide with the amorphous structure,attributed to biological macromolecules,its Mw distribution was at 80-2 000 Kda,and a primary Mw at 2 000 Kda.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 123 (2010)
  • GONG Hua, ZHAO Xin, YU Xiao-bo, Setsuhisa Tanabe, and LIN Hai

    The crystalline phases of Ce3+-doped gadolinium gallium aluminum garnet (GGAG) glass-ceramics were investigated by X-ray diffraction,and the fluorescence spectra were recorded under the pumping of blue light-emitting diode (LED) using an integrating sphere of 10-inch in diameter,which connected to a CCD detector. The spectral power distribution of the glass-ceramics was obtained from the measured spectra first,and then the quantum yield was derived based on the photon distribution. The quantum yield of Ce3+ emission in GGAG glass-ceramics is 29.2%,meanwhile,the color coordinates and the correlated color temperature (CCT) of combined white light were proved to be x=0.319,y=0.349 and 6 086 K,respectively. Although the quantum yield is a little smaller than the value in Ce3+-doped YAG glass-ceramics,the CCT of the combined white light is much smaller than that in the latter. The optical behavior of GGAG glass-ceramics provides new vision for developing comfortable LED lighting devices.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 128 (2010)
  • SONG Kai, TIAN Li-jin, KONG Xiang-gui, LIU Kai, ZHANG Qing-bin, DU Chuang, ZENG Qing-hui, SUN Ya-juan, and LIU Xiao-min

    The authors synthesized a kind of upconversion nanocrystals NaYF4:Yb3+,Er3+ via the hydrothermal assisted homogeneous precipitation method,and then the nanocrystal was coated with silica. The SEM image demonstrated that the as-prepared samples were uniform in size distribution with ca. 25 nm before and ca. 250 nm after silica coating,respectively. The upconversion spectra and photoluminescence lifetime measurement showed that the silica shell had hardly effect on the properties of fluorescence of the NaYF4:Yb3+,Er3+ nanocrystals. At the same time,the naked eye-visible green upconversion fluorescence pattern was acquired from the as-prepared upconversion nanoparticles in the PBS buffer (2 wt%) excited by 980 nm laser at room temperature. These water-soluble nanoparticles were linked to the antibodies using the coupling reagents glutaraldehyde. The circular dichroism (CD) spectra of antibody and upconversion nanoparticles-antibody conjugates were very similar to each other,indicating that the secondary structure of antibody remained largely intact after the conjugation. Finally,antigen-antibody recognition reaction was performed on the surface of a silicon slide. The immunofluorescence in vitro indicated that the upconversion nanoparticles-antibody bioconjugates had excellent species-specific detection ability with hardly non-specific binding. Based on the present results,it is anticipated that the silica-coated upconversion nanoparticles are suitable for use as biolabeling materials.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 133 (2010)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The complicated compositions of Case Ⅱ waters result in the complex properties of spectral curves. The present paper analyzed the in situ measurements data of spectral curves,and further realized the relationships between the properties of spectral curves and suspended sediment concentration. The study found that the max peak of spectral curves was moving to the direction of shortwavelength as increasing suspended sediment concentration,namely the blue shift of wavelength;the area enclosed by spectral curve and coordinate axis in the range of sensitive bands had preferably linear relationship with the suspended sediment concentration (curve area model);the trapezoidal area model which was an approximation of curve area model could also excellently reflect those relationships,and be greatly suitable for multi-spectral satellite imagery retrieval such as LandSat/TM,MODIS and so on. The inversion results of trapezoidal area model for LandSat/TM imagery on October 27,2003 in Taihu Lake showed that the suspended sediment concentration ranged from 30 to 80 mg·L-1,the distribution pattern was higher in the west,south and central lake and lower in the east lake;compared with the in situ measurements in the regions,and the relative error of retrieval model was 6.035%.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 137 (2010)
  • Lv Qun-bo, XIANG LIBin, YAO Tao, JING Juan-juan, and WANG Zhong-hou

    As a new type Fourier transform imaging spectrometry,large aperture static imaging spectrometry (LASIS) has come forth in recent years,which has many advantages such as simple principle,high stability and so on. However,the requirement for the optical system design of LASIS was very harsh. As one of the optical aberrations,optical distortion degrades the data quality acquired by LASIS,consequently limits its applications. According to the analysis of the data acquisition principle of LASIS,the data model with the effect of optical distortion was presented,which could be used for LASIS performance pre-evaluation. Finally,the computer simlulation of the data model was achieved with supposed parameters. The simulation results indicated that the relative error more than 5% was induced in the recovery spectrum,and approximate 8 nm spectral line deviation was occurred at the long wavelength region. The results show that the 4% optical distortion was inapplicable for LASIS although it is acceptant for common optical imaging system.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 142 (2010)
  • LU Kui, CHENG Hong-li, MA Li, ZHAO Dong-xin, YANG Liang-ru, and ZHAO Yu-fen

    In the present paper the interaction mechanism and mode of biologically active cysteine dipeptide (Cys-Cys) with DNA was studied by UV-Vis spectrophotometry and fluorescence spectroscopy using ethidium bromide as a fluorescence probe. The results showed that in the buffer solution of Tris-HCl (pH 7.20),at low concentration of Cys-Cys,the ultraviolet spectrum of DNA-Cys-Cys system produced hypochromic effect with increasing the concentration of Cys-Cys. When the concentration of Cys-Cys increased to some high extent,the ultraviolet spectrum of DNA-Cys-Cys system produced hyperchromic effect. Salt-effect experiment showed that the interaction is liable to be affected by the ionic strengths,suggesting the existence of electrostatic binding between Cys-Cys and DNA. The fluorescence of EB-DNA had quenching effect with increasing the concentration of Cys-Cys,and the Stern-Volmer equation indicated that the quenching process was a static one. According to the Lineweaver-Burk equation the binding constant was determined to be 1.640×104 L·mol-1. From the above results it can be concluded that the interaction mode of Cys-Cys with DNA was mainly electrostatic binding. These findings could contribute to further investigation on the mechanism of oligopeptides interaction with DNA.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 146 (2010)
  • ZHANG Zhi-yong, MEN Jian-long, LI Gang, and LIN Ling

    For non-invasively measurement of the components of human blood,dynamic spectrum method was used to measure hemoglobin concentration of volunteers for the first time. In-vivo measurements were carried out on 34 healthy volunteers,and their dynamic spectra were collected. To ensure the dynamic spectrum data to be valid,a number of experiments were carried out on the dynamic spectrum data. BP artificial neural network was used to establish the calibration model of subjects’ hemoglobin concentration values against dynamic spectrum data. Among 34 swatches,19 swatches were taken as calibration set and the other 15 as prediction set. For calibration set and prediction set,the correlation coefficient was 0.9831 and 0.9365 respectively. The biggest relative error of prediction is 7.5%, and the average relative error is 3.04%. The accuracy of measurement results can satisfy the demand for clinical application. Measurement results show that the influences of measuring conditions on spectra can be decreased effectively by dynamic spectrum method and this method can be applied to accurate non-invasive measurement of human hemoglobin concentration. It can be a good method for non-invasive blood analysis.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 150 (2010)
  • LIU Le, HE Yong-hong, MA Sui-hua, LU Wei-ping, ZHAO Xin, ZHANG Ya-ou, and GUO Ji-hua

    The authors have previously proposed a novel refractive index two-dimensional sensing technique named “parallel scan spectral surface plasmon resonance imaging”. In the technique,with a line-shaped light illumination,an image acquired with CCD detector could provide both SPR wavelength information and one-dimensional spatial distribution,and then provide one-dimensional distribution of refractive index with further calculation. Thus,two-dimensional distribution of refractive index of the entire sensing area can be obtained with one-dimensional optical line parallel scan. The technique offers advantages of both high sensitivity and high throughput,and could have potential applications in microarray analysis.In the present paper,the authors improve the data processing methods of the technique. The authors use the refractive index of air as a reference to get over the problem of precision of the incident angle. The authors also sense a manually dotted Legionella pneumophila mip DNA probe array with this technique and prove the feasibility of sensing microarrays by this highly sensitive and label-free technique. The relation between the equivalent refractive indices and the concentrations of the dotted Legionella pneumophila mip DNA probes is obtained,which has important reference value for further study.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 154 (2010)
  • SONG Xiao-dong, JIANG Hong, YU Shu-quan, ZHOU Guo-mo, and JIANG Zi-shan

    Acid rain is a worldwide environmental problem. Serious acid rain pollution in subtropical China has constituted a potential threat to the health of the local forest. In the present paper,the changing properties of the chlorophyll concentration and spectral reflectance at the visible wavelengths for the six subtropical broad-leaved tree species’ leaves under simulated acid rain (SAR) treatment with different pH levels were studied. With the increasing strength of the SAR,the chlorophyll concentrations of the experimental species under pH 2.5 and pH 4.0 treatment were higher than that under pH 5.6;the spectral reflectance at the visible wavelengths for pH 2.5 and pH 4.0 were lower than that for pH 5.6 in general;while there weren’t significant differences between pH 2.5 and pH 4.0. After the treatment with different levels of SAR,the differences in spectral reflectance at the visible wavelengths mainly focused around the green peak and red edge on the reflectance curve. The subtropical broad-leaved tree species studied were relatively not sensitive to acid rain stresses;some stronger acid rain may accelerate the growth of the tree species used here to some extent.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 165 (2010)
  • GUO Xiao-xia, HAO Yu-ying, LEI Jun-feng, FAN Wen-hao, WANG Hua, and XU Bing-she

    New heteroleptic tris-cyclometalated iridium(Ⅲ) complexes (ppy)2Ir(LX) (ppy=2-phenylpyridine,LX=Sal (salicylic acid),Msal (4-methylsalicylic acid),FSal(4-trifluoro methyl salicylic acid)) was synthesized and characterized. The molecular structure,photophysical properties and thermal stability were tested and analyzed. The results show that the absorption peaks were located around 270,370,450 and 484 nm respectively at room temperature. The two former peaks at 270 and 370 nm should belong to 1π—π* transition at ppy and transition from salicylic acid ligands to 2-phenylpyridine;The peaks around 450 and 484 nm can be assigned to the charge transfer transition from Ir to ligand (1MLCT and 3MLCT) and 3π—π* transition respectively. The PL emission peaks were located at 520,522,and 510 nm,respectively. The emission of (ppy)2Ir(Sal) and (ppy)2Ir(MSal) was mainly ascribed to the radiation transition of triple state 3MLCT,while the emission of (ppy)2Ir(FSal) was mainly from the radiation transition between Sal and ppy,partly from the radiation transition of single state 1MLCT and triple state 3MLCT. The quantum efficiencies of these complexes were 0.37,0.33 and 0.29 respectively. The thermal decomposition temperature was from 306 to 328 ℃. (ppy)2Ir(LX),being a series of efficient phosphorescent materials with good thermal stability,can be used in the organic electroluminescent devices.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 170 (2010)
  • CHEN Yi-ping, ZHAO Ling-yan, ZHANG Han-hui, YANG Qi-yu, SUN Rui-qing, and FU Hua-e

    A novel zero-dimension coordination polymer Gd2(In)6(H2O)4(1)(In=3-bipyridine acid) was synthesized under hydrothermal condition. By the analysis of single-crystal X-ray diffraction,the structure of the compound is that two Gd atoms connect with zero-dimension bi- nucleus cluster by the bridged carboxylate of four Ins. Based on the determination of the structure,the 2D correlation FTIR spectra with the perturbations of magnetism and thermal was applied. Under the perturbations of temperature,the vibration of the carboxylate has the very strong response,which is related with the strong coordinating ability of the carboxylate. At the same time,due to the different coordinated mode of the carboxylate with Gd,the response of Gd—O bonds is different under the temperature perturbations. Under the perturbations of magnetism,the vibration of the carboxylate has also the very strong response,which may be related with one-negetive charge of the carboxylate. The 2D correlation ultraviolet spectral with the perturbation of magnetism were investigated. Compared with one-dimension ultraviolet spectral,the transition of the π electrons in bi-pyridine ring and the charge transition from ligand to the metal have the very strong response. At the same time,the fluorescence spectral and TGA were studied.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 174 (2010)
  • ZHANG Yu-lan, SUN Cai-xia, DUANZheng-hu, CHEN Li-jun, WU Zhi-jie, CHEN Xiao-hong, ZHANG Ai-ming, LIU Xing-bin, and WANG Jun-yu

    After the potassium bichromate-strong sulfuric acid hot process,the ultraviolet spectrophotometer was used on the contrast with the traditional titrimetric method to analyze soil (51 years,43 year,32 year, 20 year vegetations restores in the Tenggeli sand) humus and the humus components content. At the same time,the infrared spectrum was used to discuss their structure change during restoring process. The result indicated that using the visible spectroscopy method for the determination of the humus and the humus component is feasible. The spectroscopy method determination of organic matter is better (coefficient of variation at most is 7.26%) than the traditional titrimetric method,as it is accurate,fast and simple,and favors large quantities. The result indicated that humus content presents increasing tendency along with restoring ages. Change is big in early restore time,and tends to be stable in the later period. Infrared spectrum shape is similar,but the characteristic peak intensity has obvious difference. Compared with the wind-drift sand,little molecule saccharides decrease and aryl-groups increase.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 179 (2010)
  • LUO Ju-hua, HUANG Wen-jiang, GU Xiao-he, JI Ning, MA Li, SONG Xiao-yu, LI Wei-guo, and WEI Zhao-ling

    Forty six points representing different severity degree of stripe rust were established in winter wheat field. The canopy reflectance was collected by an ASD hand-held spectrometer at each point. Meanwhile,the diseases index was investigated. These data were used for the following analysis. Firstly,the relationships between diseases index and reflectance of bands in the range of 300-1 500 nm were analyzed. The sensitive bands were selected for stripe rust detecting. Secondly,considering the character of PHI image,red bands (620-718 nm) and near infrared bands (770-805 nm) were assigned as the best bands. Finally,the mean reflectance of red bands (620-718 nm) and near infrared bands (770-805 nm) was calculated respectively to construct the reverse model with the observed diseases indexes,DI=19.241R1-2.206 67 R2+12.274 4. With this model,the severity degree of stripe rust of winter wheat was monitored successfully in PHI image.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 184 (2010)
  • LIANG Xue, JI Hai-yan, WANG Peng-xin, RAO Zhen-hong, and SHEN Bing-hui

    Preprocess method of multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) was used to reject noises in the original spectra produced by the environmental physical factor effectively,then the principal components of near-infrared spectroscopy were calculated by nonlinear iterative partial least squares (NIPALS) before building the back propagation artificial neural networks method(BP-ANN),and the numbers of principal components were calculated by the method of cross validation. The calculated principal components were used as the inputs of the artificial neural networks model,and the artificial neural networks model was used to find the relation between chlorophyll in winter wheat and reflective spectrum,which can predict the content of chlorophyll in winter wheat. The correlation coefficient (R) of calibration set was 0.960 4,while the standard deviation (SD) and relative standard deviation (RSD) was 0.187 and 5.18% respectively.The correlation coefficient (R) of predicted set was 0.9600,and the standard deviation (SD) and relative standard deviation (RSD) was 0.145 and 4.21% respectively. It means that the MSC-ANN algorithm can reject noises in the original spectra produced by the environmental physical factor effectively and set up an exact model to predict the contents of chlorophyll in living leaves veraciously to replace the classical method and meet the needs of fast analysis of agricultural products.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 188 (2010)
  • SUN Hong, LI Min-zan, ZHAO Yong, ZHANG Yan-e, WANG Xiao-min, and LI Xiu-hua

    The canopy spectral reflectance and chlorophyll content of winter wheat were measured and analyzed in the whole growing season. The characteristics of canopy spectral reflectance indicated that the canopy spectral reflectance changed significantly at different stages. It decreased first and increased later with growth progress in the visible region (400-750 nm) after jointing stage,then the reflectance was lowest at booting stage. In near-infrared region (750-1 000 nm) the spectral reflectance climbed sharply. The canopy reflectance was declined at booting stage and rose to the highest point at flowering stage. It dropped to minimum level subsequently at milk-ripe stage. However,the spectral reflectance characteristics at jointing stage and booting stage were used to detect the chlorophyll content. High correlation was observed between the canopy spectral reflectance and chlorophyll content. The positive correlation of canopy spectral reflectance with chlorophyll content was found at jointing stage and booting stage. Because the plant spectral reflectance was effected by chlorophyll greatly in visible region,the correlation coefficient reached 0.89 at 552 nm in booting stage. On the contrary,there was a negative correlation at flowering stage. Meanwhile,the red edge inflection point as one of the most important spectral parameters was analyzed at winter wheat growth stages based on the first derivative of reflectance spectra. The relation between the red edge inflection point and chlorophyll content was observed in each plot and the analysis results illustrated that the red edge inflection points could help detect the chlorophyll content at jointing stage and booting stage. The linear model of chlorophyll content with red edge inflection points was built at jointing stage (R2=0.92). High correlation was found between thered edge inflection point and chlorophyll content at booting stage. It was showed that the binomial model (R2=0.91) was better than linear model (R2=0.73). It was indicated that using spectral analysis to detect the winter wheat chlorophyll content non-destructively was feasible. The obtained conclusions also provided theoretical basis for further researches on measuring methods of chlorophyll content in the field.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 192 (2010)
  • WANG Ping, LIU Xiang-nan, and HUANG Fang

    Chlorophyll content is an important indicator of photosynthesis activity,stress and nutritional state. In the present paper,the hyperspectral data,foliar chlorophyll content and heavy metal contents in foliar and soil were measured for the maize growing in three natural fields. In most previous research,the contamination stress was controlled artificially in laboratory by adding chromium,zinc or copper pollutant etc. to the soil,and the pollutant concentration added was much higher than that in natural environment. The three sample fields were under different heavy mental contamination level,but all located at the Changchun region,Northeast China,where is called Golden Maize Belts in the world. After continuum removal (400-800 nm),ten spectral indices were computed including max absorption position,normalized reflectance at max absorption position,absorption depth,green peak,normalized reflectance at green peak,red edge,normalized reflectance at red edge,red peak,absorption width,and asymmetry degree. The physics meaning of the above indices and their correlation with maize foliar chlorophyll content were analyzed. It was found that there were close relationships between these indices and foliar chlorophyll content except max absorption position,green edge and asymmetry degree. Besides the asymmetry degree,five indices were selected in the stepwise multiple linear regression for estimating chlorophyll content and its determination coefficient (R2) is 0.702 7. Furthermore,in order to measure the weak change information of foliar chlorophyll content under the contamination stress,the BP artificial neural network (ANN-BP) was used. Several ANN-BP models were built and tried with different structure,namely five nodes,seven nodes or ten nodes in input layer,one hidden layer or two hidden layer,and different nodes number in hidden layers. It was found that the highest accuracy of estimates was obtained by the model with two hidden layers,ten nodes in input layer,seven nodes in first hidden layer and 4 nodes in second hidden layer (R2=0.975 8).

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 197 (2010)
  • LI Ru, CHEN Jin-song, YUAN Ding-yang, TANG Li, LIN Hui, TAN Yan-ning, YUE Yue-min, and HE Hai-xia

    The present study aims to identify the expression of transgene in given rice plant samples in certain conditions. To avoid external noise caused by temperature change and water-loss,field spectrum was collected with ASD field spectrometer in natural state. The study calculated the mean spectrum of samples as main data set analyzed which were controlled by inner clustering coefficient to ensure data quality. By mean spectrum,the noise from random distinctions in few individual cultivators,which could not be expressed in the class stably,could be weakened even with filtering. With the help of parameters,such as red edge and green peak,this study gave qualitative spectral differences between transgenic samples and their parents. The results show that the transgenes in rice plant were expressed and influenced the samples. Moreover,it was found that the parameters of area are more suitable for describing the differences/changes of the samples,while PRI and SR-PRI are more sensitive to indicate them. Most of the above results could be found on the continuum-removal spectrum curve of samples. These conclusive results demonstrate that hyperspectral remote sensing technique has good prospects and application potential in transgene expression detection and monitoring,especially in plant breeding process.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 202 (2010)
  • CHEN Jie, ZHANG Ruo-bing, WANG Xiu-qin, LUO Wei, MO Meng-bin, WANG Li-ming, and GUAN Zhi-cheng

    The effects of pulsed electric fields(PEFs)The effects of pulsed electric fields (PEFs) applied on the 2 phenolic acids and 3 flavan-3-ols in young red wine,as well as the changes in colour intensity and colour hue,were investigated using a parallel treatment chamber. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with UV-visible detector was used to analyze the contents of these two phenols. The high voltage pulse generator in this experiment designed and produced by Tsinghua University can generate exponential decay pulses. The chambers of this experiment were parallel plate treatment chambers with interelectrode distances of 0.5 cm. The experimental results show that after PEF treatment (energy density,24.5,40.5,60.5 J·mL-1) the concentration of most phenolic compounds changed significantly. Moreover,the energy density of 60.5 J·mL-1 was chosen as the optimal parameter.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 206 (2010)
  • YANG Wei, Nick Sigrimis, and LI Min-zan

    Using CCD camera and special filters,the growth parameters of cucumber plants,the nitrogen content and the area of leaves,were investigated in an experimental greenhouse. In order to make nutrient stress to the plants,different nitrogen levels were prepared. The basic nitrogen content was 0.067 kg·L-1 and four different levels of nitrogen contents were made to be 2,1,0.5,and 0.2 N,respectively. The genetic and water-segment methods were used to separate IR and R2 images from the background. It was found that the result of water-segment is better. It has clearer boundary,less noise and closer result to the original image. After the reflectance information of cucumber leaves was obtained,the vegetation indexes,RVI,NDVI and GNDVI,were calculated and then the correlation coefficients between each vegetation index and nitrogen content or leave area were analyzed. The result shows that there is an obvious linear correlation between NDVI and nitrogen content of leaves or leave area and the R2 are 0.820 9 and 0.701 7,respectively. The high correlations were also observed between GNDVI and nitrogen content of leaves or leave area,and the R2 are 0.762 5 and 0.676 2,respectively. The reason is that the reflectance of IR is mainly affected by reflectivity and the canopy structure of cucumber leaves. As biomass and area of leaves increase with the nitrogen content,the reflectivity of leaves becomes stronger. And the gap among cells of high nitrogen content leaves is large. Cell wall has more water,which has a strong effect on the reflectivity of NIR. At visible wavelength,the reflectance of cucumber leaves decreases as nitrogen content increases since the chlorophyll content increases as nitrogen content increases. The trend of correlation between RVI and nitrogen content disagreed with that of the correlation between RVI and leave area. There is an obvious linear correlation between RVI and leave area,and the R2 is 0.857 7. However,the correlations between RVI and nitrogen content exhibit a nonlinear relationship,and R2 is only 0.598 8. It is because as cucumbers grow older,the reflectance of canopy increases at visible wavelength but decreases at near infrared wavelength. The experimental result proves that CCD camera and special filters can be used as a good method for diagnosing nitrogen content of cucumber plants.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 210 (2010)
  • SHI Yuan-yuan, DENG Jin-song, CHEN Li-su, ZHANG Dong-yan, DING Xiao-dong, and WANG Ke

    The timing,convenient and reliable method of diagnosing and monitoring crop nutrition is the foundation of scientific fertilization management. However,this expectation cannot be fulfilled by traditional methods,which always need excessively work on sampling,detection and analysis and even exhibit lagging timing. In the present study,stable images for potassium-stressed leaf were acquired using stationary scanning,and object-oriented segmentation technique was adopted to produce image objects. Afterwards,nearest neighbor classifier integrated the spectral,shape and topologic information of image objects to precisely identify characteristics of potassium-stressed features. Diagnosing with image,the 3rd expanded leaves are superior to the 1st expanded leaves.In order to assess the result,250 random samples and an error matrix were applied to undertake the accuracy assessment of identification. The results showed that the overall accuracy and kappa coefficient was 96.00% and 0.945 3 respectively. The study offered an information extraction method for quantitative diagnosis of rice under potassium stress.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 214 (2010)
  • DENG Chu-yun, LI Jia-min, and MA Wan-yun

    Quantum dots have many excellent optical properties such as high quantum yield,long fluorescence lifetime,wide excitation spectrum and narrow emission spectrum,tunable emission wavelength and so on,thus have become a newpopular type of fluorescence probes in these years. Quantum-dot-based DNA nanosensor comprising streptavidin-conjugated quantum dots,capture probes with biotin and reporter probes with Cy5 was designed to detect DNA or RNA segments. Capture probes and reporter probes were connected by the target DNA or RNA segments so that quantum dots and Cy5s could be together and FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) could be detected. In the present work,quantum-dot-based DNA nanosensor was combined with ICCD fluorescence microscopy imaging system through the authors’ experiments. Using the total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF),FRET between quantum dots and Cy5s was recorded by ICCD showing that segments of single-stranded target DNA with 30-base length were detected in solution using DNA nanosensor. When Cy5-ssDNA-Biotins were added into streptavidin-conjugated quantum dots in solution,by real time recording,the FRET efficiency was found to increase with time,which indicated the process of streptavidin-conjugated quantum dots capturing Cy5-ssDNA-Biotins. It was also observed that streptavidin-conjugated quantum dots and Cy5-ssDNA-Biotins could both enter living Chinese hamster ovary cells and have FRET. The process of streptavidin-conjugated quantum dots capturing Cy5-ssDNA-Biotins was detected in the cells as well and Cy5s were photobleached after a long time of irradiation. It has been proved that detecting DNA or RNA segments in living cells with DNA nanosensor is possible.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 220 (2010)
  • KANG Ming, LIU Jun, SUN Rong, YIN Guang-fu, WANG Xing-ming, and YAN Wen-qing

    The red phosphor of CaCO3 doped with Eu3+ was synthesized with the microwave method in the aqueous solution and characterized with electron microscope (SEM),X-ray diffraction (XRD),and photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation (PL-PLE) spectrum. Also under investigation was the influence of microwave power on luminescence properties. The results showed that the synthesized CaCO3:Eu3+ particles were the mixture of various particles in the forms of vaterite with flower-flake,calcite with cubic shape and aragonite with needle-like,which were evenly dispersed. The Eu3+ ion as the luminescent center inhabited the site of Ca2+ in mixed phases of CaCO3:Eu3+. This feature was mainly characterized by the intense charge transfer band range from 200 to 300nm in the PLE spectrum,which was the wide band excitation. Moreover,the narrow excitation peaks at 319,395,465,535 nm and so on could be detected in the PLE spectrum. For the mixed phase,the magnetic-dipole transition 5D0 to 7F1 emission was split into two sublevels at about 589 and 593 nm by the crystal field. The mainly emission peaks were located in the vicinity of 614 and 620nm,corresponding to the electric dipole transition 5D0→7F2 of Eu3+ ions that was the pure red emission. Moreover,with the improvement of the microwave power,the emission intensity was on rise for the morphology and phase of the sample changed from the flower-flake vaterite to the needle-like aragonite,coupled with the intensity of red light emission.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 225 (2010)
  • XU Liang-yuan, LIU Yong, ZHANG Gong, ZHU Ling, WANG Yi-kun, KONG Xiao-ling, and WU Lu-sheng

    The necessity to measure advanced glycation endproducts (AGE) was analyzed in the present paper,and the apparatus for measuring skin autofluorescence was also designed making use of the special excitation spectrum and emission spectrum. A portion of tissue at the volar side of the arm of individuals (11 diabetes and 19 control subjects) was illuminated with excitation light,i.e. monochromatic light around 370 nm,and the emission spectrum was detected on the skin of control subjects and diabetic patients respectively. All measurements were performed at room temperature in a semi-dark environment. It can be seen that different sites of an individual could lead to different results,and the color can also affect the results. The technology of fluorescence precorrection was applied in order to get rid of the influence of noise,different site of skin,the color of skin etc. The result indicates that the technology of precorrection is of avail and the repetitiveness is well.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 230 (2010)
  • JI Fang-ying, LI Si, ZHOU Guang-ming, YU Dan-ni, WANG Tu-jin, CAO Lin, TAN Xue-mei, YANG Da-cheng, and ZHOU Xiao-yi

    The fluorescence emission and excitation emission matrix (EEM) technologies were used to characterize the dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the water body of the Yangtze River and Jialing River around the Chongqing urban areas from April to August 2008. Concerning about the accidents of the Wenchuan’s Earthquake in May and Tangjiashan Yansaihu’s effects in June,and the high water period time in the summer in two months of July and August,from the EEM obtained from each sampling station and time,the composition,distribution and their changing features of the DOM in the two rivers were investigated as combined with the water samples’ environmental parameters such as pH,DO,DOC with EEM’s fingerprint features,f450/500 etc;finally the bio-environment behavior effects of the three types of fluorescence peaks were elaborated,where humic-like,fulvic-like,and protein-like from the five sampling stations’ EEMs during the five months were given detailed representation. From the experimental results obtained,the fluorescence peaks are mainly composed of two types of fluorophores,humic-like and protein-like in the two rivers around the Chongqing urban areas during the investigation in five months,the protein-like’s peaks value in Jialing River is higher than the values in the Yangtze River,and all the fluorescence peaks in the two Rivers’ water body decrease more or less after the two Rivers join in Chun Tan sampling station;the protein-like peak is notably higher after the “5·12” Earthquake period time including May and June and high water period time,which mainly originated from terrestrial sources,but its intensities decreased observably while the water bodies of the two rivers joining together in the Chao Tianmen and Chun Tan’s sampling station.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 233 (2010)
  • CHEN Guo-qing, WEI Bai-lin, WANG Jun, WU Ya-min, GAO Shu-mei, KONG Yan, and ZHU Tuo

    Based on the experimental study,it was found that melamine solution excited by UV light can generate a strong fluorescence. The fluorescence spectrum is within a range from 310 to 600 nm,the peak wavelength of the fluorescence is about 420 nm,and the relationship between fluorescence intensity and melamine solution concentration is nonlinear. A method for the determination of melamine solution concentration was presented,which was based on fluorescence spectroscopy and radial basis function neural networks. For each sample,30 emission wavelength values were selected,the fluorescence intensity corresponding to the selected wavelength was used as the network data,and a radial basis function neural network was trained and constructed. The trained radial basis function neural network was employed to predict the melamine solution concentration in five kinds of samples,and the relative errors of the results were 0.93%,0.09%,0.31%,1.55% and 4.61%,respectively. The results show that this method can determine the content of melamine quickly and accurately. The whole research outcomes will provide a new method for determining the content of melamine and food safety supervision.

    Oct. 11, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 239 (2010)
  • YANG Jian-lei, ZHU Tuo, XU Yan, FAN Wen-lai, and WU Hao

    In order to study the identifying and classification method of distilled spirits,about 100 kinds of normative distilled spirits were selected as the laboratory samples and their fluorescence spectra induced by ultraviolet light were measured by Roper-Scientific SP-2558 respectively. Then,using the statistics and plot software Origin 7.5,the authors composed the three-dimensional fluorescence spectra of the distilled spirits. In the meanwhile,the three-dimensional fluorescence spectra of the distilled spirits were also studied respectively. The authros compared the three-dimensional fluorescence spectra of different distilled spirits with the same brands and that of different spirits with the same brands. The authors are very confident that there must be some typical parameters,by which the authors can distinguish different kinds of distilled spirits with different brands effectively. And the authors found that while the three-dimensional fluorescence spectra of different distilled spirits with different brands are definitely different by their three typical parameters including the number of the major summit,position of the major summit and optimum wavelength,the three typical parameters of the three-dimensional fluorescence spectra of different distilled spirits with the same brand are very similar. Finally,the authors extracted the three typical parameters that are the number of the major summit,position of the major summit and optimum wavelength. Then,the data were processed by computer for emulation. As a result,the authors found that,using the three characteristic parameters,different kinds of distilled spirits can be classified accurately by the algorithm of LS-SVM(least-squares support vector machine). The outcomes of the data emulated by different algorithms were obtained seriatim. The authors compared the outcomes, and the fact proved that more accurate outcome of identifying and classification can be obtained by LS-SVM.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 243 (2010)
  • ZHANG Cui, CHAI Xin-sheng, LUO Xiao-lin, FU Shi-yu, and ZHAN Huai-yu

    The present paper reports a rapid method for the determination of furfural (F) and 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) in pre-extraction liquors of lignocellulosic biomass based on UV spectroscopy. In a concentrated acetic acid medium,F and HMF have an isosbestic point at 276 nm. It was found that the acidic soluble lignin in the pre-extraction sample is the major interference species in the F and HMF spectroscopic quantification. However,only acidic soluble lignins have the absorption at the wavelengths above 325 nm. Based on the absorption of the acidic soluble lignins at 325 nm,their absorptions at either F or HMF absorbed wavelengths can be determined. Thus,with a simple triple-wavelength technique,both F and HMF in the pre-extraction liquors of lignocellulosic biomass can be quantified based on the spectroscopic measurement at the isosbestic point wavelength (276 nm),maximum absorption wavelength of F (272 nm) and the acid soluble lignin absorbed wavelength (325 nm). The present method does not require the hazardous organic compounds (such as phenolic compounds etc.) acting as a color reagent in the experiment. It is not only simple and rapid, but also has a good measurement precision and accuracy,with the relative standard deviations of 3.02% and 2.72%,and recoveries of 95%-107% and 96%-101%,respectively,in the F and HMF quantification. The present method is suitable for use in the research on pre-extraction hemicellulose of the lignocellulosic biomass in bio-refinery area in order to achieve a high selective sugar conversion.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 247 (2010)
  • ZHANG Yang, ZHENG Shi-li, WANG Xiao-hui, XU Hong-bin, and ZHANG Yi

    Kind of the elements in chromite ore was firstly determined by ICP-AES. Twenty nine elements,such as Cr,Fe,Al,Mg,Zn,Co and Ni,were contained in the chromite sample based on the qualitative analysis. Then the contents of main elements Cr,Fe,Al,Mg,Ca,T,Si,Mn and V were measured. The chromite samples processing procedures have two steps,the first is decomposition by nitrate carbonate and sodium tetraborate at 950 ℃ for 30 min,then leaching by dilute hydrochloric acid at 80 ℃ for 10 min. The method showed satisfactory precision and accuracy with the RSDs between 0.48% and 2.05% and the recovery rates between 90.5% and 111.3%.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 251 (2010)
  • LIU Xian-miao, JIANG Ze-hui, FEI Ben-hua, REN Hai-qing, and FU Feng

    Metal elements,especially the heavy metal element,need to be considered for resource utilization of paper sludge. Seventeen kinds of metal elements were determined by ICP-AES method,which were form two kinds of paper sludge from Anhui Shanying paper mill,one kind of paper sludge from Fujian Qingshan paper mill,and one kind of paper sludge from Fujian Zhongzhu paper mill. The results show that there are different amounts of metal elements in the 4 kinds of paper sludge including poisonous metal elements,such as Cr,etc,metal element which is poisonous when excessive,such as Fe,etc,and P and K which are beneficial for plant growth. Al and Ca contents are maximal. The recovery ratio for Fujian Zhongzhu paper mill obtained by standard addition method is 94.4%-107.3%. Heavy metal elements content lower than the national standard GB/4284—84 “Control standards for pollutions in sludge form agricultural use”. The order of heavy metal elements content is paper sludge from Fujian Zhongzhu paper mill<paper sludge from Fujian Qingshan paper mill<paper sludge from Anhui Shanying paper mill. The results provide theoretical directions for resource utilization of paper sludge,especially for agricultural utilization and land utilization.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 255 (2010)
  • LIU Hong-gao, and WANG Yuan-zhong

    Using a micro-column packed with immobilized 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-bonzoil-5-pyrazone(PMBP) on nanometer Al2O3 powder as the adsorption material,the adsorption and elution behaviors of rare earth ions(Sc3+,Y3+ and La3+) on the above material under dynamic conditions were studied with inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. The conditions for preconcentration of rare earth ions were optimized,and the results show that the studied ions can be adsorbed quantitatively on the above material at pH 4.5 and the analytes adsorbed on the column can be eluted with 0.5 mol·L-1 HCl solution. The detection limits of the method for Sc,Y and La were 0.15,0.18 and 0.34 μg·L-1,respectively,and the relative standard deviations were 2.5%,3.0% and 1.7%,respectively(n=12,c=0.5 mg·L-1) . The proposed method was applied to the determination of trace amount of Sc,Y and La in Tricholoma giganteum with satisfactory results.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 259 (2010)
  • ZHANG Xiao-mei, and YUAN Si-xun

    The present paper did some researches on the deterioration mechanism and the changes in crystallinity of silk fabrics by means of the X-ray diffraction analysis. The samples artificially aged and excavated from Hubei,Innermongolia,Shaanxi and Qinghai provinces were analyzed. The artificial aging was done by simulating three main natural aging factors,light,heat and hydrolysis. The analytical results show that X-ray diffraction analysis could reveal the aging process and characteristic of silk,as well as the changes in crystallinity during silk aging. The X-ray diffraction analysis is of practical value for the conservation state and aging mechanism studies of ancient silk. In addition,X-ray diffraction analysis could also provide important informaton on ancient technology of textile and apparel.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 262 (2010)
  • ZHU Tie-quan, WANG Chang-sui, MAO Zhen-wei, LI Li-xin, and HUANG Hong

    In the present paper,different corrosions of three pieces of Chinese ancient lead glazed potteries from different burial circumstances were analyzed by using XRD,FTIR,EDXRF,RS etc,and the analyses indicate that the main crystalline phase of corrosion of HYT is cerussite (PbCO3),that of SYT is calcium-lead hydroxyapatite [Pb10-xCax(PO4)(OH)2(x<2.7)] and the yellow area of the erosion is attributed to a certain mount of iron oxide,that of TSC is the cerussite (PbCO3) and calcium-lead hydroxyapatite [Pb10-xCax(PO4)(OH)2(x<2.7)],and the brown-black area of the erosion product is the result of the existence of little mount of iron and carbon black.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 266 (2010)
  • MEI Yan, YAN Jian-ping, and NIE Zuo-ren

    For the system of Ce(NO3)2·6H2O and urea solution during homogeneous precipitation method,X-ray diffraction (XRD),infrared spectrum (IR) and especially X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to study and characterize the product structure,variety of cerium ion valence,compound surface character and kernel electronic configurations. The results of XRD and IR showed that calcination temperature had a great effect on the cerium ion valence. The products are orthorhombic Ce2O(CO3)2·H2O with valence Ⅲ by using homogeneous precipitation method directly. When heated from the temperature 200 ℃ to 250 ℃,the product of CeO(CO3)2·H2O with valence Ⅵ was finally changed into stable CeO2 with valence Ⅳ. XPS was used to study the surface character and kernel electronic configurations of the three different compounds through fine scanning of O(1s),Ce(3d) and Ce(4d) apices, and the results approved that the compounds with different valences are caused by the different valence electronic configurations of the products.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 270 (2010)
  • LIU Zhong-tian, and QIU Kuan-min

    The LAMOST project,the world’s largest sky survey project being implemented in China,urgently needs an automatic stars recognition and classification system. This paper presents a method for auto-recognizing the stars based on spectral feature. This method consists of three main steps,First,the integral information of spectral lines is calculated and the stellar Balmer lines are detected by using the wavelet features of spectral lines. Then,the characteristic frequency of M-type stars and the locations of absorption bands are obtained accurately through the wavelet features of absorption bands. Finally,based on the results of the former step,the emission-line stars,M-type stars and early-type stars can be recognized. The extensive experiments with real observed spectra from the SDSS DR4 show that the method can robustly recognize stellar spectra,the correct rate of the emission-line stars is as high as 97.5%,the correct rate of M-type stars is as high as 98.1% and the correct rate of early-type stars is as high as 96.8%. The error rate of the quasars and the galaxies is less than 2%. This method is designed to automatically recognize stellar spectra with relative flux and low signal-to-noise ratio,which is applicable to the LAMOST data.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 274 (2010)
  • HUANG Min, XIANGLI Bin, YUAN Yan, SHEN Zhong, Lv Qun-bo, WANG Zhong-hou, and LIU Xue-bin

    Fourier transform imaging spectrometer is a new technic,and has been developed very fast in recent ten years. When it is used in satellite,because of the limit by the data transmission,the authors need to compress the original data obtained by the Fourier transform imaging spectrometer,then,the data can be transmitted,and can be incepted on the earth and decompressed. Then the authors can do data process to get spectrum data which can be used by user. Data compression technic used in Fourier transform imaging spectrometer is a new technic,and few papers introduce it at home and abroad. In this paper the authors will give a data compression method,which has been used in EDIS,and achieved a good result.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 278 (2010)
  • LI Jun, WU Jin, and GAO Jun-qi

    Based on the principle of the fiber Bragg grating strain sensor as well as the volume expansion of the reinforcing steel due to corrosion,an optical fiber grating sensor for monitoring corrosion of reinforcing steel and the method of temperature compensation were studied in the present paper. The sensor construction is that one Bragg grating is stuck on the inner center of two bars against each other,and the reinforcement volume as well as the diameter will expand due to corrosion. Based upon sensing mechanism,monitoring will be carried out by transforming the diameter increase to the fiber strain, and as a result the degree and rate of reinforcement corrosion can be obtained. The principle of corrosion monitoring is that the strain induced by corrosion and temperature fluctuation is measured by a reinforcing steel fiber grating sensor. At the same time,the strain induced by temperature fluctuation is also measured by an individual stainless fiber grating sensor. Therefore by two independent fiber grating sensors,the volume changed by corrosion can be separated. By the concrete encapsulating and embedding method of FBG corrosion sensor,the degree of corrosion of reinforcing reinforcement will be measured directly,which is not affected by corrosion factors and can be used in the early corrosion monitoring of reinforcement in concrete structures. Finally the relationship between corrosion rate and shift in center wavelength was calibrated by experiment.

    Sep. 28, 2021
  • Vol. 30 Issue 1 283 (2010)
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