Chinese Journal of Lasers, Volume. 47, Issue 5, 0500003(2020)

Research Progress on Ultrafast Laser Filamentation

Weiwei Liu*, Jiayun Xue, Qiang Su, and See Leang Chin
Author Affiliations
  • 1Tianjin Key Laboratory of Micro-Scale Optical Information Science and Technology,Institute of Modern Optics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China
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    Weiwei Liu, Jiayun Xue, Qiang Su, See Leang Chin. Research Progress on Ultrafast Laser Filamentation[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2020, 47(5): 0500003

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    Paper Information

    Category: reviews

    Received: Feb. 11, 2020

    Accepted: Mar. 31, 2020

    Published Online: May. 12, 2020

    The Author Email: Liu Weiwei (

