Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 44, Issue 3, 0323001(2024)
Omnidirectional Dual-Function Terahertz Metasurface Device
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the designed dual-unctional metasurface. (a) Functional schematic diagram; (b) unit cell
Fig. 2. Response curves of different parameters to terahertz waves. (a) Elliptic long axis a; (b) short axis b; (c) dielectric layer thickness h; (d) metal strip width w
Fig. 3. Amplitude-phase characteristics of the unit cells under reflection mode. (a)(c) Amplitude; (b)(d) phase
Fig. 4. Phase arrangement of the proposed metasurface with different topological charges. (a) l=±1; (b) l=±2
Fig. 5. Results of left-handed circularly polarized waves incident on the metasurface in Fig. 4(a). (a)(e)(i)(m) Nar-field phase diagrams; (b)(f)(j)(n) electric field intensity diagrams; (c)(g)(k)(o) far-field radiation patterns; (d)(h)(l)(p) far-field phase diagrams
Fig. 6. Results of right-handed circularly polarized waves incident on the metasurface in Fig. 4(b). (a)(e)(i)(m) Phase diagram; (b)(f)(j)(n) electric field intensity diagram; (c)(g)(k)(o) far-field pattern; (d)(h)(l)(p) far-field phase diagram
Fig. 7. Mode purity of vortex beams generated by circular polarized waves incident on metasurfaces in Fig. 4 along -z direction. (a) l=+1; (b) l=+2; (c) l=-1; (d) l=-2
Fig. 8. Metasurface arrangement of quarter beam vortex beams with topological charge of l=-1. (a) Distribution of eight unit cells in vortex beam with topological charge of l=-1; (b) phase arrangement of the four beam divisions of the beam; (c) arrangement of eight unit cells for quarter beam vortex beam with topological charge of l=-1
Fig. 9. Far-field diagrams of beam splitting vortex with topological charge of l=-1. (a) Far-field radiation of xoy-plane; (b) 2D far-field diagram
Fig. 10. Metasurface arrangement of deflection vortex beams with topological charge of l=+2. (a) Metasurface elements distribution of vortex beam with topological charge of l=+2; (b) phase arrangement of deflection beam metasurface; (c) arrangement of eight unit cells for deflection vortex beam with topological charge of l=+2
Fig. 11. Far-field diagrams of deflection vortex with topological charge of l=+2. (a) 3D far-field radiation of xoz-plane; (b) 3D far-field radiation of xoy-plane; (c) 2D far-field diagram
Fig. 12. Phase distribution of superposition vortex beam metasurface. (a) Phase arrangement of deflection vortex beam with topological charge of l=-1;(b) phase arrangement of deflection vortex beam with topological charge of l=+2; (c) distribution of vortex beam with superimposed topological charges of l=-1 and l=+2
Fig. 13. Far-field of superposition vortex beam with topological charges of l=-1 and l=+2. (a) Far-field radiation of xoy-plane; (b) 2D far-field diagram
Fig. 14. Transmission amplitude and polarization conversion ratio of eight unit cells in transmission mode. (a) Transmission amplitude; (b) polarization conversion ratio
Fig. 15. Terahertz transmission amplitude phase curve in u-v axis under linearly polarized wave incidence at a frequency of 0.72 THz. (a) Transmission amplitude; (b) phase
Fig. 16. Surface current distribution under linearly polarized wave incident on metasurface along -z direction at 0.72 THz. (a) Left view of x-polarized wave incidence; (b) left view of y-polarized wave incidence; (c) top view of x-polarized wave incident; (d) bottom view of y-polarized wave incident
Fig. 17. Surface current distribution for linearly polarized wave incident on metasurface along +z direction at 0.72 THz. (a) Left view of y-polarized wave incident; (b) left view of x-polarized wave incident; (c) top view of x-polarized wave incident; (d) bottom view of y-polarized wave incident
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Lina Zhang, Jiusheng Li. Omnidirectional Dual-Function Terahertz Metasurface Device[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2024, 44(3): 0323001
Category: Optical Devices
Received: May. 16, 2023
Accepted: Oct. 7, 2023
Published Online: Feb. 21, 2024
The Author Email: Li Jiusheng (