Advanced Photonics, Volume. 4, Issue 3, 034003(2022)

Advances in lithium niobate photonics: development status and perspectives Article Video , On the Cover

Guanyu Chen1, Nanxi Li2, Jun Da Ng1, Hong-Lin Lin1, Yanyan Zhou2, Yuan Hsing Fu2, Lennon Yao Ting Lee2, Yu Yu3、*, Ai-Qun Liu4, and Aaron J. Danner1、*
Author Affiliations
  • 1National University of Singapore, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Singapore
  • 2A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), Institute of Microelectronics, Singapore
  • 3Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Optical and Electronic Information, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Wuhan, China
  • 4Nanyang Technological University, Quantum Science and Engineering Centre, Singapore
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    Figures & Tables(32)
    Overview of LN photonics. Top middle inset is LN crystal structure. EO, electro-optic; SHG, second harmonic generation; SFG/DFG, sum/difference frequency generation; SCG, supercontinuum generation; OPA/OPO, optical parametric amplification/oscillation; SRS, stimulated Raman scattering; PPLN, periodically poled lithium niobate; GC, grating coupler; WL, wavelength; AO, acousto-optic.
    Process flow of planar LN device fabrication. Illustration of (a) metal ion-in diffusion and (b) PE methods for planar photonic device fabrication in bulk LN crystals (dimensions are not drawn to scale). PR, photoresist.
    Process flows of (a) CIS and (b) lapping and polishing technologies. Dimensions are not drawn to scale.
    Heterogeneous integrated LN devices. (a) Schematic structure, (b) optical, and (c) atomic force microscopic images of an LN on silica hybrid micro-resonator. (a)–(c) Adapted from Ref. 161 © 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. (d) 3D schematic structure, (e) cross section and optical field distribution of a SiNx on LN hybrid MZI modulator. (d) and (e) Adapted from Ref. 169; all article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license.
    Dry etching results of LN. (a) SEM image of the LN cross section and (b) current changed along etching depth in end point detection after SF6 based etching. (a) and (b) Adapted from Ref. 182 © 2008 American Institute of Physics (AIP). (c) SEM, (d) AFM, and (e) XPS images of LN sample after Ar-based dry etching. (c)–(e) Adapted with permission from Ref. 175.
    Wet etching results of LN. SEM images of the LN etched cross section using undiluted (a) 0% and (b) 20% of adipic acid, (c) 0% and (d) 20% of adipic acid with 0.6% of lithium benzoate, (e) 20% and (f) 30% of adipic acid with 0.3% of lithium carbonate (concentrations in percent represent mole fractions). (a)–(f) Adapted from Ref. 198 © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. (g) SEM image of photonic crystals (PhCs) using ion implantation and wet etching. Adapted with permission from Ref. 138 © 2010 American Vacuum Society.
    LN-based microresonators. (a) Schematic experimental setup for characterizing a mechanical polishing bulk LN whispering-gallery resonator and its corresponding measured Q factor. Adapted from Ref. 227 © 2011 AIP. (b) Resonance spectra of the fabricated microdisk using ECR RIE technology in TFLN. Inset shows the microscope image of tapered fiber coupling on top of the device. Zoom in views are the details of representative resonance dips. Adapted with permission from Ref. 228 © 2014 Optical Society of America (OSA). (c) SEM (top) and microscopic images (bottom) of microring and microracetrack ring with various lengths, and (d) its measured transmission spectrum. (c) and (d) Adapted with permission from Ref. 192 © 2017 OSA. (e) Microscope image of the waveguide coupled TFLN microring and (f) its measured transmission spectrum. The Q factors for (g) TE and (h) TM modes fitted by Lorentz-shape curves. (e)–(h) Adapted with permission from Ref. 224 © 2022 Chinese Optical Society (COS).
    LN-based GCs. (a) Schematic structure, (b) simulated electric field distribution and (c) measured transmission spectrum of 1D chirped GC in TFLN. (a)–(c) Adapted with permission from Ref. 259 © 2020 OSA. (d) Schematic structure of a 2D GC in TFLN. Measured and simulated (e) transmission spectra and (f) polarization dependence loss of the TFLN 2D GC. (d)–(f) Adapted with permission from Ref. 265 © 2021 OSA.
    LN-based edge coupler. (a) Schematic structure of the bilayer edge coupler and its corresponding mode profiles at different positions. (b) Simulated and measured coupling efficiency versus different tip widths in the tapered slab region. (c) Additional insertion loss with respect to coupling misalignment (TE mode). (a)–(c) Adapted with permission from Ref. 246 © 2019 OSA.
    TFLN EO tunable microring resonator. (a) Schematic structure (top), cross section (bottom left), and SEM images of the Z-cut TFLN microring modulator, and (b) its EO resonance shift curve. (a) and (b) Adapted with permission from Ref. 181 © 2007 Nature Publishing Group.
    TFLN-based modulators. (a) Microscopic image of TFLN MZI modulator (inset is its schematic cross section). (b) Measured transmission spectrum of a 2-cm long device. (c) Measured high speed data transmission results of 100 Gb/s NRZ, 140 Gb/s 4-ASK, and 210 Gb/s 8-ASK signals. (a)–(c) Adapted with permission from Ref. 31 © 2018 Springer Nature Limited (SNL). (d) SEM images (top: full SEM image; bottom: zoom-in image of the PhC details). (e) Schematic structure of the TFLN PhC modulator. (d) and (e) Adapted with permission from Ref. 241. (f) Schematic structure of the MIM, and insets are cross section mode profiles at different positions. Adapted from Ref. 276. (g) Schematic structure of the TFLN DBR modulator, and SEM images of the (h) DBR and (i) modulation region. (g)–(i) Adapted with permission from Ref. 242 © 2021 COS. (j) Schematic structure and (k) measured S21 curves of the TFLN-based DP-IQ modulator. X and Y represent two orthogonal polarization states, I and Q represent in-phase and quadrature branches. (j) and (k) Adapted with permission from Ref. 294 © 2022 Optica.
    EO tunable interleaver in TFLN. (a) Schematic structure of TFLN waveguide interleaver, and its measured tunable transmission spectra for (b) TE and (c) TM polarized input light. (a)–(c) Adapted with permission from Ref. 297 © 2018 OSA.
    TFLN-based EO devices for optical frequency controlling. (a) False colored SEM image of an EO tunable coupled microring resonator. (b) The programmable photonic molecule consists of a pair of identical coupled rings (resonant frequency ω1=ω2). Such a system has two distinct energy levels: symmetric (blue/blue shading) and antisymmetric (red/blue) optical modes are spatially out of phase by π. The microwave field interacts with the two-level system through the large EO effect of TFLN. (a) and (b) Adapted with permission from Ref. 298 © The Author(s), under exclusive license to SNL 2018. (c) SEM image of a reconfigurable electro-optic frequency shifter. (d) Upshift and (e) downshift under 12.5 GHz microwave frequency and at 1601.2 nm wavelength (ω1) show measured 80% CE and >0.99 shift ratio (defined as the ratio of the output power at the shifted frequency and the output power inside the bus waveguide). Inset shows the directions of energy flow and the spectra in dB scale. (c)–(e) Adapted with permission from Ref. 299 © The Author(s), under exclusive license to SNL 2021.
    EO-based microwave to optical transducer in TFLN. (a) Microscopic image of a TFLN-based transducer, and (b) its corresponding measured maximum transduction efficiency with respect to optical pump powers. (a) and (b) Adapted with permission from Ref. 300 © 2020 OSA. (c) Microscopic image of a triply resonant LN on sapphire transducer (zoom in: device details), and (d) its measured photon count rate versus microwave drive frequency with respect to different input microwave powers. (c) and (d) Adapted with permission from Ref. 301 © 2020 OSA. (e) Schematic of an EO converter in TFLN based on two coupled microring resonators (red) and a cointegrated superconducting resonator (yellow). DC bias is applied for optical mode tuning. (f) False color SEM image of the EO converter detail. Inset is the electric field distribution. (e) and (f) Adapted with permission from Ref. 302.
    EO waveguide spectrometer in TFLN. Microscopic image and device details of an EO TFLN waveguide spectrometer. Adapted with permission from Ref. 171 © The Author(s), under exclusive license to SNL 2019.
    LN-based nonlinear and quantum photonic devices. (a) Schematic structure of the TFPPLN microring. (b) False-color SEM images of the device cross section and coupling region detail. (c) Experimentally measured SHG power versus pump power. (a)–(c) Adapted with permission from Ref. 63 © 2019 OSA. (d) False color SEM image of TFLN PIC containing Kerr comb and EO add-drop filter. Adapted with permission from Ref. 76. (e) Measured transmission spectrum of the EO comb. Left inset shows a magnified view of several comb lines. Right inset shows measured transmission spectrum for several different modulation indices. Adapted with permission from Ref. 77 © The Author(s), under exclusive license to SNL 2019. (f) Measured transmission spectra with respect to different waveguide width. Adapted with permission from Ref. 79 © 2019 OSA. (g) Principle of OPA in dispersion engineered PPLN waveguide and simulated relative gain spectrum for three dispersion cases. Adapted with permission from Ref. 70 © 2022 OPTICA. (h) Schematic structure of the PPLN microring. Insets are the SEM images of the device details. Measured (i) PGR and (j) CAR. (h)–(j) Adapted with permission from Ref. 81 © 2020 American Physical Society (APS).
    Cavity optomechanics devices in LN. (a) Schematic of a band structure engineered surface acoustic resonator on TFLN. Inset is the microscopic image of the fabricated device. (b) Measured Q factor with respect to different resonator frequencies. (a) and (b) Adapted with permission from Ref. 311 © 2019 APS. Unit cell geometries of the (c) nanobeam optomechanical crystal and (d) 1D photonic shield. (e) SEM image of a 1D PhC cavity resonator for optomechanical mode generation. Left: full view of the device. Middle: top view of one device. Top right: top view of the 1D photonic shield region. Bottom right: SEM image of the nanobeam reflector coupling region. (c)–(e) Adapted with permission from Ref. 310 © 2019 OSA.
    Design of IDTs. Schematics of (a) straight and (b) concentric IDTs. (a) and (b) Adapted with permission from Ref. 315 © 2005 IEEE.
    LN-based AO modulators. Schematics of (a) MZI and (b) microring type AO modulators. (c) Cross section of the AO modulator. (a)–(c) Adapted with permission from Ref. 16 © 2019 Chinese Laser Press (CLP). (d) Microscopic image of a suspended AO MZI. (e) S11 and S21 spectra of microwave to optical conversion. The optical power detected by photodetector (PD) is 0.25 mW. (d) and (e) Adapted with permission from Ref. 17 © 2019 OSA. (f) Principal illustration of one AO modulator without resonator cavity. (g) Measured S11 and S21 spectra. (f) and (g) Adapted with permission from Ref. 312 © 2021 CLP. (h) Schematic of AO frequency shifter based on photonic BIC. Adapted with permission from Ref. 320 © 2021 American Chemical Society (ACS).
    LN-based ADL. (a) Microscopic image of the fabricated ADL. (b) Microscopic image of zoomed in view of the device. (c) Extracted IL and FBW of ADLs with respect to cell numbers. (a)–(c) Adapted with permission from Ref. 321 © 2018 IEEE.
    Rare-earth-doped devices in LN. (a) Schematic structure of a Tm3+ doped TFLN device. Measured (b) photoluminescence spectra and (c) time-resolved photoluminescence in Tm3+ doped bulk LN and TFLN, respectively. (a)–(c) Adapted with permission from Ref. 94 © 2019 ACS. (d) Top left: SEM images of GC and microring patterned in TFLN. Top right: the stopping and range of ions in matter (SRIM) simulation of Er3+ implantation depth distribution. Bottom: schematic electrical field distribution. (e) Transmission spectrum of a TFLN microring. (f) Measured fluorescence decay when the pumping frequency is detuned from the ring resonance. (d)–(f) Adapted from Ref. 95. (g) Schematic structure of an Er3+ doped TFLN waveguide-based amplifier. Gain characterization with respect to different pump power when signal wavelength is (h) 1530 nm and (i) 1550 nm. (g)–(i) Adapted with permission from Ref. 33 © 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH. (j) Signal power and (k) mode linewidth with respect to different pump powers. (j) and (k) Adapted with permission from Ref. 330 © 2021 OSA. (l) Modulated wavelength of microdisk laser with respect to pump power. Adapted with permission from Ref. 93 © 2021 OSA.
    TFLN-based pyroelectric infrared detector. (a) SEM image of the metamaterial top surface. (b) Schematic of the unit cell. (c) Microscopic image of the pyroelectric PD. (d) Measured detector response and optical absorption of pyroelectric PD with and without metamaterial structure. (a)–(d) Adapted with permission from Ref. 18 © 2017 OSA.
    Nonlinear metasurface devices in LN. (a) Schematic structure of TFLN metasurface for SHG. (b) Measured SHG power with respect to fundamental harmonic average power. (a) and (b) Adapted with permission from Ref. 341 © 2020 ACS. (c) Schematic structure of the diffraction mechanism in the metasurface. SEM images of the (d) full view metasurface (scale bar is 3 μm) and (e) zoom in nanopillars. (f) SHG CE of the diffraction orders with respect to pump power. (c)–(f) Adapted with permission from Ref. 342.
    TFLN modulator operated at visible wavelength range. (a) Microscopic image of the TFLN EO modulator. (b) Measured transmission spectrum and (c) S21 curve. (a)–(c) Adapted with permission from Ref. 42 © 2019 OSA.
    Integrated SNSPD in LN. (a) Schematic structure of Ti diffused LN waveguide integrated with five in-line SNSPDs. Inset shows the detail of single SNSPD, which has 400 μm length and 160 nm width. (b) Measured response time of an integrated SNSPD. (c) Measured signal and dark counts of the integrated SNSPD under different bias current. (a)–(c) Adapted with permission from Ref. 347. Published by IOP Publishing Ltd. (d) Top: schematic of a TFLN GC coupling light into an integrated U-shaped NbN SNSPD. Bottom left: device cross section. Bottom right: SEM image of the device detail. (e) Measured OCDE, (f) DCR and NEP with respect to Ib/ISW for a 250-μm long detector. ISW, switching current; Ib, bias current. (d)–(f) Adapted from Ref. 172. (g) Microscopic image of the on-chip integrated circuit containing one TFLN EO modulator and two NbTiN SNSPDs. (h) Measured count rates collected from the SNSPDs with a time tagging module (bottom) when EO modulator is driven with a ramp function with an amplitude of 20 Vpp and frequency of 1 kHz (top). (g) and (h) Adapted with permission from Ref. 349.
    Integrated Si PD onto LN passive circuit. (a) Schematic structure and (b) false colored SEM image of a TFLN waveguide with integrated Si PD. (a) and (b) Adapted from Ref. 34.
    • Table 1. Material property summary of LN.

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      Table 1. Material property summary of LN.

      CategoryTypical values/characteristicsReference
      Crystal structureTrigonal38
      Refractive indexno/ne: 2.341/2.2547 @ 500 nm41
      Transparency window400 to 5000 nm42
      Bandgap4.71 eV45
      Electro-optic coefficientsr13=9.6  pm/V; r22=6.8  pm/V;41
      r33=30.9  pm/V; r42=32.6  pm/V
      Second-order nonlinear susceptibilityd22(1.058  μm)=2.46±0.23  pm/V;46
      d31(1.058  μm)=4.64±0.66  pm/V;
      d33(1.058  μm)=41.7±7.8  pm/V
      Third-order nonlinear susceptibilityχ(3)=(0.61±0.092)×104  pm2/V2 @ 1.047  μm47
      Photo-elastic constantsp11=0.026; p12=0.09; p13=0.133; p14=0.075; p31=0.179; p33=0.071; p41=0.151; p44=0.146 (dimensionless)2
      Pyroelectric coefficient4×109  C·cm2·°C1 at 25°C48
      Thermal conductivity5.234  W/(m·K) (a- or c-oriented)49
      Thermo-optic coefficient2.5×106  K1 (337 K, 1523 nm, ordinary)50
      4×105  K1 (337 K, 1523 nm, extraordinary)a
      Piezoelectric strain coefficientsd15=6.8×1011  C·N1; d22=2.1×1011  C·N1; d31=0.1  C·N1; d33=0.6  C·N151
    • Table 2. Summaries of metal ion-in diffusion method. T, temperature; TE, transverse electric; TM, transverse magnetic; N.A., not available/applicable; Zn, Zinc.

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      Table 2. Summaries of metal ion-in diffusion method. T, temperature; TE, transverse electric; TM, transverse magnetic; N.A., not available/applicable; Zn, Zinc.

      YearMetalDepth (Å)AtmosphereTime (h)T (°C)Δno/neLossRef.
      1974Ti/V/Ni500Argon (Ar)6960/970/800Ti: 0.01/0.041 dB/cm at 630 nm19
      V: 0.0005/0.004
      Ni: 0.0095/0.006
      1975TiO2200Oxygen10900 to 11500.002TE: 0.8 dB/cm98
      TM: 0.7 dB/cm
      1977Co, Ni, Cu, Zn10,000AirN.A.900 to 1100N.A.N.A.101
      1978Ti400 to 600Air51050N.A.2 dB/cm at 633 nm102
      1978Ti500Air101000 to 11000.0077/0.0105N.A.103
      1979Ti500N.A.5.51060N.A.1.25 dB/cm104
      1980Ti500Air5975 to 10750.0050.5 dB/cm113
      1982Ti740Ar610500.00051/0.000490.62 dB/cm at 1.3  μm114
      1983Ti950O2 and H2O61050N.A.N.A.106
      1984TiO250 to 150Oxygen5 to 101000N.A.N.A.107
      1996Ni100N.A.4 to 69000.002 to 0.016TE: 0.7 dB/cm110
      TM: 1.4 dB/cm
      1999ZnN.A.N.A.N.A.700 to 8000.0033 to 0.0077N.A.111
      2019Ti700Wet oxygenSeveral1010N.A.0.5 dB/cm115
    • Table 3. Summary of heterogeneous integration of LN with other material systems. ALD, atomic layer deposition; N.A., not available/applicable; a-Si, amorphous silicon.

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      Table 3. Summary of heterogeneous integration of LN with other material systems. ALD, atomic layer deposition; N.A., not available/applicable; a-Si, amorphous silicon.

      YearCutStructureThicknessDeviceIntegration methodRef.
      2009X-cutAs2S3/Ti:LN470 nm/N.A.RingMagnetron sputtering155
      2011Z-cutLN/Si/SiO21  μm/250  nm/2  μmRingBonding156
      2012Z-cutLN/Si/SiO2600  nm/250  nm/2  μmRing E-field sensorBonding157
      2013Y-cutTa2O5/LN/SiO2200  nm/400  nm/1.6  μmRing modulatorBonding and deposition158
      2014X-cuta-Si:H/LN90 nm/N.A.MZI modulatorPECVD159
      2014Z-cutLN/Si/SiO21  μm/250  nm/1  μmRing modulatorBonding160
      2015N.A.LN/silica290  nm/2  μmWhispering-gallery-mode resonatorExcimer laser ablation161
      2015X-cutSiNx/LN/SiO2260  nm/700  nm/2  μmMZI modulatorPECVD162
      2015Z-cutTiO2/LN/SiO295 nm/600 nm/N.A.WaveguideMagnetron sputtering163
      2015Y-cutGe23Sb7S70/LN/SiO2350  nm/400  nm/2  μmMZI modulatorBonding and E-beam evaporation164
      2016X-cutSiN/LN/SiO2390  nm/700  nm/2  μmPPLN waveguideMagnetron sputtering54
      2016Y -cutSiN/LN/SiO2500  nm/400  nm/2  μmMZI modulatorBonding and PECVD165
      2017X-cutLN/Si3N4/SiO2300 nm/850 nm/N.A.WaveguideLPCVD and Bonding166
      2017X-cutSi/LN145 nm/N.A.ResonatorBonding167
      2019X-cuta-Si/LN/SiO2100  nm/300  nm/2  μmPhotodetectorPECVD34
      2020X-cutSiNx/LN/SiO2220  nm/300  nm/4  μmMZI modulatorPECVD168
      2020X-cutSiNx/LN/SiO2200  nm/300  nm/4.7  μmMZI modulatorLPCVD169
      2020X-cutLN/SiNx/SiO2200 nm/225 nm/N.A.MZI modulatorBonding170
      2020X-cutSi3N4/LN/SiO2200 nm/300 nm/N.A.SpectrometerPECVD171
      2020Z-cutNbN/HfO2/LN/SiO25  nm/10  nm/615  nm/2  μmSuperconducting SPDALD172
      2020N.A.Polymer/LN/SiO2500 nm/400 nm/N.A.Mode (de)multiplexerSpin coating35
    • Table 4. Summary of LN dry etching technologies. PMMA, polymethyl methacrylate; HSQ, hydrogen silsesquioxane; MMA, methyl methacrylate; N.A., not available/applicable; RIE, reactive ion etching; ICP, inductively coupled plasma.

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      Table 4. Summary of LN dry etching technologies. PMMA, polymethyl methacrylate; HSQ, hydrogen silsesquioxane; MMA, methyl methacrylate; N.A., not available/applicable; RIE, reactive ion etching; ICP, inductively coupled plasma.

      YearCutTypeEtch gasResistMaskEtch rateSelectivityaEtch typeRef.
      1981X-cutBulkCCl2F2, Ar, O2AZ 1350-JNi/Cr55 nm/min4bRIE178
      1998Z-cutBulkCF4N.A.Ni800  nm/hN.A.Plasma etching179
      2000X-cutBulkCF4N.A.SIO260  nm/mincN.A.Plasma etching180
      2007Z-cutTFLNArSU-8N.A.N.A.N.A.Plasma etching181
      2008X/Y/Z-cutBulkCF4, O2/SF6/SF6, O2N.A.Ni/NiCr2 to 3/10 to 53/37 to 195  nm/min3–10RIE/ICP/ICP182
      2009Y-cutBulkSF6TI09 XRNi20 to 50 nm/min20RIE183
      2009Z-cutTFLNArOIR 907-17N.A.7.67 nm/mincN.A.ICP184
      2010X-cutBulkCHF3, ArAZ5214Cr97.5 nm/min8.1–16ICP185
      2010X-cutBulkCHF3, ArN.A.Cr92.5 nm/minN.A.ICP186
      2011X-cutBulkSF6, CF4, HePMMACr280 nm/minN.A.ICP187
      2012Z-cutBulkSF6, ArAZ5214ECr98.6 nm/min12ICP188
      2015Z-cutBulkBCl3, ArN.A.Ni100 nm/min7ICP189
      2016X-cutTFLNArS1828N.A.12 nm/minN.A.ICP190
      2018Z-cutTFLNCHF3, ArN.A.CrN.A.7Plasma etching191
      2019Z-cutTFLNCl2, BCl3, ArPMMASIO2200  nm/min0.69RIE193
      2019Z-cutBulkSF6, O2N.A.Cr/Cu812 nm/min77ICP194
      2021X/Z-cutTFLNArma-N 1400Cr15 to 30 nm/min1.4ICP175
      2021X-cutTFLNCF4, Ar; Cl2, Ar; ArMMA/PMMACr35 to 50 nm/min; 20 to 33 nm/min; 12 to 18 nm/min;N.A.ICP195
    • Table 5. Summary of LN-based EO modulators. HI, heterogeneous integration; DMT, discrete multitone; APE, annealed proton exchange; N.A., not available/applicable.

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      Table 5. Summary of LN-based EO modulators. HI, heterogeneous integration; DMT, discrete multitone; APE, annealed proton exchange; N.A., not available/applicable.

      YearCutTypeVπLPerformanceProcessILa/Q factorRef.
      2002X-bulkMZI12  V·cmS21: 30 GHz; ER: 25 dB; data: 40  Gb/s (NRZ)Ti diffusion5.4 dBb289
      2007Z-bulkRingN.A.EO shift: 1.565  nm/V (TM); 0.6912  nm/V (TE)Ti diffusion and wet etchN.A.43
      2007Z-TFLNRingN.A.EO shift: 0.105  pm/V (TM)HI and Ar etchQ: 4×103181
      2009Z-bulkMZI5.35  V·cmER: 20 dBTi diffusion and wet etch0.5/0.15 dB/cm (TM/TE)290
      2014X-bulkPhC0.0063  V·cmEO shift: 0.6  nm/V; ER: 11.2  dB; S21: 1  GHzAPE and FIB21 dBb291
      2018Y-TFLNRingN.A.S21: 4 GHz; EO shift: 0.32  pm/V; ER: >10  dBCl2 ICP2.3 dB/cm292
      2018X-TFLNMZI2.2  V·cmcS21: 100 GHz (length: 5 mm);Ar ICP-RIE<0.5  dB/0.2  dB/cm31
      data: 210  Gb/s (8-ASK)
      2018X-TFLNMZI Ring1.8  V·cm (MZI) 7  pm/V (ring)S21: 15 GHz (MZI); S21: 30 GHz (ring)Ar ICP-RIEMZI: 2 dB; ring: 1.5 dB272
      2019X-TFLNMZI2.2  V·cmS21: >70  GHz; data: 100  Gb/s (NRZ)HI and Ar ICP2.5 dB52
      2019X-TFLNMIM1.4  V·cmS21: 12 GHz; data: 35  Gb/s (NRZ)Ar ICP4 dB273
      2019X-TFLNMZI5.3  V·cmER: >53  dBICP3 dB/cm274
      2019X-TFLNMZI7 to 9  V·cmVπ: 3.5 to 4.5 V at 5 to 40 GHzAr RIE1  dB275
      2019X-TFLNMIM1.2  V·cmS21: 17.5 GHz; data: 40  Gb/s (NRZ); ER: 6.6 dBHI and Ar ICP3.3 dB276
      2019X-TFLNMZI7.2  V·cmS21: 20 GHzTi-diffusion9 dBd293
      2020X-TFLNPhCN.A.EO shift: 16  pm/V; S21: 17.5 GHz; data: 11  Gb/s (NRZ)Ar ICP2.2 dB241
      2020X-TFLNDBR-FPN.A.S21: 60 GHz; data: 100  Gb/s (NRZ); ER: 53.8 dBAr ICP0.2 dB243
      2020X-TFLNMZI2.7  V·cmS21: >70  GHz; data: 128  Gb/s (PAM4); ER: 40  dBAr ICP1.8 dB277
      2020X-TFLNMZI2.47  V·cmcS21: >67 GHz (7.5 mm arm); data: 320  Gb/s (16 QAM)Ar ICP1.8 dB88
      2021X-TFLNMZI2.74  V·cmS21: 55 GHzICP8.5 dB278
      2021X-TFLNMIM1.06  V·cmS21: 40 GHz; data: 70  Gb/s (NRZ)HI with SiN4.1 dB279
      2021X-TFLNWG1.91  V·cmOperating at 1064 nmCF4 and Ar ICP7.7 dB280
      2021X-TFLNMZI0.64  V·cmS21: 3 GHzIon milling1.77 dB/cm281
      2021X-TFLNMZI2.3  V·cmS21: >50  GHz; ER: 20 dBAr RIE<1 dB282
      2021X-TFLNMZI1.7  V·cmS21: >67  GHzAr RIE17 dBb283
      2021X-TFLNMZI1.75  V·cmS21: >40  GHzAr ICP0.7 dB/cm284
      2021X-TFLNMZI3.67  V·cmS21: 22 GHz; data: 25  Gb/s (NRZ); ER: >20  dBAr ICP6 dB (2  μm)285
      2021X-TFLNDBR-FPN.A.EO shift: 15.7  pm/V; S21: 18 to 24 GHz; data: 56  Gb/s (NRZ)ICP<1.65 dB242
      2021X-TFLNMZI3.068  V·cmS21: 60 GHz; data: 200.4  Gb/s DMT dataAr ICP3 dBb287
      2022X-TFLNMZI2.35  V·cmS21: 110 GHz (1 V); data: 1.96 Tb/s (400 QAM)Ar ICP6.5 ± 0.5 dB294
    • Table 6. Summary of LN-based devices for nonlinear and quantum photonic applications. MgLN, MgO-doped lithium niobate; ZnLN, Zn-doped lithium niobate; ZnOLN, ZnO-doped lithium niobate; PE, proton exchange; HI, heterogeneous integration; PIC, photonic integrated circuit; N.A., not available/applicable.

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      Table 6. Summary of LN-based devices for nonlinear and quantum photonic applications. MgLN, MgO-doped lithium niobate; ZnLN, Zn-doped lithium niobate; ZnOLN, ZnO-doped lithium niobate; PE, proton exchange; HI, heterogeneous integration; PIC, photonic integrated circuit; N.A., not available/applicable.

      1993Z-cutBulk PPLN WGSHGCE: 600%/(W·cm2)PE and electrical poling12
      1996Z-MgLNBulk PPLN WGSHGCE: 4.5%/(W·cm2)aWet etching and electrical poling13
      2002N.A.Bulk PPLN WGPhoton-pairCE: 2×106PE and electrical poling80
      2004N.A.Bulk PPLN WGSFGCE: 330±10%/(W·cm2)PE67
      2006Z-ZnLNTFPPLN ridgeSHGCE: 370%/(W·cm2)Lapping and polishing, dicing29
      2009Z-MgLNBulk PPLN diskTHGCE: 1.5%/W2Mechanical polishing69
      2010Z-ZnOLNTFPPLN ridgeSHGCE: 2400%/WLapping and polishing, dry etching30
      2016Y-MgLNTFPPLN ridgeSHGCE: 189%/(W·cm2);Lapping and polishing152
      output power: 0.86 W
      2016X-cutTFPPLN WGSHGCE: 160%/(W·cm2)HI and electrical poling54
      2016ZnLNTFPPLN ridgePhoton-pairRate: 1456  Hz/μW;Lapping and polishing149
      efficiency: 64.1%
      2016Z-cutTFPPLN ridgeSHGCE: 204%/WLapping and polishing, dicing148
      2017Z-MgLNTFPPLNSFGCE: 3.3%/W; BW: 15.5 nmHI and bonding305
      2017X-cutTFLN WGSHGCE: 1660%/(W·cm2);Ar ICP-RIE55
      phase matching free
      2017X-cutTFLN WGSHGCE: 41%/(W·cm2)Ar ICP-RIE56
      2018N.A.TFPPLN ridgeCombMid-infrared spanLapping and polishing150
      2018X-MgLNTFPPLN WGSHGCE: 2600%/(W·cm2)Ar ICP-RIE and electrical poling58
      2019X-cutTFLN WGSHGCE: 1160%/(W·cm2)HI59
      2019X-MgLNTFPPLN ringSHGCE: 230,000%/WIon-milling and electrical poling60
      2019X-cutTFLN WGSHGCE: 2200%/(W·cm2)Ion-milling and electrical poling61
      2019X-cutTFLN diskSHG; THGSHG: 9.9%/mW; THG: 1.05%/mW2Femtosecond-laser ablation and FIB polishing62
      2019Z-cutTFPPLN ringSHGCE: 250,000%/WAr etching and electrical poling63
      2019Z-cutTFLN WGSCGSpan: 1.5 octavesAr ICP78
      2019Z-cutTFPPLN ridgeSFGCE: 85%/WLapping and polishing, dicing151
      2019X-cutTFLN PICCombComb generation and modulation (PIC)Ar ICP-RIE76
      2019X-cutTFLN WGSCGSpan: 2.58 octavesAr ICP-RIE79
      2019X-cutTFLN ringCombSpan: >80 nmAr ICP-RIE77
      2019MgLNTFPPLN ridgeSHGCE: 6.29%/(W·cm2); output power: 1.1 WLapping and polishing, dicing154
      2020N.A.TFLN diskSHGCE: 102% (282.7 nm)Simulation306
      2020Z-cutTFPPLN ringPhoton-pairPGR: 36.3 MHz; CAR: >100Ion-milling and electrical poling81
      2020X-cutTFLN WGSHGCE: 3061%/(W·cm2)ICP and electrical poling65
      2020Z-cutTFLN diskSFGCE: 2.22×106/mWFIB and wet etching68
      2020X-cutTFLN ringSRSPump-to-Stokes CE: 46%Ar ICP-RIE73
      2020X-MgLNTFPPLN WGPhoton-pairPCR: 11.4 MHz; CAR: 668Electrical poling82
      2021X-MgLNTFPPLN WGOPAAmplification: >45  dB/cmAr etching and electrical poling70
      2021Z-cutTFPPLN ringOPOThreshold: 30  μW; CE: 11%Ar ICP-RIE and electrical poling71
      2021Z-cutTFPPLN ridgeSHGCE: 22%/(W·cm2); output power: 1 WLapping and polishing, dicing153
      2021X-MgLNTFPPLN WGDFGCE: 200%/(W·cm2)Ar etching and electrical poling44
      2021X-cutTFPPLN WGSHGCE: 435.5%/(W·cm2)ICP and electrical poling66
      2021X-cutTFPPLN WGPhoton-pairRate: 2.79×1011  Hz/mW; SHG: 2270%/(W·cm2)ICP and electrical poling83

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    Guanyu Chen, Nanxi Li, Jun Da Ng, Hong-Lin Lin, Yanyan Zhou, Yuan Hsing Fu, Lennon Yao Ting Lee, Yu Yu, Ai-Qun Liu, Aaron J. Danner, "Advances in lithium niobate photonics: development status and perspectives," Adv. Photon. 4, 034003 (2022)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Reviews

    Received: Jan. 16, 2022

    Accepted: Apr. 26, 2022

    Published Online: Jun. 9, 2022

    The Author Email: Yu Yu (, Danner Aaron J. (

