Acta Laser Biology Sinica, Volume. 30, Issue 6, 533(2021)

Effects of Photosynthetic Capacity and Source Sink Relationship Types on Yield Formation in Different Broomcorn Millet Varieties

YOU Wenping, ZHANG Dongsheng, LIU Zhaolin, ZONG Yuzheng, HAO Xingyu, and LI Ping
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    YOU Wenping, ZHANG Dongsheng, LIU Zhaolin, ZONG Yuzheng, HAO Xingyu, LI Ping. Effects of Photosynthetic Capacity and Source Sink Relationship Types on Yield Formation in Different Broomcorn Millet Varieties[J]. Acta Laser Biology Sinica, 2021, 30(6): 533

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    Received: Jun. 25, 2021

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    Published Online: Feb. 11, 2022

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