Advanced Photonics, Volume. 2, Issue 3, 036005(2020)
Frequency-domain diagonal extension imaging
Shan Jiang1,2,3, Meiling Guan1, Jiamin Wu4, Guocheng Fang5, Xinzhu Xu1, Dayong Jin2,5, Zhen Liu5, Kebin Shi6, Fan Bai7, Shu Wang8, and Peng Xi1,2、*
Author Affiliations
1Peking University, College of Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China2Southern University of Science and Technology China, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China3Beijing Institute of Collaborative Innovation (BICI), Beijing, China4Tsinghua University, Department of Automation, Beijing, China5University of Technology Sydney, Faculty of Science, Institute for Biomedical Materials & Devices (IBMD), Ultimo, Australia6Peking University, School of Physics, Beijing, China7Peking University, School of Life Sciences, Biodynamic Optical Imaging Center (BIOPIC), Beijing, China8Peking University People’s Hospital Breast Center, Beijing, Chinashow less
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