Photonics Research, Volume. 10, Issue 6, 1401(2022)
Heterogeneous integrated phase modulator based on two-dimensional layered materials
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Hao Chen, Zexing Zhao, Ziming Zhang, Guoqing Wang, Jiatong Li, Zhenyuan Shang, Mengyu Zhang, Kai Guo, Junbo Yang, Peiguang Yan, "Heterogeneous integrated phase modulator based on two-dimensional layered materials," Photonics Res. 10, 1401 (2022)
Category: Integrated Optics
Received: Jan. 11, 2022
Accepted: Mar. 28, 2022
Published Online: May. 16, 2022
The Author Email: Kai Guo (, Junbo Yang (, Peiguang Yan (