Chinese Journal of Lasers, Volume. 48, Issue 12, 1209001(2021)

3D Imaging Using Geometric Light Field: A Review

Yongkai Yin1、*, Kai Yu1, Chunzhan Yu1, Xuechun Bai1, Zewei Cai2, Xiangfeng Meng1, and Xiulun Yang1
Author Affiliations
  • 1School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Qingdao, Shandong 266237, China
  • 2School of Electronic and Optical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210094, China
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    Yongkai Yin, Kai Yu, Chunzhan Yu, Xuechun Bai, Zewei Cai, Xiangfeng Meng, Xiulun Yang. 3D Imaging Using Geometric Light Field: A Review[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2021, 48(12): 1209001

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    Paper Information

    Category: holography and information processing

    Received: Mar. 1, 2021

    Accepted: Apr. 27, 2021

    Published Online: Jun. 7, 2021

    The Author Email: Yin Yongkai (

