Photonics Research, Volume. 12, Issue 3, A28(2024)
Large-scale error-tolerant programmable interferometer fabricated by femtosecond laser writing
Fig. 1. Scheme of an eight-port error-tolerant interferometer architecture that consists 56 DCs and 56 tunable PSs. Each DC has an imbalanced splitting ratio shifted to a higher transmission 0.5–0.8 according to original proposal [19].
Fig. 2. Dependence of the transmission coefficients on the distance between the waveguides in the DC at different wavelengths. The black solid lines limit the transmittance range 0.5–0.8 that is required by the PMI architecture [19]. Inset schematically shows the DC structure.
Fig. 3. Statistics of the transmission coefficient for 40 DCs with
Fig. 4. Sketch of the experimental setup. The PMI was connected to a 64 channel current source capable of setting currents up to 60 mA in each of its channels individually with a step of 0.01 mA. The current source was connected to and fully controlled from a PC.
Fig. 5. Simulated numerical comparison of the performance of realizing port-to-port optical mode switching between BS-based error-tolerant PMI [19] and conventional MZI-based PMI [15] architectures. The colored regions show the transmissions of all the DCs of switching-capable PMI configurations. The PMI was considered capable of realizing the switching task if the optimization procedure converged to the infidelity values lower than
Fig. 6. (a) Illustration of the optimization principle used for programming the interferometer. (b) Results of VFSA optimization of the phaseshifts to realize optical port-to-port switching for three wavelengths: 920, 945, and 980 nm. Histograms of the power distribution in the output ports of the device optimized for 1 to 1 switching to the specific output are shown for each input port and for each wavelength. The fidelity of the observed distribution to the expected one is shown for each input port in the graphs on the right.
Fig. 7. Microscope images of the (a) top and (b) facet views of the waveguides. (c) Measured TE mode field profile at the 920 nm wavelength. (d) Refractive index contrast profile
Fig. 8. Actual optical chip structure (view from the top). (a) Real scale scheme of the chip. Red and black dots represent the electrical and ground contacts with the PCB. Blue dots represent special markers on a fused silica sample needed for precise chip alignment before electrodes engraving. (b) Zoomed part of the waveguide structure and electrodes. Waveguides are depicted with black solid lines; engraved electrodes are depicted with blue solid lines. The thin metal film covers all the top surface of the chip—i.e., the whole white area on the figure is conducting—whereas blue lines represent the isolation trenches engraved between the electrodes.
Fig. 9. Comparison of the total lengths of eight-mode interferometers with different architectures with a curvature radius of
Fig. 10. Simulated numerical comparison of the performance of realizing port-to-port optical mode switching between BS-based error-tolerant PMI [19] and conventional MZI-based PMI [15] architectures. The colored regions show the mean values of normally distributed transmissions of DCs with standard deviation of 0.03 of switching-capable (with infidelity values lower than
Fig. 11. Convergence of the infidelity value. Each figure contains information about 24 optimizations. These are the results of phaseshift optimizations that minimize the infidelity between the target and measured output vectors. For each of the four first input ports, eight optimization runs were performed to switch all radiation power to any of the output modes using laser light with three different wavelengths (920, 945, and 980 nm).
Fig. 12. Examples of achievable output power distributions of the studied optical chip with input radiation injected into the first port. (a) Uniform power distributions obtained using three different laser wavelengths, (b) power distributions replicating the shape of the main building of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), and (c) logo of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, which illustrates the main building.
Fig. 13. Measured times of reconfiguration of the fabricated optical chip. (a) Turning on and off the phaseshift
Fig. 14. Measured thermal crosstalk between heaters in the transverse direction. (a) Crosstalk measurement protocol: light was injected into first input mode of the optical chip and electrical current was applied to a single heater (
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Ilya Kondratyev, Veronika Ivanova, Suren Fldzhyan, Artem Argenchiev, Nikita Kostyuchenko, Sergey Zhuravitskii, Nikolay Skryabin, Ivan Dyakonov, Mikhail Saygin, Stanislav Straupe, Alexander Korneev, Sergei Kulik, "Large-scale error-tolerant programmable interferometer fabricated by femtosecond laser writing," Photonics Res. 12, A28 (2024)
Received: Oct. 3, 2023
Accepted: Jan. 2, 2024
Published Online: Feb. 29, 2024
The Author Email: Ilya Kondratyev (