Polarization measurement has gained broad applications in many research topics, including magnetic anisotropy[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 20, Issue 11, 111201(2022)
Improving the sensitivity of DC magneto-optical Kerr effect measurement to 10−7
A high-sensitivity DC magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) apparatus is described in this Letter. Via detailed analysis on several dominating noise sources, we have proposed solutions that significantly lower the MOKE noise, and a sensitivity of
1. Introduction
Polarization measurement has gained broad applications in many research topics, including magnetic anisotropy[
In polarization measurement, a significant challenge in pushing the AC/DC MOKE sensitivity to is the overwhelming noise from reciprocal effects including linear birefringence and thermal fluctuations[
In this Letter, we report a general solution for achieving a DC MOKE sensitivity of with long-time stability using the balanced detection scheme. Three noise sources were identified dominating the MOKE signal-to-noise ratio, namely, drift of laser cavity modes, temperature-induced strain in polarizing optics, and turbulence of airflow, which cause the polarization fluctuations in the optical measurement. After stabilizing these variables, the apparatus was used to measure the hysteresis loop of a wedge-like Ni film with thickness varying from 0 to 3 nm. An RMS noise of was demonstrated with an averaging time of 200 s at each point. Although not yet implemented in this study, further improvement of sensitivity is feasible via AC modulation with lock-in detection.
2. Experiment and Resluts
The experimental setup is sketched in Fig. 1(a). The longitudinal-MOKE geometry was chosen for demonstration. (The scheme is also valid for polar- and transverse-MOKE by varying the direction of the external magnetic field.) The light source was a commercial He–Ne laser (12 mW, R-30993, Newport, ) with linearly polarized output. The laser beam passed through a zero-order half-wave plate (HWP1) and a Glan–Taylor polarizer P (GT10, Thorlabs) with polarization aligned perpendicular to the optical plane (-polarization). To improve the extinction ratio, a piece of sapphire window is placed after the polarizer such that the laser beam is reflected from the window surface at a Brewster angle. A p-polarized component appears associated with the dominant s-polarized component after reflection from a magnetic sample due to the MOKE, where the ratio of their electric fields equals the Kerr rotation angle . The magnetic field applied to the sample is produced by a home-built electromagnet coil. The polarization change was measured by a balanced detection setup consisting of a zero-order half-wave plate (HWP2), a Wollaston prism (WP10, Thorlabs), and a balanced detector (Nirvana Model 2007, New Focus)[
Figure 1.(a) Sketch of the DC-MOKE setup. HWP1 and HWP2 stand for half-wave plates, and P is the polarizer. The arrows illustrate the polarization state after the optics. (b) Fluctuation of MOKE signal in 1 h after control of the temperature within ±1 mK for the laser tube and polarizing optics in a sealed environment. (c) Statistic analysis of the MOKE noise in (b) using Gaussian distribution.
To suppress the polarization noise in the setup, three dominating factors were identified and properly taken care of, i.e., the temperature-induced variation of the laser cavity length, birefringence in the polarizing optics, and the airflow turbulence. The temperature fluctuation of the laser and the polarizing optics was controlled within using a home-built temperature controller. To avoid air turbulence, all of the optical components except for the laser were placed in a closed black box, with the entrance aperture of the laser beam sealed with an optical window. As a result, the equivalent noise of was achieved for the output voltage from the balanced detector over 1 h, as shown in Fig. 1(b), which corresponds to a MOKE measurement sensitivity (RMS) of . In the DC measurement, the noise-equivalent-power (NEP) of the 125 kHz bandwidth detector at 633 nm is about , which is equivalent to a Kerr angle noise of . Our measured noise has essentially reached the limit of the intrinsic noise from the detector. Given the short-term and long-time stability, a measurement of Kerr rotation as small as can be realized for an integrating time of 100 s. In the following, we will discuss in detail how different noise sources affect MOKE sensitivity.
3. Noise Analysis
Considering s-polarized light being reflected from a magnetic sample, the resultant s- and p-polarized components are rotated by an angle of () using the half-wave plate [HWP2 in Fig. 1(a)] and then interfere constructively and destructively in the two detection arms after the Wollaston prism, respectively. The intensity difference between the two arms is given by[
To show how thermal fluctuations affect polarization measurement, we modulate the temperature of the laser and polarizing optics and record the MOKE signal concurrently. Figure 2(a) shows the MOKE signal fluctuating along with the laser intensity, as the laser temperature is drifting. The seeming correlation actually does not mean that the intensity fluctuation is the noise source, because the variation () is much larger than the intensity noise (). Furthermore, the amplitude of the MOKE fluctuation remains the same regardless of fine-tuning of the balance between the two split beams, namely tuning the value of , suggesting the intensity noise again is not the cause (more detailed discussion can be found in
Figure 2.(a) MOKE signal (red line) fluctuates along with the laser intensity (blue line) as the laser tube temperature is drifting. The fine spectral feature is the fingerprints of the gain medium. (b) Top, mode structure of a red (632.8 nm) He–Ne laser. The adjacent longitudinal modes, labeled as s-mode (blue line) and p-mode (red line), are orthogonally polarized. Bottom shows that the measured intensity variances of the s-mode (blue) and p-mode (red) are out of phase in a He–Ne laser with cavity length of 25 cm. (c) The fluctuation of laser intensity after temperature control of ±1 mK for the laser tube (inset). (d) Comparison of the polarization noise with (red) and without (blue) the Brewster window.
The fluctuations of the MOKE signal and the laser intensity in Fig. 2(a) are actually both the consequence of the variation of the laser cavity modes. It is well known that the adjacent longitudinal modes, labeled as s-mode and p-mode in Fig. 2(b), in red (632.8 nm) He–Ne lasers are orthogonally polarized[
According to Eq. (2), it is clear that to reduce the MOKE noise caused by the laser, one needs to avoid the mode-sweeping process via stabilization of the cavity length and to improve the extinction ratio (). As shown in Fig. 2(c), the laser intensity fluctuation is reduced down to 0.02% when the temperature fluctuation of the laser tube is kept within . Meanwhile, the sapphire Brewster window inserted after the polarizer P increases the extinction ratio via attenuating the unwanted p-polarized component in the reflected beam. Figure 2(d) compares MOKE noise with and without the Brewster window, where the temperature of the laser is stabilized, yet some of the polarizing optics are not controlled. Obviously, the polarization noise has been largely suppressed by the Brewster window.
It is important to point out that, besides the laser fluctuation, the temperature-induced birefringence and the air turbulence also contribute notably to the polarization noise. The former mainly affects the long-term stability, while the latter induces the high-frequency noise. To evaluate the impact of temperature fluctuation on the polarizing optics, we intentionally oscillate the temperature of the polarizer and the Wollaston prism slowly while recording the MOKE signal. The results are depicted in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b), which show that a temperature variation of on the Glan–Taylor polarizer and the Wollaston prism causes approximately change in the Kerr signal, suggesting the necessity of stabilizing the temperature within a few millikelvin (mK) to achieve long-term sensitivity better than . On the other hand, airflow disturbance is another primary noise source, as it influences both the polarization and pointing of the laser beam. Figure 3(c) compares the noise level in a sealed box and with the top cover open. In the latter case, the noise increases by a factor of 5 in an open environment. Also, in an open environment, the continuously varying and inhomogeneous air temperature may induce birefringence in optics that gives rise to instability of polarization. Thus, to achieve high-accuracy MOKE measurement, one needs to control the temperature stability down to a few mK and contain the optical path in a closed environment.
Figure 3.(a) and (b) Variation of DC-MOKE signal (red line) when modulating the temperature (blue line) of (a) the polarizer and (b) Wollaston prism, respectively. (c) Comparison of MOKE noise in sealed and unsealed condition after subtracting the drifting background.
4. Hysteresis Loops of a Wedge-Shaped Ni Thin Film
After careful control of the noise sources mentioned above, the sensitivity of the apparatus is tested by measuring a wedge-shaped Ni thin film on a substrate with the Ni thickness varying from 0 to 3 nm. The magnetic hysteresis loops are shown in Fig. 4(a), measured at five positions on the sample with different thicknesses of Ni. The data for the bare substrate and those for Ni thickness at 3 nm and 2.2 nm were recorded with an averaging time of 200 s per point, while the loops of 2.8-nm- and 2.4-nm-thick Ni were taken using 0.5 s integrating time per point. To characterize the noise level, we show in Fig. 4(b) the hysteresis loop of the bare substrate. The RMS noise of the loop reaches .
Figure 4.(a) Hysteresis loops at five different positions of a wedge-shaped Ni thin film on SiO2 substrate. (b) Noise measured at the bare SiO2 substrate.
5. Discussion on AC Modulation Scheme
With the DC polarization noise reduced down to , the MOKE sensitivity may be further improved by AC modulation associated with the lock-in technique[
Figure 5.Noise spectrum of our MOKE apparatus measured by an SR830 lock-in amplifier.
6. Conclusion
In conclusion, we have demonstrated a long-term stable DC MOKE apparatus with sensitivity of . We analyzed three noise sources in the polarization measurement including drift of laser cavity mode, temperature-induced birefringence, and airflow. Through high-accuracy temperature control of the laser cavity and those polarizing optics in a sealed condition, polarization noise has been greatly suppressed. As a result, a MOKE signal from Ni thin film as small as can be resolved in the DC measurement scheme. Our work provides a general solution for precision measurement of light polarization not only for TRSB spin states in magnetic and novel quantum materials, but also for polarization-sensitive physics in a wide range of research topics.
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Junying Ma, Feng Gu, Ying Xu, Jiaming Le, Fanlong Zeng, Yizheng Wu, Chuanshan Tian, "Improving the sensitivity of DC magneto-optical Kerr effect measurement to 10−7
Category: Instrumentation, Measurement, and Optical Sensing
Received: Mar. 26, 2022
Accepted: Jun. 6, 2022
Published Online: Jul. 19, 2022
The Author Email: Chuanshan Tian (cstian@fudan.edu.cn)