Collection Of theses on high power laser and plasma physics, Volume. 10, Issue 1, 778910(2010)

Evolution of low-frequency noise passing through spatial filter in high power laser system

Pingping Sun*, Dean Liu, Yanli Zhang, Xiaoyan Li, Yan Zhang, and Jianqiang Zhu
Author Affiliations
  • National Laboratory on High Power Laser and Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, P. R. China
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    Pingping Sun, Dean Liu, Yanli Zhang, Xiaoyan Li, Yan Zhang, Jianqiang Zhu. Evolution of low-frequency noise passing through spatial filter in high power laser system[J]. Collection Of theses on high power laser and plasma physics, 2010, 10(1): 778910

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    Published Online: Jun. 2, 2017

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