Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 20, Issue 6, 060601(2022)
Direct phase control method for binary phase-shift keying space coherent laser communication
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Weijie Ren, Jianfeng Sun, Peipei Hou, Ronglei Han, Hongyu He, Haisheng Cong, Chaoyang Li, Longkun Zhang, Yuxin Jiang, "Direct phase control method for binary phase-shift keying space coherent laser communication," Chin. Opt. Lett. 20, 060601 (2022)
Category: Fiber Optics and Optical Communications
Received: Jan. 13, 2022
Accepted: Mar. 18, 2022
Posted: Mar. 21, 2022
Published Online: May. 6, 2022
The Author Email: Jianfeng Sun (