Lithium niobate (, LN) is an attractive functional crystal material with outstanding optical properties. In past years, research into the LN crystal has intensified, and it is widely used in the field of integrated optics[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 19, Issue 6, 060009(2021)
Lithium niobate planar and ridge waveguides fabricated by 3 MeV oxygen ion implantation and precise diamond dicing
We report on the fabrication and optimization of lithium niobate planar and ridge waveguides at the wavelength of 633 nm. To obtain a planar waveguide, oxygen ions with an energy of 3.0 MeV and a fluence of
1. Introduction
Lithium niobate (, LN) is an attractive functional crystal material with outstanding optical properties. In past years, research into the LN crystal has intensified, and it is widely used in the field of integrated optics[
Since ion implantation has become an effective and relatively mature waveguide manufacturing tool in the past decades[
The optical waveguide has become the basic component for electro-optic devices in PICs. In particular, two-dimensional (2D) waveguides[
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2. Experiment and Details
The LN crystals used in this work are -cut with dimensions of , and the top/bottom faces () are optically polished. The ridge waveguides in this work are fabricated by two major steps, ion implantation and precise dicing. The details are introduced as follows.
2.1. Planar waveguide formation and optimization
To obtain a low loss planar waveguide, O ions at the energy of 3.0 MeV with a fluence of are implanted in the polished face of LN crystals. The implanted process is performed in a 1.7 MV tandem accelerator (located in Peking University) at room temperature. The ion beam was electrically scanned to ensure a uniform implantation over the samples. In order to avoid the channeling effect, the samples were titled 7° off the beam direction. The damage layer is formed in the LN crystals after the implantation process. The optical properties of implanted LN crystals are investigated by prism coupling and end-face coupling arrangements. To operate end-face coupling measurements, the end faces (the input and output faces) of samples are optically polished after the ion implantation process. The post annealing treatment must be applied to obtain a low loss planar waveguide. To find the best annealing condition, we carried out annealing treatments at 200°C (A1), 300°C (A2), 400°C (A3), and 500°C (A4) with the same time of 30 min on four planar waveguide samples separately. The optimized annealing condition is found, and the low loss planar waveguide is fabricated through the ion implantation process.
2.2. Precise dicing and ridge waveguide formation
The precise dicing technique is used to carve grooves in LN planar waveguides. This process is completed in Shanghai (Disc DAD323). The important criteria for obtaining an eligible ridge are smooth side walls and little chipping on both the surface and end face. Ridge waveguides with smooth walls and acceptable edges are fabricated by adjusting the dicing conditions. The optimum dicing condition used in this work is that the thickness and diameter of the diamond blade are 23 µm and 56 mm, respectively, the rotation speed is 40,000 r/min, and the moving speed is 0.5 mm/s. The blade is translated along the entire length of the wafer, which is convinced that the precise dicing is an effective and useful tool to fabricate centimeter-long ridge waveguides. The near-field intensity profile and propagation loss of ridge waveguides are measured by the end-face coupling method.
3. Results and Discussion
The values of the substrate refractive index () for extraordinary and ordinary light directions ( and ) of LN crystals are 2.2028 and 2.2868, separately. The planar waveguides are fabricated by 3.0 MeV O ions implantation. For the planar waveguide, the prism coupling measurement is an effective and intuitive investigation method to obtain the guide mode effective refractive index (). In this experimental arrangement, a dip in the curve corresponds to the lack of reflected light originating from the mode excitation in the waveguide. In order to optimize the waveguide quality, annealing treatments from 200 to 500°C are used in LN planar waveguide samples in air atmosphere. We performed a prism-coupling experiment of both transverse magnetic (TM, direction) and transverse electric (TE, direction) polarizations for the O implanted waveguides after each different annealing condition at a wavelength of 633 nm. Figure 1(a) shows the dark mode spectra of the TM polarized light at the wavelength of 633 nm both before and after annealing. It is found that the first dip ( mode) is very sharp, and the is higher than , which may be the real guided mode for the as implanted sample. Obviously, the of the first guided mode (2.2109) is increased, and the second sharp dip appears after annealing at 200°C for 30 min in air atmosphere. We note that the dips disappear after annealing at 500°C for 30 min. This phenomenon indicates that the properties of the O implanted sample are the same as virgin LN when the annealing temperature is up to 500°C. In other words, the damage or lattice disorder caused by our O implanted condition in the LN crystal could be recovered completely after annealing at 500°C for 30 min. The detail trend of the modes after different annealing treatments is shown in Fig. 1(b). The corresponding results for TE polarization are depicted in Figs. 1(c) and 1(d). The main feature of the effective refractive indices to be remarked is the ascending-descending trend of the mode as the annealing temperature increases, whereas the mode shows monotonic decrease behaviour.
Figure 1.Measured relative intensity of reflected light from the prism versus the effective refractive index at a wavelength of 633 nm before and after annealing for O implanted planar waveguides: (a) TM polarized light and (c) TE polarized light. Effective refractive indices of the (b) TM0 mode and (d) TE0 mode varying with different annealing temperatures for the same time of 30 min.
The stopping and range of ions in matter (SRIM) 2013[
Figure 2.Dpa profile of the 3 MeV O ions with the fluence of 1.5 × 1015 ions/cm2 implanted into LiNbO3 crystal.
Figure 3.Reconstructed RIP of the LiNbO3 planar waveguide at a wavelength of 633 nm after A1 annealing treatment: (a) TE; (b) TM.
The end-face coupling method is utilized to investigate the guiding properties and propagation loss of waveguides at a wavelength of 633 nm. The experimental results indicate that the waveguide could not carry the TE mode, which is due to the weak limit of light for the optical barrier. In addition, the O implanted waveguide could carry the TM mode; however, the loss of the mode in an implanted planar waveguide is too large to detect. The loss of waveguide samples after each annealing treatment is obtained separately by the back-reflected method[
Figure 4.Near-field intensity profiles of the LiNbO3 planar waveguide at a wavelength of 633 nm after A2 annealing treatment: (a) measured by the end-face coupling method; (b) calculated by the beam propagation method.
Based on the above analysis, the planar waveguide at the direction (TM polarized) with acceptable propagation loss was fabricated by our ion implantation process and subsequent A2 annealing treatment. The preliminary work helps us identify planar waveguide samples with optimized quality. Considering this, four kinds of ridge waveguides with widths of 15 µm (WG15), 25 µm (WG25), 35 µm (WG35), and 50 µm (WG50) are fabricated, respectively, by precise diamond blade dicing on the planar waveguide after the A2 annealing treatment. The surface and cross sections of the ridge waveguides (WG15, WG25, WG35, and WG50) are measured by an optical microscope and shown in Figs. 5(a)–5(d). The bright region is the waveguide area labeled in Fig. 5(d) for clarity. Edge chipping is inevitable for the precise diamond dicing method. The chipping will deteriorate the ridge waveguide quality, and the influence will be alleviated with the increase of the ridge width. In this work, we illustrate this for measuring the propagation loss of ridge waveguides with different widths. The near-field modal profiles of the mode, both experimental and simulated profiles of WG15, are depicted in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b), respectively. It can be clearly seen that the ridge waveguide could carry the mode with an acceptable guiding quality. We calculate the propagation losses of the ridge waveguides for each width by use of an approximate method introduced in Ref. [26]. The coupling efficiency is estimated by the beam propagation method[
Figure 5.Optical microscope images of ridge waveguide cross section: (a) WG15; (b) WG25; (c) WG35; (d) WG50.
Figure 6.Near-field intensity profiles of the LiNbO3 ridge waveguide with a width of 15 µm at the wavelength of 633 nm: (a) measured by the end-face coupling method; (b) calculated by the beam propagation method.
In the following part, we will focus on the relationship between propagation loss of the waveguide and RIP for medium-mass ion implantation at the energy of MeV. According to the related research in the previous work, we know that the waveguide formation is attributed to the enhanced-index well and optical barrier. In LN crystal, the enhanced-index well is formed by an appropriate reduction of spontaneous polarization, and this reduction will raise the extraordinary refractive index and decrease the ordinary refractive index. This can explain the variation of the surface refractive index () for both TE and TM polarizations, as shown in Fig. 3. As reported in Ref. [7], it will reach a maximum value ( for a wavelength of 633 nm) when the implantation dose reaches a critical value[
4. Conclusions
In conclusion, with the ion implantation and precise dicing of LN crystals, we have achieved planar and ridge waveguides with acceptable propagation loss. The mode profiles and propagation loss of planar and ridge waveguides have been investigated in detail. The optimum annealing treatment was obtained in this work under our implanted condition. The relationship between the propagation loss of the waveguide and RIP for medium-mass ion implantation at the energy of MeV is clarified. The propagation loss of WG15 is 4.5 dB/cm, and, with the increase of the waveguide width, propagation losses decreased to 2.4 dB/cm, 1.5 dB/cm, and 1.0 dB/cm, respectively. The reason for this may be that chipping the side walls is a critical factor for large propagation loss of the ridge waveguide, especially when the width of the ridge is equal to or less than 15 µm. Our work will provide reference data for the application of LN crystals in integrated photonic devices.
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Jinhua Zhao, Xueshuai Jiao, Yingying Ren, Jinjun Gu, Sumei Wang, Mingyang Bu, Lei Wang, "Lithium niobate planar and ridge waveguides fabricated by 3 MeV oxygen ion implantation and precise diamond dicing," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 060009 (2021)
Category: Special Issue on Lithium Niobate Based Photonic Devices
Received: Feb. 5, 2021
Accepted: Apr. 7, 2021
Published Online: May. 8, 2021
The Author Email: Jinhua Zhao (