Advanced Photonics, Volume. 3, Issue 4, 044001(2021)
Review of bio-optical imaging systems with a high space-bandwidth product
Fig. 2. Array microscopy. (a) Images are captured through parallelized microimaging systems. (b) Schematics of an array microscopy for digital histopathology. In their system, three lenslet arrays are stacked. Each lens group has a diameter of 1.5 mm and a working distance of
Fig. 3. Multiscale optical systems. (a) Illustration of multiscale optical designs. (b) Schematic of the AWARE-2 camera consisting of multiscale optics and 98 microcameras. (c) The camera captures a 0.96 gigapixel image. (d) Multiscale optical system for bioimaging. The system can track traces of GFP-labeled immune cells. The scale bars are 1000 and
Fig. 4. High-SBP imaging with Fourier ptychography. (a) Principles of spatial frequency-domain multiplexing. (b) Simplified diagram of a phase-retrieval algorithm. (c) Recovery of the spatially varying pupil function. (d) High-resolution Fourier ptychography image of red blood cells. Particles are shown in the zoom-in view of malaria-infected red blood cells (arrow). Panels (c) and (d) are modified from Refs. 79 and 80, respectively.
Fig. 5. Structured illumination microscopy. (a) Fourier domain representation of conventional, linear, and nonlinear structured illumination microscopy. In conventional microscopy, the measurable spatial frequency range is given as
Fig. 6. Hardware wavefront-engineering-based methods for high-SBP imaging. (a) System schematic of adaptive optical scanning microscopy. (b) The viewing location is given by the tilting angle of the galvanometric mirror, and the corresponding aberrations are corrected by the deformable mirror. (c) A bright-field image of a living
Fig. 7. Computational wavefront-engineering-based methods for high-SBP imaging. (a) Computational correction of aberrations in optical coherence tomography and interferometric synthetic aperture microscopy. (b) Computational correction of spatially varying aberrations of a wide-FOV objective lens (
Fig. 9. SBP of high-SBP imaging systems. We note that the cut-off spatial frequency of an incoherent imaging system is double that of the coherent imaging system given the same NA. All frequency-domain methods15,19,22,24 are coherent imaging methods. In this graph, the SBP values of objective lenses were calculated for incoherent imaging. For coherent imaging, the cut-off spatial frequency of the objective lenses will be halved. The number in the “Ref” column next to the author and year indicates the corresponding reference index.
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Jongchan Park, David J. Brady, Guoan Zheng, Lei Tian, Liang Gao, "Review of bio-optical imaging systems with a high space-bandwidth product," Adv. Photon. 3, 044001 (2021)
Category: Reviews
Received: Jan. 26, 2021
Accepted: May. 27, 2021
Published Online: Jun. 29, 2021
The Author Email: Gao Liang (