Acta Physica Sinica, Volume. 68, Issue 23, 230305-1(2019)

Research progress of hybrid cavity-magnon systems

Rui-Chang Shen1,2, Guo-Qiang Zhang2, Yi-Pu Wang2, and Jian-Qiang You2、*
Author Affiliations
  • 1Quantum Physics and Quantum Information Division, Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Beijing 100193, China
  • 2Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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    Figures & Tables(6)
    Schematic of YIG sphere and three-dimensional microwave cavity coupling system and the simulation of magnetic field distribution in cavity[41].YIG小球和三维微波腔耦合系统示意图及腔内磁场分布模拟图[41]
    When the magnon resonated with the cavity mode, the curves of the frequency shift of the lower-branch cavity magnon polaritons versus the driving power: (a) The bias magnetic field is along the crystal axis [100]; (b) the bias magnetic field is along the crystal axis [110][41].自旋波模和腔模共振时下支极化激元的频率移动随驱动功率变化情况 (a)偏置磁场沿晶轴[100]的情况; (b)偏置磁场沿晶轴[110]的情况[41]
    Relationship between the pseudo-Hermitian, the PT-symmetric Hamiltonian and the Hermitian Hamiltonian.赝厄米哈密顿量、PT对称哈密顿量和厄米哈密顿量之间关系示意图
    Schematic of PT-symmetrical system: (a) The schematic of experimental device; (b) the simulation of cavity mode and [42].PT对称系统示意图 (a)实验装置示意图; (b)腔TE101模和TE102模磁场分布模拟图[42]
    The total transmission spectrum versus the position of YIG sphere and the frequency of input field : (a) The theoretical simulation results; (b) the experimental results[42].PT对称系统中总传输谱随YIG小球位置x以及输入场频率的变化情况 (a)理论模拟结果; (b)实验结果[42]
    The system schematic and the simulation of theoretical results of pseudo-Hermitian system[47]: (a) The schematic of pseudo-Hermitian system; (b) the total transmission spectrum versus the coupling strength and the frequency detuning between the input field and the cavity mode .赝厄米系统示意图和理论结果模拟图[47] (a)赝厄米系统示意图; (b)理论模拟总传输谱随耦合强度以及输入场和腔模之间的频率失谐量的变化情况

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    Rui-Chang Shen, Guo-Qiang Zhang, Yi-Pu Wang, Jian-Qiang You. Research progress of hybrid cavity-magnon systems[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2019, 68(23): 230305-1

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    Paper Information

    Received: Oct. 21, 2019

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Sep. 17, 2020

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