Photonic Sensors, Volume. 3, Issue 1, 1(2013)

Advances and New Applications Using the Acousto-Optic Effect in Optical Fibers

Alexandre A. P. POHL1、*, Roberson A. OLIVEIRA2, Ricardo E. DA SILVA1, Carlos A. F. MARQUES3, Paulo de Tarso NEVES JR.1, Kevin COOK4, John CANNING4, and Rogério N. NOGUEIRA3
Author Affiliations
  • 1Advanced Telecommunications Laboratory, Federal University of Technology-Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil
  • 2Volvo GTT, Advanced Technology & Research, Curitiba, Brazil
  • 3Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Pólo de Aveiro, 3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal
  • 4Interdisciplinary Photonics Labs, School of Chemistry, University of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia
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    Alexandre A. P. POHL, Roberson A. OLIVEIRA, Ricardo E. DA SILVA, Carlos A. F. MARQUES, Paulo de Tarso NEVES JR., Kevin COOK, John CANNING, Rogério N. NOGUEIRA. Advances and New Applications Using the Acousto-Optic Effect in Optical Fibers[J]. Photonic Sensors, 2013, 3(1): 1

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    Paper Information

    Category: Review

    Received: Oct. 22, 2012

    Accepted: Nov. 12, 2012

    Published Online: Apr. 16, 2013

    The Author Email: P. POHL Alexandre A. (

