Optoelectronics Letters, Volume. 18, Issue 10, 601(2022)
Dark spatial solitons sequence in the biased centrosymmetric photorefractive crystal
We theoretically investigate the evolution of dark screening spatial solitons originating from the quadratic electro-optic effect in biased centrosymmetric photorefractive (CP) crystal by using beam propagation method (BPM). The results indicate that the multiple dark solitons sequence can be obtained in the CP crystal with the odd or even initial conditions. If the initial width of the dark notch is smaller, only a fundamental soliton or a Y-junction soliton pair is generated. When the initial width of the dark notch and the bias electric field are increased, the multiple dark spatial solitons sequence is formed, which realized a progressive transition from a low-order soliton to a higher-order solitons sequence in both odd and even conditions. The solitons characteristic is similar to that of screening solitons in the non-centrosymmetric photorefractive (NCP) crystals.
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ZHANG Yuhong, JIA Xinjuan. Dark spatial solitons sequence in the biased centrosymmetric photorefractive crystal[J]. Optoelectronics Letters, 2022, 18(10): 601
Received: Feb. 15, 2022
Accepted: Jun. 12, 2022
Published Online: Jan. 20, 2023
The Author Email: Yuhong ZHANG (zhangyh1979@163.com)