Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 43, Issue 9, 0910001(2023)
Position-Multiplexing-Based Double-Image Encryption in Cascaded Double-Phase Encoding Cryptosystem
Fig. 1. Decryption principle of position-multiplexing-based double-image encryption in CDPE. (a) Decryption of plaintext image 1; (b) decryption of plaintext image 2
Fig. 2. Encryption algorithm for position-multiplexing-based double-image encryption in CDPE
Fig. 3. Numerical demonstration of effectiveness of proposed method. (a)(b) Two plaintext images; (c) KM; (d) CM; (e)(f) two decrypted images; (g) dependence of error function on iteration number
Fig. 4. Dependence of decrypted plaintext quality on ratio of correct pixel number in KM
Fig. 5. Dependence of decrypted image quality on wavelength error. (a) BJUT; (b) NYNU
Fig. 6. Dependence of decrypted image quality on distance errors. Dependence of decrypted "BJUT" on (a)
Fig. 7. Decrypted results when
Fig. 8. Numerical demonstration of proposed method for grayscale image encryption. (a)(b) Two plaintext images; (c) KM; (d) CM; (e)(f) two decrypted images; (g) dependence of error function on iteration number
Fig. 9. Decryption scheme and results after extension of proposed method to triple-image encryption. (a)-(c) Decryption scheme of three plaintext images; (d)-(f) decrypted results of three plaintext images
Fig. 10. Decrypted images for polluted ciphertexts obtained by proposed method. (a)(b)
Fig. 11. Results of CPA for proposed method. (a) Recovered key mask; (b) (c) decrypted results of Fig. 3(d) with recovered key mask; (d) (e) decrypted results of Fig. 8(d) with recovered key mask
Fig. 13. Experimental demonstration of effectiveness of proposed method. (a)(b) Two POI images displayed on SLM; (c)(d) decrypted images
Fig. 14. Experimentally decrypted results when
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Yi Qin, Yuhong Wan, Qiong Gong. Position-Multiplexing-Based Double-Image Encryption in Cascaded Double-Phase Encoding Cryptosystem[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2023, 43(9): 0910001
Category: Image Processing
Received: Oct. 9, 2022
Accepted: Nov. 25, 2022
Published Online: May. 9, 2023
The Author Email: Wan Yuhong (