Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 19, Issue 11, 111405(2021)
Switchable single- and dual-wavelength femtosecond mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser based on carboxyl-functionalized graphene oxide saturable absorber
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Qimeng Lin, Li Yan, Yuanqi Song, Xuzhuo Jia, Xiaoqiang Feng, Lei Hou, Jintao Bai, "Switchable single- and dual-wavelength femtosecond mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser based on carboxyl-functionalized graphene oxide saturable absorber," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 111405 (2021)
Category: Lasers, Optical Amplifiers, and Laser Optics
Received: Jul. 5, 2021
Accepted: Sep. 6, 2021
Published Online: Oct. 22, 2021
The Author Email: Lei Hou (, Jintao Bai (