Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 43, Issue 11, 1123001(2023)
Experiment and Analysis of Performance Degradation of CCD Image Sensors Induced by Proton Radiation with Different Energy
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Gang Huang, Zujun Wang, Lü Wei, Xu Nie, Shankun Lai, Shixing Yan, Minwen Wang, Xin Zhuo, Junying Yu, Zhongming Wang. Experiment and Analysis of Performance Degradation of CCD Image Sensors Induced by Proton Radiation with Different Energy[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2023, 43(11): 1123001
Category: Optical Devices
Received: Dec. 8, 2022
Accepted: Feb. 9, 2023
Published Online: Jun. 13, 2023
The Author Email: Wang Zujun (