Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 42, Issue 18, 1812006(2022)
Accurate Adjustment Technology for Longitudinal Piston Error in Echelle Grating Tiling
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Rui Wang, Jian Han, Dong Xiao, Huiqi Ye, Liang Tang, Jun Hao, Yang Zhai, Zhibo Hao. Accurate Adjustment Technology for Longitudinal Piston Error in Echelle Grating Tiling[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2022, 42(18): 1812006
Category: Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology
Received: Jan. 14, 2022
Accepted: Apr. 15, 2022
Published Online: Sep. 15, 2022
The Author Email: Han Jian (