Photonics Research, Volume. 11, Issue 5, 732(2023)
Biosensing with free space whispering gallery mode microlasers
Fig. 1. Optical characterization of lasing polystyrene microspheres. (a) Sketch of the optical setup and of the sample employed in the experiment. The polystyrene microspheres are deposited onto a microscope slide with grids previously functionalized with APTES. The laser light is focused on the sample by an objective with a spot size of
Fig. 2. Analysis of the wavelength shift of the lasing emission peaks of a single polystyrene microsphere in liquid induced by the absorption of tau proteins. (a) Sketch of the experiment. A drop of protein solution is deposited onto a polystyrene microsphere, and emission spectra are acquired on the soaked microsphere. (b) Emission spectra of a microsphere immersed in water (gray) and in tau protein (orange) suspension. (c), (d) Time evolution of the central emission wavelength, obtained by peak fitting, of a selected lasing peak (highlighted in yellow in the spectra in the top panel) for PBS buffer [blue (c)] and tau protein [orange (d)]. Time interval between two depositions is about 5 min. In the insets, the trend of the corresponding wavelength shift
Fig. 3. Analysis of the wavelength shift of the lasing emission peaks of a single polystyrene microsphere due to multiple depositions of lysozyme solution. (a) Sketch of the experiment. A drop of lysozyme solution is deposited onto a polystyrene microsphere and left to dry. The procedure is repeated three times. (b) Zoom on a selected lasing peak of the microsphere emission spectra at varying lysozyme amounts compared with the emission spectra of the bare microsphere (gray). (c) Average wavelength shifts of selected lasing peaks as a function of the lysozyme protein mass
Fig. 4. 3D-FDTD numerical simulations. (a) Illuminated bare microsphere and (b) microsphere surrounded by nanoparticles with a snapshot of the
Fig. 5. (a) Spectra taken at different points on the edge of a microlaser and (b) zoom on one peak.
Fig. 6. Analysis of the wavelength shift of the lasing emission peaks of a single polystyrene microsphere in liquid induced by the absorption of BSA and lysozyme proteins. (a) Sketch of the experiment. A drop of protein solution is deposited onto a polystyrene microsphere, and emission spectra are acquired on the soaked microsphere. (b), (c) Emission spectra of two different microspheres immersed in water (gray) and in BSA [blue (b)] and lysozyme [red (c)] suspensions. The volume fractions of the protein dispersions are
Fig. 7. 3D-FDTD numerical simulations. (a) Snapshot of the
Fig. 8. Numerical FDTD sensing. (a) Superimposed spectra of
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Angela Capocefalo, Silvia Gentilini, Lorenzo Barolo, Paola Baiocco, Claudio Conti, Neda Ghofraniha, "Biosensing with free space whispering gallery mode microlasers," Photonics Res. 11, 732 (2023)
Category: Optical Devices
Received: Oct. 5, 2022
Accepted: Dec. 8, 2022
Published Online: Apr. 23, 2023
The Author Email: Neda Ghofraniha (