Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 17, Issue 1, 012302(2019)

Compact solid-state waveguide lasers operating in the pulsed regime: a review [Invited]

Yuechen Jia1、* and Feng Chen2、**
Author Affiliations
  • 1Laboratory for Optical Systems, Department of Microsystems Engineering-IMTEK, University of Freiburg, 79110 Freiburg, Germany
  • 2School of Physics, State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Key Laboratory of Particle Physics and Particle Irradiation (Ministry of Education), Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China
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    Figures & Tables(18)
    Evolution of real saturable absorber (SA) technologies starting from conventional materials, such as organic dyes, colored glasses, chromium-doped crystals, and semiconductor SA mirrors (SESAMs), to nanomaterials, including zero-dimensional (0D) quantum dots (QDs), one-dimensional (1D) single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), two-dimensional (2D) graphene, and graphene-like 2D layered materials, such as topological insulators (TIs), transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), and black phosphorus (BP). Red dots denote the first, reported application of each technology in a pulsed laser.
    Schematic diagrams of different types of planar and channel waveguides.
    Common strategies of transferring SA materials on optical substrates on (a) transmitting glass plates, (b) reflecting mirrors, and directly on (c) exposed waveguide surfaces.
    Schematic diagrams of two typical end-pumping configurations of passively Q-switched and mode-locked waveguide lasers based on (a) direct-interaction and (b) evanescent-field-interaction schemes.
    Schematic diagrams of two commonly used strategies for dispersion management in mode-locked waveguide lasers based, respectively, on (a) extended cavities and (b) soliton formation mechanisms realized by adjusting the cavity length, i.e., by tuning the air-filled gap between the SA and waveguide end-facet.
    Figures of merit (FOMs) of pulsed waveguide lasers operating in the Q-switched and Q-switched mode-locked regimes with (a) planar and (b) channel geometries, as well as in (c) the CW mode-locked regime. The FOM errors in these diagrams are ±10%. The symbols’ colors represent waveguide fabrication methods, while the symbols’ appearance stand for different laser configurations in terms of operation regimes, waveguide geometries (circles, Q-switched; triangles, Q-switched mode-locked; squares, planar waveguide lasers operating in the CW mode-locked regime; stars, channel waveguide lasers operating in the CW mode-locked regime) and SA integration types (open markers, free-standing SAs inserted in cavities; filled markers, integrated SAs coated on waveguides).
    Schematic diagram of (a) a hybrid PLD chamber and (b) the graphene-covered Yb:Y2O3/YAG planar waveguide fabricated by PLD. (c) Measured modal profile of the graphene Q-switched Yb:Y2O3/YAG planar waveguide laser. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [49], ©2015 Optical Society of America.
    (a) Schematic diagram of an LPE arrangement. (b) SEM image of the end-facet of the Tm:KYW/KYW planar waveguide fabricated by LPE. (c) Measured modal profile of the SWCNT Q-switched Tm:KYW/KYW planar waveguide laser. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [59], ©2018 Optical Society of America.
    (a) Optical microscope image of the end-facet of the Ho:YAG channel waveguide fabricated by direct bonding. (b) Photograph of the Ho:YAG waveguide sample. (c) Measured modal profile of the Ho:YAG channel waveguide laser. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [66].
    (a) Schematic diagram of the YAG/RE:YAG/YAG planar waveguide fabricated by tape casting. (b) Measured modal profile of the SESAM mode-locked YAG/Yb:YAG/YAG waveguide laser. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [69].
    (a) Schematic diagram of mask-assisted ion implantation/irradiation for channel waveguide fabrication. (b) Reconstructed cross-sectional refractive-index distribution of the Nd:YAG channel waveguide fabricated by C5+ ion irradiation. (c) Measured modal profile of the Nd:YAG channel waveguide laser. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [72], ©2014 Optical Society of America.
    (a) Cross-sectional TEM image and (b) the superimposed element distribution of the Nd:YAG crystal embedded with Au nanoparticles realized by ion irradiation. The particle size distribution and the nonlinear absorption coefficient at 515 nm of the sample are shown in (c) and (d), respectively. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [83], ©2018 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
    (a) Schematic diagram of mask-assisted ion exchange for channel waveguide fabrication. (b) Measured modal profile of SESAM mode-locked Yb3+-doped glass channel waveguide laser fabricated by ion exchange. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [35], ©2013 Optical Society of America.
    Schematic diagrams of the fabrication procedure of fs-laser-written waveguides[18]: (a) single-line waveguide based on smooth Type-I modification, (b) stress-induced double-line waveguides based on two parallel Type-II tracks, and (c) depressed-cladding waveguides. The shadows represent the fs-laser-induced tracks, and the dashed lines indicate the spatial locations of the waveguide cores. (d) Schematic diagram of the three-element 3D photonic-lattice-like cladding structures for the 1×4 beam splitter and ring-shaped transformer[114]. The cross-sectional images of each element are indicated as insets. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [98], ©2015 SPIE.
    Wavelength ranges covered by solid-state waveguide lasers operating in the CW, Q-switched, Q-switched mode-locked, and CW mode-locked regimes.
    • Table 1. Summary of the Reported Results for Demonstrations of CW Passively Mode-locked Waveguide Lasers Based on Different Cavity Designs

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      Table 1. Summary of the Reported Results for Demonstrations of CW Passively Mode-locked Waveguide Lasers Based on Different Cavity Designs

      Host MaterialWaveguide TypeSA MaterialLasing Wavelength (nm)Repetition Rate (MHz)Pulse Duration (ps)Peak Power (W)Ref.
      External cavity scheme contains free-space optical propagation
      Er/Yb:phosphate glassIon-exchanged slabSESAM1545251.0723.6[87]
      Er/Yb:phosphate glassIon-exchanged slabSESAM1533.547261.6[88]
      Er/Yb:phosphate glassIon-exchanged slabSESAM153475061.6[89]
      Er/Yb/Ce:ZBLAN glassFs-laser-written claddingSESAM15501560.18260[109]
      Yb:YAG ceramicTape-casted sandwichSESAM103097.792.951300[69]
      Cr:ZnSe ceramicFs-laser-written claddingSESAM2475308.10.683431[110]
      Yb:YAG crystalFs-laser-written double-lineSWCNT1030.520801.8981.9[39]
      External cavity scheme contains fiber ring cavity
      Er/Yb:phosphate glassFs-laser-written single-lineSWCNT153516.741.63.7[101]
      Er:bismuthate glassFs-laser-written single-lineSWCNT1560400.3297.7[102]
      Quasi-monolithic cavity scheme contains an equivalent GTI resonator for soliton formation
      Yb:phosphate glassIon-exchanged embeddedSESAM105849260.7420.7[34]
      Er/Yb:phosphate glassIon-exchanged embeddedQuantum dot SESAM15566800.32.50.8[36]
      Yb:phosphate glassIon-exchanged embeddedSESAM105015,2000.7388.8[35]
      Nd:YAG crystalFs-laser-written claddingGraphene106411,26016.70.06[37,38]
      Ti:sapphire crystalFs-laser-written double-lineGraphene798.521,2500.0414122.8[40]
      Nd:YVO4 crystalFs-laser-written claddingReSe210646500291.3[111]
    • Table 2. Summary of the Reported Results for Demonstrations of Passively Q-switched Mode-locked Waveguide Lasers Based on Different Cavity Designs

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      Table 2. Summary of the Reported Results for Demonstrations of Passively Q-switched Mode-locked Waveguide Lasers Based on Different Cavity Designs

      Host MaterialWaveguide TypeSA MaterialLasing Wavelength (nm)Repetition Rate (MHz)Pulse Duration (ps)Peak Power (W)Ref.
      Quasi-monolithic cavity scheme
      Yb:bismuthate glassFs-laser-written single-lineGraphene103915141.06126[103]
      Tm:YAG ceramicFs-laser-written claddingGraphene1943.57800[104]
      Er/Yb:phosphate glassIon-exchanged embeddedGraphene1535680060.66[90]
      Ho:YAG crystalFs-laser-written claddingGraphene209159001600[105]
      Nd:YVO4 crystalFs-laser-written claddingGraphene, MoS2, Bi2Se310646436–655626–521.1–1.6[106]
      Nd:YVO4 crystalFs-laser-written claddingNanoparticle-modified graphene10646440330.7[84]
      Nd:YVO4 crystalFs-laser-written claddingNanoparticle-modified LiNbO31064640074.1[85]
      External cavity scheme contains free-space optical propagation
      Tm:ZBLAN glassFs-laser-written claddingGraphene, CNT, Bi2Te3, MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, WSe2, BP, ITO1865–1880436[107,108]
    • Table 3. Summary of the Reported Results for Demonstrations of Passively Q-switched Waveguide Lasers Using Different SA Materials

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      Table 3. Summary of the Reported Results for Demonstrations of Passively Q-switched Waveguide Lasers Using Different SA Materials

      Host MaterialWaveguide TypeSA MaterialInteraction SchemeLasing Wavelength (nm)Repetition Rate (MHz)Pulse Duration (ns)Peak Power (W)Ref.
      Organic-dye-based SAs
      Nd:phosphate glassIon-exchanged embeddedBDNTransmission10540.05203.04[9]
      Nd:phosphate glassIon-exchanged embeddedBDNEvanescence field10540.35101[30]
      Nd:phosphate glassIon-exchanged embeddedBDNEvanescence field10530.0281.31000[91]
      Yb:phosphate glassIon-exchanged embeddedBDNEvanescence field10300.021123[92]
      Cr-doped crystal-based SAs
      Nd:YAG crystalContact-bonded sandwichCr:YAGTransmission10640.082.528,000[64]
      Yb:YAG crystalContact-bonded sandwichCr:YAGTransmission10300.0771.618,000[65]
      Nd:YAG ceramicFs-laser-written claddingCr:YAGTransmission10640.03442.87000[32]
      Nd:YAG crystalFs-laser-written claddingCr:YAGTransmission10640.07193.94000[33]
      Tm:KYW crystalLPE-grown sandwichCr:ZnSeTransmission1844.70.01012000.1[57]
      Ho:YAG crystalContact-bonded buriedCr:ZnSeReflection20910.44210001[66]
      Nd:Cr:YVO4 crystalFs-laser-written double-lineSelf-Q-switching10642.3850.3[31]
      Nd:YAG ceramicFs-laser-written claddingCr:YAGTransmission10640.06741950[127]
      Nd:YVO4 crystalFs-laser-written claddingCr:YAGTransmission10640.0836.81360[127]
      Semiconductor-based SAs
      Yb:KYW crystalLPE-grown slabSESAMReflection10400.7721700.3[54]
      Nd:YAG ceramicFs-laser-written double-claddingSESAMReflection10643.65210.6[112]
      Yb:YAG crystalFs-laser-written double-lineSESAMReflection10305.41191[41]
      Nd:YVO4 crystalIon-implanted slabGaAsTransmission1063.60.02943.88212[71]
      SWCNT-based SAs
      Yb:KYW crystalLPE-grown slabSWCNTEvanescence field10300.2414330.3[55]
      Yb:YAG crystalFs-laser-written double-lineSWCNTReflection10291.59780.5[115]
      Tm:KYW crystalLPE-grown slabSWCNTReflection1835.41.39830.4[59]
      Tm:KLW crystalFs-laser-written claddingSWCNTEvanescence field1844-1847.92.2901.1[128]
      Graphene-based SAs
      Yb:phosphate glassIon-exchanged embeddedGrapheneReflection10570.8331400.2[90]
      Nd:GdVO4 crystalFs-laser-written claddingGrapheneReflection106417.8790.3[116]
      Nd:YAG crystalFs-laser-written claddingGrapheneReflection10644700.8[114]
      Nd:YAG crystalFs-laser-written claddingGrapheneEvanescence field106410.4520.1[117]
      Nd:YAG crystalFs-laser-written Y-branchGrapheneReflection10643900.7[113]
      Nd:YAG crystalFs-laser-written Y-branchGrapheneEvanescence field10642.32000.3[113]
      Nd:YVO4 crystalFs-laser-written multi-lineGrapheneReflection106416.3250.3[118]
      Yb:YAG crystalFs-laser-written double-lineGrapheneReflection10291.33790.7[28]
      Nd:YAG ceramicTape-casted sandwichGraphene oxideReflection10640.931791.2[70]
      Yb:Y2O3 crystalPLDGrapheneReflection1030.81.04980.1[48]
      Yb:Y2O3 crystalPLDGrapheneEvanescence field10301.641242.5[49]
      Yb:KYW crystalLPE-grown slabGrapheneEvanescence field10270.6073490.2[56]
      Nd:YAG ceramicIon-irradiated embeddedGrapheneTransmission10644.1571.4[72]
      Nd:YAG crystalIon-irradiated slabGrapheneEvanescence field10640.02998000.04[73]
      Nd:YAG crystalIon-irradiated ridgeGrapheneTransmission10644.2900.3[74]
      Nd:YAG crystalIon-irradiated slabGrapheneEvanescence field10642320.3[78]
      Tm:KYW crystalLPE-grown sandwichGrapheneTransmission1831.81.131950.03[58]
      Nd:YAG crystalIon-irradiated slabIon-beam modified grapheneTransmission10642.31010.03[81]
      Nd:YVO4 crystalFs-laser-written claddingGrapheneTransmission10647.8220.9[123]
      Nd:YVO4 crystalFs-laser-written claddingGrapheneTransmission10648.897550.5[125]
      Yb,Na:CaF2 crystalFs-laser-written double-lineGrapheneTransmission1013.9, 1027.90.25103.41.3[126]
      Topological-insulator-based SAs
      Nd:YAG ceramicIon-irradiated slabBi2Se3Reflection10644.7460.7[75]
      Nd:YAG ceramicFs-laser-written double-claddingBi2Se3Transmission1064450.5[82]
      Transition-metal-dichalcogenide-based SAs
      Nd:YAG ceramicIon-irradiated embeddedWS2Transmission10646.1241[76]
      Nd:YAG crystalFs-laser-written claddingMoS2Reflection10641.12030.4[119]
      Nd:YAG crystalFs-laser-written claddingMoSe2Reflection10643.334800.45[120]
      Nd:YAG crystalFs-laser-written claddingWSe2Reflection10642.938520.4[120]
      Yb:YSGG crystalIon-irradiated ridgeWS2Evanescence field1023.60.361250.2[79]
      Nd:YAG crystalFs-laser-written claddingSnSe2Transmission10642.2941290.3[122]
      Nd:YVO4 crystalFs-laser-written claddingWS2Transmission10643.5391.2[123]
      Nd:YAG crystalFs-laser-written + ion-irradiated claddingWS2Evanescence field10644.6450.1[124]
      Nd:YVO4 crystalFs-laser-written claddingWS2Transmission106411.442450.4[125]
      Black-phosphorus-based SAs
      Nd:YAG ceramicIon-irradiated embeddedBPTransmission10645.6550.4[76]
      Vanadium-dioxide-based SAs
      Nd:YAG crystalIon-irradiatedVO2Transmission10641.50.7250[77]
      Nd:YVO4 crystalFs-laser-written claddingVO2Transmission10642.90.6933.1[123]
      Van der Waals heterostructure-based SAs
      Nd:YVO4 crystalFs-laser-written claddingGraphene/WS2Transmission10647.777660.5[125]

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    Yuechen Jia, Feng Chen, "Compact solid-state waveguide lasers operating in the pulsed regime: a review [Invited]," Chin. Opt. Lett. 17, 012302 (2019)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Optical devices

    Received: Oct. 26, 2018

    Accepted: Nov. 23, 2018

    Published Online: Jan. 17, 2019

    The Author Email: Yuechen Jia (, Feng Chen (

