Photonics Research, Volume. 9, Issue 1, B1(2021)
Modulation format identification in fiber communications using single dynamical node-based photonic reservoir computing
Qiang Cai1、†, Ya Guo1,2、†, Pu Li1,3,4、*, Adonis Bogris5, K. Alan Shore6, Yamei Zhang7, and Yuncai Wang3
Author Affiliations
1Key Laboratory of Advanced Transducers and Intelligent Control System, Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China2School of Electronics and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China3School of Information Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China4Key Laboratory of Specialty Fiber Optics and Optical Access Networks, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China5Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering, University of West Attica, Athens 12243, Greece6School of Electronic Engineering, Bangor University, Wales LL57 1UT, UK7Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photonics, Ministry of Education, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, Chinashow less
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