Owing to their great advantages of high sensitivity for Ge, InGaAs, and some novel photodiodes[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 19, Issue 7, 071402(2021)
High-repetition-rate 1.5 µm passively Q-switched Er:Yb:YAl3(BO3)4 microchip laser
End-pumped by a 976 nm diode laser, a high-repetition-rate
1. Introduction
Owing to their great advantages of high sensitivity for Ge, InGaAs, and some novel photodiodes[
Initial studies on the 1.5 µm laser were mainly based on co-doped phosphate glasses, which have a lower thermal conductivity of [
In addition to Er:Yb:YAB lasers, (Er:Yb:GdAB) crystals were also employed in the 1.5 µm PQS lasers. The PQS Er:Yb:GdAB lasers based on the crystal have been reported[
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Therefore, it is still a challenge to obtain a high-repetition-rate 1.5 µm pulse laser with narrow duration and high energy. In this paper, a 1553 nm Er:Yb:YAB microchip laser with a repetition rate of 544 kHz, pulse duration of 8.3 ns, and energy of 3.9 µJ was reported. To the best of our knowledge, the 544 kHz is the highest reported value for the 1.5 µm PQS pulse laser. The vehicular lidar with high repetition rate contributes to achieving high speed of scanning. Considering its cheap and compact characteristics, the reported 1553 nm microchip laser has a promising application in the lidar used in UAVs.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Laser crystal and saturable absorber
An Er(atomic fraction of 1.5%):Yb(atomic fraction of 12%):YAB crystal was employed as the laser gain medium in this experiment, and the detailed crystal growth procedure has been reported[
Figure 1.Material properties of the laser crystal and SA. (a) Polarized absorption spectra of the Er:Yb:YAB crystal and (b) transmission spectrum TSA of the employed Co2+: MgAl2O4 crystal.
A crystal with dimensions of was used as the SA in this experiment. Its transmission spectrum is shown Fig. 1(b), and the initial transmission at 1.5 µm was about 95.8%.
2.2. Microchip laser setup
The microchip laser setup is shown in Fig. 2. The input mirror (IM) and the output coupler (OC) were coated on the surfaces of two sapphire crystals, which acted as the heat sinks in the microchip laser. These sapphire crystals with a cross section of were polished to achieve a high surface quality with the parallelism better than 20 arcsec. The IM was antireflection-coated at 800–1000 nm with a high reflectivity of 99.8% at 1500–1600 nm. The OC had a transmission of 6% at 1500–1600 nm. The IM and the OC were tightly attached to the surfaces of the Er:Yb:YAB and crystals, respectively. Therefore, the resonator length was 2.8 mm. The resonator was mounted inside a copper holder cooled at 12°C and tightly pressed by screws. There was a hole with a radius of about 0.75 mm in the center of the holder to permit the passing of pumping laser beams.
Figure 2.Experimental setup for the PQS Er:Yb:YAB microchip laser.
In our previous experiment, the 77 kHz microchip laser[
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. CW pumping experiment
The new microchip laser performances were firstly investigated under CW pumping. The dependence of the laser characteristics on the incident pump power is shown in Fig. 3. The laser threshold was 2.2 W. The average output power and repetition rate of the microchip laser were increased with the increment of the incident pump power from 2.2 W to 4.5 W. When the incident pump power was further increased from 4.5 W, the average output power and repetition rate of the microchip laser could not be obviously increased, and the bending of output characteristics was observed. In order to avoid the thermal damage of the laser crystal, the microchip laser operated under incident pump power lower than 6.8 W. For all incident pump power, the pulse energy was kept at 1–4 µJ, and the pulse duration was kept at 7–9 ns. In the CW pumping experiment, the microchip laser with the maximum repetition rate of 144 kHz, pulse duration of 8.0 ns, and pulse energy of 1.7 µJ was obtained at the incident pump power of 6.3 W. The pulse train is shown in the Fig. 4(a). The pulse operation was stable, and the amplitude variations between various pulses and interpulse time jittering were kept within 5%. The single-pulse profile is shown in Fig. 4(b), and the full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the laser pulse is 8.0 ns. The oscillating wavelength of the pulse laser was centered at about 1548 nm, which is shown in the inset of Fig. 4(b).
Figure 3.Microchip laser pumped by a CW LD. (a) Average output power and pulse energy and (b) pulse repetition rate and pulse duration versus incident pump power.
Figure 4.Microchip laser operated at the incident power of 6.3 W. (a) Pulse train profile and the pulse repetition rate. (b) Single-pulse profile and pulse duration; the inset shows the laser spectrum.
Pumped by the CW LD, a microchip laser with the maximum repetition rate of 144 kHz, duration of 8.0 ns, and energy of 1.7 µJ was obtained, and the repetition rate of the microchip laser could not be further increased. Compared with the previous reports about 1.5 µm pulse lasers based on a hemisphere resonator[
Owing to the large quantum defect and low fluorescence quantum efficiency of the upper laser level, the generated heat loading was considered as a crucial reason for the bending of the output characteristics. The influences of the heat loading were mainly from two aspects. (1) The stabilization of the microchip laser was typically ensured by a positive thermal lens of the gain material. With the increment of the incident pump power, the strong heat loading increased the thermal lens effect and shortened the thermal focal length. This change induced the mode matching in the microchip laser to become worse. (2) The energy level structure and main transitions in the Er:YB:YAB crystal are shown in the Fig. 5. The heat loading in the microchip laser supplied energy for in the ground state and forced it to transit to the lower laser level. This process decreased the ratio of population in the upper and lower laser levels and weakened the laser operation.
Figure 5.Energy level structure and main transitions in the Er:Yb:YAB laser.
Due to the above reasons, the gain of the laser crystal could not be obviously increased when the incident pump power was further increased from 4.5 W. Therefore, the average output power and repetition rate could not be obviously increased, and the bending of the output characteristics would be observed. As for the fluctuation of the output characteristics, it was mainly caused by the generation of the laser with the high-order transverse mode in the laser operation. The generation of the laser with the high-order transverse mode affects the mode matching in the microchip laser and leads to the gain of the laser crystal appearing with slight fluctuations. Therefore, the average output power and repetition rate would appear as fluctuating.
3.2. QCW pumping experiment
In order to reduce the heat loading, the microchip laser was pumped by a QCW LD. In this case, the thermal damage of the Er:Yb:YAB crystal could be effectively avoided and a higher-peak-power LD could be employed in the microchip laser. When the Er:Yb:YAB laser crystal was pumped by a higher-peak-power LD, the pumping rate of the ions that transited from the ground state to the upper laser level would be increased, and then the energy storage time of the upper laser level would be reduced. Therefore, an LD with higher peak power could reduce the interpulse time and increase the repetition rate of the output pulse. The results of the QCW pumping experiment are shown in Figs. 6 and 7.
Figure 6.Microchip laser pumped by a QCW LD. (a) Average output power and pulse energy and (b) pulse repetition rate and pulse duration versus pump peak power.
Figure 7.Microchip laser operated at the QCW pump power of 20 W. (a) Pulse train profile and the pulse repetition rate. (b) Single-pulse profile and pulse duration; the inset shows the laser spectrum.
In the QCW pumping experiment, the microchip laser was pumped by a QCW LD with the pulse period of 2 ms and a duty-cycle of 20%. It can be seen from Fig. 6(a) that the laser threshold was at a peak power of 2 W. The average output power was linearly increased with the increment of the pump peak power, and the pulse energy was always kept at 3–6 µJ. Figure 6(b) showed that the pulse repetition rate was increased with the increment of the pump peak power from 2 W to 20 W. The pulse duration was decreased from 34 ns to 9.8 ns with the increment of the pump peak power from 2 W to 10 W. In our opinion, the weaker thermal lens effect would lead the microchip laser to be operated with a larger laser mode area and a lower power density, so the SA was not fully bleached at the threshold under QCW pumping mode. The pulse duration could be written as
Then, the thermal lens effect and (the modulation depth of the SA) would be increased when the QCW pump power increased from 2 W to 10 W. Therefore, a huge fluctuation of the pulse duration appeared. When the pump peak power was further increased from 10 W to 20 W, the SA was fully bleached, and the pulse duration was kept at 8–9 ns. No bending of the output characteristics of the average output power and repetition rate was observed. By comparing Figs. 3 and 6, it can be found that the repetition rate of the CW pumping microchip laser was seriously limited by the heat loading of the laser crystal. When the heat loading was greatly reduced, the higher-peak-power pump would induce a higher-repetition-rate laser operation. These experimental results were in agreement with the previous analysis.
At the pump peak power of 20 W, a microchip pulse laser with the repetition rate of 544 kHz, duration of 8.3 ns, and energy of 3.9 µJ was successfully obtained. The pulse train is shown in Fig. 7(a), where the amplitude variations between various pulses and interpulse time jittering were about 10%. The pulse profile is shown in Fig. 7(b), and the FWHM of the laser pulse was 8.3 ns. The laser spectrum is shown in the inset of the Fig. 7(b), and the oscillating wavelength of the pulse laser was centered at about 1553 nm. To the best of our knowledge, the 544 kHz is the highest reported value for the 1.5 µm PQS pulse laser. The maximum peak power of 20 W in the experiment was limited by the available pump source in our laboratory. According to the trend of the repetition rate shown in Fig. 6(b), it could be expected that a 1.5 µm pulse laser with a repetition rate more than 544 kHz would be obtained when the microchip laser was pumped by a QCW LD with a higher peak power.
4. Conclusion
A 1.5 µm PQS laser with the repetition rate of 544 kHz, pulse duration of 8.3 ns, and pulse energy of 3.9 µJ was obtained, and the great potential of the Er:Yb:YAB microchip laser to achieve a higher-repetition-rate 1.5 µm pulse laser was displayed in the QCW pumping experiment. However, the maximum repetition rate of the microchip laser in the CW pumping experiment was only 144 kHz, which was restricted by the heat loading. Our experiment promoted the study and development of the high-repetition-rate 1.5 µm pulse laser. The lidar with high repetition rate contributes to achieving a high speed of scanning. Considering its cheap and compact characteristics, the reported 1553 nm microchip laser has a promising application in the lidar used in UAVs.
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Songqing Zha, Yujin Chen, Bingxuan Li, Yanfu Lin, Wenbin Liao, Yuqi Zou, Chenghui Huang, Zhanglang Lin, Ge Zhang, "High-repetition-rate 1.5 µm passively Q-switched Er:Yb:YAl3(BO3)4 microchip laser," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 071402 (2021)
Category: Lasers, Optical Amplifiers, and Laser Optics
Received: Oct. 28, 2020
Accepted: Dec. 21, 2020
Published Online: Apr. 2, 2021
The Author Email: Yujin Chen (cyj@fjirsm.ac.cn), Ge Zhang (zhg@fjirsm.ac.cn)