High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 8, Issue 4, 04000e36(2020)
Generation of polarized particle beams at relativistic laser intensities
Fig. 1. Scenario of the generation of spin-polarized electron beams via nonlinear Compton scattering: a relativistic electron bunch generated by laser-wakefield acceleration collides head-on with an elliptically polarized laser pulse and splits along the propagation direction into two parts with opposite transverse polarization[34]. OAP, optical parametric amplification.
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of electron spin polarization employing the standing wave of two colliding, circularly polarized laser pulses[39].
Fig. 3. Electrons propagating through a bichromatic laser pulse perform spin-flips dominantly in certain phases of the field: electrons initially polarized along the +
Fig. 4. Scheme for laser-based polarized positron beam production[42].
Fig. 5. Sketch of the all-optical laser-driven polarized electron acceleration scheme using a pre-polarized target[46]. LG, Laguerre–Gaussian; OAP, optical parametric amplification.
Fig. 6. Schematic diagram showing laser acceleration of polarized protons from a dense hydrogen chloride gas target (brown). HCl molecules are initially aligned along the accelerating laser (indicated by the green area) propagation direction via a weak infrared (IR) laser. Blue and white balls represent the nuclei of hydrogen and chlorine atoms, respectively. Before the acceleration, a weak circularly polarized UV laser (purple area) is used to generate the polarized atoms along the longitudinal direction via molecular photo-dissociation. The brown curve indicates the initial density distribution of the gas-jet target. The polarized proton beam is shown on the right (blue) with arrows (red) presenting the polarization direction[54].
Fig. 7. Measured 3,4He2+ energy spectra accelerated from unpolarized helium gas jets[56]. IP, image plate.
Fig. 8. Sketch of the interplay between single particle trajectories (blue), spin (red) and radiation (yellow)[48].
Fig. 9. (a) Transverse distribution of the electron spin component
Fig. 10. Achievable degree of electron polarization as a function of a quantum nonlinearity parameter ). The calculations have been performed for 5 GeV electrons colliding with a 161 fs laser pulse, i.e.,
Fig. 11. Average polarization
Fig. 12. Prediction from Wu
Fig. 13. Electron polarization distributions in the transverse phase space during laser-wakefield acceleration[49].
Fig. 14. Three-dimensional PIC simulation of proton acceleration assuming a gaseous HCl target with a hydrogen density of 8.5 × 1019 cm−3 and a circularly polarized laser pulse with 800 nm wavelength and a normalized amplitude of
Fig. 15. (a) Three-dimensional PIC simulation for a gaseous HCl target with molecular density of 1019 cm−3 and 1.3 PW laser with phase-space distribution; (b) spin spread of protons with energy
Fig. 16. Simulated normalized He2+ ion-number density during the passage of a peta-watt laser pulse (6.5 ps after it entered the simulation box at the left boundary) through an unpolarized helium gas jet target. (a) 2%; (b) 3%; (c) 4%; (d) 12% critical density[56].
Fig. 18. The 1064 nm IR laser propagates along the
Fig. 19. Technical drawing of the optical setup including the JuSPARC_MIRA laser system and the target chamber for the polarized proton target[64].
Fig. 20. Schematic view of the interaction chamber for production and storage of polarized H2, D2, HD and foils[71].
Fig. 21. Schematic view of the setup for proton polarization measurements by Raab
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Markus Büscher, Anna Hützen, Liangliang Ji, Andreas Lehrach. Generation of polarized particle beams at relativistic laser intensities[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2020, 8(4): 04000e36
Received: Jun. 12, 2020
Accepted: Aug. 25, 2020
Posted: Aug. 26, 2020
Published Online: Nov. 23, 2020
The Author Email: Markus Büscher (m.buescher@fz-juelich.de), Liangliang Ji (jill@siom.ac.cn)