Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 35, Issue 5, 1222(2015)
Rapid Isolation of Phenol Degrading Bacteria by Fourier Transform Infrared(FTIR) Spectroscopy
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LI Fei, SONG Wen-jun, WEI Ji-ping, WANG Su-ying, LIU Chong-ji. Rapid Isolation of Phenol Degrading Bacteria by Fourier Transform Infrared(FTIR) Spectroscopy[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2015, 35(5): 1222
Received: Oct. 14, 2014
Accepted: --
Published Online: May. 26, 2015
The Author Email: Fei LI (sam-lifei@163.com)