Chinese Journal of Lasers, Volume. 50, Issue 12, 1202104(2023)
Study on Microstructure and Properties of Laser-Welded 30Cr3 Ultra-High-Strength Steel Joints Based on Weld Penetration Mode
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Zhao Liu, Lihua Pan, Xiaoqiang Li, Jian Gao, Ke Zhang. Study on Microstructure and Properties of Laser-Welded 30Cr3 Ultra-High-Strength Steel Joints Based on Weld Penetration Mode[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2023, 50(12): 1202104
Category: Laser Forming Manufacturing
Received: Dec. 6, 2022
Accepted: Feb. 2, 2023
Published Online: Jun. 6, 2023
The Author Email: Zhang Ke (