Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 37, Issue 11, 1110002(2017)
Sea Sky Line Detection Based on Edge Phase Encoding in Complicated Background
Fig. 2. Design of six equal directional filters. (a) Distance weights of filters; (b)-(g) filters in six direction
Fig. 3. Processing results of six directional filters. (a) Original images; (b) processing results of each directional filter
Fig. 4. Processing results of directional competitive code. (a)(d) Original images; (b)(e) directional response images after competitive code; (c)(f) phase coding images after screening
Fig. 5. Scan lines extracted from phase coding groups. (a) Cumulative edges response for sea-sky line scanning; (b) phase coding groups marked by scan lines direction; (c) distribution of edges response intensity in the direction of scan line
Fig. 7. Comparison of sea sky line detection results of typical sample image. (a1)-(a6) Extraction results of Radon transform; (b1)-(b6) extraction results of phase encoding preprocess with Radon transform; (c1)-(c6) extraction results of Hough transform; (d1)-(d6) extraction results of direction encoding preprocess with Hough transform; (e1)-(e6) extraction results of proposed method
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Xiongwei Sun, Qingshan Xu, Yi Cai, Min Shi, Song Li. Sea Sky Line Detection Based on Edge Phase Encoding in Complicated Background[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2017, 37(11): 1110002
Category: Image Processing
Received: Mar. 28, 2017
Accepted: --
Published Online: Sep. 7, 2018
The Author Email: Sun Xiongwei (