Journal of Synthetic Crystals, Volume. 50, Issue 2, 209(2021)

Development of Zinc Oxide: Bulk Crystal Growth, Arbitrary Regulation of Carrier Concentration and Practical Applications

HUANG Feng, ZHENG Wei, WANG Mengye, HE Jiaqing, CHENG Lu, LI Titao, XU Cunhua, DAI Yejing, and LI Yuqiang
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    HUANG Feng, ZHENG Wei, WANG Mengye, HE Jiaqing, CHENG Lu, LI Titao, XU Cunhua, DAI Yejing, LI Yuqiang. Development of Zinc Oxide: Bulk Crystal Growth, Arbitrary Regulation of Carrier Concentration and Practical Applications[J]. Journal of Synthetic Crystals, 2021, 50(2): 209

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    Received: Dec. 28, 2020

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    Published Online: Mar. 30, 2021

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