Fig. 2. Scaling of PDE results. (a) Nodal representation of an arbitrarily sized network of interconnected metatronic elements. (b) (Top view) sections of a larger waveguide network extending in all directions. The perfect electric conductor (PEC) regions for the waveguides are represented as gray blocks. The red and yellow slabs represent the elements that enable us to emulate the parallel and series metatronic elements, respectively. (c)–(e) Full-wave numerical results of the -field distribution of a waveguide network. As in Fig. 1(c), a 10 GHz monochromatic input signal is excited from the left waveguide of the top-left junction. These results have been normalized so that the out-of-plane -field seen at the top left junction is unity. Here, is the wavelength of the PDE in the simulation space, while is the wavelength of the incident signal in free space. (c) Numerical results for the case where there are no dielectric slabs present within the connecting waveguides; see inset. (d), (e) Analytical (left), theoretical (middle), and numerical (right) results of the same setup from (c) (same color scale applies here) but now when the waveguides are loaded with the dielectric slabs emulating metatronic elements with effective impedances , and , , respectively. These values correspond to PDEs with parameters , , and , , respectively. The EM and geometrical parameters after optimization are mm (), (), (), mm (), , and for the results presented in panel (d), where , , , and are the lengths of the impedance transforming waveguides from left to right, as shown in Fig. 1(b). , , , and are the widths and permittivity values of the slabs representing the series and parallel elements, respectively. These parameters are (), (), (), (), , and for the results presented in panel (e). The line plots in the rightmost panels of (d), (e) show the numerical (green triangles), analytical (red squares), and theoretical (gray circles) results of the magnitude of the -field taken along a straight line from the top-left to bottom-right corners of the simulation space, respectively.