Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 7, Issue 11, 983(2009)

Research on performance of multicasting in optical packet switched networks

Xin Liu, Yuefeng Ji, Lin Bai, Hongxiang Wang, and Yongmei Sun
Author Affiliations
  • Key Laboratory of Optical Communications and Lightwave Technologies, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
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    CLP Journals

    [1] Huifeng Bai, Yueming Lu, Yuefeng Ji, "Fast restoration scheme for MPLS-TP enabled optical multicast," Chin. Opt. Lett. 8, 1043 (2010)

    [2] Zhijian Qu, Yuefeng Ji, Lin Bai, Yongmei Sun, Jia Fu, "Key module for a novel all-optical network coding scheme," Chin. Opt. Lett. 8, 753 (2010)