Acta Physica Sinica, Volume. 68, Issue 22, 227101-1(2019)
Fig. 1. A schematic figure for the topological boundary state in a topological insulator.关于拓扑绝缘体中拓扑边缘态的简单图像
Fig. 3. Chiral symmetry protected nodal line in a Dirac superconductor: (a) A Dirac node can evolve into a nodal ring or two Weyl nodes under different symmetry breaking; (b)−(d) illustrate the different topological protection for the degeneracies in (a). Here, the nodal ring is protected by the winding number[51]. 在狄拉克超导体中出现的由手征对称性保护的节线 (a)当空间反演或者时间反演破坏时, 一个狄拉克点会变为一个节环或两个外尔点; (b)−(d)刻画了(a)中几种简并点的拓扑保护机制, 其中节环是由拓扑绕数所保护[51]
Fig. 4. Nodal lines found in three carbon allotropes: (a) 3D carbon with Mackay-Terrones crystal structur[52]; (b) 3D hyperhoneycomb carbon[53]; (c) 3D graphene network structure[56]. 在三种碳材料中发现的节线 (a) Mackay-Terrones结构的三维碳和节线在动量空间的表示[52]; (b) hyperhoneycomb结构的三维碳和节线在动量空间的表示[53]; (c)三维的石墨烯网络结构和节线在动量空间的表示[56]
Fig. 5. Nodal line protected by the glide mirror symmetry: (a) Shows the glide-mirror-invariant plane in Brillouin zone,
Fig. 7. Three types of nodal lines classified by the energy dispersion: (a) Type-I nodal line; (b) type-II nodal lines; (c) hybrid nodal lines; (d)−(f) show the typical shapes of the constant energy surface for the three types[64]. 三种不同色散类型的节线 (a) type-I节线; (b) type-II节线; (c) hybird节线; (d)−(f)三种节线的等能面[64]
Fig. 8. Unique properties of type-II and hybrid nodal lines: (a) Comparison between type-I and type-II nodal lines in terms of JDOS and optical absorption rate[61]; (b) the magnetic breakdown and its feature in anisotropic magnetic oscillation for a hybrid nodal loop[64]. Type-II节线和hybrid节线的特殊物理性质 (a) Type-II节线和type-I节线的光学性质的比较[61]; (b) hybrid节线导致的磁坍塌效应和磁振荡中的各向异性[64]
Fig. 9. (a) Schematic figure for the higher order nodal lines; (b)−(d) show the quadratic nodal line in ZrPtGa: (c) the band structure of ZrPtGa, the blue solid curve indicates the quadratic nodal line; (d) shows the band dispersion in the plane perpendicular to
Fig. 13. Surface states of nodal line metals: (a) Drumhead surface states for nodal rings in superconductors[51]; (b) drumhead surface states in a 3D carbon allotrope[52]; (c), (d) show the double drumhead surface states in ReO2[73]and Ta3SiTe6[74]; (e) surface states of cubic nodal line, which spreads over the whole BZ[83]. 节线对应的拓扑表面态 (a)狄拉克超导体中节线导致的鼓膜态[51]; (b)碳的同素异形体中的鼓膜态[52]; (c), (d) ReO2[73]和Ta3SiTe6[74]中的双鼓膜态; (e)对应着三次节线的遍布布里渊区的环面表面态[83]
Fig. 19. A method to circumvent the Nielson-Ninomiya no-go theorem: (a) Schematic figure showing the single Weyl point; (b) Berry curvature distribution; (c), (d) show that there is no surface Fermi arc emitted from the Weyl point, the white dot labels the surface projection of the Weyl point[117]. 绕过Nielson-Ninomiya不可行定理的方法 (a)一个单独外尔点的示意图; (b)贝利曲率分布; (c), (d)显示了在表面上不存在连接单外尔点的费米弧表面, 白色点标记了体内外尔点在表面的投影[117]
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Shan-Shan Wang, Wei-Kang Wu, Sheng-Yuan Yang.
Received: Oct. 9, 2019
Accepted: --
Published Online: Sep. 17, 2020
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