Photonics Research, Volume. 10, Issue 7, 1695(2022)
All dielectric metasurfaces for spin-dependent terahertz wavefront control
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Tong Wu, Huifang Zhang, Sivaloganathan Kumaran, Yuehong Xu, Qingwei Wang, Wladislaw Michailow, Xueqian Zhang, Harvey E. Beere, David A. Ritchie, Jiaguang Han, "All dielectric metasurfaces for spin-dependent terahertz wavefront control," Photonics Res. 10, 1695 (2022)
Category: Optical Devices
Received: Apr. 28, 2022
Accepted: May. 29, 2022
Published Online: Jun. 29, 2022
The Author Email: Huifang Zhang (, Xueqian Zhang (, Harvey E. Beere (, Jiaguang Han (