Chinese Journal of Lasers, Volume. 51, Issue 19, 1901008(2024)

Research Progress of Highly RE‐Doped Silica Fibers and Short‐Cavity Fiber Lasers (Invited)

Yafei Wang1, Mengting Guo1, Fan Wang1, Chongyun Shao1, Yan Jiao3, Meng Wang1, Lei Zhang1, Hehe Dong1, Suya Feng1, Shikai Wang1, Danping Chen1, Chunlei Yu1,2、*, and Lili Hu1,2、**
Author Affiliations
  • 1Research Center of Specialty Glass and Fiber, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
  • 2School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hangzhou 310024, Zhejiang , China
  • 3Juxin Photonics Technology (Taizhou) Co., Ltd., Taizhou 318000, Zhejiang , China
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    Yafei Wang, Mengting Guo, Fan Wang, Chongyun Shao, Yan Jiao, Meng Wang, Lei Zhang, Hehe Dong, Suya Feng, Shikai Wang, Danping Chen, Chunlei Yu, Lili Hu. Research Progress of Highly RE‐Doped Silica Fibers and Short‐Cavity Fiber Lasers (Invited)[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2024, 51(19): 1901008

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    Paper Information

    Category: laser devices and laser physics

    Received: Jul. 18, 2024

    Accepted: Sep. 2, 2024

    Published Online: Oct. 11, 2024

    The Author Email: Yu Chunlei (, Hu Lili (


