Using nanostructures/nanoparticles with diverse morphology for light field manipulation at the nanoscale has been one of the central topics in nanophotonics over the past years[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 19, Issue 6, 060013(2021)
Surface lattice resonances in dielectric metasurfaces for enhanced light-matter interaction [Invited]
Lithium niobate (
1. Introduction
Using nanostructures/nanoparticles with diverse morphology for light field manipulation at the nanoscale has been one of the central topics in nanophotonics over the past years[
Among all of the dielectric materials, lithium niobate () is an ideal candidate for the existing nonlinear optical applications over its wideband optical transparency window (wavelength range from 400 nm to 5 µm, with an OH-absorption peak at 2.87 µm)[
On a different front, arrayed plasmonic nanoantennas supporting collective resonances have received significant attention due to their remarkably high quality factors as well as high field enhancements over large volumes[
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In this work, based on the LNOI thin film platform, we present a detailed theoretical analysis of collective resonances of SLRs and Mie resonances, including electric dipole (ED) and magnetic dipole (MD), in arrays of nanoparticles using COMSOL simulations. Despite the hybridized scattering effects for ED and MD modes being very different, both illustrate strong electromagnetic field confinements and enhancements based on near-field simulations, respectively. In particular, the impact from nanoparticle side-wall angles on the resulting field enhancements is also studied.
2. Theoretical Analysis
Theoretical analyses of a single nanoparticle and an arrayed nanoantenna on a substrate are performed using a commercial finite element method (FEM)-based software: COMSOL Multiphysics and Optics Module. All of the nanoparticles sharp edges are rounded with a radius of curvature of 77 nm to better resemble the fabricated nanostructures in practice. The refractive indices of active (-cut, with along the and orientations and along the orientation) thin film layer and substrate are taken from Refs. [40,41]. The response of an infinite array of nanoantennas is obtained by imposing appropriate periodic boundary conditions in the array plane. Our simulation focuses on the design of monolithic metasurfaces in a -cut LNOI thin film because it is potentially easier for nanostructuring. Two perfectly matched layers (PMLs) are instead set as boundary conditions at the top (air) and the bottom ( substrate) of the calculation domain, to avoid spurious reflections. In the solver, the Floquet periodic boundary conditions are imposed on four sides of the unit cell to simulate the infinite two-dimensional array of nanoantennas. For the input illumination conditions in the simulation, a linearly polarized (-polarized) plane wave propagating along the normal direction (i.e., axis) is employed. The injection angle was set to zero to simulate a normally incident wave. To calculate the maximum electric field enhancement in the nanoparticle, a domain probe is placed inside the nanoparticle in the simulation.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Single LiNbO3 nanoparticle
The optical resonances (Mie resonances) supported by individual nanoparticles in air are studied. The nanoparticles have a truncated square pyramid (as illustrated in Fig. 1) with rounded edges and are located on a substrate with air superstrate. The height , the length (equal to the width) , and the side-wall angle (the nanoparticle dimension has been optimized in order to achieve high field enhancement around 1.5 µm) are selected so that both electric and magnetic modes can be supported, particularly the lowest-order modes, i.e., the ED and MD (as shown in Fig. 2) according to the Mie theory. The resonant ED modes arise from the displacement current along the incident light polarization (-polarized). The resonant MD moments originate from the coupling of incident light to the circular displacement current of the electric field as a result of field penetration and phase retardation inside nanoparticles. Therefore, the MD resonance appears when the wavelength inside nanoparticles is comparable to its spatial dimension, while its height is sufficient for the formation of the displacement current loop. The resonance shift and enhancement of both ED and MD in the case of arrayed nanoantennas are the main research objects in this work. In particular, the side-wall angle has significant impacts on the optical confinement and field enhancement in arrayed nanoantennas, which will be discussed in the following section.
Figure 1.(a) Schematic representation of a single LiNbO3 nanoparticle used in this work. (b) Side profile of the nanoparticle with a height of h, a length and width of d, and a side-wall angle of θ. The x, y, and z axis orientations represent the LiNbO3 crystalline axes.
Figure 2.(a) Simulated scattering cross section and electric field enhancement of an on-chip LiNbO3 nanoparticle (d = 800 nm, h = 960 nm, θ = 5°) with a SiO2 substrate and air superstrate. The spatial distributions of the normalized (b), (d) electric field intensity and (c), (e) magnetic field intensity for the (b), (c) ED and the (d), (e) MD resonances. The color scales represent the field intensity, and the black arrows represent the real part of the vectorial (c) magnetic and (d) electric field projected in the (c) yz and (d) xz plane, respectively.
The scattering cross sections and the corresponding electric field enhancements (at wavelengths from 1400 nm to 2400 nm) of a single on-chip nanoparticle (with substrate and air superstrate according to the commercially available LNOI chip) are calculated, as shown in Fig. 2(a). To identify the nature of the ED and MD resonances at 1690 nm and 2100 nm, respectively, the spatial distributions of the electric and magnetic field intensity enhancements relative to the incident field intensity are investigated at the resonant frequencies [see Figs. 2(b)–2(e)]. The field circulations in Figs. 2(c) and 2(d) confirm the formation of the ED and MD resonances[
3.2. Arrayed LiNbO3 nanoantennas
To investigate the enhanced radiative coupling of arrayed nanoantennas based on SLRs, the nanoparticles (with the same geometric dimensions as those used in Section 3.1) are arranged in an infinite periodic array with square geometry. The distance between the centers of two neighboring nanoantennas represents the array’s period . By tuning the periodicity, the hybridization of Mie resonances and RAs is studied (see Fig. 3), in which both the scattering cross sections and electric field enhancements are calculated. The white lines in Fig. 3 are the lowest-order diffraction according to the RA positions:
Figure 3.COMSOL simulations of (a) scattering cross section and (b) electric field enhancement of arrayed LiNbO3 nanoantennas with lattice period from 900 nm to 1600 nm. The maximum electric field enhancement positions for ED and MD modes are marked in the figures, labeled as ED-SLR and MD-SLR, respectively.
With the increase of the lattice period from 900 nm to around 1425 nm, redshift and narrowing of the original MD resonances in a single nanoparticle can be observed in the arrayed nanoantennas, resulting in both scattering and electric field enhancement. The increase in the scattering cross section is due to the increased effective nanoparticle volume interacting with the light field even though the geometric cross section does not change. The highest scattering cross section and the maximum electric field enhancement [8 as illustrated in Fig. 4(a), with a quality factor close to 50] appear at periods of 1425–1450 nm. This phenomenon corresponds to a stronger coupling between single nanoparticle MD resonance and the RA [the spatial distributions of the normalized electric field intensity and magnetic field intensity are illustrated in Figs. 4(b) and 4(c)]. The quality factor of MD-SLR is comparable to that of previously reported metasurfaces[
Figure 4.COMSOL simulations of RA-engineered MD and ED modes at their maximum electric field enhancement positions (with lattice periods of 1425 nm and 925 nm). (a) Simulated scattering cross section and electric field enhancement of MD-SLR resonance and the spatial distributions of the normalized (b) electric field intensity and (c) magnetic field intensity at the maximum field enhancement position. (d) Simulated scattering cross section and electric field enhancement of ED-SLR resonance and the spatial distributions of the normalized (e) electric field intensity and (f) magnetic field intensity at the maximum field enhancement position. The color scale represents the magnetic and electric field intensity enhancements. The black arrows are the real components of the vectorial electric and magnetic fields.
In contrast, the coupling strength between ED resonance in a single nanoparticle and the RAs is significantly enhanced by tuning the lattice period from 1600 nm to around 900 nm, resulting in a reduced scattering with a narrow spectral width with a maximum electric field enhancement of 32, which is extremely high for low-refractive-index dielectric metasurfaces. Thus, a quality factor as high as 250 at 1492 nm (corresponding to photon energy of 0.83 eV) is achieved [see Fig. 4(d)]. As suggested by the spatial distributions of the normalized electric and magnetic field intensities in Figs. 4(e) and 4(f), the strong electric field inside nanoparticles aligned with the incident field (-polarized) is induced by the circulation of the magnetic fields. Therefore, the SLR formed at 1492 nm corresponds to the collective coupling of EDs in the nanoparticles, which can be labeled as ED-SLR. It is worth noting that the induced MD-SLR and ED-SLR orthogonal to each other in the nanoparticles are oriented along the direction of the incident fields.
By comparison, the field enhancement induced by ED-SLR is much higher than that of MD-SLR, partly due to the more electric intensity confined in the nanoparticle in the former case. While for MD-SLR, a large portion of the electric fields are extended outside the nanoparticles to the substrate as a result of the relatively small refractive index contrast between and . Nevertheless, both of these two collective resonances show strong intensity enhancement when compared to the local fields of ED and MD resonances in a single nanoparticle, as illustrated in Fig. 2, offering a novel approach to further boost the field enhancement in metasurface architectures.
Considering the fabrication of metasurfaces, the dry etching method is one of the most commonly used methods for surface nanostructuring. However, one of the main issues of this technique on micro/nanoprocessing of on-chip photonic devices is the relatively large side-wall angles (i.e., ). This factor has to be carefully considered when designing functional on-chip devices. Therefore, we further study the influence of the side-wall angle on the electric field enhancements induced by MD-SLR and ED-SLR, as illustrated in Fig. 5. For MD-SLR, by increasing the side-wall angle, the spectral width of MD-SLR narrows down and disappears when the angle is larger than 10°, indicating that the MD-SLR mode is no longer supported due to the large side-wall angle and thus the leakage of electric intensity in the nanoparticle. This is mainly because when the side-wall angle increases, the top part of the nanoparticle (with a truncated square pyramid) narrows, the optical confinement of the circular displacement current therefore weakens due to the lacking of high-refractive-index dielectrics in horizontal directions, and the electric field retardation in the nanoparticle along the propagation direction of the incident wave cannot be supported any more. While for ED-SLR, despite the reduction of the field enhancements, the ED-SLR can be still supported for large side-wall angles because, for ED resonance, no circulation of the electric field is required, relaxing the need on the nanoparticle geometry or dimensions. Moreover, blue shift of the ED-SLR resonance can be observed by increasing the side-wall angle. It is worth noting that by adjusting the nanoparticle geometry and dimension, it is still possible to further optimize the field enhancement even in case of a large side-wall angle, which has been confirmed in our simulations (not shown here).
Figure 5.COMSOL simulations of electric field enhancements of (a) MD-SLR and (b) ED-SLR in arrayed LiNbO3 nanoantennas with side-wall angles tuning from 0° to 16°.
4. Conclusions
In summary, large field enhancements and high-quality-factor resonances associated with SLRs in nanoantennas are numerically studied in this work, showing that the Mie resonances in a single nanoparticle can be significantly tailored and enhanced by collective lattice resonances, i.e., by varying the lattice period. Benefitting from the tremendous development in LNOI wafer manufacturing and high-quality nanofabrication technology, we envision enormous potential of high-quality-factor metasurfaces as resonance-enhanced linear and nonlinear components for applications in integrated nonlinear optics, including but not limited to nonlinear optical frequency converters, frequency combs, terahertz (THz) generators, etc. We should note that the lattice resonances discussed in this work can be applied for other dielectric material platforms, even materials with low refractive indices.
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Yuechen Jia, Yingying Ren, Xingjuan Zhao, Feng Chen, "Surface lattice resonances in dielectric metasurfaces for enhanced light-matter interaction [Invited]," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 060013 (2021)
Category: Special Issue on Lithium Niobate Based Photonic Devices
Received: Mar. 19, 2021
Accepted: Apr. 30, 2021
Published Online: Jun. 16, 2021
The Author Email: Yuechen Jia (, Feng Chen (