NUCLEAR TECHNIQUES, Volume. 46, Issue 8, 080000(2023)
Immovable heart after experiencing hardships - salute academician ZHANG Huanqiao
Fig. 2. Circuit of crystal oscillator (a), the variation of the enhancement factor of neutron diffraction with the crystal oscillator power (b)[3]
Fig. 3. The circuit diagram for the measurement of prompt neutrons in fission (the main part of neutron multiplicity analyzer is in the dashed box) (a), multiplicity distribution Pν of prompt neutrons in 252Cf spontaneous fission (b)[6]
Fig. 4. The ratio of the experimental fragment anisotropy to the value of the SPTS model as a function of Ec.m./VB (a, b), the ratio Aexpt /Atheory as a function of Ec.m./VB. The values of Atheory were calculated in terms of the SPTS model and the pre-equilibrium fission model for the systems with α>αBG and α<αBG , respectively (c, d)[8]
Fig. 5. Operating the experimental equipment used for measuring the angular distributions of fission fragments in 1990s
Fig. 6. A draft of outline for writing the strategic research report on May 14, 2020
Fig. 7. Taking charge of the 10th international conference on nucleus-nucleus collision (NN2009) held in Beijing in 2009
Fig. 8. Academician ZHANG Huanqiao is making a speech at the 35th anniversary celebration of Beijing tandem accelerator national laboratory on April 16, 2023
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Huiming JIA, Chengjian LIN, Yi XIE, Xuesheng JIAO, Kai ZHANG. Immovable heart after experiencing hardships - salute academician ZHANG Huanqiao[J]. NUCLEAR TECHNIQUES, 2023, 46(8): 080000
Category: Research Articles
Received: Jun. 13, 2023
Accepted: --
Published Online: Sep. 19, 2023
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