High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 11, Issue 6, 06000e78(2023)

eXawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies On the Cover

Efim Khazanov*, Andrey Shaykin, Igor Kostyukov, Vladislav Ginzburg, Ivan Mukhin, Ivan Yakovlev, Alexander Soloviev, Ivan Kuznetsov, Sergey Mironov, Artem Korzhimanov, Denis Bulanov, Ilya Shaikin, Anton Kochetkov, Alexey Kuzmin, Mikhail Martyanov, Vladimir Lozhkarev, Mikhail Starodubtsev, Alexander Litvak, and Alexander Sergeev
Author Affiliations
  • Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod603950, Russia
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    Figures & Tables(28)
    General block diagram of the XCELS laser. DKDP_i, nonlinear crystal in intermediate OPCPA; DKDP_0, nonlinear crystal in booster OPCPA; DKDP_1–12, nonlinear crystals in final OPCPAs; GC, grating compressor.
    General view of the building for the XCELS project: frontend (1); intermediate OPCPA (2); pumping zone for wide-aperture OPCPAs (3); booster OPCPA (4); final OPCPAs (5); transport telescopes and optical compressors (6); main target chamber (7); experimental laboratories (8).
    Schematic diagram of the frontend. MO, master oscillator; NF, nonlinear fiber; FA, fiber amplifier; FRA, fiber regenerative amplifier; FSRA, femtosecond regenerative amplifier; DRA, disk regenerative amplifier; DMA, disk multipass amplifier; NA, neodymium amplifier; YA, ytterbium amplifier; WLG, white light generator; FOPA, parametric amplifier; XPW, orthogonal polarization generator; GS, stretcher on diffraction grating; AOPDF, acousto-optical programmable dispersion filter.
    Measured pulse intensity and phase at the output of a parametric amplifier based on a BBO crystal[46" target="_self" style="display: inline;">46].
    Variants of the optical scheme of the intermediate OPCPA when pumped by a lamp-pumped neodymium glass rod laser (a), a lamp-pumped neodymium glass active-mirror laser (b), (c) and two diode-pumped Yb:YAG cryogenic disk lasers (d), (e) (see also Table 3).
    Signal spectra at the input (black curves) and at the output (red curves) of OPCPA and the shape of the pump pulse (green curves) for the five options shown in Figure 5 and Table 3. The insets show the dependence of the energy W on the thickness L of the DKDP crystal. The dashed curves in (b), (d) and (e) show the corresponding dependence for the first OPCPA cascade.
    Optical layout of one channel of the UFL-2M setup[70" target="_self" style="display: inline;">70].
    Booster OPCPA. ARE, auxiliary removable equipment (filters, diaphragms, screens); TM, a mirror on the translator; RM, a rotating mirror, used for alignment and phasing of channels (see Sections 2.8 and 2.9). In the lower left corner there is a diagram of the beam division into 12 replicas (the green square is the pump beam cross-section, the red circle is the signal beam cross-section); one telescope out of twelve is shown.
    Signal spectra at the input (black curve) and output (red curve) of OPCPA and the pump pulse shape (green curve) for booster OPCPA. The inset shows the dependence of the energy W on the thickness L of the DKDP crystal.
    Signal spectra at the input (black curve) and output (red curve) of OPCPA and the pump pulse shape (green curve) for the final OPCPA. The inset shows the dependence of the energy W on the thickness L of the DKDP crystal.
    Expanding telescope and chirped pulse compressor (sizes of beam and gratings G1–G4 are shown to scale), as well as a 17-fs Fourier-transform-limited output pulse.
    Focusing geometry in the main target chamber. For clarity, the parabolic mirror of beam No. 6 is shown transparent, and the input beams are shown for only two channels: the beam input of channel No. 1 coincides with the output of channel No. 7, and vice versa.
    Dependence of the maximum intensity achieved in the focal region on the number of focused beams for ideal phasing (σ = 0) and for different values of the standard deviation σ of the phase mismatch between the beams.
    Scheme of spatial and temporal overlapping of beams at the main focus. TM, mirror on the translator; RM, rotating mirror; DM, deformable mirror; PM, parabolic mirror; WFS, wavefront sensor; QP, quadrature photodiode; FI, focus image; FPM, fiber-optic phase modulator; PD, photodiode; DU, diagnostic unit; RDU, retro-diagnostic unit; MO, microscope objective.
    Illustration of blade alignment.
    Overlapping of counterpropagating channels.
    Adjacent channels overlapping.
    Schemes of post-compression (a), post-compression with spectral filtering (b) and frequency doubling with post-compression (c). NE, nonlinear element; CM, chirped mirror; R() is a mirror whose reflection coefficient has a dip in the center of the spectral band; the dichroic mirrors shown in blue reflect the second harmonic of the pulse and transmit the first harmonic.
    Spectra (a) and pulse intensity in linear (b) and logarithmic (c) scales at the grating compressor output (red curves), after post-compression (green curves) (see Figure 18(a)) and after post-compression with spectral filtering (blue curves) (see Figure 18(b)).
    Pulses of the fundamental harmonic (red curves), the second harmonic (blue curves) and the second harmonic after post-compression (green curves).
    The number of laser pulses that are needed in the experimental schemes proposed in Refs. [118–156]. The blue color shows the minimum required number of laser pulses, while the cyan color shows the maximum number of pulses.
    • Table 1. Characteristics of the XCELS laser and other 100-PW laser projects.

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      Table 1. Characteristics of the XCELS laser and other 100-PW laser projects.

      XCELSaSEL-100PW[2024]EP-OPAL[25,26]Gekko-EXA[27,28]Refs. [29,30]Ref. [31]
      Number of channels1212111
      Peak power, PW12 × 50; 12 × 230b1002 × 2550100120; 589b
      Pulse duration, fs20; 3b>1520< 1038; 1.65b
      Pulse energy, J12 × 1100>15002 × 500500300971
      Central wavelength, nm910925920~1000900900
      Bandwidth, nm150210200500600460
      Nonlinear crystal in final OPCPA (deterioration)DKDP (80%)DKDPDKDP (>90%)DKDP (65%)LBOLBO
      Pump energy of one channel, J5600--640010002000
      Chirp pulse duration, ns341.5<122
      Beam area at compressor input, cm266 × 6664 × 6480 × 8080 × 8036 × 3698 × 98
      Area of diffraction gratings, cm270 × 14570 × 145--50 × 80-
      Compressor efficiency0.660.67--0.730.7
    • Table 2. Main parameters at key points of the XCELS laser.

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      Table 2. Main parameters at key points of the XCELS laser.

      Wavelength,BandwidthPulseBeam size,Repetition
      Key pointsnm(FWHM), nmEnergy, Jdurationcmrate
      1.1 Pump laser of DKDP_ 0…12 input10540.05–3>0.14 ns0.55 (dia)>2 Hz
      1.2 Pump laser of DKDP_ i input1054/10300.05–3>0.14 ns0.55 (dia)>2 Hz
      1.3 Input of DKDP_i910200>0.13 ns1 (dia)100 Hz
      2.a Pump of DKDP_i52714123.5 ns100.001 Hz
      52711403.5/7 ns0.1 Hz
      51512 × 877 ns10 Hz
      2.b Output of DKDP_i9101501493 ns10 (dia)0.001 Hz
      510.1 Hz
      6010 Hz
      2.1 Input of DKDP_09101501413 ns30 (dia)0.001 Hz
      480.1 Hz
      5710 Hz
      3.0 Pump of DKDP_0527139003.5 ns25 × 252 shots/day
      3.1–3.12 Pump of DKDP_1…12527139003.5 ns25 × 252 shots/day
      561630 × 30
      4.a Output of DKDP_091015012483 ns27 (dia)2 shots/day
      4.1–4.12 Input of DKDP_1…12910150463 ns25 × 252 shots/day
      30 × 30
      5.1–5.12 Output of DKDP_1…1291015012483 ns25 × 252 shots/day
      179730 × 30
      6.a1–6.a12 Compressor input91015011453 ns55 × 552 shots/day
      166966 × 66
      6.1–6.12 Compressor output91015075120 fs55 × 552 shots/day
      109566 × 66
      Auxiliary outputs
      1.4105611 μJ1 ns100 kHz
      1.5103011 nJ1 ps50 MHz
      1.6910>2001 mJ15 fs1 kHz
      3.13–3.151054/52720,000/14,0003–10 ns40 × 402 shots/day
    • Table 3. Five options of intermediate OPCPA (optical schemes are shown in Figures 5(a)5(e)).

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      Table 3. Five options of intermediate OPCPA (optical schemes are shown in Figures 5(a)5(e)).

      Figure 5(a)Figure 5(b)Figure 5(c)Figure 5(d)Figure 5(e)
      Pump laser amplifierNd:glass rodsNd:glass active mirrorsYb:YAG disks
      Pump laser prototypePEARLPremiumlite GLASS laser2 × DiPOLE (two lasers)
      Repetition rate, Hz0.0010.110
      SHG outlineUsualUsualWith pulseUsualWith pulse
      OPCPA outlineSingle stageTwo stagesSingleTwo stagesTwo stages
      with singlestagewith singlewith two
      7 ns pump7 ns pump7 ns pumps
      Pump energy @1 $\omega$ , J550 @ 3.5 ns260 @ 15 ns2 × 150 @ 10 ns
      Pump energy @1 $\omega$ and 7 ns, J-2002 × 125
      Pump energy @2 $\omega$ , J412160140187.52 × 87
      Beam diameter, cm104.
      DKDP(s) length, cm86.8 + + 1.96.8 + 1.9
      Input pulse energy, J0.
      OPCPA efficiencya0.360.340.360.350.35
      Output pulse energya, J14954516560
      Powera after compression, PW4.
    • Table 4. Booster OPCPA parameters. All apertures and energies (except for the total pump energy) refer to the homogeneous region of the beam; total aperture is approximately 20% larger.

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      Table 4. Booster OPCPA parameters. All apertures and energies (except for the total pump energy) refer to the homogeneous region of the beam; total aperture is approximately 20% larger.

      Input pulse energy, J132/54/64b
      DKDP thickness, cm3.8/4.3/4.3b
      Input beam diameter, cm27
      Pump beam area, cm225 × 25
      Pump energy in input beam diameter, J3250
      Full pump energy, J3900
      OPCPA efficiencya0.32
      Beam area at outputs 4.1–4.12, cm25 × 5
      Beam energya at outputs 4.1–4.12, J50
    • Table 5. Final OPCPA parameters for two options. All apertures and energies (except for the total pump energy) refer to the homogeneous region of the beam; the full aperture is about 20% larger.

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      Table 5. Final OPCPA parameters for two options. All apertures and energies (except for the total pump energy) refer to the homogeneous region of the beam; the full aperture is about 20% larger.

      Beam area in compressor, cm255 × 5566 × 66
      Beam area in OPCPA, cm225 × 2530 × 30
      DKDP thickness, cm4.34.3
      Input pulse energy, J4646
      Pump energy in input beam32504680
      diameter, J
      Full pump energy, J39005616
      OPCPA efficiencya0.320.32
      Output pulse energya, J12481797
    • Table 6. Parameters for two compressor options.

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      Table 6. Parameters for two compressor options.

      Size of gratings G2 and G3, cm257 × 10170 × 145
      Groove density, grooves/mm12001200
      Littrow angle, degree33.133.1
      Input pulse bandwidth, nm150150
      FTL pulse duration (FWHM)a, fs1717
      Output pulse duration (FWHM)a, fs2020
      Input pulse duration, ns33
      Compressor efficiency0.660.66
      Beam fluence on grating G1, J/cm20.2650.265
      Beam fluence on grating G4, J/cm20.1740.174
      Beam area, cm255 × 5566 × 66
      Incident angle, degree45.546.2
      Distance between gratings G1 and G2, cm185190
      Horizontal beam size at grating G1, cm78.595
      Horizontal beam size at grating G2, cm121138
      Input pulse energy, J11451669
      Output pulse energy, J7511095
      Output pulse power (Fourier limit), PW4058
      Output pulse power, PW3550
    • Table 7. XCELS laser power and intensity.

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      Table 7. XCELS laser power and intensity.

      Number of channelsFocusingOptionsPower, PWIntensity, 1025 W/cm2
      With post-compression2302.0
      With SHG702.5
      12 (without post-compression and SHG)DipoleWithout phase-locking6009
      With phase-locking60032

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    Efim Khazanov, Andrey Shaykin, Igor Kostyukov, Vladislav Ginzburg, Ivan Mukhin, Ivan Yakovlev, Alexander Soloviev, Ivan Kuznetsov, Sergey Mironov, Artem Korzhimanov, Denis Bulanov, Ilya Shaikin, Anton Kochetkov, Alexey Kuzmin, Mikhail Martyanov, Vladimir Lozhkarev, Mikhail Starodubtsev, Alexander Litvak, Alexander Sergeev. eXawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2023, 11(6): 06000e78

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    Paper Information


    Received: Jun. 14, 2023

    Accepted: Aug. 8, 2023

    Published Online: Nov. 22, 2023

    The Author Email: Efim Khazanov (efimkhazanov@gmail.com)

