Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 21, Issue 11, 113201(2023)
Characterizing 86-attosecond isolated pulses based on amplitude gating of high harmonic generation [Invited]
Fig. 1. D-scan measurements of the driving laser pulse. (a) Measured and (b) retrieved D-scan trace for the compressed broadband laser pulse. (c) Measured spectral intensity (blue) and retrieved spectral phase (red) of the laser pulse. (d) Retrieved temporal profile of the 5.2 fs laser pulse (blue) and the Fourier transform-limited pulse supported by the spectrum (dashed red).
Fig. 2. Experimental setup for generation and characterization of attosecond pulses. FM, focusing mirror; MA, motorized aperture; TM, toroidal mirror; DM, double mirror; TOF, time-of-flight spectrometer.
Fig. 3. Reflectivity of the Mo/Si multilayer coated two-segment mirror utilized as the spectral filter in the amplitude gating of the HHG as a function of photon energy.
Fig. 4. Retrieval of IAP and NIR pulses. (a) Measured and (b) retrieved FROG-CRAB trace of the IAP in the streaking field. (c) Reconstructed temporal profile of the IAP with an FWHM pulse duration of 86 attoseconds. (d) Reconstructed vector potential (blue) of the driving laser pulse and the 5.2 fs reference curve (red) according to the D-scan measurement.
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Shiyang Zhong, Hao Teng, Xiaoxian Zhu, Yitan Gao, Kejian Wang, Xianzhi Wang, Yiming Wang, Suyu Yu, Kun Zhao, Zhiyi Wei, "Characterizing 86-attosecond isolated pulses based on amplitude gating of high harmonic generation [Invited]," Chin. Opt. Lett. 21, 113201 (2023)
Category: Ultrafast Optics and Attosecond/High-field Physics
Received: Apr. 4, 2023
Accepted: Jun. 26, 2023
Published Online: Nov. 6, 2023
The Author Email: Hao Teng (, Kun Zhao (, Zhiyi Wei (